using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Profiling;
using Unity.Simulation;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// Captures ground truth from the associated Camera.
public partial class PerceptionCamera : MonoBehaviour
//TODO: Remove the Guid path when we have proper dataset merging in Unity Simulation and Thea
internal static string RgbDirectory { get; } = $"RGB{Guid.NewGuid()}";
static string s_RgbFilePrefix = "rgb_";
/// A human-readable description of the camera.
public string description;
/// The interval in seconds at which the camera should render and capture.
public float period = .0166f;
/// The start time in seconds of the first frame in the simulation.
public float startTime;
/// Whether camera output should be captured to disk
public bool captureRgbImages = true;
Camera m_AttachedCamera = null;
/// Caches access to the camera attached to the perception camera
public Camera attachedCamera => m_AttachedCamera;
/// Frame number at which this camera starts capturing.
public int startFrame;
/// The method of triggering captures for this camera. In mode, captures happen automatically based on a start time/frame and time/frame interval. In mode, captures should be triggered manually through calling the method of ."
public enum CaptureTriggerMode
public CaptureTriggerMode captureTriggerMode = CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled;
/// When enabled, the camera will only render those frames that it needs to capture. In addition, the global frame delta time () will be altered to match this camera's capture period, thus, the scene will not be visually updated in-between captures (physics simulation is unaffected). If there is more than one active, this flag should be either disabled or enabled for all of them, otherwise the cameras will not capture and synchronize properly.
public bool onlyRenderCapturedFrames = true;
/// The rendering frame time (seconds). E.g. 0.0166 translates to 60 frames per second.
public float renderingDeltaTime = 0.0166f;
/// "The number of frames to render between the camera's scheduled captures when the rendering delta time is not controlled by this camera (i.e. is false). Setting this to 0 makes the camera capture every rendered frame.
public int framesBetweenCaptures = 0;
/// Requests a capture from this camera on the next rendered frame. Can only be used when using capture mode.
public void CaptureOnNextUpdate()
if (captureTriggerMode.Equals(CaptureTriggerMode.Manual))
Debug.LogError($"{nameof(CaptureOnNextUpdate)} can only be used if the camera is in {nameof(CaptureTriggerMode.Manual)} capture mode.");
/// Event invoked after the camera finishes rendering during a frame.
List m_Labelers = new List();
Dictionary m_PersistentSensorData = new Dictionary();
int m_LastFrameCaptured = -1;
#pragma warning disable 414
//only used to confirm that GroundTruthRendererFeature is present in URP
bool m_GroundTruthRendererFeatureRun;
#pragma warning restore 414
static PerceptionCamera s_VisualizedPerceptionCamera;
/// Turns on/off the realtime visualization capability.
public bool showVisualizations = true;
bool m_ShowingVisualizations = false;
/// The associated with this camera. Use this to report additional annotations and metrics at runtime.
public SensorHandle SensorHandle
return m_SensorHandle;
private set => m_SensorHandle = value;
SensorHandle m_SensorHandle;
Ego m_EgoMarker;
static ProfilerMarker s_WriteFrame = new ProfilerMarker("Write Frame (PerceptionCamera)");
static ProfilerMarker s_EncodeAndSave = new ProfilerMarker("Encode and save (PerceptionCamera)");
internal List passes = new List();
public void AddScriptableRenderPass(ScriptableRenderPass pass)
/// Add a data object which will be added to the dataset with each capture. Overrides existing sensor data associated with the given key.
/// The key to associate with the data.
/// An object containing the data. Will be serialized into json.
public void SetPersistentSensorData(string key, object data)
m_PersistentSensorData[key] = data;
/// Removes a persistent sensor data object.
/// The key of the object to remove.
/// True if a data object was removed. False if it was not set.
public bool RemovePersistentSensorData(string key)
return m_PersistentSensorData.Remove(key);
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Awake()
AsyncRequest.maxJobSystemParallelism = 0; // Jobs are not chained to one another in any way, maximizing parallelism
AsyncRequest.maxAsyncRequestFrameAge = 4; // Ensure that readbacks happen before Allocator.TempJob allocations get stale
Application.runInBackground = true;
m_AttachedCamera = GetComponent();
DatasetCapture.SimulationEnding += OnSimulationEnding;
void EnsureSensorRegistered()
if (m_SensorHandle.IsNil)
m_EgoMarker = GetComponentInParent();
var ego = m_EgoMarker == null ? DatasetCapture.RegisterEgo("") : m_EgoMarker.EgoHandle;
SensorHandle = DatasetCapture.RegisterSensor(ego, "camera", description, period, startTime, captureTriggerMode, onlyRenderCapturedFrames, renderingDeltaTime, framesBetweenCaptures);
void OnEnable()
RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering += OnBeginCameraRendering;
RenderPipelineManager.endCameraRendering += CheckForRendererFeature;
internal HUDPanel hudPanel = null;
internal OverlayPanel overlayPanel = null;
void SetupVisualizationCamera(Camera cam)
showVisualizations = false;
var visualizationAllowed = s_VisualizedPerceptionCamera == null;
if (!visualizationAllowed && showVisualizations)
Debug.LogWarning($"Currently only one PerceptionCamera may be visualized at a time. Disabling visualization on {}.");
showVisualizations = false;
if (!showVisualizations)
m_ShowingVisualizations = true;
s_VisualizedPerceptionCamera = this;
hudPanel = gameObject.AddComponent();
overlayPanel = gameObject.AddComponent();
overlayPanel.perceptionCamera = this;
void CheckForRendererFeature(ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera camera)
if (camera == m_AttachedCamera)
if (!m_GroundTruthRendererFeatureRun)
Debug.LogError("GroundTruthRendererFeature must be present on the ScriptableRenderer associated with the camera. The ScriptableRenderer can be accessed through Edit -> Project Settings... -> Graphics -> Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings -> Renderer List.");
enabled = false;
RenderPipelineManager.endCameraRendering -= CheckForRendererFeature;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (!SensorHandle.IsValid)
//m_AttachedCamera.enabled = SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame;
bool anyVisualizing = false;
foreach (var labeler in m_Labelers)
if (!labeler.enabled)
if (!labeler.isInitialized)
anyVisualizing |= labeler.InternalVisualizationEnabled;
// Currently there is an issue in the perception camera that causes the UI layer not to be visualized
// if we are utilizing async readback and we have to flip our captured image. We have created a jira
// issue for this (aisv-779) and have notified the engine team about this.
anyVisualizing = true;
if (m_ShowingVisualizations)
CaptureOptions.useAsyncReadbackIfSupported = !anyVisualizing;
private Vector2 scrollPosition;
private const float panelWidth = 200;
private const float panelHeight = 250;
private void SetUpGUIStyles()
{ = 12; = Resources.Load("Inter-Light"); = new RectOffset(0, 0, 1, 1); = new RectOffset(0, 0, 1, 1); = true; = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; = new RectOffset(5, 5, 5, 5); = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0); = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0);
m_GUIStylesInitialized = true;
private bool m_GUIStylesInitialized = false;
private void DisplayNoLabelersMessage()
var x = Screen.width - panelWidth - 10;
var height = Math.Min(Screen.height * 0.5f - 20, 90);
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(x, 10, panelWidth, height),;
GUILayout.Label("Visualization: No labelers are currently active. Enable at least one labeler from the inspector window of your perception camera to see visualizations.");
// If a labeler has never been initialized then it was off from the
// start, it should not be called to draw on the UI
foreach (var labeler in m_Labelers.Where(labeler => labeler.isInitialized))
private void OnGUI()
if (!m_ShowingVisualizations) return;
if (!m_GUIStylesInitialized) SetUpGUIStyles();
GUI.depth = 5;
var anyLabelerEnabled = false;
// If a labeler has never been initialized then it was off from the
// start, it should not be called to draw on the UI
foreach (var labeler in m_Labelers.Where(labeler => labeler.isInitialized))
anyLabelerEnabled = true;
if (!anyLabelerEnabled)
GUI.depth = 0;
var x = Screen.width - panelWidth - 10;
var height = Math.Min(Screen.height * 0.5f - 20, panelHeight);
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(x, 10, panelWidth, height),;
scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition);
// If a labeler has never been initialized then it was off from the
// start, it should not be called to draw on the UI
foreach (var labeler in m_Labelers.Where(labeler => labeler.isInitialized))
// This needs to happen here so that the overlay panel controls
// are placed in the controls panel
overlayPanel.OnDrawGUI(x, 10, panelWidth, height);
void OnValidate()
if (m_Labelers == null)
m_Labelers = new List();
// Convert the Unity 4x4 projection matrix to a 3x3 matrix
// ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
static float3x3 ToProjectionMatrix3x3(Matrix4x4 inMatrix)
return new float3x3(
inMatrix[0,0], inMatrix[0,1], inMatrix[0,2],
inMatrix[1,0], inMatrix[1,1], inMatrix[1,2],
inMatrix[2,0],inMatrix[2,1], inMatrix[2,2]);
void CaptureRgbData(Camera cam)
if (!captureRgbImages)
// Record the camera's projection matrix
SetPersistentSensorData("camera_intrinsic", ToProjectionMatrix3x3(cam.projectionMatrix));
var captureFilename = $"{Manager.Instance.GetDirectoryFor(RgbDirectory)}/{s_RgbFilePrefix}{Time.frameCount}.png";
var dxRootPath = $"{RgbDirectory}/{s_RgbFilePrefix}{Time.frameCount}.png";
SensorHandle.ReportCapture(dxRootPath, SensorSpatialData.FromGameObjects(m_EgoMarker == null ? null : m_EgoMarker.gameObject, gameObject), m_PersistentSensorData.Select(kvp => (kvp.Key, kvp.Value)).ToArray());
Func, AsyncRequest.Result> colorFunctor;
var width = cam.pixelWidth;
var height = cam.pixelHeight;
var flipY = ShouldFlipY(cam);
colorFunctor = r =>
using (s_WriteFrame.Auto())
var dataColorBuffer = (byte[]);
byte[] encodedData;
using (s_EncodeAndSave.Auto())
encodedData = ImageConversion.EncodeArrayToPNG(dataColorBuffer, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, (uint)width, (uint)height);
return !FileProducer.Write(captureFilename, encodedData) ? AsyncRequest.Result.Error : AsyncRequest.Result.Completed;
CaptureCamera.Capture(cam, colorFunctor, forceFlip: ForceFlip.None);
CaptureCamera.Capture(cam, colorFunctor, flipY: flipY);
// ReSharper disable once ParameterHidesMember
bool ShouldFlipY(Camera camera)
var hdAdditionalCameraData = GetComponent();
//Based on logic in HDRenderPipeline.PrepareFinalBlitParameters
return hdAdditionalCameraData.flipYMode == HDAdditionalCameraData.FlipYMode.ForceFlipY || (camera.targetTexture == null && camera.cameraType == CameraType.Game);
return (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D11 || SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.Metal) &&
(camera.targetTexture == null && camera.cameraType == CameraType.Game);
return false;
void OnSimulationEnding()
foreach (var labeler in m_Labelers)
if (labeler.isInitialized)
void OnBeginCameraRendering(ScriptableRenderContext _, Camera cam)
if (cam != m_AttachedCamera)
if (!SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
//there are cases when OnBeginCameraRendering is called multiple times in the same frame. Ignore the subsequent calls.
if (m_LastFrameCaptured == Time.frameCount)
m_LastFrameCaptured = Time.frameCount;
if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPaused)
//Debug.Log("===================== CAPTURING");
foreach (var labeler in m_Labelers)
if (!labeler.enabled)
if (!labeler.isInitialized)
void OnDisable()
RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering -= OnBeginCameraRendering;
RenderPipelineManager.endCameraRendering -= CheckForRendererFeature;
void OnDestroy()
DatasetCapture.SimulationEnding -= OnSimulationEnding;
if (SensorHandle.IsValid)
SensorHandle = default;
void CleanupVisualization()
if (s_VisualizedPerceptionCamera == this)
s_VisualizedPerceptionCamera = null;
/// The instances which will be run for this PerceptionCamera.
public IReadOnlyList labelers => m_Labelers;
/// Add the given to the PerceptionCamera. It will be set up and executed by this
/// PerceptionCamera each frame it captures data.
/// The labeler to add to this PerceptionCamera
public void AddLabeler(CameraLabeler cameraLabeler) => m_Labelers.Add(cameraLabeler);
/// Removes the given from the list of labelers under this PerceptionCamera, if it
/// is in the list. The labeler is cleaned up in the process. Labelers removed from a PerceptionCamera should
/// not be used again.
public bool RemoveLabeler(CameraLabeler cameraLabeler)
if (m_Labelers.Remove(cameraLabeler))
if (cameraLabeler.isInitialized)
return true;
return false;
internal void OnGroundTruthRendererFeatureRun()
//only used to confirm that GroundTruthRendererFeature is present in URP
m_GroundTruthRendererFeatureRun = true;