using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// Heads up display panel used to publish a key value pair on the screen. Items added to this need
/// to have their values updated every frame, or else, they will be determined to be stale and removed
/// from the view and re-used for a new entry.
public class HUDPanel : MonoBehaviour
Dictionary entries = new Dictionary();
Stack orphans = new Stack();
/// The panel that will hold all of the key value panel elements, this reference is needed to be able to hide the panel
public GameObject contentPanel = null;
/// The scroll rect of the HUD panel, this reference is needed to be able to hide the panel
public ScrollRect scrollRect = null;
/// The background image of the HUD panel, this reference is needed to be able to hide the panel
public Image img = null;
void Update()
if (entries.Any() != scrollRect.enabled)
scrollRect.enabled = !scrollRect.enabled;
img.enabled = scrollRect.enabled;
foreach (var i in GetComponentsInChildren())
i.enabled = scrollRect.enabled;
// Go through everyone that has not been updated and remove them and
// if they have been updated mark them dirty for next round
var keys = new List(entries.Keys);
foreach (var key in keys)
var entry = entries[key];
if (!entry.Item1)
entry.Item1 = false;
entries[key] = entry;
/// Updates (or creates) an entry with the passed in key value pair
/// The key of the HUD entry
/// The value of the entry
public void UpdateEntry(string key, string value)
(bool, KeyValuePanel) val;
if (!entries.ContainsKey(key))
if (orphans.Any())
val = (true, orphans.Pop());
val = (true, GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("KeyValuePanel")).GetComponent());
val.Item2.transform.SetParent(contentPanel.transform, false);
val = entries[key];
val.Item1 = true;
entries[key] = val;
/// Removes the key value pair from the HUD
/// The key of the entry to remove
public void RemoveEntry(string key)
if (entries.ContainsKey(key))
var entry = entries[key];
/// Removes all of the passed in entries from the HUD
/// List of keys to remove from the panel
public void RemoveEntries(List keys)
foreach (var k in keys) RemoveEntry(k);
/// Removes all of the passed in entries from the HUD
/// List of keys t remove from the panel
public void RemoveEntries(string[] keys)
foreach (var k in keys) RemoveEntry(k);