# DatasetCapture `DatasetCapture` tracks egos, sensors, annotations, and metrics, combining them into a unified [JSON-based dataset](Schema/Synthetic_Dataset_Schema.md) on disk. It also controls the simulation time elapsed per frame to accommodate the active sensors. ## Sensor scheduling While sensors are registered, `DatasetCapture` ensures that frame timing is deterministic and run at the appropriate simulation times to let each sensor run at its own rate. Using [Time.CaptureDeltaTime](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Time-captureDeltaTime.html), it also decouples wall clock time from simulation time, allowing the simulation to run as fast as possible. ## Custom sensors Custom sensors can be registered using `DatasetCapture.RegisterSensor()`. The `period` passed in at registration time determines how often in simulation time frames should be scheduled for the sensor to run. The sensor implementation would then check `ShouldCaptureThisFrame` on the returned `SensorHandle` each frame to determine whether it is time for the sensor to perform a capture. `SensorHandle.ReportCapture` should then be called in each of these frames to report the state of the sensor to populate the dataset. ## Custom annotations and metrics In addition to the common annotations and metrics produced by [PerceptionCamera](PerceptionCamera.md), scripts can produce their own via `DatasetCapture`. Annotation and metric definitions must first be registered using `DatasetCapture.RegisterAnnotationDefinition()` or `DatasetCapture.RegisterMetricDefinition()`. These return `AnnotationDefinition` and `MetricDefinition` instances which can then be used to report values during runtime. Annotations and metrics are always associated with the frame they are reported in. They may also be associated with a specific sensor by using the `Report*` methods on `SensorHandle`. ### Example ```csharp using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth; [RequireComponent(typeof(PerceptionCamera))] public class CustomAnnotationAndMetricReporter : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject targetLight; public GameObject target; MetricDefinition lightMetricDefinition; AnnotationDefinition boundingBoxAnnotationDefinition; SensorHandle cameraSensorHandle; public void Start() { //Metrics and annotations are registered up-front lightMetricDefinition = DatasetCapture.RegisterMetricDefinition( "Light position", "The world-space position of the light", Guid.Parse("1F6BFF46-F884-4CC5-A878-DB987278FE35")); boundingBoxAnnotationDefinition = DatasetCapture.RegisterAnnotationDefinition( "Target bounding box", "The position of the target in the camera's local space", id: Guid.Parse("C0B4A22C-0420-4D9F-BAFC-954B8F7B35A7")); } public void Update() { //Report the light's position by manually creating the json array string. var lightPos = targetLight.transform.position; DatasetCapture.ReportMetric(lightMetricDefinition, $@"[{{ ""x"": {lightPos.x}, ""y"": {lightPos.y}, ""z"": {lightPos.z} }}]"); //compute the location of the object in the camera's local space Vector3 targetPos = transform.worldToLocalMatrix * target.transform.position; //Report using the PerceptionCamera's SensorHandle if scheduled this frame var sensorHandle = GetComponent().SensorHandle; if (sensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame) { sensorHandle.ReportAnnotationValues( boundingBoxAnnotationDefinition, new[] { targetPos }); } } } // Example metric that is added each frame in the dataset: // { // "capture_id": null, // "annotation_id": null, // "sequence_id": "9768671e-acea-4c9e-a670-0f2dba5afe12", // "step": 1, // "metric_definition": "1f6bff46-f884-4cc5-a878-db987278fe35", // "values": [{ "x": 96.1856, "y": 192.676, "z": -193.8386 }] // }, // Example annotation that is added to each capture in the dataset: // { // "id": "33f5a3aa-3e5e-48f1-8339-6cbd64ed4562", // "annotation_definition": "c0b4a22c-0420-4d9f-bafc-954b8f7b35a7", // "values": [ // [ // -1.03097284, // 0.07265166, // -6.318692 // ] // ] // } ```