using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Simulation; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering; #if HDRP_PRESENT using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition; #endif namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth { /// /// Labeler which generates a local position image each frame. /// [Serializable] public sealed class LocalPositionLabeler : CameraLabeler, IOverlayPanelProvider { /// public override string description { get => "Generates a local position image for each captured frame."; protected set {} } const string k_LocalPositionDirectory = "LocalPosition"; const string k_LocalPositionFilePrefix = "localPosition_"; internal string LocalPositionDirectory; /// /// The id to associate with semantic segmentation annotations in the dataset. /// [Tooltip("The id to associate with local position annotations in the dataset.")] public string annotationId = "12f94d8d-5425-4deb-9b21-5e53ad957d66"; /// /// The IdLabelConfig which maps labels to pixel values. /// public IdLabelConfig labelConfig; /// /// Event information for /// public struct ImageReadbackEventArgs { /// /// The on which the image was rendered. This may be multiple frames in the past. /// public int frameCount; /// /// Color pixel data. /// public NativeArray data; /// /// The source image texture. /// public RenderTexture sourceTexture; } /// /// Event which is called each frame a local position image is read back from the GPU. /// public event Action imageReadback; /// /// The RenderTexture on which local position images are drawn. Will be resized on startup to match /// the camera resolution. /// public RenderTexture targetTexture => m_TargetTextureOverride; /// public Texture overlayImage=> targetTexture; /// public string label => "LocalPosition"; [Tooltip("(Optional) The RenderTexture on which local position images will be drawn. Will be reformatted on startup.")] [SerializeField] RenderTexture m_TargetTextureOverride; AnnotationDefinition m_LocalPositionAnnotationDefinition; RenderTextureReader m_LocalPositionTextureReader; #if HDRP_PRESENT LocalPositionPass m_LocalPositionPass; LensDistortionPass m_LensDistortionPass; #elif URP_PRESENT LocalPositionUrpPass m_LocalPositionPass; LensDistortionUrpPass m_LensDistortionPass; #endif Dictionary m_AsyncAnnotations; /// /// Creates a new LocalPositionLabeler. Be sure to assign before adding to a . /// public LocalPositionLabeler() { } /// /// Creates a new LocalPositionLabeler with the given . /// /// The label config associating labels with colors. /// Override the target texture of the labeler. Will be reformatted on startup. public LocalPositionLabeler(IdLabelConfig labelConfig, RenderTexture targetTextureOverride = null) { this.labelConfig = labelConfig; m_TargetTextureOverride = targetTextureOverride; } struct LocalPositionSpec { // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming // ReSharper disable once NotAccessedField.Local public int label_id; } struct AsyncLocalPositionWrite { public NativeArray data; public int width; public int height; public string path; } /// protected override bool supportsVisualization => true; /// protected override void Setup() { var myCamera = perceptionCamera.GetComponent(); var camWidth = myCamera.pixelWidth; var camHeight = myCamera.pixelHeight; if (labelConfig == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "LocalPositionLabeler's LabelConfig must be assigned"); } m_AsyncAnnotations = new Dictionary(); if (targetTexture != null) { if (targetTexture.sRGB) { Debug.LogError("targetTexture supplied to LocalPositionLabeler must be in Linear mode. Disabling labeler."); enabled = false; } var renderTextureDescriptor = new RenderTextureDescriptor(camWidth, camHeight, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, 8); targetTexture.descriptor = renderTextureDescriptor; } else m_TargetTextureOverride = new RenderTexture(camWidth, camHeight, 8, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear); targetTexture.Create(); = "Labeling"; LocalPositionDirectory = k_LocalPositionDirectory + Guid.NewGuid(); #if HDRP_PRESENT var gameObject = perceptionCamera.gameObject; var customPassVolume = gameObject.GetComponent() ?? gameObject.AddComponent(); customPassVolume.injectionPoint = CustomPassInjectionPoint.BeforeRendering; customPassVolume.isGlobal = true; m_LocalPositionPass = new LocalPositionPass(myCamera, targetTexture, labelConfig) { name = "Labeling Pass" }; customPassVolume.customPasses.Add(m_LocalPositionPass); m_LensDistortionPass = new LensDistortionPass(myCamera, targetTexture) { name = "Lens Distortion Pass" }; customPassVolume.customPasses.Add(m_LensDistortionPass); #elif URP_PRESENT // Local Position Pass m_LocalPositionPass = new LocalPositionUrpPass(myCamera, targetTexture, labelConfig); perceptionCamera.AddScriptableRenderPass(m_LocalPositionPass); // Lens Distortion Pass m_LensDistortionPass = new LensDistortionUrpPass(myCamera, targetTexture); perceptionCamera.AddScriptableRenderPass(m_LensDistortionPass); #endif var specs = labelConfig.labelEntries.Select(l => new LocalPositionSpec { label_id = }); m_LocalPositionAnnotationDefinition = DatasetCapture.RegisterAnnotationDefinition( "local position", specs.ToArray(), "pixel-wise local position label", "PNG", Guid.Parse(annotationId)); m_LocalPositionTextureReader = new RenderTextureReader(targetTexture); visualizationEnabled = supportsVisualization; } void OnLocalPositionImageRead(int frameCount, NativeArray data) { if (!m_AsyncAnnotations.TryGetValue(frameCount, out var annotation)) return; var datasetRelativePath = $"{LocalPositionDirectory}/{k_LocalPositionFilePrefix}{frameCount}.png"; var localPath = $"{Manager.Instance.GetDirectoryFor(LocalPositionDirectory)}/{k_LocalPositionFilePrefix}{frameCount}.png"; annotation.ReportFile(datasetRelativePath); var asyncRequest = Manager.Instance.CreateRequest>(); imageReadback?.Invoke(new ImageReadbackEventArgs { data = data, frameCount = frameCount, sourceTexture = targetTexture }); = new AsyncLocalPositionWrite { data = new NativeArray(data, Allocator.Persistent), width = targetTexture.width, height = targetTexture.height, path = localPath }; asyncRequest.Enqueue(r => { var pngBytes = ImageConversion.EncodeArrayToPNG(, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, (uint), (uint); File.WriteAllBytes(, pngBytes); Manager.Instance.ConsumerFileProduced(;; return AsyncRequest.Result.Completed; }); asyncRequest.Execute(); } /// protected override void OnEndRendering(ScriptableRenderContext scriptableRenderContext) { m_AsyncAnnotations[Time.frameCount] = perceptionCamera.SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationAsync(m_LocalPositionAnnotationDefinition); m_LocalPositionTextureReader.Capture(scriptableRenderContext, (frameCount, data, renderTexture) => OnLocalPositionImageRead(frameCount, data)); } /// protected override void Cleanup() { m_LocalPositionTextureReader?.WaitForAllImages(); m_LocalPositionTextureReader?.Dispose(); m_LocalPositionTextureReader = null; if (m_TargetTextureOverride != null) m_TargetTextureOverride.Release(); m_TargetTextureOverride = null; } } }