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import json
import os
import pathlib
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple, Union
from PIL import Image
class FileType(Enum):
Enumerator for file types in the perception dataset. Based on
BINARY = "binary"
REFERENCE = "reference"
METRIC = "metric"
CAPTURE = "capture"
MetadataFile = namedtuple("File", "file pattern filetype")
"annotation_definitions": MetadataFile(
"captures": MetadataFile(
"egos": MetadataFile("**/egos.json", r"(?:\w|-|/)*egos.json", FileType.REFERENCE),
"metric_definitions": MetadataFile(
"metrics": MetadataFile(
"**/metrics_*.json", r"(?:\w|-|/)*metrics_[0-9]+.json", FileType.METRIC
"sensors": MetadataFile(
"**/sensors.json", r"(?:\w|-|/)*sensors.json", FileType.REFERENCE
"metadata": MetadataFile(
"**/metadata.json", r"(?:\w|-|/)*metadata.json", FileType.REFERENCE
# File globbing based on https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/datasetinsights/blob/master
# /datasetinsights/datasets/unity_perception/tables.py
def glob(data_root: str, pattern: str) -> Iterator[str]:
Find all files in a directory, data_dir, that match the pattern.
:param data_root: The path to the directory that contains the dataset.
:type str:
:param pattern: The file pattern to match.
:type str:
:return: Returns an string iterator containing the paths to the matching files.
:rtype: Iterator[str]
path = pathlib.Path(data_root)
for file_path in path.glob(pattern):
yield file_path
def file_number(filename):
Key function to sort glob list.
:param filename: POSIX path
:type filename:
result = re.split("_|\.", str(filename))[-2]
return int(result)
def glob_list(data_root: str, pattern: str) -> List:
Find all files in a directory, data_dir, that match the pattern.
:param data_root: The path to the directory that contains the dataset.
:type str:
:param pattern: The file pattern to match.
:type str:
:return: Returns an string iterator containing the paths to the matching files.
:rtype: Iterator[str]
path = pathlib.Path(data_root)
file_list = []
for file_path in sorted(path.glob(pattern), key=file_number):
return file_list
# TODO add version checking
def load_json(file: str, key: Union[str, List]) -> Dict:
Loads top level records from json file given key or list of keys.
:param file: The json filename.
:type str:
:param key: The top-level key or list of keys to load.
:type Union[str, List]:
:return: Returns a dictionary representing the json record
:rtype: Dict
data = json.load(open(file, "r"))
if isinstance(key, str):
return data[key]
elif isinstance(key, List):
return {k: data[k] for k in key}
class PyrceptionDatasetMetadata:
DATA = "captures"
META = "metadata"
ANNOTATION_META = "annotation_definitions"
DATASET_INFO = ["dataset_size", "per_file_size", "image_width", "image_height"]
def __init__(self, data_dir: str = None):
Creates a PyrceptionDataset object that can be used to iterate through the perception
:param data_dir: The path to the perception dataset.
:type str:
self.image_size = None
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.data = []
self.annotations = []
if self.data_dir is None:
raise ValueError("You must specify the path to a perception sdk dataset.")
# Load annotation metadata file set
self.data_files = glob_list(self.data_dir, self.DATA_PATTERN)
self.data = None
# Load metadata info from metadata file
for metadata_file in glob(self.data_dir, self.META_PATTERN):
self.dataset_info = load_json(metadata_file, self.DATASET_INFO)
# Load dataset info and annotation definitions file
for annotation_file in glob(self.data_dir, self.ANN_PATTERN):
self.annotations.extend(load_json(annotation_file, self.ANNOTATION_META))
# Set dataset info
self.length = self.dataset_info["dataset_size"]
self.file_mod_factor = self.dataset_info["per_file_size"]
# Extract the class labels
self.classes = []
for label in self.annotations[0]["spec"]:
# Set the number of classes
self.num_classes = len(self.classes)
# Set the image size
self.image_size = (
class PyrceptionDataset:
Pyrception class for reading and visualizing annotations generated by the perception SDK.
def __init__(
self, metadata: PyrceptionDatasetMetadata = None, data_dir: str = None
Creates a PyrceptionDataset object that can be used to iterate through the perception
:param data_dir: The path to the perception dataset.
:type str:
if metadata:
self.metadata = metadata
elif not metadata and data_dir:
self.metadata = PyrceptionDatasetMetadata(data_dir)
raise ValueError(
"You must specify either PyrceptionDatasetMetadata or a data directory"
self.last_file_index = None
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Tuple:
Iterator to get one frame at a time based on index.
:param index: the index of the frame to retrieve
:type int:
:return: Returns a tuple containing the image and target metadata as (image, target)
:rtype: Tuple
if index > self.metadata.length - 1:
raise IndexError("Index of out bounds.")
sub_index = self.__load_subset(index)
image = Image.open(
os.path.join(self.metadata.data_dir, self.data[sub_index]["filename"])
except IndexError:
raise IndexError(f"Index is :{index} Subindex is:{sub_index}")
image_ann = self.data[sub_index]
boxes = []
labels = []
for value in image_ann["annotations"][0]["values"]:
box = [
value["x"] + value["width"],
value["y"] + value["height"],
label = value["label_id"]
# assumes that the image id naming convention is
# RGB<uuid>/rgb_<image_id>.png
image_id = self.data[sub_index]["filename"][44:-4]
target = {"image_id": image_id, "labels": labels, "boxes": boxes}
return image, target
def __len__(self) -> int:
Returns the length of the perception dataset.
:return: Length of the dataset.
:rtype: int
return self.metadata.length
def __load_subset(self, index):
file_index = index // self.metadata.file_mod_factor
sub_index = index % self.metadata.file_mod_factor
if self.last_file_index != file_index:
self.data = load_json(
self.metadata.data_files[file_index], self.metadata.DATA
self.last_file_index = file_index
return sub_index
def num_classes(self):
return self.metadata.num_classes
def classes(self):
return self.metadata.classes