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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.Solo;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel
public interface IMessageProducer
void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder);
public abstract class DataModelBase : IMessageProducer
public abstract void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder);
/// <summary>
/// Capture trigger modes for sensors.
/// </summary>
public enum CaptureTriggerMode
/// <summary>
/// Captures happen automatically based on a start frame and frame delta time.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Captures should be triggered manually through calling the manual capture method of the sensor using this trigger mode.
/// </summary>
public class SensorDefinition : IMessageProducer
public SensorDefinition(string id, string modality, string definition)
this.id = id;
this.modality = modality;
this.definition = definition;
firstCaptureFrame = 0;
captureTriggerMode = CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled;
simulationDeltaTime = 0.0f;
framesBetweenCaptures = 0;
manualSensorsAffectTiming = false;
public virtual bool IsValid()
return id != string.Empty && definition != string.Empty;
public string id;
public string modality;
public string definition;
public float firstCaptureFrame;
public CaptureTriggerMode captureTriggerMode;
public float simulationDeltaTime;
public int framesBetweenCaptures;
public bool manualSensorsAffectTiming;
public void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", id);
builder.AddString("modality", modality);
builder.AddString("definition", definition);
builder.AddFloat("first_capture_frame", firstCaptureFrame);
builder.AddString("capture_trigger_mode", captureTriggerMode.ToString());
builder.AddFloat("simulation_delta_time", simulationDeltaTime);
builder.AddInt("frames_between_captures", framesBetweenCaptures);
builder.AddBoolean("manual_sensors_affect_timing", manualSensorsAffectTiming);
public abstract class AnnotationDefinition : IMessageProducer
public string id = string.Empty;
public string description = string.Empty;
public string annotationType = string.Empty;
public AnnotationDefinition() { }
public AnnotationDefinition(string id, string description, string annotationType)
this.id = id;
this.description = description;
this.annotationType = annotationType;
public virtual bool IsValid()
return id != string.Empty && description != string.Empty && annotationType != string.Empty;
public virtual void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", id);
builder.AddString("description", description);
builder.AddString("annotation_type", annotationType);
public class MetricDefinition : IMessageProducer
public string id = string.Empty;
public string description = string.Empty;
bool isRegistered { get; set; }= false;
public MetricDefinition() { }
public MetricDefinition(string id, string description)
this.id = id;
this.description = description;
public virtual bool IsValid()
return id != string.Empty && description != string.Empty;
public virtual void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", id);
builder.AddString("description", description);
/// <summary>
/// The top level structure that holds all of the artifacts of a simulation
/// frame. This is only reported after all of the captures, annotations, and
/// metrics are ready to report for a single frame.
/// </summary>
public class Frame : DataModelBase
public Frame(int frame, int sequence, int step, float timestamp)
this.frame = frame;
this.sequence = sequence;
this.step = step;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
sensors = new List<Sensor>();
/// <summary>
/// The perception frame number of this record
/// </summary>
public int frame;
/// <summary>
/// The sequence that this record is a part of
/// </summary>
public int sequence;
/// <summary>
/// The step in the sequence that this record is a part of
/// </summary>
public int step;
public float timestamp;
/// <summary>
/// A list of all of the sensor captures recorded for the frame.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<Sensor> sensors;
/// <summary>
/// A list of all of the metrics recorded recorded for the frame.
/// </summary>
public List<Metric> metrics = new List<Metric>();
public override void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddInt("frame", frame);
builder.AddInt("sequence", sequence);
builder.AddInt("step", step);
foreach (var s in sensors)
var nested = builder.AddNestedMessageToVector("sensors");
foreach (var m in metrics)
var nested = builder.AddNestedMessageToVector("metrics");
/// <summary>
/// Abstract sensor class that holds all of the common information for a sensor.
/// </summary>
public abstract class Sensor : DataModelBase
/// <summary>
/// The unique, human readable ID for the sensor.
/// </summary>
public string Id;
/// <summary>
/// The type of the sensor.
/// </summary>
public string sensorType;
public string description;
/// <summary>
/// The position (xyz) of the sensor in the world.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 position;
/// <summary>
/// The rotation in euler angles.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 rotation;
/// <summary>
/// The current velocity (xyz) of the sensor.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 velocity;
/// <summary>
/// The current acceleration (xyz) of the sensor.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 acceleration;
/// <summary>
/// A list of all of the annotations recorded recorded for the frame.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<Annotation> annotations = new List<Annotation>();
public override void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", Id);
builder.AddString("sensor_id", sensorType);
builder.AddFloatVector("position", Utils.ToFloatVector(position));
builder.AddFloatVector("rotation", Utils.ToFloatVector(rotation));
builder.AddFloatVector("velocity", Utils.ToFloatVector(velocity));
builder.AddFloatVector("acceleration", Utils.ToFloatVector(acceleration));
foreach (var annotation in annotations)
var nested = builder.AddNestedMessageToVector("annotations");
/// <summary>
/// The concrete class for an RGB sensor.
/// </summary>
public class RgbSensor : Sensor
public enum ImageFormat
public string projection;
public float3x3 intrinsics;
// The format of the image type
public ImageFormat imageFormat;
// The dimensions (width, height) of the image
public Vector2 dimension;
// The raw bytes of the image file
public byte[] buffer;
public override void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("image_format", imageFormat.ToString());
builder.AddFloatVector("dimension", Utils.ToFloatVector(dimension));
builder.AddPngImage("camera", buffer);
builder.AddString("projection", projection);
// TODO intrinsics
/// <summary>
/// Abstract class that holds the common data found in all
/// annotations. Concrete instances of this class will add
/// data for their specific annotation type.
/// </summary>
public abstract class Annotation : DataModelBase
public Annotation() {}
public Annotation(string id, string sensorId, string description, string annotationType)
this.Id = id;
this.sensorId = sensorId;
this.description = description;
this.annotationType = annotationType;
/// <summary>
/// The unique, human readable ID for the annotation.
/// </summary>
public string Id;
/// <summary>
/// The sensor that this annotation is associated with.
/// </summary>
public string sensorId;
/// <summary>
/// The description of the annotation.
/// </summary>
public string description;
/// <summary>
/// The type of the annotation, this will map directly to one of the
/// annotation subclasses that are concrete implementations of this abstract
/// class.
/// </summary>
public string annotationType;
public override void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", Id);
builder.AddString("sensor_id", sensorId);
builder.AddString("description", description);
builder.AddString("annotation_type", annotationType);
/// <summary>
/// Abstract class that holds the common data found in all
/// metrics. Concrete instances of this class will add
/// data for their specific metric type.
/// </summary>
public abstract class Metric : DataModelBase
public string Id;
/// <summary>
/// The sensor ID that this metric is associated with
/// </summary>
public string sensorId;
/// <summary>
/// The annotation ID that this metric is associated with. If the value is none ("")
/// then the metric is capture wide, and not associated with a specific annotation.
/// </summary>
public string annotationId;
/// <summary>
/// A human readable description of what this metric is for.
/// </summary>
public string description;
public int sequenceId;
public int step;
public abstract IEnumerable<object> Values { get; }
public override void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", Id);
builder.AddString("sensor_id", sensorId);
builder.AddString("annotation_id", annotationId);
builder.AddString("description", description);
public class GenericMetric : Metric
public GenericMetric(string id, string annotationId, int sequenceId, int step, object[] values)
this.Id = id;
this.annotationId = annotationId;
this.sequenceId = sequenceId;
this.step = step;
m_Values = values;
object[] m_Values;
public override IEnumerable<object> Values => m_Values;
/// <summary>
/// Metadata describing the simulation.
/// </summary>
public class SimulationMetadata
public SimulationMetadata()
unityVersion = "not_set";
perceptionVersion = "not_set";
renderPipeline = "HDRP";
renderPipeline = "URP";
renderPipeline = "built-in";
metadata = new Dictionary<string, object>();
/// <summary>
/// The version of the Unity editor executing the simulation.
/// </summary>
public string unityVersion;
/// <summary>
/// The version of the perception package used to generate the data.
/// </summary>
public string perceptionVersion;
/// <summary>
/// The render pipeline used to create the data. Currently either URP or HDRP.
/// </summary>
public string renderPipeline;
/// <summary>
/// Additional key/value pair metadata that can be associated with
/// the simulation.
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<string, object> metadata;
// We could probably list all of the randomizers here...
/// <summary>
/// Metadata describing the final metrics of the simulation.
/// </summary>
public class CompletionMetadata : SimulationMetadata
public CompletionMetadata()
: base() { }
public struct Sequence
/// <summary>
/// The ID of the sequence
/// </summary>
public int id;
/// <summary>
/// The number of steps in the sequence.
/// </summary>
public int numberOfSteps;
/// <summary>
/// Total frames processed in the simulation. These frames are distributed
/// over sequence and steps.
/// </summary>
public int totalFrames;
/// <summary>
/// A list of all of the sequences and the number of steps in the sequence for
/// a simulation.
/// </summary>
public List<Sequence> sequences;
static class Utils
internal static int[] ToIntVector(Color32 c)
return new[] { (int)c.r, (int)c.g, (int)c.b, (int)c.a };
internal static float[] ToFloatVector(Vector2 v)
return new[] { v.x, v.y };
internal static float[] ToFloatVector(Vector3 v)
return new[] { v.x, v.y, v.z };