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# The Yamato build step `publish` will publish the com.unity.perception package to the `upm-candidates` registry. To see which versions of the package have been published, see
# * https://artifactory.prd.cds.internal.unity3d.com/artifactory/webapp/#/artifacts/browse/tree/General/upm-candidates/com.unity.perception
# * https://bintray.com/unity
# - version: 2019.1
# - name: win
# type: Unity::VM
# image: package-ci/win10:stable
# flavor: b1.large
#{% for editor in test_editors %}
#{% for platform in test_platforms %}
#promotion_test_{{ platform.name }}_{{ editor.version }}:
# name : Promotion Test {{ editor.version }} on {{ platform.name }}
# agent:
# type: {{ platform.type }}
# image: {{ platform.image }}
# flavor: {{ platform.flavor}}
# variables:
# commands:
# - npm install upm-ci-utils@latest -g --registry https://artifactory.prd.cds.internal.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-npm
# - upm-ci package test --unity-version {{ editor.version }}
# artifacts:
# logs:
# paths:
# - "upm-ci~/test-results/**/*"
# dependencies:
# - .yamato/upm-ci.yml#pack
#{% endfor %}
#{% endfor %}
# name: Promotion Tests Trigger
# agent:
# type: Unity::VM
# image: package-ci/win10:stable
# flavor: b1.large
# artifacts:
# logs:
# paths:
# - "upm-ci~/test-results/**/*"
# packages:
# paths:
# - "upm-ci~/packages/**/*"
# dependencies:
#{% for editor in test_editors %}
#{% for platform in test_platforms %}
# - .yamato/promotion.yml#promotion_test_{{platform.name}}_{{editor.version}}
#{% endfor %}
#{% endfor %}
# name: Promote to Production
# agent:
# type: Unity::VM
# image: package-ci/win10:stable
# flavor: b1.large
# variables:
# commands:
# - npm install upm-ci-utils@latest -g --registry https://artifactory.prd.cds.internal.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-npm
# - upm-ci package promote
# triggers:
# tags:
# only:
# - /^(r|R)elease-\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-preview(\.\d+)?)?$/
# artifacts:
# artifacts:
# paths:
# - "upm-ci~/packages/*.tgz"
# dependencies:
# - .yamato/upm-ci.yml#pack
#{% for editor in test_editors %}
#{% for platform in test_platforms %}
# - .yamato/promotion.yml#promotion_test_{{ platform.name }}_{{ editor.version }}
#{% endfor %}
#{% endfor %}