using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel; namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Consumers { [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "SoloConfiguration", menuName = "Perception/Endpoint/Solo Consumer", order = 3)] public class SoloConsumer : ConsumerEndpoint { public string _baseDirectory = "D:/PerceptionOutput/SoloConsumer"; public string soloDatasetName = "solo"; static string currentDirectory = ""; SimulationMetadata m_CurrentMetadata; bool m_IsComplete = false; protected override bool IsComplete() { return m_IsComplete; } public override object Clone() { var newOne = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); newOne._baseDirectory = _baseDirectory; newOne.soloDatasetName = soloDatasetName; return newOne; } public override void SimulationStarted(SimulationMetadata metadata) { m_CurrentMetadata = metadata; var i = 0; while (true) { var n = $"{soloDatasetName}_{i++}"; n = Path.Combine(_baseDirectory, n); if (!Directory.Exists(n)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(n); currentDirectory = n; break; } } } static string GetSequenceDirectoryPath(Frame frame) { var path = $"sequence.{frame.sequence}"; // verify that a directory already exists for a sequence, // if not, create it. path = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, path); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } return path; } static void WriteJTokenToFile(string filePath, JToken jToken) { var stringWriter = new StringWriter(new StringBuilder(256), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); using (var jsonTextWriter = new JsonTextWriter(stringWriter)) { jsonTextWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; jToken.WriteTo(jsonTextWriter); } var contents = stringWriter.ToString(); File.WriteAllText(filePath, contents); } public override void FrameGenerated(Frame frame) { var path = GetSequenceDirectoryPath(frame); path = Path.Combine(path, $"step{frame.step}.frame_data.json"); WriteJTokenToFile(path, ToFrame(frame)); } public override void SimulationCompleted(CompletionMetadata metadata) { var path = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "metadata.json"); WriteJTokenToFile(path, ToMetadata(metadata)); m_IsComplete = true; } static JToken ToMetadata(CompletionMetadata metadata) { var sequences = new JArray(); if (metadata.sequences != null) { foreach (var sequence in metadata.sequences) { sequences.Add(new JObject { ["id"] =, ["number_of_steps"] = sequence.numberOfSteps }); } sequences.Add(new JObject()); } var json = new JObject { ["unity_version"] = metadata.unityVersion, ["perception_version"] = metadata.perceptionVersion, ["render_pipeline"] = metadata.renderPipeline, ["total_frames"] = metadata.totalFrames, ["sequences"] = sequences }; return json; } static JToken ToFrame(Frame frame) { var frameJson = new JObject { ["frame"] = frame.frame, ["sequence"] = frame.sequence, ["step"] = frame.step }; var captures = new JArray(); var metrics = new JArray(); foreach (var sensor in frame.sensors) { switch (sensor) { case RgbSensor rgb: captures.Add(ConvertSensor(frame, rgb)); break; } } frameJson["captures"] = captures; foreach (var metric in frame.metrics) { switch (metric) { case ObjectCountLabeler.ObjectCountMetric objCount: metrics.Add(ConvertMetric(frame, objCount)); break; case RenderedObjectInfoLabeler.RenderedObjectInfoMetric info: metrics.Add(ConvertMetric(frame, info)); break; } } frameJson["metrics"] = metrics; return frameJson; } static JArray FromVector3(Vector3 vector3) { return new JArray { vector3.x, vector3.y, vector3.z }; } static JArray FromVector2(Vector2 vector2) { return new JArray { vector2.x, vector2.y }; } static JArray FromColor32(Color32 color) { return new JArray { color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a }; } static JToken ToSensorHeader(Frame frame, Sensor sensor) { var token = new JObject { ["Id"] = sensor.Id, ["sensorType"] = sensor.sensorType, ["position"] = FromVector3(sensor.position), ["rotation"] = FromVector3(sensor.rotation), ["velocity"] = FromVector3(sensor.velocity), ["acceleration"] = FromVector3(sensor.acceleration) }; return token; } static JToken ConvertSensor(Frame frame, RgbSensor sensor) { // write out the png data var path = GetSequenceDirectoryPath(frame); path = Path.Combine(path, $"step{frame.step}.{sensor.sensorType}.{sensor.imageFormat}"); #if true var file = File.Create(path, 4096); file.Write(sensor.buffer, 0, sensor.buffer.Length); file.Close(); #else var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); allTasks.Add(fs.WriteAsync(sensor.buffer, 0, sensor.buffer.Length)); #endif var outRgb = ToSensorHeader(frame, sensor); outRgb["fileName"] = path; outRgb["imageFormat"] = sensor.imageFormat.ToString(); outRgb["dimension"] = FromVector2(sensor.dimension); var annotations = new JArray(); foreach (var annotation in sensor.annotations) { switch (annotation) { case BoundingBox2DLabeler.BoundingBoxAnnotation bbox: annotations.Add(ConvertAnnotation(frame, bbox)); break; case InstanceSegmentationLabeler.InstanceSegmentation seg: annotations.Add(ConvertAnnotation(frame, seg)); break; case SemanticSegmentationLabeler.SemanticSegmentation seg: annotations.Add(ConvertAnnotation(frame, seg)); break; case BoundingBox3DLabeler.BoundingBoxAnnotation bbox: annotations.Add(ConvertAnnotation(frame, bbox)); break; case KeypointLabeler.Annotation keypoint: annotations.Add(ConvertAnnotation(frame, keypoint)); break; } } outRgb["annotations"] = annotations; return outRgb; } static JToken ToAnnotationHeader(Frame frame, Annotation annotation) { return new JObject { ["Id"] = annotation.Id, ["definition"] = annotation.description, ["sequence"] = frame.sequence, ["step"] = frame.step, ["sensor"] = annotation.sensorId }; } static JToken ToMetricHeader(Frame frame, Metric metric) { return new JObject { ["sensorId"] = metric.sensorId, ["annotationId"] = metric.annotationId, ["description"] = metric.description }; } static JToken ConvertAnnotation(Frame frame, KeypointLabeler.Annotation keypoint) { var outBox = ToAnnotationHeader(frame, keypoint); var values = new JArray(); foreach (var kp in keypoint.entries) { var keypoints = new JArray(); foreach (var k in kp.keypoints) { keypoints.Add(new JObject { ["index"] = k.index, ["location"] = FromVector2(k.location), ["state"] = k.state }); } values.Add(new JObject { ["instance_id"] = kp.instanceId, ["label_id"] = kp.labelId, ["template_guid"] = kp.templateGuid, ["pose"] = kp.pose, ["keypoints"] = keypoints }); } outBox["values"] = values; return outBox; } static JToken ConvertAnnotation(Frame frame, BoundingBox3DLabeler.BoundingBoxAnnotation bbox) { var outBox = ToAnnotationHeader(frame, bbox); var values = new JArray(); foreach (var box in bbox.boxes) { values.Add(new JObject { ["frame"] = frame.frame, ["label_name"] = box.labelName, ["instance_id"] = box.instanceId, ["translation"] = FromVector3(box.translation), ["size"] = FromVector3(box.size), ["rotation"] = FromVector3(box.rotation.eulerAngles), ["velocity"] = FromVector3(box.velocity), ["acceleration"] = FromVector3(box.acceleration) }); } outBox["values"] = values; return outBox; } static JToken ConvertAnnotation(Frame frame, BoundingBox2DLabeler.BoundingBoxAnnotation bbox) { var outBox = ToAnnotationHeader(frame, bbox); var values = new JArray(); foreach (var box in bbox.boxes) { values.Add(new JObject { ["frame"] = frame.frame, ["label_name"] = box.labelName, ["instance_id"] = box.instanceId, ["origin"] = FromVector2(box.origin), ["dimension"] = FromVector2(box.dimension) }); } outBox["values"] = values; return outBox; } static JToken ConvertMetric(Frame frame, ObjectCountLabeler.ObjectCountMetric count) { var outCount = ToMetricHeader(frame, count); var values = new JArray(); foreach (var i in count.objectCounts) { values.Add(new JObject { ["label_name"] = i.labelName, ["count"] = i.count }); } outCount["object_counts"] = values; return outCount; } static JToken ConvertMetric(Frame frame, RenderedObjectInfoLabeler.RenderedObjectInfoMetric info) { var outCount = ToMetricHeader(frame, info); var values = new JArray(); foreach (var i in info.objectInfo) { values.Add(new JObject { ["label_id"] = i.label_id, ["instance_id"] = i.instance_id, ["instance_color"] = FromColor32(i.instance_color), ["visible_pixels"] = i.visible_pixels }); } outCount["object_info"] = values; return outCount; } static JToken ConvertAnnotation(Frame frame, InstanceSegmentationLabeler.InstanceSegmentation segmentation) { // write out the png data var path = GetSequenceDirectoryPath(frame); path = Path.Combine(path,$"step{frame.step}.instance.segmentation.{segmentation.imageFormat}"); var file = File.Create(path, 4096); file.Write(segmentation.buffer, 0, segmentation.buffer.Length); file.Close(); var outSeg = ToAnnotationHeader(frame, segmentation); var values = new JArray(); foreach (var i in segmentation.instances) { values.Add(new JObject { ["instance_id"] = i.instanceId, ["rgba"] = FromColor32(i.rgba) }); } outSeg["imageFormat"] = segmentation.imageFormat; outSeg["dimension"] = FromVector2(segmentation.dimension); outSeg["imagePath"] = path; outSeg["instances"] = values; return outSeg; } static JToken ConvertAnnotation(Frame frame, SemanticSegmentationLabeler.SemanticSegmentation segmentation) { // write out the png data var path = GetSequenceDirectoryPath(frame); path = Path.Combine(path,$"step{frame.step}.semantic.segmentation.{segmentation.imageFormat}"); var file = File.Create(path, 4096); file.Write(segmentation.buffer, 0, segmentation.buffer.Length); file.Close(); var outSeg = ToAnnotationHeader(frame, segmentation); var values = new JArray(); foreach (var i in segmentation.instances) { values.Add(new JObject { ["label_name"] = i.labelName, ["rgba"] = FromColor32(i.pixelValue) }); } outSeg["imageFormat"] = segmentation.imageFormat; outSeg["dimension"] = FromVector2(segmentation.dimension); outSeg["imagePath"] = path; outSeg["instances"] = values; return outSeg; } } }