using System;
using System.Globalization;
namespace UnityEngine.UIElements
/// Describes a XML int attribute.
class UxmlUIntAttributeDescription : TypedUxmlAttributeDescription
/// Constructor.
public UxmlUIntAttributeDescription()
type = "int";
typeNamespace = "";
defaultValue = 0;
/// The default value for the attribute, as a string.
public override string defaultValueAsString => defaultValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
/// Retrieves the value of this attribute from the attribute bag. Returns it if it is found, otherwise return
/// defaultValue.
/// The bag of attributes.
/// The context in which the values are retrieved.
/// The value of the attribute.
public override uint GetValueFromBag(IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext cc)
return GetValueFromBag(bag, cc, (s, i) => ConvertValueToUInt(s, i), defaultValue);
public bool TryGetValueFromBag(IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext cc, ref uint value)
return TryGetValueFromBag(bag, cc, (s, i) => ConvertValueToUInt(s, i), defaultValue, ref value);
static uint ConvertValueToUInt(string v, uint defaultValue)
return v == null || !uint.TryParse(v, out uint result) ? defaultValue : result;