using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Mathematics; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth { /// /// Produces keypoint annotations for a humanoid model. This labeler supports generic /// . Template values are mapped to rigged /// . Custom joints can be /// created by applying to empty game objects at a body /// part's location. /// [Serializable] public sealed class KeypointLabeler : CameraLabeler { /// /// The active keypoint template. Required to annotate keypoint data. /// public KeypointTemplate activeTemplate; /// public override string description { get => "Produces keypoint annotations for all visible labeled objects that have a humanoid animation avatar component."; protected set { } } /// protected override bool supportsVisualization => true; // ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Global /// /// The GUID id to associate with the annotations produced by this labeler. /// public static string annotationId = "8b3ef246-daa7-4dd5-a0e8-a943f6e7f8c2"; /// /// The which associates objects with labels. /// public IdLabelConfig idLabelConfig; /// /// Controls which objects will have keypoints recorded in the dataset. /// /// public KeypointObjectFilter objectFilter; // ReSharper restore MemberCanBePrivate.Global AnnotationDefinition m_AnnotationDefinition; Texture2D m_MissingTexture; Dictionary keypoints)> m_AsyncAnnotations; List m_KeypointEntriesToReport; int m_CurrentFrame; /// /// Action that gets triggered when a new frame of key points are computed. /// public event Action> KeypointsComputed; /// /// Creates a new key point labeler. This constructor creates a labeler that /// is not valid until a and /// are assigned. /// public KeypointLabeler() { } /// /// Creates a new key point labeler. /// /// The Id label config for the labeler /// The active keypoint template public KeypointLabeler(IdLabelConfig config, KeypointTemplate template) { this.idLabelConfig = config; this.activeTemplate = template; } /// /// Array of animation pose labels which map animation clip times to ground truth pose labels. /// public List animationPoseConfigs; /// protected override void Setup() { if (idLabelConfig == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(KeypointLabeler)}'s idLabelConfig field must be assigned"); m_AnnotationDefinition = DatasetCapture.RegisterAnnotationDefinition("keypoints", TemplateToJson(activeTemplate, idLabelConfig), "pixel coordinates of keypoints in a model, along with skeletal connectivity data", id: new Guid(annotationId)); // Texture to use in case the template does not contain a texture for the joints or the skeletal connections m_MissingTexture = new Texture2D(1, 1); m_KnownStatus = new Dictionary(); m_AsyncAnnotations = new Dictionary)>(); m_KeypointEntriesToReport = new List(); m_CurrentFrame = 0; perceptionCamera.InstanceSegmentationImageReadback += OnInstanceSegmentationImageReadback; perceptionCamera.RenderedObjectInfosCalculated += OnRenderedObjectInfoReadback; } bool AreEqual(Color32 lhs, Color32 rhs) { return lhs.r == rhs.r && lhs.g == rhs.g && lhs.b == rhs.b && lhs.a == rhs.a; } bool PixelOnScreen(int x, int y, (int x, int y) dimensions) { return x >= 0 && x < dimensions.x && y >= 0 && y < dimensions.y; } bool PixelsMatch(int x, int y, Color32 idColor, (int x, int y) dimensions, NativeArray data) { var h = dimensions.y - 1 - y; var pixelColor = data[h * dimensions.x + x]; return AreEqual(pixelColor, idColor); } static int s_PixelTolerance = 1; // Determine the state of a keypoint. A keypoint is considered visible (state = 2) if it is on screen and not occluded // by another object. The way that we determine if a point is occluded is by checking the pixel location of the keypoint // against the instance segmentation mask for the frame. The instance segmentation mask provides the instance id of the // visible object at a pixel location. Which means, if the keypoint does not match the visible pixel, then another // object is in front of the keypoint occluding it from view. An important note here is that the keypoint is an infintely small // point in space, which can lead to false negatives due to rounding issues if the keypoint is on the edge of an object or very // close to the edge of the screen. Because of this we will test not only the keypoint pixel, but also the immediate surrounding // pixels to determine if the pixel is really visible. This method returns 1 if the pixel is not visible but on screen, and 0 // if the pixel is off of the screen (taken the tolerance into account). int DetermineKeypointState(Keypoint keypoint, Color32 instanceIdColor, (int x, int y) dimensions, NativeArray data) { if (keypoint.state == 0) return 0; var centerX = Mathf.FloorToInt(keypoint.x); var centerY = Mathf.FloorToInt(keypoint.y); if (!PixelOnScreen(centerX, centerY, dimensions)) return 0; var pixelMatched = false; for (var y = centerY - s_PixelTolerance; y <= centerY + s_PixelTolerance; y++) { for (var x = centerX - s_PixelTolerance; x <= centerX + s_PixelTolerance; x++) { if (!PixelOnScreen(x, y, dimensions)) continue; pixelMatched = true; if (PixelsMatch(x, y, instanceIdColor, dimensions, data)) { return 2; } } } return pixelMatched ? 1 : 0; } void OnInstanceSegmentationImageReadback(int frameCount, NativeArray data, RenderTexture renderTexture) { if (!m_AsyncAnnotations.TryGetValue(frameCount, out var asyncAnnotation)) return; var dimensions = (renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height); foreach (var keypointSet in asyncAnnotation.keypoints) { if (InstanceIdToColorMapping.TryGetColorFromInstanceId(keypointSet.Key, out var idColor)) { for (var i = 0; i < keypointSet.Value.keypoints.Length; i++) { var keypoint = keypointSet.Value.keypoints[i]; keypoint.state = DetermineKeypointState(keypoint, idColor, dimensions, data); if (keypoint.state == 0) { keypoint.x = 0; keypoint.y = 0; } else { keypoint.x = math.clamp(keypoint.x, 0, dimensions.width - .001f); keypoint.y = math.clamp(keypoint.y, 0, dimensions.height - .001f); } keypointSet.Value.keypoints[i] = keypoint; } } } } private void OnRenderedObjectInfoReadback(int frameCount, NativeArray objectInfos) { if (!m_AsyncAnnotations.TryGetValue(frameCount, out var asyncAnnotation)) return; m_AsyncAnnotations.Remove(frameCount); m_KeypointEntriesToReport.Clear(); //filter out objects that are not visible foreach (var keypointSet in asyncAnnotation.keypoints) { var entry = keypointSet.Value; var include = false; if (objectFilter == KeypointObjectFilter.All) include = true; else { foreach (var objectInfo in objectInfos) { if (entry.instance_id == objectInfo.instanceId) { include = true; break; } } if (!include && objectFilter == KeypointObjectFilter.VisibleAndOccluded) include = keypointSet.Value.keypoints.Any(k => k.state == 1); } if (include) m_KeypointEntriesToReport.Add(entry); } //This code assumes that OnRenderedObjectInfoReadback will be called immediately after OnInstanceSegmentationImageReadback KeypointsComputed?.Invoke(frameCount, m_KeypointEntriesToReport); asyncAnnotation.annotation.ReportValues(m_KeypointEntriesToReport); } /// /// protected override void OnEndRendering(ScriptableRenderContext scriptableRenderContext) { m_CurrentFrame = Time.frameCount; var annotation = perceptionCamera.SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationAsync(m_AnnotationDefinition); var keypoints = new Dictionary(); m_AsyncAnnotations[m_CurrentFrame] = (annotation, keypoints); foreach (var label in LabelManager.singleton.registeredLabels) ProcessLabel(m_CurrentFrame, label); } // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming // ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Global // ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Local /// /// Record storing all of the keypoint data of a labeled gameobject. /// [Serializable] public class KeypointEntry { /// /// The label id of the entity /// public int label_id; public int frame; /// /// The instance id of the entity /// public uint instance_id; /// /// The template that the points are based on /// public string template_guid; /// /// Pose ground truth for the current set of keypoints /// public string pose = "unset"; /// /// Array of all of the keypoints /// public Keypoint[] keypoints; } /// /// The values of a specific keypoint /// [Serializable] public struct Keypoint { /// /// The index of the keypoint in the template file /// public int index; /// /// The keypoint's x-coordinate pixel location /// public float x; /// /// The keypoint's y-coordinate pixel location /// public float y; /// /// The state of the point, /// 0 = not present, /// 1 = keypoint is present but not visible, /// 2 = keypoint is present and visible /// public int state; } // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming // ReSharper restore NotAccessedField.Global // ReSharper restore NotAccessedField.Local float GetCaptureHeight() { var targetTexture = perceptionCamera.attachedCamera.targetTexture; return targetTexture != null ? targetTexture.height : Screen.height; } Vector3 ConvertToScreenSpace(Vector3 worldLocation) { var pt = perceptionCamera.attachedCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldLocation); pt.y = GetCaptureHeight() - pt.y; if (Mathf.Approximately(pt.y, perceptionCamera.attachedCamera.pixelHeight)) pt.y -= .0001f; if (Mathf.Approximately(pt.x, perceptionCamera.attachedCamera.pixelWidth)) pt.x -= .0001f; return pt; } struct CachedData { public bool status; public Animator animator; public KeypointEntry keypoints; public List<(JointLabel, int)> overrides; } Dictionary m_KnownStatus; bool TryToGetTemplateIndexForJoint(KeypointTemplate template, JointLabel joint, out int index) { index = -1; foreach (var jointTemplate in joint.templateInformation.Where(jointTemplate => jointTemplate.template == template)) { for (var i = 0; i < template.keypoints.Length; i++) { if (template.keypoints[i].label == jointTemplate.label) { index = i; return true; } } } return false; } bool DoesTemplateContainJoint(JointLabel jointLabel) { foreach (var template in jointLabel.templateInformation) { if (template.template == activeTemplate) { if (activeTemplate.keypoints.Any(i => i.label == template.label)) { return true; } } } return false; } void ProcessLabel(int frame, Labeling labeledEntity) { if (!idLabelConfig.TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(labeledEntity.instanceId, out var labelEntry)) return; // Cache out the data of a labeled game object the first time we see it, this will // save performance each frame. Also checks to see if a labeled game object can be annotated. if (!m_KnownStatus.ContainsKey(labeledEntity.instanceId)) { var cached = new CachedData() { status = false, animator = null, keypoints = new KeypointEntry(), overrides = new List<(JointLabel, int)>() }; var entityGameObject = labeledEntity.gameObject; cached.keypoints.instance_id = labeledEntity.instanceId; cached.keypoints.label_id =; cached.keypoints.frame = -1; cached.keypoints.template_guid = activeTemplate.templateID; cached.keypoints.keypoints = new Keypoint[activeTemplate.keypoints.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < cached.keypoints.keypoints.Length; i++) { cached.keypoints.keypoints[i] = new Keypoint { index = i, state = 0 }; } var animator = entityGameObject.transform.GetComponentInChildren(); if (animator != null) { cached.animator = animator; cached.status = true; } foreach (var joint in entityGameObject.transform.GetComponentsInChildren()) { if (TryToGetTemplateIndexForJoint(activeTemplate, joint, out var idx)) { cached.overrides.Add((joint, idx)); cached.status = true; } } m_KnownStatus[labeledEntity.instanceId] = cached; } var cachedData = m_KnownStatus[labeledEntity.instanceId]; cachedData.keypoints.frame = frame; if (cachedData.status) { var animator = cachedData.animator; var keypoints = cachedData.keypoints.keypoints; // Go through all of the rig keypoints and get their location for (var i = 0; i < activeTemplate.keypoints.Length; i++) { var pt = activeTemplate.keypoints[i]; if (pt.associateToRig) { var bone = animator.GetBoneTransform(pt.rigLabel); if (bone != null) { InitKeypoint(bone.position, keypoints, i); } } } // Go through all of the additional or override points defined by joint labels and get // their locations foreach (var (joint, idx) in cachedData.overrides) { InitKeypoint(joint.transform.position, keypoints, idx); } cachedData.keypoints.pose = "unset"; if (cachedData.animator != null) { cachedData.keypoints.pose = GetPose(cachedData.animator); } var cachedKeypointEntry = cachedData.keypoints; var keypointEntry = new KeypointEntry() { frame = cachedKeypointEntry.frame, instance_id = cachedKeypointEntry.instance_id, keypoints = cachedKeypointEntry.keypoints.ToArray(), label_id = cachedKeypointEntry.label_id, pose = cachedKeypointEntry.pose, template_guid = cachedKeypointEntry.template_guid }; m_AsyncAnnotations[m_CurrentFrame].keypoints[labeledEntity.instanceId] = keypointEntry; } } private void InitKeypoint(Vector3 position, Keypoint[] keypoints, int idx) { var loc = ConvertToScreenSpace(position); keypoints[idx].index = idx; if (loc.z < 0) { keypoints[idx].x = 0; keypoints[idx].y = 0; keypoints[idx].state = 0; } else { keypoints[idx].x = loc.x; keypoints[idx].y = loc.y; keypoints[idx].state = 2; } } string GetPose(Animator animator) { var info = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0); if (info != null && info.Length > 0) { var clip = info[0].clip; var timeOffset = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime; if (animationPoseConfigs != null) { foreach (var p in animationPoseConfigs) { if (p != null && p.animationClip == clip) { var time = timeOffset; var label = p.GetPoseAtTime(time); return label; } } } } return "unset"; } Keypoint? GetKeypointForJoint(KeypointEntry entry, int joint) { if (joint < 0 || joint >= entry.keypoints.Length) return null; return entry.keypoints[joint]; } /// protected override void OnVisualize() { if (m_KeypointEntriesToReport == null) return; var jointTexture = activeTemplate.jointTexture; if (jointTexture == null) jointTexture = m_MissingTexture; var skeletonTexture = activeTemplate.skeletonTexture; if (skeletonTexture == null) skeletonTexture = m_MissingTexture; foreach (var entry in m_KeypointEntriesToReport) { foreach (var bone in activeTemplate.skeleton) { var joint1 = GetKeypointForJoint(entry, bone.joint1); var joint2 = GetKeypointForJoint(entry, bone.joint2); if (joint1 != null && joint1.Value.state == 2 && joint2 != null && joint2.Value.state == 2) { VisualizationHelper.DrawLine(joint1.Value.x, joint1.Value.y, joint2.Value.x, joint2.Value.y, bone.color, 8, skeletonTexture); } } foreach (var keypoint in entry.keypoints) { if (keypoint.state == 2) VisualizationHelper.DrawPoint(keypoint.x, keypoint.y, activeTemplate.keypoints[keypoint.index].color, 8, jointTexture); } } } // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming // ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Local [Serializable] public struct JointJson { public string label; public int index; public Color color; } [Serializable] public struct SkeletonJson { public int joint1; public int joint2; public Color color; } [Serializable] public struct KeypointJson { public int label_id; public string label_name; public string template_id; public string template_name; public JointJson[] key_points; public SkeletonJson[] skeleton; } // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming // ReSharper restore NotAccessedField.Local KeypointJson[] TemplateToJson(KeypointTemplate input, IdLabelConfig labelConfig) { var jsons = new KeypointJson[labelConfig.labelEntries.Count]; var idx = 0; foreach (var cfg in labelConfig.labelEntries) { var json = new KeypointJson(); json.label_id =; json.label_name = cfg.label; json.template_id = input.templateID; json.template_name = input.templateName; json.key_points = new JointJson[input.keypoints.Length]; json.skeleton = new SkeletonJson[input.skeleton.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < input.keypoints.Length; i++) { json.key_points[i] = new JointJson { label = input.keypoints[i].label, index = i, color = input.keypoints[i].color }; } for (var i = 0; i < input.skeleton.Length; i++) { json.skeleton[i] = new SkeletonJson() { joint1 = input.skeleton[i].joint1, joint2 = input.skeleton[i].joint2, color = input.skeleton[i].color }; } jsons[idx++] = json; } return jsons; } } }