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using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SoloDesign
public class SoloConsumer : MonoBehaviour, IPerceptionConsumer
public string _baseDirectory = "D:/PerceptionOutput/SoloConsumer";
public string soloDatasetName = "solo";
static string currentDirectory = "";
SimulationMetadata m_CurrentMetadata;
public void OnSimulationStarted(SimulationMetadata metadata)
Debug.Log("SC - On Simulation Started");
m_CurrentMetadata = metadata;
var i = 0;
while (true)
var n = $"{soloDatasetName}_{i++}";
n = Path.Combine(_baseDirectory, n);
if (!Directory.Exists(n))
currentDirectory = n;
static string GetSequenceDirectoryPath(Frame frame)
var path = $"sequence.{frame.sequence}";
// verify that a directory already exists for a sequence,
// if not, create it.
path = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, path);
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
return path;
void WriteJTokenToFile(string filePath, JToken jToken)
var stringWriter = new StringWriter(new StringBuilder(256), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
using (var jsonTextWriter = new JsonTextWriter(stringWriter))
jsonTextWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
var contents = stringWriter.ToString();
File.WriteAllText(filePath, contents);
public void OnFrameGenerated(Frame frame)
var path = GetSequenceDirectoryPath(frame);
path = Path.Combine(path, $"step{frame.step}.frame_data.json");
WriteJTokenToFile(path, ToFrame(frame));
Debug.Log("SC - On Frame Generated");
public void OnSimulationCompleted(CompletionMetadata metadata)
Debug.Log("SC - On Simulation Completed");
static JToken ToFrame(Frame frame)
var frameJson = new JObject
["frame"] = frame.frame,
["sequence"] = frame.sequence,
["step"] = frame.step
var captures = new JArray();
var annotations = new JArray();
var metrics = new JArray();
foreach (var sensor in frame.sensors)
switch (sensor)
case RgbSensor rgb:
captures.Add(ConvertSensor(frame, rgb));
foreach (var annotation in frame.annotations)
switch (annotation)
case BoundingBoxAnnotation bbox:
annotations.Add(ConvertAnnotation(frame, bbox));
case InstanceSegmentation seg:
annotations.Add(ConvertAnnotation(frame, seg));
frameJson["captures"] = captures;
frameJson["annotations"] = annotations;
frameJson["metrics"] = metrics;
return frameJson;
static JArray FromVector3(Vector3 vector3)
return new JArray
vector3.x, vector3.y, vector3.z
static JArray FromVector2(Vector2 vector2)
return new JArray
vector2.x, vector2.y
static JArray FromColor32(Color32 color)
return new JArray
color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a
static JToken ToSensorHeader(Frame frame, Sensor sensor)
var token = new JObject
["Id"] = sensor.Id,
["sensorType"] = sensor.sensorType,
["position"] = FromVector3(sensor.position),
["rotation"] = FromVector3(sensor.rotation),
["velocity"] = FromVector3(sensor.velocity),
["acceleration"] = FromVector3(sensor.acceleration)
return token;
static JToken ConvertSensor(Frame frame, RgbSensor sensor)
// write out the png data
var path = GetSequenceDirectoryPath(frame);
path = Path.Combine(path, $"step{frame.step}.{sensor.sensorType}.{sensor.imageFormat}");
var file = File.Create(path, 4096);
file.Write(sensor.buffer, 0, sensor.buffer.Length);
var outRgb = ToSensorHeader(frame, sensor);
outRgb["fileName"] = path;
outRgb["imageFormat"] = sensor.imageFormat;
outRgb["dimension"] = FromVector2(sensor.dimension);
return outRgb;
static JToken ToAnnotationHeader(Frame frame, Annotation annotation)
var token = new JObject
["Id"] = annotation.Id,
["definition"] = annotation.description,
["sequence"] = frame.sequence,
["step"] = frame.step,
["sensor"] = annotation.sensorId
return token;
static JToken ConvertAnnotation(Frame frame, BoundingBoxAnnotation bbox)
var outBox = ToAnnotationHeader(frame, bbox);
var values = new JArray();
foreach (var box in bbox.boxes)
values.Add(new JObject
["frame"] = frame.frame,
["label_name"] = box.label,
["instance_id"] = box.instanceId,
["origin"] = FromVector2(box.origin),
["dimension"] = FromVector2(box.dimension)
outBox["values"] = values;
return outBox;
static JToken ConvertAnnotation(Frame frame, InstanceSegmentation segmentation)
// write out the png data
var path = GetSequenceDirectoryPath(frame);
path = Path.Combine(path,$"step{frame.step}.segmentation.{segmentation.imageFormat}");
var file = File.Create(path, 4096);
file.Write(segmentation.buffer, 0, segmentation.buffer.Length);
var outSeg = ToAnnotationHeader(frame, segmentation);
var values = new JArray();
foreach (var i in segmentation.instances)
values.Add(new JObject
["instance_id"] = i.instanceId,
["rgba"] = FromColor32(i.rgba)
outSeg["imageFormat"] = segmentation.imageFormat;
outSeg["dimension"] = FromVector2(segmentation.dimension);
outSeg["imagePath"] = path;
outSeg["instances"] = values;
return outSeg;