using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.Simulation; using UnityEngine.Analytics; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth; using UnityEngine.Perception.Randomization.Randomizers; using UnityEngine.Perception.Randomization.Scenarios; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif namespace UnityEngine.Perception.Analytics { /// /// Editor and Runtime analytics for the Perception package. /// /// /// To add an event: /// 1. Create a constant with the name of the event (eg: ) /// 2. Add the constant to /// 3. Create a function that will report data for the event and at the start of it call /// with the event name defined in step 1. /// Note: Remember to use the conditional "#if UNITY_EDITOR" if adding editor analytics. /// public static class PerceptionAnalytics { const string k_VendorKey = "unity.perception"; const int k_MaxElementsInStruct = 100; const int k_MaxEventsPerHour = 100; #region Setup [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] static void OnInitializeOnLoad() { Manager.Instance.ShutdownNotification += OnSimulationShutdown; } static void OnSimulationShutdown() { var perceptionCamera = Object.FindObjectOfType(); ReportScenarioInformation( perceptionCamera, ScenarioBase.activeScenario ); } #endregion /// /// Stores whether each event has been registered successfully or not. /// static Dictionary s_EventRegistrationStatus = new Dictionary(); #region Event Definitions static readonly AnalyticsEvent k_EventScenarioInformation = new AnalyticsEvent( "perceptionScenarioInformation", AnalyticsEventType.RuntimeAndEditor, 1 ); static readonly AnalyticsEvent k_EventRunInUnitySimulation = new AnalyticsEvent( "runinunitysimulation", AnalyticsEventType.Editor, 1 ); /// /// All supported events. If an event does not exist in this list, an error will be thrown during /// . /// static IEnumerable allEvents => new[] { k_EventScenarioInformation, k_EventRunInUnitySimulation }; #endregion #region Helpers /// /// Tries to register an event and returns whether it was registered successfully. The result is also cached in /// the dictionary. /// /// The name of the event. /// Whether the event was successfully registered/ static bool TryRegisterPerceptionAnalyticsEvent(AnalyticsEvent theEvent) { // Make sure the event exists in the dictionary if (!s_EventRegistrationStatus.ContainsKey(theEvent)) { if (allEvents.Contains(theEvent)) s_EventRegistrationStatus[theEvent] = false; else throw new NotSupportedException($"Unrecognized event {theEvent} not included in {nameof(allEvents)}."); } // If registered previously, return true if (s_EventRegistrationStatus[theEvent]) return true; // Try registering the event and update the dictionary accordingly s_EventRegistrationStatus[theEvent] = true; #if UNITY_EDITOR var status = EditorAnalytics.RegisterEventWithLimit(, k_MaxEventsPerHour, k_MaxElementsInStruct, k_VendorKey); #else var status = UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics.RegisterEvent(, k_MaxEventsPerHour, k_MaxElementsInStruct, k_VendorKey); #endif s_EventRegistrationStatus[theEvent] &= status == AnalyticsResult.Ok; return s_EventRegistrationStatus[theEvent]; } /// /// Based on the value of type for , sends an Editor Analytics event, /// a Runtime Analytics event, or both. /// /// The analytics event. /// Payload of the event. static void SendPerceptionAnalyticsEvent(AnalyticsEvent theEvent, object data) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (theEvent.type == AnalyticsEventType.Editor || theEvent.type == AnalyticsEventType.RuntimeAndEditor) { EditorAnalytics.SendEventWithLimit(, data, theEvent.versionId); } #else if (theEvent.type == AnalyticsEventType.Runtime || theEvent.type == AnalyticsEventType.RuntimeAndEditor) { UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics.SendEvent(, data, theEvent.versionId, theEvent.prefix); } #endif } #endregion #region Event: Scenario Information /// /// Which labelers will be identified and included in the analytics information. /// public static readonly string[] labelerAllowList = new[] { "BoundingBox3DLabeler", "BoundingBox2DLabeler", "InstanceSegmentationLabeler", "KeypointLabeler", "ObjectCountLabeler", "SemanticSegmentationLabeler", "RenderedObjectInfoLabeler" }; static void ReportScenarioInformation( PerceptionCamera cam, ScenarioBase scenario ) { if (!TryRegisterPerceptionAnalyticsEvent(k_EventScenarioInformation)) return; var randomizers = scenario ? scenario.activeRandomizers : new List(); var data = ScenarioCompletedData.FromCameraAndRandomizers(cam, randomizers); SendPerceptionAnalyticsEvent(k_EventScenarioInformation, data); } #endregion #region Event: Run In Unity Simulation public static void ReportRunInUnitySimulationStarted(Guid runId, int totalIterations, int instanceCount, string existingBuildId) { if (!TryRegisterPerceptionAnalyticsEvent(k_EventRunInUnitySimulation)) return; var data = new RunInUnitySimulationData { runId = runId.ToString(), totalIterations = totalIterations, instanceCount = instanceCount, existingBuildId = existingBuildId, runStatus = RunStatus.Started.ToString() }; SendPerceptionAnalyticsEvent(k_EventRunInUnitySimulation, data); } public static void ReportRunInUnitySimulationFailed(Guid runId, string errorMessage) { if (!TryRegisterPerceptionAnalyticsEvent(k_EventRunInUnitySimulation)) return; var data = new RunInUnitySimulationData { runId = runId.ToString(), errorMessage = errorMessage, runStatus = RunStatus.Failed.ToString() }; SendPerceptionAnalyticsEvent(k_EventRunInUnitySimulation, data); } public static void ReportRunInUnitySimulationSucceeded(Guid runId, string runExecutionId) { if (!TryRegisterPerceptionAnalyticsEvent(k_EventRunInUnitySimulation)) return; var data = new RunInUnitySimulationData { runId = runId.ToString(), runExecutionId = runExecutionId, runStatus = RunStatus.Succeeded.ToString() }; SendPerceptionAnalyticsEvent(k_EventRunInUnitySimulation, data); } #endregion } }