using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth { /// /// Static class to procedurally generate a unique color for an instance ID. This algorithm /// is deterministic, and will always return the same color for a ID, and the same ID for a color. ID 0 is reserved to /// be an invalid ID and is mapped to color black (0,0,0,255). Invalid IDs always map to black, and black always maps to ID 0. /// In order to try to create visually contrasting colors for IDs, there are a subset of IDs reserved (1-65) /// to be generated by applying the golden ration to find the next color in the HSL spectrum. All of these /// colors, and only theses colors, will be in the alpha channel 255. After the first 65 IDs, the color will be /// determined by iterating through all available RGB values in the alpha channels from 264 - 1. Alpha channel 0 is marked as invalid. /// This service will support over 4 billion unique IDs => colors [(256^4) - (256*2) + 64] /// public static class InstanceIdToColorMapping { // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Global /// /// The max ID supported by this class. /// public const uint maxId = uint.MaxValue - ((256 * 256 * 256) * 2) + k_HslCount; static Dictionary s_IdToColorCache; static Dictionary s_ColorToIdCache; const uint k_HslCount = 64; const uint k_ColorsPerAlpha = 256 * 256 * 256; const uint k_InvalidPackedColor = 255; // packed uint for color (0, 0, 0, 255); static readonly float k_GoldenRatio = (1 + Mathf.Sqrt(5)) / 2; const int k_HuesInEachValue = 30; /// /// The color returned when an instanceId is not mapped to any color, and for clearing ground truth material properties on a . /// public static readonly Color32 invalidColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255); static void InitializeMaps() { s_IdToColorCache = new Dictionary(); s_ColorToIdCache = new Dictionary(); s_IdToColorCache[0] = k_InvalidPackedColor; s_IdToColorCache[k_InvalidPackedColor] = 0; for (uint i = 1; i <= k_HslCount; i++) { var color = GenerateHSLValueForId(i); s_IdToColorCache[i] = color; s_ColorToIdCache[color] = i; } } static uint GenerateHSLValueForId(uint count) { count -= 1; var ratio = count * k_GoldenRatio; var hue = ratio - Mathf.Floor(ratio); count /= k_HuesInEachValue; ratio = count * k_GoldenRatio; var value = 1 - (ratio - Mathf.Floor(ratio)); var color = (Color32)Color.HSVToRGB(hue, 1f, value); color.a = 255; return GetPackedColorFromColor(color); } static uint GetColorForId(uint id) { if (id > maxId || id == 0) return k_InvalidPackedColor; if (id <= k_HslCount) { if (s_IdToColorCache == null) InitializeMaps(); return s_IdToColorCache[id]; } var altered_id = id - k_HslCount; var rgb = altered_id % k_ColorsPerAlpha; var alpha= 254 - (altered_id / k_ColorsPerAlpha); return rgb << 8 | alpha; } static bool TryGetIdForColor(uint color, out uint id) { if (color == 0 || color == k_InvalidPackedColor) { id = 0; return true; } var alpha = color & 0xff; if (alpha == 255) { if (s_ColorToIdCache == null) InitializeMaps(); return s_ColorToIdCache.TryGetValue(color, out id); } else { var rgb = color >> 8; id = k_HslCount + rgb + (256 * 256 * 256) * (254 - alpha); return true; } } static uint GetIdForColor(uint color) { if (!TryGetIdForColor(color, out var id)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Passed in color: {color} was not one of the reserved colors for alpha channel 255"); } return id; } /// /// Packs a color32 (RGBA - 1 byte per channel) into a 32bit unsigned integer. /// /// The RGBA color. /// The packed unsigned int 32 of the color. public static uint GetPackedColorFromColor(Color32 color) { var tmp = (uint) ((color.r << 24) | (color.g << 16) | (color.b << 8) | (color.a << 0)); return tmp; } /// /// Converts a packed color (or unsigned 32bit representation of a color) into an RGBA color. /// /// The packed color /// The RGBA color public static Color32 GetColorFromPackedColor(uint color) { return new Color32((byte)(color >> 24), (byte)(color >> 16), (byte)(color >> 8), (byte)color); } /// /// Retrieve the color that is mapped to the passed in ID. If the ID is 0 or 255 false will be returned, and /// color will be set to black. /// /// The ID of interest. /// Will be set to the color associated with the passed in ID. /// Returns true if the ID was mapped to a non-black color, otherwise returns false public static bool TryGetColorFromInstanceId(uint id, out Color32 color) { color = invalidColor; if (id > maxId) return false; var packed = GetColorForId(id); if (packed == k_InvalidPackedColor) return false; color = GetColorFromPackedColor(packed); return true; } /// /// Retrieve the color that is mapped to the passed in ID. If the ID is 0 or 255 the returned color will be black. /// /// The ID of interest. /// The color associated with the passed in ID, or black if no associated color exists. /// Thrown if the passed in ID is greater than the largest supported ID public static Color32 GetColorFromInstanceId(uint id) { if (id > maxId) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"Passed in index: {id} is greater than max ID: {maxId}"); TryGetColorFromInstanceId(id, out var color); return color; } /// /// Retrieve the ID associated with the passed in color. If the passed in color is black or cannot be mapped to an ID /// this service will return false, and the out id will be set to 0. /// /// The color to map to an ID. /// This value will be updated with the ID for the passed in color. /// This service will return true if an ID is properly mapped to a color, otherwise it will return false. public static bool TryGetInstanceIdFromColor(Color32 color, out uint id) { var packed = GetPackedColorFromColor(color); if (!TryGetIdForColor(packed, out id)) { return false; } return id != 0 && id <= maxId; } /// /// Retrieve the ID associated with the passed in color. If the passed in color is black this service will return 0. /// /// The color to map to an ID. /// The ID for the passed in color. /// Thrown if the passed in color is mapped to an ID that is greater than the largest supported ID /// Thrown if the passed in color cannot be mapped to an ID in the alpha 255 range public static uint GetInstanceIdFromColor(Color32 color) { var id = GetIdForColor(GetPackedColorFromColor(color)); if (id > maxId) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"Passed in color: {color} maps to an ID: {id} which is greater than max ID: {maxId}"); return id; } } }