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38 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Simulation;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.Coco;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.CocoHybrid;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.PerceptionFormat;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.PerceptionNew;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
public partial class SimulationState
HashSet<SensorHandle> m_ActiveSensors = new HashSet<SensorHandle>();
Dictionary<SensorHandle, SensorData> m_Sensors = new Dictionary<SensorHandle, SensorData>();
HashSet<EgoHandle> m_Egos = new HashSet<EgoHandle>();
HashSet<Guid> m_Ids = new HashSet<Guid>();
Guid m_SequenceId = Guid.NewGuid();
IDatasetExporter _ActiveReporter = null;
// Always use the property SequenceTimeMs instead
int m_FrameCountLastUpdatedSequenceTime;
float m_SequenceTimeDoNotUse;
float m_UnscaledSequenceTimeDoNotUse;
int m_FrameCountLastStepIncremented = -1;
int m_Step = -1;
bool m_HasStarted;
int m_CaptureFileIndex;
List<AdditionalInfoTypeData> m_AdditionalInfoTypeData = new List<AdditionalInfoTypeData>();
List<PendingCapture> m_PendingCaptures = new List<PendingCapture>(k_MinPendingCapturesBeforeWrite + 10);
List<PendingMetric> m_PendingMetrics = new List<PendingMetric>(k_MinPendingMetricsBeforeWrite + 10);
int m_MetricsFileIndex;
int m_NextMetricId = 1;
CustomSampler m_SerializeCapturesSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeCaptures");
CustomSampler m_SerializeCapturesAsyncSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeCapturesAsync");
CustomSampler m_JsonToStringSampler = CustomSampler.Create("JsonToString");
CustomSampler m_WriteToDiskSampler = CustomSampler.Create("WriteJsonToDisk");
CustomSampler m_SerializeMetricsSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeMetrics");
CustomSampler m_SerializeMetricsAsyncSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeMetricsAsync");
CustomSampler m_GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrameSampler = CustomSampler.Create("GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame");
float m_LastTimeScale;
readonly string m_OutputDirectoryName;
string m_OutputDirectoryPath;
public const string userBaseDirectoryKey = "userBaseDirectory";
public const string latestOutputDirectoryKey = "latestOutputDirectory";
public const string defaultOutputBaseDirectory = "defaultOutputBaseDirectory";
public const string outputFormatMode = "outputFormatMode";
public bool IsRunning { get; private set; }
public string OutputDirectory
if (m_OutputDirectoryPath == null)
m_OutputDirectoryPath = Manager.Instance.GetDirectoryFor(m_OutputDirectoryName);
return m_OutputDirectoryPath;
//A sensor will be triggered if sequenceTime is within includeThreshold seconds of the next trigger
const float k_SimulationTimingAccuracy = 0.01f;
const int k_MinPendingCapturesBeforeWrite = 150;
const int k_MinPendingMetricsBeforeWrite = 150;
public SimulationState(string outputDirectory)
_ActiveReporter = null;
PlayerPrefs.SetString(defaultOutputBaseDirectory, Configuration.Instance.GetStorageBasePath());
m_OutputDirectoryName = outputDirectory;
var basePath = PlayerPrefs.GetString(userBaseDirectoryKey, string.Empty);
if (basePath != string.Empty)
if (Directory.Exists(basePath))
Configuration.localPersistentDataPath = basePath;
Debug.LogWarning($"Passed in directory to store simulation artifacts: {basePath}, does not exist. Using default directory {Configuration.localPersistentDataPath} instead.");
basePath = Configuration.localPersistentDataPath;
//var activeReporterString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(activeReporterKey, defaultReporter);
var activeReporterString = "coco";
if (activeReporterString == "perceptionOutput")
m_ActiveReporter = new PerceptionExporter();
m_ActiveReporter = new CocoExporter();
PlayerPrefs.SetString(latestOutputDirectoryKey, Manager.Instance.GetDirectoryFor("", basePath));
IsRunning = true;
IDatasetExporter GetActiveReporter()
if (_ActiveReporter != null) return _ActiveReporter;
var mode = PlayerPrefs.GetString(outputFormatMode, nameof(CocoExporter));
#if false
// TODO figure out how to do this with just the class name and not have to have the switch
var exporter = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(mode) ?? typeof(PerceptionExporter));
if (exporter is IDatasetExporter casted)
m_ActiveReporter = casted;
Debug.Log($"SS - Sim State setting active reporter: {mode}");
switch (mode)
case nameof(PerceptionExporter):
_ActiveReporter = new PerceptionExporter();
case nameof(CocoExporter):
//_ActiveReporter = new CocoExporter();
_ActiveReporter = new CocoHybridExporter();
case nameof(PerceptionNewExporter):
_ActiveReporter = new PerceptionNewExporter();
_ActiveReporter = new PerceptionExporter();
Debug.Log("Calling SS::OnSimulationBegin");
return _ActiveReporter;
public string GetRgbCaptureFilename(string defaultFilename, params(string, object)[] additionalSensorValues)
var directory = GetActiveReporter()?.GetRgbCaptureFilename(additionalSensorValues);
return directory == string.Empty ? defaultFilename : directory;
/// <summary>
/// A self-sufficient container for all information about a reported capture. Capture writing should not depend on any
/// state outside of this container, as other state may have changed since the capture was reported.
/// </summary>
public class PendingCapture
public Guid Id;
public SensorHandle SensorHandle;
public SensorData SensorData;
public string Path;
public SensorSpatialData SensorSpatialData;
public int FrameCount;
public int Step;
public float Timestamp;
public Guid SequenceId;
public (string, object)[] AdditionalSensorValues;
public List<(Annotation, AnnotationData)> Annotations = new List<(Annotation, AnnotationData)>();
public bool CaptureReported;
public PendingCapture(Guid id, SensorHandle sensorHandle, SensorData sensorData, Guid sequenceId, int frameCount, int step, float timestamp)
SensorHandle = sensorHandle;
FrameCount = frameCount;
Step = step;
SequenceId = sequenceId;
Timestamp = timestamp;
Id = id;
SensorData = sensorData;
struct PendingMetric
public PendingMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, int metricId, SensorHandle sensorHandle, Guid captureId, Annotation annotation, Guid sequenceId, int step, JToken values = null)
MetricDefinition = metricDefinition;
MetricId = metricId;
SensorHandle = sensorHandle;
Annotation = annotation;
SequenceId = sequenceId;
Step = step;
CaptureId = captureId;
Values = values;
// ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Local
public readonly SensorHandle SensorHandle;
public readonly MetricDefinition MetricDefinition;
public readonly int MetricId;
public readonly Guid CaptureId;
public readonly Annotation Annotation;
public readonly Guid SequenceId;
public readonly int Step;
public JToken Values;
public bool IsAssigned => Values != null;
public struct SensorData
public string modality;
public string description;
public float firstCaptureTime;
public CaptureTriggerMode captureTriggerMode;
public float renderingDeltaTime;
public int framesBetweenCaptures;
public bool manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming;
public float sequenceTimeOfNextCapture;
public float sequenceTimeOfNextRender;
public int lastCaptureFrameCount;
public EgoHandle egoHandle;
public struct AnnotationData
public readonly AnnotationDefinition AnnotationDefinition;
public string Path;
public JArray ValuesJson;
public IEnumerable<object> RawValues;
public bool IsAssigned => Path != null || ValuesJson != null;
public AnnotationData(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, string path, JArray valuesJson)
: this()
AnnotationDefinition = annotationDefinition;
Path = path;
ValuesJson = valuesJson;
enum AdditionalInfoKind
struct AdditionalInfoTypeData : IEquatable<AdditionalInfoTypeData>
public string name;
public string description;
public string format;
public Guid id;
public Array specValues;
public AdditionalInfoKind additionalInfoKind;
public override string ToString()
return $"{nameof(name)}: {name}, {nameof(description)}: {description}, {nameof(format)}: {format}, {nameof(id)}: {id}";
public bool Equals(AdditionalInfoTypeData other)
var areMembersEqual = additionalInfoKind == other.additionalInfoKind &&
string.Equals(name, other.name, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) &&
string.Equals(description, other.description, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) &&
string.Equals(format, other.format, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) &&
if (!areMembersEqual)
return false;
if (specValues == other.specValues)
return true;
if (specValues == null || other.specValues == null)
return false;
if (specValues.Length != other.specValues.Length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < specValues.Length; i++)
if (!specValues.GetValue(i).Equals(other.specValues.GetValue(i)))
return false;
return true;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is AdditionalInfoTypeData other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
// ReSharper disable NonReadonlyMemberInGetHashCode
var hashCode = (name != null ? StringComparer.InvariantCulture.GetHashCode(name) : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (description != null ? StringComparer.InvariantCulture.GetHashCode(description) : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (format != null ? StringComparer.InvariantCulture.GetHashCode(format) : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ id.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
internal void ReportCapture(SensorHandle sensorHandle, string filename, SensorSpatialData sensorSpatialData, params(string, object)[] additionalSensorValues)
var sensorData = m_Sensors[sensorHandle];
var pendingCapture = GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle, out _);
if (pendingCapture.CaptureReported)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Capture for frame {Time.frameCount} already reported for sensor {this}");
pendingCapture.CaptureReported = true;
pendingCapture.Path = filename;
pendingCapture.AdditionalSensorValues = additionalSensorValues;
pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData = sensorSpatialData;
sensorData.lastCaptureFrameCount = Time.frameCount;
m_Sensors[sensorHandle] = sensorData;
// SB - maybe this can all be moved to the other capture area
var width = -1;
var height = -1;
var fullPath = filename;
var frameCount = 0;
foreach (var i in additionalSensorValues)
switch (i.Item1)
case "camera_width":
width = (int)i.Item2;
case "camera_height":
height = (int)i.Item2;
case "full_path":
fullPath = (string)i.Item2;
case "frame":
frameCount = (int)i.Item2;
GetActiveReporter()?.OnCaptureReported(frameCount, width, height, filename);
static string GetFormatFromFilename(string filename)
var ext = Path.GetExtension(filename);
if (ext == null)
return null;
if (ext.StartsWith("."))
ext = ext.Substring(1);
return ext.ToUpperInvariant();
/// <summary>
/// Use this to get the current step when it is desirable to ensure the step has been allocated for this frame. Steps should only be allocated in frames where a capture or metric is reported.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The current step</returns>
int AcquireStep()
return m_Step;
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
/// <summary>
/// The simulation time that has elapsed since the beginning of the sequence.
/// </summary>
public float SequenceTime
//TODO: Can this be replaced with Time.time - sequenceTimeStart?
if (!m_HasStarted)
return 0;
return m_SequenceTimeDoNotUse;
/// <summary>
/// The unscaled simulation time that has elapsed since the beginning of the sequence. This is the time that should be used for scheduling sensors
/// </summary>
public float UnscaledSequenceTime
//TODO: Can this be replaced with Time.time - sequenceTimeStart?
if (!m_HasStarted)
return 0;
return m_UnscaledSequenceTimeDoNotUse;
public string GetOutputDirectoryNoCreate() => Path.Combine(Configuration.Instance.GetStoragePath(), m_OutputDirectoryName);
void EnsureSequenceTimingsUpdated()
if (!m_HasStarted)
else if (m_FrameCountLastUpdatedSequenceTime != Time.frameCount)
m_SequenceTimeDoNotUse += Time.deltaTime;
if (Time.timeScale > 0)
m_UnscaledSequenceTimeDoNotUse += Time.deltaTime / Time.timeScale;
m_FrameCountLastUpdatedSequenceTime = Time.frameCount;
void CheckTimeScale()
if (m_LastTimeScale != Time.timeScale)
Debug.LogError($"Time.timeScale may not change mid-sequence. This can cause sensors to get out of sync and corrupt the data. Previous: {m_LastTimeScale} Current: {Time.timeScale}");
m_LastTimeScale = Time.timeScale;
void EnsureStepIncremented()
if (m_FrameCountLastStepIncremented != Time.frameCount)
m_FrameCountLastStepIncremented = Time.frameCount;
public void StartNewSequence()
m_FrameCountLastStepIncremented = -1;
m_Step = -1;
foreach (var kvp in m_Sensors.ToArray())
var sensorData = kvp.Value;
sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = GetSequenceTimeOfNextCapture(sensorData);
sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender = 0;
m_Sensors[kvp.Key] = sensorData;
m_SequenceId = Guid.NewGuid();
void ResetTimings()
m_FrameCountLastUpdatedSequenceTime = Time.frameCount;
m_SequenceTimeDoNotUse = 0;
m_UnscaledSequenceTimeDoNotUse = 0;
m_LastTimeScale = Time.timeScale;
public void AddSensor(EgoHandle egoHandle, string modality, string description, float firstCaptureFrame, CaptureTriggerMode captureTriggerMode, float renderingDeltaTime, int framesBetweenCaptures, bool manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming, SensorHandle sensor)
var sensorData = new SensorData()
modality = modality,
description = description,
firstCaptureTime = UnscaledSequenceTime + firstCaptureFrame * renderingDeltaTime,
captureTriggerMode = captureTriggerMode,
renderingDeltaTime = renderingDeltaTime,
framesBetweenCaptures = framesBetweenCaptures,
manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming = manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming,
egoHandle = egoHandle,
lastCaptureFrameCount = -1
sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = GetSequenceTimeOfNextCapture(sensorData);
sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender = UnscaledSequenceTime;
m_Sensors.Add(sensor, sensorData);
float GetSequenceTimeOfNextCapture(SensorData sensorData)
// If the first capture hasn't happened yet, sequenceTimeNextCapture field won't be valid
if (sensorData.firstCaptureTime >= UnscaledSequenceTime)
return sensorData.captureTriggerMode == CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled? sensorData.firstCaptureTime : float.MaxValue;
return sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture;
public bool Contains(Guid id) => m_Ids.Contains(id);
public void AddEgo(EgoHandle egoHandle)
public bool IsEnabled(SensorHandle sensorHandle) => m_ActiveSensors.Contains(sensorHandle);
public void SetEnabled(SensorHandle sensorHandle, bool value)
if (!value)
static void CheckDatasetAllowed()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Dataset generation is only supported in play mode.");
public void Update()
if (m_ActiveSensors.Count == 0)
if (!m_HasStarted)
//simulation starts now
m_FrameCountLastUpdatedSequenceTime = Time.frameCount;
m_LastTimeScale = Time.timeScale;
m_HasStarted = true;
//update the active sensors sequenceTimeNextCapture and lastCaptureFrameCount
foreach (var activeSensor in m_ActiveSensors)
var sensorData = m_Sensors[activeSensor];
if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPaused)
//When the user clicks the 'step' button in the editor, frames will always progress at .02 seconds per step.
//In this case, just run all sensors each frame to allow for debugging
Debug.Log($"Frame step forced all sensors to synchronize, changing frame timings.");
sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender = UnscaledSequenceTime;
sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = UnscaledSequenceTime;
if (Mathf.Abs(sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender - UnscaledSequenceTime) < k_SimulationTimingAccuracy)
//means this frame fulfills this sensor's simulation time requirements, we can move target to next frame.
sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender += sensorData.renderingDeltaTime;
if (activeSensor.ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
if (sensorData.captureTriggerMode.Equals(CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled))
sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture += sensorData.renderingDeltaTime * (sensorData.framesBetweenCaptures + 1);
Debug.Assert(sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture > UnscaledSequenceTime,
$"Next scheduled capture should be after {UnscaledSequenceTime} but is {sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture}");
while (sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture <= UnscaledSequenceTime)
sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture += sensorData.renderingDeltaTime * (sensorData.framesBetweenCaptures + 1);
else if (sensorData.captureTriggerMode.Equals(CaptureTriggerMode.Manual))
sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = float.MaxValue;
sensorData.lastCaptureFrameCount = Time.frameCount;
m_Sensors[activeSensor] = sensorData;
//find the deltatime required to land on the next active sensor that needs simulation
var nextFrameDt = float.PositiveInfinity;
foreach (var activeSensor in m_ActiveSensors)
float thisSensorNextFrameDt = -1;
var sensorData = m_Sensors[activeSensor];
if (sensorData.captureTriggerMode.Equals(CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled))
thisSensorNextFrameDt = sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender - UnscaledSequenceTime;
Debug.Assert(thisSensorNextFrameDt > 0f, "Sensor was scheduled to capture in the past but got skipped over.");
else if (sensorData.captureTriggerMode.Equals(CaptureTriggerMode.Manual) && sensorData.manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming)
thisSensorNextFrameDt = sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender - UnscaledSequenceTime;
if (thisSensorNextFrameDt > 0f && thisSensorNextFrameDt < nextFrameDt)
nextFrameDt = thisSensorNextFrameDt;
if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(nextFrameDt))
//means no sensor is controlling simulation timing, so we set Time.captureDeltaTime to 0 (default) which means the setting does not do anything
nextFrameDt = 0;
Time.captureDeltaTime = nextFrameDt;
public void SetNextCaptureTimeToNowForSensor(SensorHandle sensorHandle)
if (!m_Sensors.ContainsKey(sensorHandle))
var data = m_Sensors[sensorHandle];
data.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = UnscaledSequenceTime;
m_Sensors[sensorHandle] = data;
public bool ShouldCaptureThisFrame(SensorHandle sensorHandle)
if (!m_Sensors.ContainsKey(sensorHandle))
return false;
var data = m_Sensors[sensorHandle];
if (data.lastCaptureFrameCount == Time.frameCount)
return true;
return data.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture - UnscaledSequenceTime < k_SimulationTimingAccuracy;
public void End()
if (m_Ids.Count == 0)
WritePendingCaptures(true, true);
if (m_PendingCaptures.Count > 0)
Debug.LogError($"Simulation ended with pending annotations: {string.Join(", ", m_PendingCaptures.Select(c => $"id:{c.SensorHandle.Id} frame:{c.FrameCount}"))}");
if (m_PendingMetrics.Count > 0)
Debug.LogError($"Simulation ended with pending metrics: {string.Join(", ", m_PendingMetrics.Select(c => $"id:{c.MetricId} step:{c.Step}"))}");
if (m_AdditionalInfoTypeData.Any())
List<IdLabelConfig.LabelEntrySpec> labels = new List<IdLabelConfig.LabelEntrySpec>();
foreach (var infoTypeData in m_AdditionalInfoTypeData)
if (infoTypeData.specValues == null) continue;
foreach (var spec in infoTypeData.specValues)
if (spec is IdLabelConfig.LabelEntrySpec entrySpec)
Debug.Log($"adt: {infoTypeData}");
Time.captureDeltaTime = 0;
IsRunning = false;
Debug.Log($"Calling SS::OnSimulationEnd");
public AnnotationDefinition RegisterAnnotationDefinition<TSpec>(string name, TSpec[] specValues, string description, string format, Guid id)
if (id == Guid.Empty)
id = Guid.NewGuid();
RegisterAdditionalInfoType(name, specValues, description, format, id, AdditionalInfoKind.Annotation);
GetActiveReporter()?.OnAnnotationRegistered(id, specValues); // <- Not sure about this one either
return new AnnotationDefinition(id);
public MetricDefinition RegisterMetricDefinition<TSpec>(string name, TSpec[] specValues, string description, Guid id)
if (id == Guid.Empty)
id = Guid.NewGuid();
RegisterAdditionalInfoType(name, specValues, description, null, id, AdditionalInfoKind.Metric);
return new MetricDefinition(id);
void RegisterAdditionalInfoType<TSpec>(string name, TSpec[] specValues, string description, string format, Guid id, AdditionalInfoKind additionalInfoKind)
var annotationDefinitionInfo = new AdditionalInfoTypeData()
additionalInfoKind = additionalInfoKind,
name = name,
description = description,
format = format,
id = id,
specValues = specValues
if (!m_Ids.Add(id))
foreach (var existingAnnotationDefinition in m_AdditionalInfoTypeData)
if (existingAnnotationDefinition.id == id)
if (existingAnnotationDefinition.Equals(annotationDefinitionInfo))
throw new ArgumentException($"{id} has already been registered to an AnnotationDefinition or MetricDefinition with different information.\nExisting: {existingAnnotationDefinition}");
throw new ArgumentException($"Id {id} is already in use. Ids must be unique.");
public Annotation ReportAnnotationFile(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle, string filename)
var annotation = new Annotation(sensorHandle, AcquireStep());
var pendingCapture = GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle);
pendingCapture.Annotations.Add((annotation, new AnnotationData(annotationDefinition, filename, null)));
return annotation;
public Annotation ReportAnnotationValues<T>(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle, T[] values)
var annotation = new Annotation(sensorHandle, AcquireStep());
var pendingCapture = GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle);
var valuesJson = new JArray();
foreach (var value in values)
pendingCapture.Annotations.Add((annotation, new AnnotationData(annotationDefinition, null, valuesJson)));
return annotation;
PendingCapture GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(SensorHandle sensorHandle)
return GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle, out var _);
PendingCapture GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(SensorHandle sensorHandle, out bool created)
created = false;
//Following is this converted to code: m_PendingCaptures.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SensorHandle == sensorHandle && c.FrameCount == Time.frameCount);
//We also start at the end, since the pending capture list can get long as we await writing to disk
PendingCapture pendingCapture = null;
for (var i = m_PendingCaptures.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var c = m_PendingCaptures[i];
if (c.SensorHandle == sensorHandle && c.FrameCount == Time.frameCount)
pendingCapture = c;
if (pendingCapture == null)
created = true;
pendingCapture = new PendingCapture(Guid.NewGuid(), sensorHandle, m_Sensors[sensorHandle], m_SequenceId, Time.frameCount, AcquireStep(), SequenceTime);
return pendingCapture;
public AsyncAnnotation ReportAnnotationAsync(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle)
return new AsyncAnnotation(ReportAnnotationFile(annotationDefinition, sensorHandle, null), this);
public void ReportAsyncAnnotationResult<T>(AsyncAnnotation asyncAnnotation, string filename = null, NativeSlice<T> values = default) where T : struct
var jArray = new JArray();
foreach (var value in values)
jArray.Add(new JRaw(DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(value)));
ReportAsyncAnnotationResult(asyncAnnotation, filename, jArray);
public void ReportAsyncAnnotationResult<T>(AsyncAnnotation asyncAnnotation, string filename = null, IEnumerable<T> values = null)
JArray jArray = null;
if (values != null)
jArray = new JArray();
foreach (var value in values)
if (value != null)
jArray.Add(new JRaw(DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(value)));
ReportAsyncAnnotationResult(asyncAnnotation, filename, jArray, values?.Cast<object>().ToList() ?? null);
void ReportAsyncAnnotationResult(AsyncAnnotation asyncAnnotation, string filename, JArray jArray, IEnumerable<object> values = null)
if (!asyncAnnotation.IsPending)
throw new InvalidOperationException("AsyncAnnotation has already been reported and cannot be reported again.");
PendingCapture pendingCapture = null;
var annotationIndex = -1;
foreach (var c in m_PendingCaptures)
if (c.Step == asyncAnnotation.Annotation.Step && c.SensorHandle == asyncAnnotation.Annotation.SensorHandle)
pendingCapture = c;
annotationIndex = pendingCapture.Annotations.FindIndex(a => a.Item1.Equals(asyncAnnotation.Annotation));
if (annotationIndex != -1)
Debug.Assert(pendingCapture != null && annotationIndex != -1);
var annotationTuple = pendingCapture.Annotations[annotationIndex];
var annotationData = annotationTuple.Item2;
annotationData.Path = filename;
annotationData.ValuesJson = jArray;
annotationData.RawValues = values;
annotationTuple.Item2 = annotationData;
pendingCapture.Annotations[annotationIndex] = annotationTuple;
public bool IsPending(Annotation annotation)
foreach (var c in m_PendingCaptures)
foreach (var a in c.Annotations)
if (a.Item1.Equals(annotation))
return !a.Item2.IsAssigned;
return false;
public bool IsPending(ref AsyncMetric asyncMetric)
foreach (var m in m_PendingMetrics)
if (m.MetricId == asyncMetric.Id)
return !m.IsAssigned;
return false;
public void ReportAsyncMetricResult<T>(AsyncMetric asyncMetric, T[] values)
var pendingMetricValues = JArrayFromArray(values);
ReportAsyncMetricResult(asyncMetric, pendingMetricValues);
public void ReportAsyncMetricResult(AsyncMetric asyncMetric, string valuesJsonArray)
ReportAsyncMetricResult(asyncMetric, new JRaw(valuesJsonArray));
void ReportAsyncMetricResult(AsyncMetric asyncMetric, JToken values)
var metricIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < m_PendingMetrics.Count; i++)
if (m_PendingMetrics[i].MetricId == asyncMetric.Id)
metricIndex = i;
if (metricIndex == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("asyncMetric is invalid or has already been reported");
var pendingMetric = m_PendingMetrics[metricIndex];
if (pendingMetric.IsAssigned)
throw new InvalidOperationException("asyncMetric already been reported. ReportAsyncMetricResult may only be called once per AsyncMetric");
pendingMetric.Values = values;
m_PendingMetrics[metricIndex] = pendingMetric;
static JArray JArrayFromArray<T>(T[] values)
var jArray = new JArray();
foreach (var value in values)
return jArray;
public AsyncMetric CreateAsyncMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle = default, Annotation annotation = default)
var id = m_NextMetricId++;
var captureId = Guid.Empty;
if (sensorHandle != default)
var capture = GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle);
captureId = capture.Id;
m_PendingMetrics.Add(new PendingMetric(metricDefinition, id, sensorHandle, captureId, annotation, m_SequenceId, AcquireStep()));
return new AsyncMetric(metricDefinition, id, this);
public void ReportMetric<T>(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, T[] values, SensorHandle sensorHandle, Annotation annotation)
var jArray = JArrayFromArray(values);
ReportMetric(metricDefinition, jArray, sensorHandle, annotation);
public void ReportMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, JToken values, SensorHandle sensorHandle, Annotation annotation)
if (values == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(values));
var captureId = sensorHandle.IsNil ? Guid.Empty : GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle).Id;
m_PendingMetrics.Add(new PendingMetric(metricDefinition, m_NextMetricId++, sensorHandle, captureId, annotation, m_SequenceId, AcquireStep(), values));