using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Profiling;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// Labeler which produces label id, instance id, and visible pixel count in a single metric each frame for
/// each object which takes up one or more pixels in the camera's frame.
public sealed class RenderedObjectInfoLabeler : CameraLabeler
public override string description
get => "Produces label id, instance id, and visible pixel count in a single metric each frame for each object which takes up one or more pixels in the camera's frame, based on this labeler's associated label configuration.";
protected set {}
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
struct RenderedObjectInfoValue
public int label_id;
public uint instance_id;
public Color32 instance_color;
public int visible_pixels;
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
static ProfilerMarker s_ProduceRenderedObjectInfoMetric = new ProfilerMarker("ProduceRenderedObjectInfoMetric");
/// The ID to use for visible pixels metrics in the resulting dataset
public string objectInfoMetricId = "5ba92024-b3b7-41a7-9d3f-c03a6a8ddd01";
/// The which associates objects with labels.
public IdLabelConfig idLabelConfig;
RenderedObjectInfoValue[] m_VisiblePixelsValues;
Dictionary m_ObjectInfoAsyncMetrics;
MetricDefinition m_RenderedObjectInfoMetricDefinition;
/// Creates a new RenderedObjectInfoLabeler. Be sure to assign before adding to a .
public RenderedObjectInfoLabeler()
/// Creates a new RenderedObjectInfoLabeler with an .
/// The which associates objects with labels.
public RenderedObjectInfoLabeler(IdLabelConfig idLabelConfig)
this.idLabelConfig = idLabelConfig;
protected override bool supportsVisualization => true;
protected override void Setup()
if (idLabelConfig == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("RenderedObjectInfoLabeler's idLabelConfig field must be assigned");
m_ObjectInfoAsyncMetrics = new Dictionary();
perceptionCamera.RenderedObjectInfosCalculated += (frameCount, objectInfo) =>
ProduceRenderedObjectInfoMetric(objectInfo, frameCount);
visualizationEnabled = supportsVisualization;
protected override void OnBeginRendering()
if (m_RenderedObjectInfoMetricDefinition.Equals(default))
m_RenderedObjectInfoMetricDefinition = DatasetCapture.RegisterMetricDefinition(
"rendered object info",
"Information about each labeled object visible to the sensor",
id: new Guid(objectInfoMetricId));
m_ObjectInfoAsyncMetrics[Time.frameCount] = perceptionCamera.SensorHandle.ReportMetricAsync(m_RenderedObjectInfoMetricDefinition);
void ProduceRenderedObjectInfoMetric(NativeArray renderedObjectInfos, int frameCount)
using (s_ProduceRenderedObjectInfoMetric.Auto())
if (!m_ObjectInfoAsyncMetrics.TryGetValue(frameCount, out var metric))
if (m_VisiblePixelsValues == null || m_VisiblePixelsValues.Length != renderedObjectInfos.Length)
m_VisiblePixelsValues = new RenderedObjectInfoValue[renderedObjectInfos.Length];
var visualize = visualizationEnabled;
if (visualize)
// Clear out all of the old entries...
for (var i = 0; i < renderedObjectInfos.Length; i++)
var objectInfo = renderedObjectInfos[i];
if (!TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(objectInfo.instanceId, out var labelEntry))
m_VisiblePixelsValues[i] = new RenderedObjectInfoValue
label_id =,
instance_id = objectInfo.instanceId,
visible_pixels = objectInfo.pixelCount,
instance_color = objectInfo.instanceColor
if (visualize)
var label = labelEntry.label + "_" + objectInfo.instanceId;
hudPanel.UpdateEntry(this, label, objectInfo.pixelCount.ToString());
bool TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(uint instanceId, out IdLabelEntry labelEntry)
return idLabelConfig.TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(instanceId, out labelEntry);
protected override void OnVisualizerEnabledChanged(bool enabled)
if (enabled) return;