主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
404 行
15 KiB
404 行
15 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unity.Simulation;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.PerceptionFormat;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.PerceptionNew
public class PerceptionNewExporter : IDatasetExporter
public bool prettyPrint = true;
string m_DirectoryName = string.Empty;
int m_UnknownFrameCount = 0;
public void OnMetricRegistered(Guid metricId, string name, string description)
Debug.Log("On MetricRegistered");
public string GetRgbCaptureFilename(params(string, object)[] additionalSensorValues)
var frameArray = additionalSensorValues.Where(p => p.Item1 == "frame").Select(p => p.Item2);
var frame = frameArray.Any() ? (int)frameArray.First() : m_UnknownFrameCount++;
return Path.Combine(m_DirectoryName, $"rgb_{frame}.png");
public void OnSimulationBegin(string directoryName)
Debug.Log($"SS - New Perception - OnSimBegin");
m_Metadata = new Metadata
version = "0.1.1",
unity_version = "2019.4.26f1",
perception_version = "0.8.0-preview.4",
total_frames = 0,
total_sequences = 0,
sequences = null,
sensors = new []
new CameraData
id = "camera",
modality = "camera",
resolution = new []{0,0}
m_DirectoryName = directoryName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Guid.NewGuid() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
if (!Directory.Exists(m_DirectoryName))
struct Metadata
public string version;
public string unity_version;
public string perception_version;
public int total_frames;
public int total_sequences;
public SequenceData[] sequences;
public CameraData[] sensors;
struct SequenceData
public string sequence_id;
public int steps;
struct CameraData
public string id;
public string modality;
public int[] resolution;
Metadata m_Metadata;
void CopyDefFile(string contains, string newName)
var d = m_DirectoryName;
var up = Directory.GetParent(m_DirectoryName)?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
up = Directory.GetParent(up)?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(up);
foreach (var file in files)
if (Path.GetFileName(file).Contains(contains))
File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(m_DirectoryName, newName));
public void OnSimulationEnd()
Debug.Log($"SS - New Perception - OnSimEnd");
var writePath = Path.Combine(m_DirectoryName, "metadata.json");
var file = File.CreateText(writePath);
Debug.Log("SS - New Perception - writing");
var sequences = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (var (seq, step) in m_FrameToSequenceMap.Values)
sequences.TryGetValue(seq, out var max);
if (step > max) max = step;
sequences[seq] = max;
m_Metadata.total_sequences = sequences.Count;
m_Metadata.sequences = new SequenceData[sequences.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < sequences.Count; i++)
m_Metadata.sequences[i] = new SequenceData
sequence_id = $"sequence_{i}",
steps = sequences[i]
file.Write(JsonUtility.ToJson(m_Metadata, true));
CopyDefFile("annotation", "annotations.json");
CopyDefFile("metric_def", "metrics.json");
CopyDefFile("sensors", "sensors.json");
// Copy image files to the proper path
var d = m_DirectoryName;
var upOne = Path.Combine(m_DirectoryName, "..");
var upOne2 = Directory.GetParent(m_DirectoryName)?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
var upTwo = Directory.GetParent(upOne2)?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
var upThree = Directory.GetParent(upTwo)?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
var dirs = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(upThree);
foreach (var dir in dirs)
if (dir.Contains("RGB"))
foreach (var f in Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir))
// Get the frame number from the path
var filename = Path.GetFileName(f);
var underscore = filename.IndexOf("_") + 1;
var dot = filename.IndexOf(".");
var frame = filename.Substring(underscore, dot - underscore);
var (seq, step) = m_FrameToSequenceMap[int.Parse(frame)];
var newFilename = $"step.{step}.capture.camera.png";
File.Copy(f, Path.Combine(m_DirectoryName, $"sequence.{seq}", newFilename));
else if (dir.Contains("Instance"))
foreach (var f in Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir))
// Get the frame number from the path
var filename = Path.GetFileName(f);
var underscore = filename.IndexOf("_") + 1;
var dot = filename.IndexOf(".");
var frame = filename.Substring(underscore, dot - underscore);
var (seq, step) = m_FrameToSequenceMap[int.Parse(frame)];
var newFilename = $"step.{step}.annotation.semantic_segmentation.camera.png";
File.Copy(f, Path.Combine(m_DirectoryName, $"sequence.{seq}", newFilename));
else if (dir.Contains("Semantic"))
foreach (var f in Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir))
// Get the frame number from the path
var filename = Path.GetFileName(f);
var underscore = filename.IndexOf("_") + 1;
var dot = filename.IndexOf(".");
var frame = filename.Substring(underscore, dot - underscore);
var (seq, step) = m_FrameToSequenceMap[int.Parse(frame)];
var newFilename = $"step.{step}.annotation.instance_segmentation.camera.png";
File.Copy(f, Path.Combine(m_DirectoryName, $"sequence.{seq}", newFilename));
// Go into the RGB directory
public void OnAnnotationRegistered<TSpec>(Guid annotationId, TSpec[] values)
// Right now, do nothing :-)
bool GetFilenameForAnnotation(int sequence, int step, object rawData, out string filename, out string id, out string def, out bool reportValues)
filename = string.Empty;
id = string.Empty;
def = string.Empty;
reportValues = true;
if (rawData is BoundingBox2DLabeler.BoundingBoxValue bbox)
m_FrameToSequenceMap[bbox.frame] = (sequence, step);
var frame = bbox.frame;
id = "bounding_box";
def = $"{id}_definition";
// var fmt = new String('0', 5);
// var format = "{0,20:" + fmt + "}";
// filename = $"step.{frame.ToString(format)}.annotation.bounding_box.camera.json";
filename = $"step.{step}.annotation.{id}.camera.json";
return true;
#if false
if (rawData is InstanceSegmentationLabeler.InstanceColorValue)
id = "instance_segmentation";
def = $"{id}_definition";
// var fmt = new String('0', 5);
// var format = "{0,20:" + fmt + "}";
// filename = $"step.{frame.ToString(format)}.annotation.bounding_box.camera.json";
filename = $"step.{step}.annotation.{id}.camera.json";
return true;
if (rawData is SemanticSegmentationLabeler.SegmentationValue)
id = "semantic_segmentation";
def = $"{id}_definition";
// var fmt = new String('0', 5);
// var format = "{0,20:" + fmt + "}";
// filename = $"step.{frame.ToString(format)}.annotation.bounding_box.camera.json";
filename = $"step.{step}.annotation.{id}.camera.json";
reportValues = false;
return true;
return false;
// TODO - handle the 1000's of file writes we will be doing in a more intelligent fashion. Perhaps create a bg thread
// that reads json records off of a queue and writes them out
List<Task> m_PendingTasks = new List<Task>();
int m_CurrentSequence = 0;
Dictionary<Guid, int> m_SequenceGuidMap = new Dictionary<Guid, int>();
Dictionary<int, (int, int)> m_FrameToSequenceMap = new Dictionary<int, (int, int)>();
public Task ProcessPendingCaptures(List<SimulationState.PendingCapture> pendingCaptures, SimulationState simState)
foreach (var cap in pendingCaptures)
if (!m_SequenceGuidMap.TryGetValue(cap.SequenceId, out var seq))
seq = m_CurrentSequence++;
m_SequenceGuidMap[cap.SequenceId] = seq;
var seqDir = Path.Combine(m_DirectoryName, $"sequence.{m_SequenceGuidMap[cap.SequenceId]}");
// Create a directory
if (!Directory.Exists(seqDir))
var path = Path.Combine(m_DirectoryName, $"sequence.{m_SequenceGuidMap[cap.SequenceId]}");
foreach (var (annotation, annotationData) in cap.Annotations)
// Create a file for the annotation
#if false
if (annotationData.RawValues.Any())
var first = annotationData.RawValues.First();
if (GetFilenameForAnnotation(first, frame, out var filename))
var json = new StringBuilder("{");
m_PendingTasks.Add(AnnotationHandler.WriteOutJson(m_DirectoryName, filename, json.ToString()));
#if false
// Need to revisit this and handle this in a performant way
var jObject = PerceptionExporter.JObjectFromAnnotation((annotation, annotationData));
PerceptionExporter.WriteJObjectToFile(jObject, m_DirectoryName, filename);
foreach (var rawValue in annotationData.RawValues)
if (GetFilenameForAnnotation(seq, cap.Step, rawValue, out var filename, out var id, out var def, out var reportValues))
#if true
var sensor = "camera";
var json = new StringBuilder();
json.Append($"{{\"Id\": \"{id}\",");
json.Append($"\"definition\": \"{def}\",");
json.Append($"\"sequence\": {seq},");
json.Append($"\"step\": {cap.Step},");
json.Append($"\"sensor\": \"{sensor}\"");
if (reportValues)
m_PendingTasks.Add(AnnotationHandler.WriteOutJson(path, filename, json.ToString()));
// Need to revisit this and handle this in a performant way
var jObject = PerceptionExporter.JObjectFromAnnotation((annotation, annotationData));
PerceptionExporter.WriteJObjectToFile(jObject, m_DirectoryName, filename);
return Task.CompletedTask;
struct SensorData
public string id;
public int sequence;
public int step;
public Vector3 translation;
public Vector3 rotation;
public Vector3 velocity;
public Vector3 acceleration;
public Task OnCaptureReported(Guid sequence, int step, int width, int height, string filename, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 velocity, Vector3 acceleration)
var sensor = new SensorData
id = "camera",
sequence = 0,
step = 0,
translation = position,
rotation = rotation.eulerAngles,
velocity = velocity,
acceleration = acceleration
if (!m_SequenceGuidMap.TryGetValue(sequence, out var seq))
seq = m_CurrentSequence++;
m_SequenceGuidMap[sequence] = seq;
var path = Path.Combine(m_DirectoryName, $"sequence.{seq}");
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
var f = $"step.{step}.camera.json";
var json = JsonUtility.ToJson(sensor, true);
m_PendingTasks.Add(AnnotationHandler.WriteOutJson(path, f, json));
m_Metadata.sensors[0].resolution = new[] { width, height };
return null;
public Task ProcessPendingMetrics(List<SimulationState.PendingMetric> pendingMetrics, SimulationState simState)
return null;