using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Unity.Collections;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth {
/// A definition for how a should be resolved to a single label and id for ground truth generation.
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "IdLabelConfig", menuName = "Perception/ID Label Config", order = 1)]
public class IdLabelConfig : LabelConfig
/// Whether the inspector will auto-assign ids based on the id of the first element.
public bool autoAssignIds = true;
/// Whether the inspector will start label ids at zero or one when is enabled.
public StartingLabelId startingLabelId = StartingLabelId.One;
LabelEntryMatchCache m_LabelEntryMatchCache;
/// Attempts to find the label id for the given instance id.
/// The instanceId of the object for which the labelId should be found
/// The LabelEntry associated with the object. default if not found
/// True if a labelId is found for the given instanceId.
public bool TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(uint instanceId, out IdLabelEntry labelEntry)
return TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(instanceId, out labelEntry, out var _);
/// Attempts to find the label id for the given instance id.
/// The instanceId of the object for which the labelId should be found
/// The LabelEntry associated with the object. default if not found
/// The index of the found LabelEntry in . -1 if not found
/// True if a labelId is found for the given instanceId.
public bool TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(uint instanceId, out IdLabelEntry labelEntry, out int index)
return m_LabelEntryMatchCache.TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(instanceId, out labelEntry, out index);
private void EnsureInitLabelEntryMatchCache()
if (m_LabelEntryMatchCache == null)
m_LabelEntryMatchCache = new LabelEntryMatchCache(this, Allocator.Persistent);
protected override void OnInit()
if (m_LabelEntryMatchCache != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Init may not be called after TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId has been called for the first time.");
void OnDisable()
m_LabelEntryMatchCache = null;
/// A structure representing a label entry for writing out to datasets.
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")]
public struct LabelEntrySpec
/// The label id prepared for reporting in the annotation
public int label_id;
/// The label name prepared for reporting in the annotation
public string label_name;
/// Returns the label entries as structures suited for writing out to JSON datasets.
public LabelEntrySpec[] GetAnnotationSpecification()
return labelEntries.Select((l) => new LabelEntrySpec()
label_id =,
label_name = l.label,
/// Creates a LabelEntryMatchCache from the currently registered labeled objects, which can be used to look up
/// labeling information in future frames, even after the objects have been destroyed. Due to timing of labeled
/// object registration, if this is called during or before LateUpdate, this cache may become invalid.
/// It is recommended to only use this method in rendering, as the cache is guaranteed to be in its final state
/// for ground truth generation.
/// The allocator for creating the cache.
/// The created cache.
public LabelEntryMatchCache CreateLabelEntryMatchCache(Allocator allocator)
return m_LabelEntryMatchCache.CloneCurrentState(allocator);