using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel; using UnityEngine.Profiling; namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth { public class SimulationState { // TODO I want to find a better way to control this... public static int TimeOutFrameCount = 1000; public enum ExecutionStateType { NotStarted, Starting, Running, ShuttingDown, Complete } internal bool IsRunning() { return !IsNotRunning(); } internal bool IsNotRunning() { return ExecutionState == ExecutionStateType.NotStarted || ExecutionState == ExecutionStateType.Complete; } internal ExecutionStateType ExecutionState { get; private set; } HashSet m_ActiveSensors = new HashSet(); Dictionary m_Sensors = new Dictionary(); internal ConsumerEndpoint consumerEndpoint { get; set; } int m_SequenceId = 0; HashSet _Ids = new HashSet(); // Always use the property SequenceTimeMs instead int m_FrameCountLastUpdatedSequenceTime; float m_SequenceTimeDoNotUse; float m_UnscaledSequenceTimeDoNotUse; int m_FrameCountLastStepIncremented = -1; int m_TotalFrames = 0; int m_Step = -1; List m_AdditionalInfoTypeData = new List(); #if false Dictionary m_FrameToPendingIdMap = new Dictionary(); Dictionary m_PendingIdToFrameMap = new Dictionary(); SortedDictionary m_PendingFrames = new SortedDictionary(); #else Dictionary m_FrameToPendingIdMap = new Dictionary(); Dictionary m_PendingIdToFrameMap = new Dictionary(); SortedDictionary m_PendingFrames = new SortedDictionary(); #endif CustomSampler m_SerializeCapturesSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeCaptures"); CustomSampler m_SerializeCapturesAsyncSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeCapturesAsync"); CustomSampler m_JsonToStringSampler = CustomSampler.Create("JsonToString"); CustomSampler m_WriteToDiskSampler = CustomSampler.Create("WriteJsonToDisk"); CustomSampler m_SerializeMetricsSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeMetrics"); CustomSampler m_SerializeMetricsAsyncSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeMetricsAsync"); CustomSampler m_GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrameSampler = CustomSampler.Create("GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame"); float m_LastTimeScale; struct FrameId : IComparable { public FrameId(int sequence, int step) { this.sequence = sequence; this.step = step; } public int sequence; public int step; public override string ToString() { return $"({sequence},{step})"; } internal static FrameId FromPendingId(PendingId id) { return new FrameId { sequence = id.Sequence, step = id.Step }; } public int CompareTo(FrameId other) { var sequenceComparison = sequence.CompareTo(other.sequence); return sequenceComparison != 0 ? sequenceComparison : step.CompareTo(other.step); } } //A sensor will be triggered if sequenceTime is within includeThreshold seconds of the next trigger const float k_SimulationTimingAccuracy = 0.01f; public SimulationState(ConsumerEndpoint endpoint) { ExecutionState = ExecutionStateType.NotStarted; m_SimulationMetadata = new SimulationMetadata() { unityVersion = Application.unityVersion, perceptionVersion = DatasetCapture.PerceptionVersion, }; consumerEndpoint = endpoint; } bool readyToShutdown => !m_PendingFrames.Any(); public (int sequence, int step) GetSequenceAndStepFromFrame(int frame) { return m_FrameToPendingIdMap.TryGetValue(frame, out var penId) ? (penId.sequence, penId.step) : (-1, -1); } public PendingId ReportMetric(MetricDefinition definition, object[] values) { if (definition == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(definition)); var metricId = PendingId.CreateMetricId(m_SequenceId, AcquireStep(),; var frameId = new FrameId(m_SequenceId, AcquireStep()); var metric = new GenericMetric(, string.Empty, frameId.sequence, frameId.step, values); var pendingFrame = GetOrCreatePendingFrame(frameId); if (pendingFrame == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not get or create a pending frame for {frameId}"); pendingFrame.AddMetric(metricId, metric); return metricId; } #if false public class PendingFrameId2 : Tuple { public PendingFrameId2(int item1, int item2) : base(item1, item2) { } } public interface IPendingId { PendingFrameId AsFrameId(); PendingSensorId AsSensorId(); } public readonly struct PendingFrameId : IPendingId, IEquatable, IEquatable, IEquatable, IComparable { public PendingFrameId(int sequence, int step) { Sequence = sequence; Step = step; } public bool IsValid() { return Sequence >= 0 && Step >= 0; } public int Sequence { get; } public int Step { get; } public PendingFrameId AsFrameId() { return this; } public PendingSensorId AsSensorId() { return new PendingSensorId(string.Empty,this); } public bool Equals(PendingFrameId other) { return Sequence == other.Sequence && Step == other.Step; } public bool Equals(PendingSensorId other) { var otherId = other.AsFrameId(); return Sequence == otherId.Sequence && Step == otherId.Step; } public bool Equals(PendingCaptureId other) { var otherId = other.AsFrameId(); return Sequence == otherId.Sequence && Step == otherId.Step; } public int CompareTo(PendingFrameId other) { if (Sequence == other.Sequence) return Step - other.Step; return Sequence - other.Sequence; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is PendingFrameId other && Equals(other); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { return (Sequence * 397) ^ Step; } } } public readonly struct PendingSensorId : IPendingId, IEquatable, IEquatable, IEquatable { public PendingSensorId(string sensorId, int sequence, int step) { SensorId = sensorId; m_FrameId = new PendingFrameId(sequence, step); } public PendingSensorId(string sensorId, PendingFrameId frameId) { SensorId = sensorId; m_FrameId = frameId; } public bool IsValid() { return m_FrameId.IsValid() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SensorId); } public string SensorId { get; } readonly PendingFrameId m_FrameId; public PendingFrameId AsFrameId() { return m_FrameId; } public PendingSensorId AsSensorId() { return this; } public bool Equals(PendingSensorId other) { return SensorId == other.SensorId && m_FrameId.Equals(other.m_FrameId); } public bool Equals(PendingFrameId other) { return m_FrameId.Equals(other); } public bool Equals(PendingCaptureId other) { return Equals(other.SensorId); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is PendingSensorId other && Equals(other); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { return ((SensorId != null ? SensorId.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397) ^ m_FrameId.GetHashCode(); } } } public readonly struct PendingCaptureId : IPendingId, IEquatable, IEquatable, IEquatable { public PendingCaptureId(string sensorId, string captureId, int sequence, int step) { CaptureId = captureId; SensorId = new PendingSensorId(sensorId, sequence, step); } public PendingCaptureId(string captureId, PendingSensorId frameId) { CaptureId = captureId; SensorId = frameId; } public string CaptureId { get; } public PendingSensorId SensorId { get; } public PendingFrameId AsFrameId() { return SensorId.AsFrameId(); } public PendingSensorId AsSensorId() { return SensorId; } public bool IsValid() { return SensorId.IsValid() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CaptureId); } public bool Equals(PendingCaptureId other) { return CaptureId == other.CaptureId && SensorId.Equals(other.SensorId); } public bool Equals(PendingSensorId other) { return SensorId.Equals(other); } public bool Equals(PendingFrameId other) { return SensorId.AsFrameId().Equals(other); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is PendingCaptureId other && Equals(other); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { return ((CaptureId != null ? CaptureId.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397) ^ SensorId.GetHashCode(); } } } #endif public class PendingSensor { public PendingSensor(PendingId id) { if (!id.IsValidSensorId) throw new ArgumentException("Passed in wrong ID type"); m_Id = id; m_SensorData = null; Annotations = new Dictionary(); } public PendingSensor(PendingId id, Sensor sensorData) : this(id) { if (!id.IsValidSensorId) throw new ArgumentException("Passed in wrong ID type"); m_SensorData = sensorData; } public Sensor ToSensor() { if (!IsReadyToReport()) return null; m_SensorData.annotations = Annotations.Select(kvp => kvp.Value); return m_SensorData; } PendingId m_Id; Sensor m_SensorData; public Dictionary Annotations { get; private set; } //public bool IsPending(IAsyncFuture asyncFuture) public bool IsPending(AsyncFuture asyncFuture) where T : DataModelBase { switch (asyncFuture.FutureType) { case FutureType.Sensor: return m_SensorData == null; case FutureType.Annotation: { var id = asyncFuture.pendingId; if (!id.IsValidAnnotationId) throw new InvalidOperationException("Passed in ID was not correct type for annotation"); if (!Annotations.ContainsKey(id)) throw new InvalidOperationException(""); return Annotations[id] == null; } case FutureType.Metric: { throw new InvalidOperationException("Metrics should not be registered with sensors"); } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } // TODO decide if I should report boolean values or handle it with exceptions public bool ReportAsyncResult(AsyncFuture asyncFuture, object result) where T : DataModelBase { switch (asyncFuture.FutureType) { case FutureType.Sensor: if (!(result is Sensor sensor)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Tried to report a non-sensor value with an async sensor"); } m_SensorData = sensor; return true; case FutureType.Annotation: { var id = asyncFuture.pendingId; if (!id.IsValidAnnotationId) throw new InvalidOperationException("Passed in ID was not correct type for annotation"); if (!Annotations.ContainsKey(id)) throw new InvalidOperationException(""); if (!(result is Annotation annotation)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Tried to report a non-annotation value with an async annotation"); } Annotations[id] = annotation; return true; } case FutureType.Metric: { Debug.LogError("Metrics should not be sent to sensors"); return false; } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } public bool IsReadyToReport() { return m_SensorData != null && Annotations.All(i => i.Value != null); } } class PendingFrame { public FrameId PendingId { get; } public float Timestamp { get; } Dictionary m_Sensors; Dictionary m_Metrics; public IEnumerable sensors => m_Sensors.Values; public IEnumerable metrics => m_Metrics.Values; public bool CaptureReported { get; set; } = false; public PendingFrame(FrameId pendingFrameId, float timestamp) { PendingId = pendingFrameId; Timestamp = timestamp; m_Sensors = new Dictionary(); m_Metrics = new Dictionary(); } public bool IsReadyToReport() { return m_Metrics.All(i => i.Value != null) && m_Sensors.All(sensor => sensor.Value.IsReadyToReport()); } public PendingSensor GetOrCreatePendingSensor(PendingId sensorId) { if (!sensorId.IsValidSensorId) throw new ArgumentException("Passed in a non-sensor ID"); return GetOrCreatePendingSensor(sensorId, out var _); } PendingSensor GetOrCreatePendingSensor(PendingId pendingId, out bool created) { created = false; if (!pendingId.IsValidSensorId) { throw new ArgumentException("Passed in an invalid sensor ID"); } if (!m_Sensors.TryGetValue(pendingId.SensorId, out var pendingSensor)) { pendingSensor = new PendingSensor(pendingId); m_Sensors[pendingId.SensorId] = pendingSensor; created = true; } return pendingSensor; } public bool IsPending(AsyncFuture asyncFuture) where T : DataModelBase { var pendingId = asyncFuture.pendingId; if (pendingId == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Async future did not have an ID"); if (asyncFuture.FutureType == FutureType.Metric) { if (!pendingId.IsValidMetricId) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("AsyncFuture has the wrong ID type for a metric"); } var metricId = pendingId.MetricId; return m_Metrics.ContainsKey(metricId) && m_Metrics[metricId] == null; } if (!pendingId.IsValidSensorId) throw new InvalidOperationException("Pending ID is not a valid sensor ID"); return m_Sensors.TryGetValue(pendingId.SensorId, out var pendingSensor) && pendingSensor.IsPending(asyncFuture); } public bool ReportAsyncResult(AsyncFuture asyncFuture, T result) where T : DataModelBase { var pendingId = asyncFuture.pendingId; if (pendingId == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Async future did not have an ID"); if (asyncFuture.FutureType == FutureType.Metric) { if (!(result is Metric metric)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Future is associated with a non-metric result"); if (!pendingId.IsValidMetricId) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("AsyncFuture has the wrong ID type for a metric"); } m_Metrics[pendingId.MetricId] = metric; return true; } if (!pendingId.IsValidSensorId) throw new InvalidOperationException("Pending ID is not a valid sensor ID"); var sensor = GetOrCreatePendingSensor(pendingId); return sensor.ReportAsyncResult(asyncFuture, result); } public void AddSensor(PendingId id, Sensor sensor) { if (!id.IsValidSensorId) throw new ArgumentException("Passed in ID is not a valid sensor ID"); m_Sensors[id.SensorId] = new PendingSensor(id, sensor); } public void AddMetric(PendingId id, Metric metric) { if (!id.IsValidMetricId) throw new ArgumentException("Passed in ID is not a valid metric ID"); m_Metrics[id.MetricId] = metric; } } public struct SensorData { public string modality; public string description; public float firstCaptureTime; public CaptureTriggerMode captureTriggerMode; public float renderingDeltaTime; public int framesBetweenCaptures; public bool manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming; public float sequenceTimeOfNextCapture; public float sequenceTimeOfNextRender; public int lastCaptureFrameCount; } enum AdditionalInfoKind { Metric, Annotation } struct AdditionalInfoTypeData : IEquatable { public string name; public string description; public string format; public Guid id; public Array specValues; public AdditionalInfoKind additionalInfoKind; public override string ToString() { return $"{nameof(name)}: {name}, {nameof(description)}: {description}, {nameof(format)}: {format}, {nameof(id)}: {id}"; } public bool Equals(AdditionalInfoTypeData other) { var areMembersEqual = additionalInfoKind == other.additionalInfoKind && string.Equals(name,, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) && string.Equals(description, other.description, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) && string.Equals(format, other.format, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) && id.Equals(; if (!areMembersEqual) return false; if (specValues == other.specValues) return true; if (specValues == null || other.specValues == null) return false; if (specValues.Length != other.specValues.Length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < specValues.Length; i++) { if (!specValues.GetValue(i).Equals(other.specValues.GetValue(i))) return false; } return true; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is AdditionalInfoTypeData other && Equals(other); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { // ReSharper disable NonReadonlyMemberInGetHashCode var hashCode = (name != null ? StringComparer.InvariantCulture.GetHashCode(name) : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (description != null ? StringComparer.InvariantCulture.GetHashCode(description) : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (format != null ? StringComparer.InvariantCulture.GetHashCode(format) : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ id.GetHashCode(); return hashCode; } } } /// /// Use this to get the current step when it is desirable to ensure the step has been allocated for this frame. Steps should only be allocated in frames where a capture or metric is reported. /// /// The current step int AcquireStep() { EnsureStepIncremented(); EnsureSequenceTimingsUpdated(); return m_Step; } // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming /// /// The simulation time that has elapsed since the beginning of the sequence. /// public float SequenceTime { get { //TODO: Can this be replaced with Time.time - sequenceTimeStart? if (ExecutionState != ExecutionStateType.Running) return 0; EnsureSequenceTimingsUpdated(); return m_SequenceTimeDoNotUse; } } /// /// The unscaled simulation time that has elapsed since the beginning of the sequence. This is the time that should be used for scheduling sensors /// public float UnscaledSequenceTime { get { //TODO: Can this be replaced with Time.time - sequenceTimeStart? if (ExecutionState != ExecutionStateType.Running) return 0; EnsureSequenceTimingsUpdated(); return m_UnscaledSequenceTimeDoNotUse; } } void EnsureSequenceTimingsUpdated() { if (ExecutionState != ExecutionStateType.Running) { ResetTimings(); } else if (m_FrameCountLastUpdatedSequenceTime != Time.frameCount) { m_SequenceTimeDoNotUse += Time.deltaTime; if (Time.timeScale > 0) m_UnscaledSequenceTimeDoNotUse += Time.deltaTime / Time.timeScale; CheckTimeScale(); m_FrameCountLastUpdatedSequenceTime = Time.frameCount; } } void CheckTimeScale() { if (m_LastTimeScale != Time.timeScale) Debug.LogError($"Time.timeScale may not change mid-sequence. This can cause sensors to get out of sync and corrupt the data. Previous: {m_LastTimeScale} Current: {Time.timeScale}"); m_LastTimeScale = Time.timeScale; } void EnsureStepIncremented() { if (m_FrameCountLastStepIncremented != Time.frameCount) { m_FrameCountLastStepIncremented = Time.frameCount; m_Step++; } } public void StartNewSequence() { ResetTimings(); m_FrameCountLastStepIncremented = -1; m_SequenceId++; m_Step = -1; foreach (var kvp in m_Sensors.ToArray()) { var sensorData = kvp.Value; sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = GetSequenceTimeOfNextCapture(sensorData); sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender = 0; m_Sensors[kvp.Key] = sensorData; } } void ResetTimings() { m_FrameCountLastUpdatedSequenceTime = Time.frameCount; m_SequenceTimeDoNotUse = 0; m_UnscaledSequenceTimeDoNotUse = 0; m_LastTimeScale = Time.timeScale; } string RegisterId(string requestedId) { var id = requestedId; var i = 0; while (_Ids.Contains(id)) { id = $"{requestedId}_{i++}"; } _Ids.Add(id); return id; } public SensorHandle AddSensor(SensorDefinition sensor, float renderingDeltaTime) { var sensorData = new SensorData() { modality = sensor.modality, description = sensor.definition, firstCaptureTime = UnscaledSequenceTime + sensor.firstCaptureFrame * renderingDeltaTime, captureTriggerMode = sensor.captureTriggerMode, renderingDeltaTime = renderingDeltaTime, framesBetweenCaptures = sensor.framesBetweenCaptures, manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming = sensor.manualSensorsAffectTiming, lastCaptureFrameCount = -1 }; sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = GetSequenceTimeOfNextCapture(sensorData); sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender = UnscaledSequenceTime; = RegisterId(; var sensorHandle = new SensorHandle(; m_ActiveSensors.Add(sensorHandle); m_Sensors.Add(sensorHandle, sensorData); consumerEndpoint.SensorRegistered(sensor); if (ExecutionState == ExecutionStateType.NotStarted) { ExecutionState = ExecutionStateType.Starting; } return sensorHandle; } #if false public void AddSensor(EgoHandle egoHandle, string modality, string description, float firstCaptureFrame, CaptureTriggerMode captureTriggerMode, float renderingDeltaTime, int framesBetweenCaptures, bool manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming, SensorHandle sensor) { var sensorData = new SensorData() { modality = modality, description = description, firstCaptureTime = UnscaledSequenceTime + firstCaptureFrame * renderingDeltaTime, captureTriggerMode = captureTriggerMode, renderingDeltaTime = renderingDeltaTime, framesBetweenCaptures = framesBetweenCaptures, manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming = manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming, egoHandle = egoHandle, lastCaptureFrameCount = -1 }; sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = GetSequenceTimeOfNextCapture(sensorData); sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender = UnscaledSequenceTime; m_ActiveSensors.Add(sensor); m_Sensors.Add(sensor, sensorData); m_Ids.Add(sensor.Id); GetActiveConsumer()?.OnSensorRegistered(new SensorDefinition("camera", modality, description)); } #endif float GetSequenceTimeOfNextCapture(SensorData sensorData) { // If the first capture hasn't happened yet, sequenceTimeNextCapture field won't be valid if (sensorData.firstCaptureTime >= UnscaledSequenceTime) { return sensorData.captureTriggerMode == CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled? sensorData.firstCaptureTime : float.MaxValue; } return sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture; } public bool Contains(string id) => _Ids.Contains(id); public bool IsEnabled(SensorHandle sensorHandle) => m_ActiveSensors.Contains(sensorHandle); public void SetEnabled(SensorHandle sensorHandle, bool value) { if (!value) m_ActiveSensors.Remove(sensorHandle); else m_ActiveSensors.Add(sensorHandle); } static void CheckDatasetAllowed() { if (!Application.isPlaying) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Dataset generation is only supported in play mode."); } } SimulationMetadata m_SimulationMetadata; #if false internal void TryToClearOut() { if (ReadyToShutdown) return; WritePendingCaptures(true, true); } #endif public void Update() { // If there aren't any sensors then we are currently stateless? if (ExecutionState == ExecutionStateType.NotStarted) { Debug.Log("SS - Not Started"); return; } if (ExecutionState == ExecutionStateType.Starting) { Debug.Log("SS - Starting"); UpdateStarting(); } if (ExecutionState == ExecutionStateType.Running) { Debug.Log("SS - Running"); UpdateRunning(); } if (ExecutionState == ExecutionStateType.ShuttingDown) { Debug.Log("SS - Shutting Down"); UpdateShuttdingDown(); } if (ExecutionState == ExecutionStateType.Complete) { Debug.Log("SS - Complete"); UpdateComplete(); } } void UpdateStarting() { m_SimulationMetadata = new SimulationMetadata() { unityVersion = Application.unityVersion, perceptionVersion = DatasetCapture.PerceptionVersion, }; consumerEndpoint.SimulationStarted(m_SimulationMetadata); //simulation starts now m_FrameCountLastUpdatedSequenceTime = Time.frameCount; m_LastTimeScale = Time.timeScale; ExecutionState = ExecutionStateType.Running; } void UpdateRunning() { EnsureSequenceTimingsUpdated(); //update the active sensors sequenceTimeNextCapture and lastCaptureFrameCount foreach (var activeSensor in m_ActiveSensors) { var sensorData = m_Sensors[activeSensor]; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPaused) { //When the user clicks the 'step' button in the editor, frames will always progress at .02 seconds per step. //In this case, just run all sensors each frame to allow for debugging Debug.Log($"Frame step forced all sensors to synchronize, changing frame timings."); sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender = UnscaledSequenceTime; sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = UnscaledSequenceTime; } #endif if (Mathf.Abs(sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender - UnscaledSequenceTime) < k_SimulationTimingAccuracy) { //means this frame fulfills this sensor's simulation time requirements, we can move target to next frame. sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender += sensorData.renderingDeltaTime; } if (activeSensor.ShouldCaptureThisFrame) { if (sensorData.captureTriggerMode.Equals(CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled)) { sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture += sensorData.renderingDeltaTime * (sensorData.framesBetweenCaptures + 1); Debug.Assert(sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture > UnscaledSequenceTime, $"Next scheduled capture should be after {UnscaledSequenceTime} but is {sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture}"); while (sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture <= UnscaledSequenceTime) sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture += sensorData.renderingDeltaTime * (sensorData.framesBetweenCaptures + 1); } else if (sensorData.captureTriggerMode.Equals(CaptureTriggerMode.Manual)) { sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = float.MaxValue; } sensorData.lastCaptureFrameCount = Time.frameCount; } m_Sensors[activeSensor] = sensorData; } //find the deltatime required to land on the next active sensor that needs simulation var nextFrameDt = float.PositiveInfinity; foreach (var activeSensor in m_ActiveSensors) { float thisSensorNextFrameDt = -1; var sensorData = m_Sensors[activeSensor]; if (sensorData.captureTriggerMode.Equals(CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled)) { thisSensorNextFrameDt = sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender - UnscaledSequenceTime; Debug.Assert(thisSensorNextFrameDt > 0f, "Sensor was scheduled to capture in the past but got skipped over."); } else if (sensorData.captureTriggerMode.Equals(CaptureTriggerMode.Manual) && sensorData.manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming) { thisSensorNextFrameDt = sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender - UnscaledSequenceTime; } if (thisSensorNextFrameDt > 0f && thisSensorNextFrameDt < nextFrameDt) { nextFrameDt = thisSensorNextFrameDt; } } if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(nextFrameDt)) { //means no sensor is controlling simulation timing, so we set Time.captureDeltaTime to 0 (default) which means the setting does not do anything nextFrameDt = 0; } WritePendingCaptures(); Time.captureDeltaTime = nextFrameDt; } void UpdateShuttdingDown() { if (_Ids.Count == 0) { ExecutionState = ExecutionStateType.NotStarted; return; } WritePendingCaptures(true, true); #if false if (m_AdditionalInfoTypeData.Any()) { List labels = new List(); foreach (var infoTypeData in m_AdditionalInfoTypeData) { if (infoTypeData.specValues == null) continue; foreach (var spec in infoTypeData.specValues) { if (spec is IdLabelConfig.LabelEntrySpec entrySpec) { labels.Add(entrySpec); } } // Debug.Log($"adt: {infoTypeData}"); } } // WriteReferences(); #endif Time.captureDeltaTime = 0; OnComplete(); } void OnComplete() { if (_Ids.Count == 0) return; if (readyToShutdown) { var metadata = new CompletionMetadata() { unityVersion = m_SimulationMetadata.unityVersion, perceptionVersion = m_SimulationMetadata.perceptionVersion, renderPipeline = m_SimulationMetadata.renderPipeline, totalFrames = m_TotalFrames }; consumerEndpoint.SimulationCompleted(metadata); ExecutionState = ExecutionStateType.NotStarted; VerifyNoMorePendingFrames(); } } void UpdateComplete() { VerifyNoMorePendingFrames(); } void VerifyNoMorePendingFrames() { if (m_PendingFrames.Count > 0) Debug.LogError($"Simulation ended with pending {m_PendingFrames.Count} annotations (final id): {m_PendingFrames.Last().Key}"); } public void SetNextCaptureTimeToNowForSensor(SensorHandle sensorHandle) { if (!m_Sensors.ContainsKey(sensorHandle)) { Debug.LogError($"Tried to set a capture time for an unregistered sensor: {sensorHandle}"); return; } var data = m_Sensors[sensorHandle]; data.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture = UnscaledSequenceTime; m_Sensors[sensorHandle] = data; } public bool ShouldCaptureThisFrame(SensorHandle sensorHandle) { if (!m_Sensors.ContainsKey(sensorHandle)) return false; var data = m_Sensors[sensorHandle]; if (data.lastCaptureFrameCount == Time.frameCount) return true; return data.sequenceTimeOfNextCapture - UnscaledSequenceTime < k_SimulationTimingAccuracy; } #if false public IEnumerator End() { if (_Ids.Count == 0) yield break; while (m_PendingFrames.Count > 0) { WritePendingCaptures(true, true); yield return null; } if (m_PendingFrames.Count > 0) Debug.LogError($"Simulation ended with pending annotations: {string.Join(", ", m_PendingFrames.Select(c => $"id:{c.Key}"))}"); #if false WritePendingMetrics(true); if (m_PendingMetrics.Count > 0) Debug.LogError($"Simulation ended with pending metrics: {string.Join(", ", m_PendingMetrics.Select(c => $"id:{c.MetricId} step:{c.Step}"))}"); #endif if (m_AdditionalInfoTypeData.Any()) { List labels = new List(); foreach (var infoTypeData in m_AdditionalInfoTypeData) { if (infoTypeData.specValues == null) continue; foreach (var spec in infoTypeData.specValues) { if (spec is IdLabelConfig.LabelEntrySpec entrySpec) { labels.Add(entrySpec); } } // Debug.Log($"adt: {infoTypeData}"); } } // WriteReferences(); Time.captureDeltaTime = 0; IsRunning = false; var metadata = new CompletionMetadata() { unityVersion = m_SimulationMetadata.unityVersion, perceptionVersion = m_SimulationMetadata.perceptionVersion, renderPipeline = m_SimulationMetadata.renderPipeline, totalFrames = m_TotalFrames }; consumerEndpoint.OnSimulationCompleted(metadata); } #else internal bool CapturesLeft() { return m_PendingFrames.Count > 0; } public void End() { // This is just here for debug reasons, this here will always report errors, but they get cleaned up in shutdown // VerifyNoMorePendingFrames(); Time.captureDeltaTime = 0; ExecutionState = ExecutionStateType.ShuttingDown; } #endif public void RegisterAnnotationDefinition(AnnotationDefinition definition) { = RegisterId(; consumerEndpoint.AnnotationRegistered(definition); } public void RegisterMetric(MetricDefinition definition) { = RegisterId(; consumerEndpoint.MetricRegistered(definition); } void RegisterAdditionalInfoType(string name, TSpec[] specValues, string description, string format, Guid id, AdditionalInfoKind additionalInfoKind) { CheckDatasetAllowed(); var annotationDefinitionInfo = new AdditionalInfoTypeData() { additionalInfoKind = additionalInfoKind, name = name, description = description, format = format, id = id, specValues = specValues }; #if false if (!m_Ids.Add(id.ToString())) { foreach (var existingAnnotationDefinition in m_AdditionalInfoTypeData) { if ( == id) { if (existingAnnotationDefinition.Equals(annotationDefinitionInfo)) { return; } throw new ArgumentException($"{id} has already been registered to an AnnotationDefinition or MetricDefinition with different information.\nExisting: {existingAnnotationDefinition}"); } } throw new ArgumentException($"Id {id} is already in use. Ids must be unique."); } #endif m_AdditionalInfoTypeData.Add(annotationDefinitionInfo); } public PendingId ReportSensor(SensorHandle handle, Sensor sensor) { var step = AcquireStep(); var id = PendingId.CreateSensorId(m_SequenceId, step, handle.Id); var pendingFrame = GetOrCreatePendingFrame(id); pendingFrame.AddSensor(id, sensor); return id; } public PendingId ReportAnnotation(SensorHandle sensorHandle, AnnotationDefinition definition, Annotation annotation) { var step = AcquireStep(); var sensorId = PendingId.CreateSensorId(m_SequenceId, step, sensorHandle.Id); var pendingFrame = GetOrCreatePendingFrame(sensorId); var sensor = pendingFrame.GetOrCreatePendingSensor(sensorId); var annotationId = PendingId.CreateAnnotationId(m_SequenceId, step, sensorHandle.Id,; sensor.Annotations[annotationId] = annotation; return annotationId; } PendingFrame GetOrCreatePendingFrame(PendingId pendingId) { var frameId = FrameId.FromPendingId(pendingId); return GetOrCreatePendingFrame(frameId); } PendingFrame GetOrCreatePendingFrame(FrameId frameId) { return GetOrCreatePendingFrame(frameId, out var _); } PendingFrame GetOrCreatePendingFrame(FrameId frameId, out bool created) { created = false; m_GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrameSampler.Begin(); EnsureStepIncremented(); if (!m_PendingFrames.TryGetValue(frameId, out var pendingFrame)) { pendingFrame = new PendingFrame(frameId, SequenceTime); m_PendingFrames[frameId] = pendingFrame; m_PendingIdToFrameMap[frameId] = Time.frameCount; m_FrameToPendingIdMap[Time.frameCount] = frameId; created = true; } m_GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrameSampler.End(); return pendingFrame; } public AsyncFuture ReportAnnotationAsync(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle) { return AsyncFuture.CreateAnnotationFuture(ReportAnnotation(sensorHandle, annotationDefinition, null), this); } public AsyncFuture ReportSensorAsync(SensorHandle handle) { return AsyncFuture.CreateSensorFuture(ReportSensor(handle, null), this); } public bool IsPending(AsyncFuture asyncFuture) where T : DataModelBase { var frameId = FrameId.FromPendingId(asyncFuture.pendingId); return m_PendingFrames.TryGetValue(frameId, out var pendingFrame) && pendingFrame.IsPending(asyncFuture); } PendingFrame GetPendingFrame(AsyncFuture future) where T : DataModelBase { return GetPendingFrame(FrameId.FromPendingId(future.pendingId)); } PendingFrame GetPendingFrame(FrameId id) { return m_PendingFrames[id]; } public bool ReportAsyncResult(AsyncFuture asyncFuture, T result) where T : DataModelBase { if (!asyncFuture.IsPending()) return false; var pendingFrame = GetPendingFrame(asyncFuture); if (pendingFrame == null) return false; return pendingFrame.ReportAsyncResult(asyncFuture, result); } #if false bool ReportAsyncResultGeneric(AsyncFuture asyncFuture, T result) where T : DataModelBase { if (!asyncFuture.IsPending()) return false; var pendingFrame = GetPendingFrame(asyncFuture); if (pendingFrame == null) return false; return pendingFrame.ReportAsyncResult(asyncFuture, result); } public bool ReportAsyncResult(AsyncFuture asyncFuture, Sensor sensor) { return ReportAsyncResultGeneric(asyncFuture, sensor); } public bool ReportAsyncResult(AsyncFuture asyncFuture, Annotation annotation) { return ReportAsyncResultGeneric(asyncFuture, annotation); } public bool ReportAsyncResult(AsyncFuture asyncFuture, Metric metric) { return ReportAsyncResultGeneric(asyncFuture, metric); } #endif public AsyncFuture CreateAsyncMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle = default, AnnotationHandle annotationHandle = default) { EnsureStepIncremented(); var pendingId = ReportMetric(sensorHandle, metricDefinition, null, annotationHandle); return AsyncFuture.CreateMetricFuture(pendingId, this); } public PendingId ReportMetric(SensorHandle sensor, MetricDefinition definition, Metric metric) { if (definition == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metric)); var pendingId = PendingId.CreateMetricId(m_SequenceId, AcquireStep(), sensor.Id,; var pendingFrame = GetOrCreatePendingFrame(pendingId); if (pendingFrame == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not get or create a pending frame for {pendingId}"); pendingFrame.AddMetric(pendingId, metric); return pendingId; } public PendingId ReportMetric(SensorHandle sensor, MetricDefinition definition, Metric metric, AnnotationHandle annotation) { if (definition == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metric)); var pendingId = PendingId.CreateMetricId(m_SequenceId, AcquireStep(), sensor.Id, annotation.Id,; var pendingFrame = GetOrCreatePendingFrame(pendingId); if (pendingFrame == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not get or create a pending frame for {pendingId}"); pendingFrame.AddMetric(pendingId, metric); return pendingId; } Dictionary m_SequenceMap = new Dictionary(); // TODO rename this to 'ReportPendingFrames' void WritePendingCaptures(bool flush = false, bool writeCapturesFromThisFrame = false) { m_SerializeCapturesSampler.Begin(); // TODO do not new these each frame var pendingFramesToWrite = new Queue>(m_PendingFrames.Count); var timedOutFrames = new List>(m_PendingFrames.Count); var currentFrame = Time.frameCount; // Write out each frame until we reach one that is not ready to write yet, this is in order to // assure that all reports happen in sequential order foreach (var frame in m_PendingFrames) { var recordedFrame = m_PendingIdToFrameMap[frame.Key]; if ((writeCapturesFromThisFrame || recordedFrame < currentFrame) && frame.Value.IsReadyToReport()) { pendingFramesToWrite.Enqueue(frame); } else if (currentFrame > recordedFrame + TimeOutFrameCount) { timedOutFrames.Add(frame); } else { break; } } foreach (var pf in pendingFramesToWrite) { m_PendingFrames.Remove(pf.Key); } foreach (var pf in timedOutFrames) { Debug.LogError($"A frame has timed out and is being removed: {pf.Key}"); m_PendingFrames.Remove(pf.Key); } IEnumerable ConvertToSensors(PendingFrame frame, SimulationState simulationState) { return frame.sensors.Where(s => s.IsReadyToReport()).Select(s => s.ToSensor()); } Frame ConvertToFrameData(PendingFrame pendingFrame, SimulationState simState) { var frameId = m_PendingIdToFrameMap[pendingFrame.PendingId]; var frame = new Frame(frameId, pendingFrame.PendingId.sequence, pendingFrame.PendingId.step, pendingFrame.Timestamp); frame.sensors = ConvertToSensors(pendingFrame, simState); foreach (var metric in pendingFrame.metrics) { frame.metrics.Add(metric); } return frame; } void Write(Queue> frames, SimulationState simulationState) { #if true // TODO this needs to be done properly, we need to wait on all of the frames to come back so we // can report them, right now we are just going to jam up this thread waiting for them, also could // result in an endless loop if the frame never comes back while (frames.Any()) { var converted = ConvertToFrameData(frames.Dequeue().Value, simulationState); m_TotalFrames++; if (converted == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not convert frame data"); } if (consumerEndpoint == null) { Debug.LogError("Consumer endpoint is null"); } consumerEndpoint.FrameGenerated(converted); } #else foreach (var pendingFrame in frames) { var frame = ConvertToFrameData(pendingFrame.Value, simulationState); GetActiveConsumer()?.OnFrameGenerated(frame); } #endif } #if false if (flush) { #endif Write(pendingFramesToWrite, this); #if false } else { var req = Manager.Instance.CreateRequest>(); = new WritePendingCaptureRequestData() { PendingFrames = pendingFramesToWrite, SimulationState = this }; req.Enqueue(r => { Write(,; return AsyncRequest.Result.Completed; }); req.Execute(AsyncRequest.ExecutionContext.JobSystem); } #endif m_SerializeCapturesSampler.End(); } #if false struct WritePendingCaptureRequestData { public Queue> PendingFrames; public SimulationState SimulationState; } #endif } }