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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using Unity.Simulation;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Consumers;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
using UnityEngine.Perception.Settings;
#pragma warning disable 649
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// <summary>
/// Global manager for frame scheduling and output capture for simulations.
/// Data capture follows the schema defined in *TODO: Expose schema publicly*
/// </summary>
public class DatasetCapture
static DatasetCapture s_Instance;
SimulationState m_ActiveSimulation;
List<SimulationState> m_ShuttingDownSimulations = new List<SimulationState>();
public static DatasetCapture Instance => s_Instance ?? (s_Instance = new DatasetCapture());
bool CanBeShutdown()
return m_ReadyToShutdown && m_ActiveSimulation.IsNotRunning() && m_ShuttingDownSimulations.All(s => s.IsNotRunning());
public class WaitUntilComplete : CustomYieldInstruction
public override bool keepWaiting => !Instance.CanBeShutdown();
Manager.Instance.ShutdownNotification += OnApplicationShutdown;
internal SimulationState currentSimulation => m_ActiveSimulation ?? (m_ActiveSimulation = CreateSimulationData());
/// <summary>
/// The json metadata schema version the DatasetCapture's output conforms to.
/// </summary>
public static string SchemaVersion => "0.0.1";
public static string PerceptionVersion => "0.8.0-preview.4";
/// <summary>
/// Called when the simulation ends. The simulation ends on playmode exit, application exit, or when <see cref="ResetSimulation"/> is called.
/// </summary>
public event Action SimulationEnding;
public SensorHandle RegisterSensor(SensorDefinition sensor)
return currentSimulation.AddSensor(sensor, sensor.simulationDeltaTime);
public void RegisterMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition)
public void RegisterAnnotationDefinition(AnnotationDefinition definition)
public (int sequence, int step) GetSequenceAndStepFromFrame(int frame)
return currentSimulation.GetSequenceAndStepFromFrame(frame);
public void ReportMetric(MetricDefinition definition, object[] values)
currentSimulation.ReportMetric(definition, values);
/// <summary>
/// Starts a new sequence in the capture.
/// </summary>
public void StartNewSequence() => currentSimulation.StartNewSequence();
internal bool IsValid(string id) => currentSimulation.Contains(id);
ConsumerEndpoint m_OverrideEndpoint = null;
internal void OverrideEndpoint(ConsumerEndpoint endpoint)
m_OverrideEndpoint = endpoint;
#if false
// TODO why is this static?
public static ConsumerEndpoint[] endpoints => new[] { s_Endpoint };
static ConsumerEndpoint s_Endpoint;
//static Type s_EndpointType = typeof(SoloConsumer);
static Type s_EndpointType = typeof(OldPerceptionConsumer);
public static void AddEndpoint(ConsumerEndpoint endpoint)
// Only support one for right now
public static void SetEndpoint(ConsumerEndpoint endpoint)
// TODO I think that we need to do some checking to make sure we're not running
s_Endpoint = endpoint;
Instance.currentSimulation.consumerEndpoint = endpoint;
public static bool SetEndpointType(Type inType)
if (inType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ConsumerEndpoint)))
Debug.Log("Setting endpoint type");
s_EndpointType = inType;
return true;
Debug.Log("Not setting endpoint type");
return false;
SimulationState CreateSimulationData()
if (m_OverrideEndpoint == null && PerceptionSettings.Endpoint == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("An endpoint has not been set for dataset capture");
var endpoint = m_OverrideEndpoint ? m_OverrideEndpoint : PerceptionSettings.Endpoint.Clone();
return new SimulationState(endpoint as ConsumerEndpoint);
void OnInitializeOnLoad()
Manager.Instance.ShutdownNotification += OnApplicationShutdown;
bool m_ReadyToShutdown = false;
void OnApplicationShutdown()
m_ReadyToShutdown = true;
public void Update()
foreach (var simulation in m_ShuttingDownSimulations)
m_ShuttingDownSimulations.RemoveAll(sim => sim.ExecutionState == SimulationState.ExecutionStateType.Complete);
public void ResetSimulation()
if (m_ActiveSimulation.IsRunning())
var old = m_ActiveSimulation;
m_ReadyToShutdown = true;
m_ActiveSimulation = CreateSimulationData();
public enum FutureType
public class PendingId
public static PendingId CreateSensorId(int sequence, int step, string sensorId)
return new PendingId(FutureType.Sensor, sequence, step, sensorId, string.Empty,string.Empty);
public static PendingId CreateMetricId(int sequence, int step, string metricId)
return new PendingId(FutureType.Metric, sequence, step, string.Empty, string.Empty, metricId);
public static PendingId CreateMetricId(int sequence, int step, string sensorId, string metricId)
return new PendingId(FutureType.Metric, sequence, step, sensorId, string.Empty, metricId);
public static PendingId CreateMetricId(int sequence, int step, string sensorId, string annotationId, string metricId)
return new PendingId(FutureType.Metric, sequence, step, sensorId, annotationId, metricId);
public static PendingId CreateAnnotationId(int sequence, int step, string sensorId, string annotationId)
return new PendingId(FutureType.Annotation, sequence, step, sensorId, annotationId, string.Empty);
private PendingId(FutureType futureType, int sequence, int step, string sensorId, string annotationId, string metricId)
FutureType = futureType;
Sequence = sequence;
Step = step;
SensorId = sensorId;
AnnotationId = annotationId;
MetricId = metricId;
public FutureType FutureType { get; }
public int Sequence { get; }
public int Step { get; }
public string SensorId { get; }
public string AnnotationId { get; }
public string MetricId { get; }
bool isBaseValid => Sequence > -1 && Step > -1;
public bool IsValidSensorId =>
// Do not check if it's a sensor ID because both annotation and (some) metric IDs can be used to
// load sensors
isBaseValid && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SensorId);
public bool IsValidMetricId =>
isBaseValid &&
FutureType == FutureType.Metric &&
public bool IsValidAnnotationId =>
isBaseValid &&
FutureType == FutureType.Annotation &&
!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SensorId) &&
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is PendingId other)
if (other.FutureType != FutureType) return false;
if (other.Sequence != Sequence) return false;
if (other.Step != Step) return false;
switch (FutureType)
case FutureType.Metric:
if (other.MetricId != MetricId) return false;
if (other.AnnotationId != AnnotationId) return false;
return other.SensorId == SensorId;
case FutureType.Annotation:
if (other.AnnotationId != AnnotationId) return false;
return other.SensorId == SensorId;
case FutureType.Sensor:
return other.SensorId == SensorId;
return true;
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
var hc = (Sequence * 397) ^ Step;
hc = (SensorId != null ? SensorId.GetHashCode() : 0 * 397) ^ hc;
hc = (AnnotationId != null ? AnnotationId.GetHashCode() : 0 * 397) ^ hc;
return (MetricId != null ? MetricId.GetHashCode() : 0 * 397) ^ hc;
public struct AsyncFuture<T> where T : DataModelBase
public static AsyncFuture<Sensor> CreateSensorFuture(PendingId id, SimulationState simState)
return new AsyncFuture<Sensor>(id, simState);
public static AsyncFuture<Metric> CreateMetricFuture(PendingId id, SimulationState simState)
return new AsyncFuture<Metric>(id, simState);
public static AsyncFuture<Annotation> CreateAnnotationFuture(PendingId id, SimulationState simState)
return new AsyncFuture<Annotation>(id, simState);
AsyncFuture(PendingId id, SimulationState simulationState)
pendingId = id;
this.simulationState = simulationState;
public SimulationState simulationState { get; private set; }
public PendingId pendingId { get; private set; }
public FutureType FutureType => pendingId.FutureType;
public bool IsValid()
return simulationState != null && simulationState.IsRunning();
public bool IsPending()
return simulationState.IsPending(this);
public void Report(T toReport)
simulationState.ReportAsyncResult(this, toReport);
#if false
public interface IAsyncFuture
PendingId GetId();
FutureType GetFutureType();
bool IsValid();
bool IsPending();
public struct AsyncSensorFuture : IAsyncFuture
public AsyncSensorFuture(PendingId id, SimulationState simulationState)
if (!id.IsValidSensorId) throw new ArgumentException("Passed in wrong ID type");
m_Id = id;
m_SimulationState = simulationState;
PendingId m_Id;
SimulationState m_SimulationState;
public PendingId GetId()
return m_Id;
public FutureType GetFutureType()
return FutureType.Sensor;
public bool IsValid()
return m_SimulationState.IsRunning();
public bool IsPending()
return m_SimulationState.IsPending(this);
public void Report(Sensor sensor)
m_SimulationState.ReportAsyncResult(this, sensor);
public struct AsyncAnnotationFuture : IAsyncFuture
// TODO I do not like throwing exceptions in constructors, rethink this...
public AsyncAnnotationFuture(PendingId id, SimulationState simulationState)
if (!id.IsValidAnnotationId) throw new ArgumentException("Wrong ID type");
m_Id = id;
m_SimulationState = simulationState;
PendingId m_Id;
SimulationState m_SimulationState;
public PendingId GetId()
return m_Id;
public FutureType GetFutureType()
return FutureType.Annotation;
public bool IsValid()
return m_SimulationState.IsRunning();
public bool IsPending()
return m_SimulationState.IsPending(this);
public void Report(Annotation annotation)
m_SimulationState.ReportAsyncResult(this, annotation);
public struct AsyncMetricFuture : IAsyncFuture
// TODO I do not like throwing exceptions in constructors, rethink this...
public AsyncMetricFuture(PendingId id, SimulationState simulationState)
if (!id.IsValidMetricId) throw new ArgumentException("Wrong ID type");
m_Id = id;
m_SimulationState = simulationState;
PendingId m_Id;
SimulationState m_SimulationState;
public PendingId GetId()
return m_Id;
public FutureType GetFutureType()
return FutureType.Metric;
public bool IsValid()
return m_SimulationState.IsRunning();
public bool IsPending()
return m_SimulationState.IsPending(this);
public void Report(Metric metric)
m_SimulationState.ReportAsyncResult(this, metric);
/// <summary>
/// A handle to a sensor managed by the <see cref="DatasetCapture"/>. It can be used to check whether the sensor
/// is expected to capture this frame and report captures, annotations, and metrics regarding the sensor.
/// </summary>
public struct SensorHandle : IDisposable, IEquatable<SensorHandle>
public string Id { get; internal set; }
internal SensorHandle(string id)
Id = id ?? string.Empty;
public override string ToString()
return Id;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the sensor is currently enabled. When disabled, the DatasetCapture will no longer schedule frames for running captures on this sensor.
/// </summary>
public bool Enabled
get => DatasetCapture.Instance.currentSimulation.IsEnabled(this);
DatasetCapture.Instance.currentSimulation.SetEnabled(this, value);
public void ReportAnnotation(AnnotationDefinition definition, Annotation annotation)
if (!ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Annotation reported on SensorHandle in frame when its ShouldCaptureThisFrame is false.");
if (!definition.IsValid())
throw new ArgumentException("The given annotationDefinition is invalid", nameof(definition));
DatasetCapture.Instance.currentSimulation.ReportAnnotation(this, definition, annotation);
/// <summary>
/// Creates an async annotation for reporting the values for an annotation during a future frame.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="annotationDefinition">The AnnotationDefinition of this annotation.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a handle to the <see cref="AsyncAnnotation"/>, which can be used to report annotation data during a subsequent frame.</returns>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if this method is called during a frame where <see cref="ShouldCaptureThisFrame"/> is false.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the given AnnotationDefinition is invalid.</exception>
public AsyncFuture<Annotation> ReportAnnotationAsync(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition)
if (!ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Annotation reported on SensorHandle in frame when its ShouldCaptureThisFrame is false.");
if (!annotationDefinition.IsValid())
throw new ArgumentException("The given annotationDefinition is invalid", nameof(annotationDefinition));
return DatasetCapture.Instance.currentSimulation.ReportAnnotationAsync(annotationDefinition, this);
public AsyncFuture<Sensor> ReportSensorAsync()
if (!ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Annotation reported on SensorHandle in frame when its ShouldCaptureThisFrame is false.");
if (!IsValid)
throw new ArgumentException($"The given annotationDefinition is invalid {Id}");
return DatasetCapture.Instance.currentSimulation.ReportSensorAsync(this);
public void ReportSensor(Sensor sensor)
if (!ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Annotation reported on SensorHandle in frame when its ShouldCaptureThisFrame is false.");
if (!IsValid)
throw new ArgumentException("The given annotationDefinition is invalid", Id);
DatasetCapture.Instance.currentSimulation.ReportSensor(this, sensor);
/// <summary>
/// Whether the sensor should capture this frame. Sensors are expected to call this method each frame to determine whether
/// they should capture during the frame. Captures should only be reported when this is true.
/// </summary>
public bool ShouldCaptureThisFrame => DatasetCapture.Instance.currentSimulation.ShouldCaptureThisFrame(this);
/// <summary>
/// Requests a capture from this sensor on the next rendered frame. Can only be used with manual capture mode (<see cref="CaptureTriggerMode.Manual"/>).
/// </summary>
public void RequestCapture()
public void ReportMetric(MetricDefinition definition, Metric metric)
if (!ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Annotation reported on SensorHandle in frame when its ShouldCaptureThisFrame is false.");
if (!IsValid)
throw new ArgumentException("The given annotationDefinition is invalid", Id);
DatasetCapture.Instance.currentSimulation.ReportMetric(this, definition, metric);
#if false
public MetricHandle ReportMetric(MetricDefinition definition, Metric metric)
if (metric == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metric));
if (!ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Sensor-based metrics may only be reported when SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame is true");
return DatasetCapture.Instance.simulationState.ReportMetric(this, definition, metric, default);
/// <summary>
/// Start an async metric for reporting metric values for this frame in a subsequent frame.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metricDefinition">The <see cref="MetricDefinition"/> of the metric</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if <see cref="ShouldCaptureThisFrame"/> is false</exception>
/// <returns>An <see cref="AsyncMetric"/> which should be used to report the metric values, potentially in a later frame</returns>
public AsyncFuture<Metric> ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition metricDefinition)
if (!ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Sensor-based metrics may only be reported when SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame is true");
if (!metricDefinition.IsValid())
throw new ArgumentException("The passed in metric definition is invalid", nameof(metricDefinition));
return DatasetCapture.Instance.currentSimulation.CreateAsyncMetric(metricDefinition, this);
/// <summary>
/// Dispose this SensorHandle.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
this.Enabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether this SensorHandle is valid in the current simulation. Nil SensorHandles are never valid.
/// </summary>
public bool IsValid => DatasetCapture.Instance.IsValid(this.Id);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if this SensorHandle was default-instantiated.
/// </summary>
public bool IsNil => this == default;
void CheckValid()
if (!DatasetCapture.Instance.IsValid(this.Id))
throw new InvalidOperationException("SensorHandle has been disposed or its simulation has ended");
/// <inheritdoc/>
public bool Equals(SensorHandle other)
switch (Id)
case null when other.Id == null:
return true;
case null:
return false;
return Id.Equals(other.Id);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is SensorHandle other && Equals(other);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
/// <summary>
/// Compares two <see cref="SensorHandle"/> instances for equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="left">The first SensorHandle.</param>
/// <param name="right">The second SensorHandle.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if the two SensorHandles refer to the same sensor.</returns>
public static bool operator==(SensorHandle left, SensorHandle right)
return left.Equals(right);
/// <summary>
/// Compares two <see cref="SensorHandle"/> instances for inequality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="left">The first SensorHandle.</param>
/// <param name="right">The second SensorHandle.</param>
/// <returns>Returns false if the two SensorHandles refer to the same sensor.</returns>
public static bool operator!=(SensorHandle left, SensorHandle right)
return !left.Equals(right);
/// <summary>
/// A handle to an annotation. Can be used to report metrics on the annotation.
/// </summary>
public readonly struct AnnotationHandle : IEquatable<AnnotationHandle>
readonly AnnotationDefinition m_Definition;
/// <summary>
/// The ID of the annotation which will be used in the json metadata.
/// </summary>
public string Id => m_Definition != null ? m_Definition.id : string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// The SensorHandle on which the annotation was reported
/// </summary>
public readonly SensorHandle SensorHandle;
internal AnnotationHandle(SensorHandle sensorHandle, AnnotationDefinition definition, int sequence, int step)
m_Definition = definition;
SensorHandle = sensorHandle;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the annotation is nil (created using default instantiation).
/// </summary>
public bool IsNil => Id == string.Empty;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public bool Equals(AnnotationHandle other)
return SensorHandle.Equals(other.SensorHandle) && m_Definition.Equals(other.m_Definition);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is AnnotationHandle other && Equals(other);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override int GetHashCode()
var hash = (Id != null ? StringComparer.InvariantCulture.GetHashCode(Id) : 0);
return hash;