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using System;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Profiling;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// <summary>
/// A CPU-based pass which computes bounding box and pixel counts per-object from instance segmentation images
/// </summary>
public class RenderedObjectInfoGenerator
static ProfilerMarker s_LabelJobs = new ProfilerMarker("Label Jobs");
static ProfilerMarker s_LabelMerge = new ProfilerMarker("Label Merge");
struct Object1DSpan
public uint instanceId;
public int row;
public int left;
public int right;
struct ComputeHistogramPerRowJob : IJob
public NativeSlice<uint> segmentationImageData;
public int width;
public int rows;
public int rowStart;
public NativeList<Object1DSpan> boundingBoxes;
public void Execute()
for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++)
var rowSlice = new NativeSlice<uint>(segmentationImageData, width * row, width);
var currentBB = new Object1DSpan
instanceId = 0,
row = row + rowStart
for (var i = 0; i < rowSlice.Length; i++)
var value = rowSlice[i];
if (value != currentBB.instanceId)
if (currentBB.instanceId > 0)
//save off currentBB
currentBB.right = i - 1;
currentBB = new Object1DSpan
instanceId = value,
left = i,
row = row + rowStart
if (currentBB.instanceId > 0)
//save off currentBB
currentBB.right = width - 1;
// ReSharper disable once InvalidXmlDocComment
/// <summary>
/// Compute RenderedObjectInfo for each visible object in the given instance segmentation image.
/// InstanceSegmentationRawData should be the raw data from a texture filled by <see cref="InstanceSegmentationUrpPass"/> or <see cref="InstanceSegmentationPass"/>
/// using the same LabelingConfiguration that was passed into this object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="instanceSegmentationRawData">The raw instance segmentation image.</param>
/// <param name="stride">Stride of the image data. Should be equal to the width of the image.</param>
/// <param name="boundingBoxOrigin">Whether bounding boxes should be top-left or bottom-right-based.</param>
/// <param name="renderedObjectInfos">When this method returns, filled with RenderedObjectInfo entries for each object visible in the frame.</param>
/// <param name="allocator">The allocator to use for allocating renderedObjectInfos and perLabelEntryObjectCount.</param>
public void Compute(NativeArray<uint> instanceSegmentationRawData, int stride, BoundingBoxOrigin boundingBoxOrigin, out NativeArray<RenderedObjectInfo> renderedObjectInfos, Allocator allocator)
const int jobCount = 24;
var height = instanceSegmentationRawData.Length / stride;
//special math to round up
var rowsPerJob = height / jobCount;
var rowRemainder = height % jobCount;
var handles = new NativeArray<JobHandle>(jobCount, Allocator.Temp);
var jobBoundingBoxLists = new NativeList<Object1DSpan>[jobCount];
using (s_LabelJobs.Auto())
for (int row = 0, jobIndex = 0; row < height; row += rowsPerJob, jobIndex++)
jobBoundingBoxLists[jobIndex] = new NativeList<Object1DSpan>(10, Allocator.TempJob);
var rowsThisJob = math.min(height - row, rowsPerJob);
if (jobIndex < rowRemainder)
handles[jobIndex] = new ComputeHistogramPerRowJob
segmentationImageData = new NativeSlice<uint>(instanceSegmentationRawData, row * stride, stride * rowsThisJob),
width = stride,
rowStart = row,
rows = rowsThisJob,
boundingBoxes = jobBoundingBoxLists[jobIndex]
if (jobIndex < rowRemainder)
//perLabelEntryObjectCount = new NativeArray<uint>(m_LabelingConfiguration.LabelEntries.Count, allocator);
var boundingBoxMap = new NativeHashMap<uint, RenderedObjectInfo>(100, Allocator.Temp);
using (s_LabelMerge.Auto())
foreach (var boundingBoxList in jobBoundingBoxLists)
if (!boundingBoxList.IsCreated)
foreach (var info1D in boundingBoxList)
var objectInfo = new RenderedObjectInfo
boundingBox = new Rect(info1D.left, info1D.row, info1D.right - info1D.left + 1, 1),
instanceId = info1D.instanceId,
pixelCount = info1D.right - info1D.left + 1
if (boundingBoxMap.TryGetValue(info1D.instanceId, out var info))
objectInfo.boundingBox = Rect.MinMaxRect(
math.min(info.boundingBox.xMin, objectInfo.boundingBox.xMin),
math.min(info.boundingBox.yMin, objectInfo.boundingBox.yMin),
math.max(info.boundingBox.xMax, objectInfo.boundingBox.xMax),
math.max(info.boundingBox.yMax, objectInfo.boundingBox.yMax));
objectInfo.pixelCount += info.pixelCount;
boundingBoxMap[info1D.instanceId] = objectInfo;
var keyValueArrays = boundingBoxMap.GetKeyValueArrays(Allocator.Temp);
renderedObjectInfos = new NativeArray<RenderedObjectInfo>(keyValueArrays.Keys.Length, allocator);
for (var i = 0; i < keyValueArrays.Keys.Length; i++)
var instanceId = keyValueArrays.Keys[i];
var renderedObjectInfo = keyValueArrays.Values[i];
var boundingBox = renderedObjectInfo.boundingBox;
if (boundingBoxOrigin == BoundingBoxOrigin.TopLeft)
var y = height - boundingBox.yMax;
boundingBox = new Rect(boundingBox.x, y, boundingBox.width, boundingBox.height);
renderedObjectInfos[i] = new RenderedObjectInfo
instanceId = instanceId,
boundingBox = boundingBox,
pixelCount = renderedObjectInfo.pixelCount
foreach (var rowBoundingBox in jobBoundingBoxLists)
if (rowBoundingBox.IsCreated)