using System; using Unity.Burst; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Mathematics; namespace UnityEngine.Perception.Randomization.Randomizers.Utilities { /// /// Utility for generating lists of poisson disk sampled points /// public static class PoissonDiskSampling { const int k_DefaultSamplingResolution = 30; /// /// Returns a list of poisson disc sampled points for a given area and density /// /// Width of the sampling area /// Height of the sampling area /// The minimum distance required between each sampled point /// The random seed used to initialize the algorithm state /// The number of potential points sampled around every valid point /// The allocator to use for the samples container /// The list of generated poisson points public static NativeList GenerateSamples( float width, float height, float minimumRadius, uint seed = 12345, int samplingResolution = k_DefaultSamplingResolution, Allocator allocator = Allocator.TempJob) { if (width < 0) throw new ArgumentException($"Width {width} cannot be negative"); if (height < 0) throw new ArgumentException($"Height {height} cannot be negative"); if (minimumRadius < 0) throw new ArgumentException($"MinimumRadius {minimumRadius} cannot be negative"); if (seed == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Random seed cannot be 0"); if (samplingResolution <= 0) throw new ArgumentException($"SamplingAttempts {samplingResolution} cannot be <= 0"); var superSampledPoints = new NativeList(allocator); var sampleJob = new SampleJob { width = width + minimumRadius * 2, height = height + minimumRadius * 2, minimumRadius = minimumRadius, seed = seed, samplingResolution = samplingResolution, samples = superSampledPoints }.Schedule(); var croppedSamples = new NativeList(allocator); new CropJob { width = width, height = height, minimumRadius = minimumRadius, superSampledPoints = superSampledPoints.AsDeferredJobArray(), croppedSamples = croppedSamples }.Schedule(sampleJob).Complete(); superSampledPoints.Dispose(); return croppedSamples; } [BurstCompile] struct SampleJob : IJob { public float width; public float height; public float minimumRadius; public uint seed; public int samplingResolution; public NativeList samples; public void Execute() { var newSamples = Sample(width, height, minimumRadius, seed, samplingResolution, Allocator.Temp); samples.AddRange(newSamples); newSamples.Dispose(); } } /// /// This job is for filtering out all super sampled Poisson points that are found outside of the originally /// specified 2D region. This job will also shift the cropped points back to their original region. /// [BurstCompile] struct CropJob : IJob { public float width; public float height; public float minimumRadius; [ReadOnly] public NativeArray superSampledPoints; public NativeList croppedSamples; public void Execute() { var results = new NativeArray( superSampledPoints.Length, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); // The comparisons operations made in this loop are done separately from the list-building loop // so that burst can automatically generate vectorized assembly code for this portion of the job. for (var i = 0; i < superSampledPoints.Length; i++) { var point = superSampledPoints[i]; results[i] = point.x >= minimumRadius && point.x <= width + minimumRadius && point.y >= minimumRadius && point.y <= height + minimumRadius; } // This list-building code is done separately from the filtering loop // because it cannot be vectorized by burst. for (var i = 0; i < superSampledPoints.Length; i++) { if (results[i]) croppedSamples.Add(superSampledPoints[i]); } // Remove the positional offset from the filtered-but-still-super-sampled points var offset = new float2(minimumRadius, minimumRadius); for (var i = 0; i < croppedSamples.Length; i++) croppedSamples[i] -= offset; results.Dispose(); } } // Algorithm sourced from Robert Bridson's paper "Fast Poisson Disk Sampling in Arbitrary Dimensions" // /// /// Returns a list of poisson disc sampled points for a given area and density /// /// Width of the sampling area /// Height of the sampling area /// The minimum distance required between each sampled point /// The random seed used to initialize the algorithm state /// The number of potential points sampled around every valid point /// The allocator type of the generated native container /// The list of generated poisson points static NativeList Sample( float width, float height, float minimumRadius, uint seed, int samplingResolution, Allocator allocator) { var samples = new NativeList(allocator); // Calculate occupancy grid dimensions var random = new Unity.Mathematics.Random(seed); var cellSize = minimumRadius / math.sqrt(2f); var rows = Mathf.CeilToInt(height / cellSize); var cols = Mathf.CeilToInt(width / cellSize); var gridSize = rows * cols; if (gridSize == 0) return samples; // Initialize a few constants var rSqr = minimumRadius * minimumRadius; var samplingArc = math.PI * 2 / samplingResolution; var halfSamplingArc = samplingArc / 2; // Initialize a hash array that maps a sample's grid position to it's index var gridToSampleIndex = new NativeArray(gridSize, Allocator.Temp); for (var i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) gridToSampleIndex[i] = -1; // This list will track all points that may still have space around them for generating new points var activePoints = new NativeList(Allocator.Temp); // Randomly place a seed point to kick off the algorithm var firstPoint = new float2(random.NextFloat(0f, width), random.NextFloat(0f, height)); samples.Add(firstPoint); var firstPointCol = Mathf.FloorToInt(firstPoint.x / cellSize); var firstPointRow = Mathf.FloorToInt(firstPoint.y / cellSize); gridToSampleIndex[firstPointCol + firstPointRow * cols] = 0; activePoints.Add(firstPoint); while (activePoints.Length > 0) { var randomIndex = random.NextInt(0, activePoints.Length); var activePoint = activePoints[randomIndex]; var nextPointFound = false; for (var i = 0; i < samplingResolution; i++) { var length = random.NextFloat(minimumRadius, minimumRadius * 2); var angle = samplingArc * i + random.NextFloat(-halfSamplingArc, halfSamplingArc); // Generate a new point within the circular placement region around the active point var newPoint = activePoint + new float2( math.cos(angle) * length, math.sin(angle) * length); var col = Mathf.FloorToInt(newPoint.x / cellSize); var row = Mathf.FloorToInt(newPoint.y / cellSize); if (row < 0 || row >= rows || col < 0 || col >= cols) continue; // Iterate over the 8 surrounding grid locations to check if the newly generated point is too close // to an existing point var tooCloseToAnotherPoint = false; for (var x = -2; x <= 2; x++) { if ((col + x) < 0 || (col + x) >= cols) continue; for (var y = -2; y <= 2; y++) { if ((row + y) < 0 || (row + y) >= rows) continue; var gridIndex = (col + x) + (row + y) * cols; if (gridToSampleIndex[gridIndex] < 0) continue; var distanceSqr = math.distancesq(samples[gridToSampleIndex[gridIndex]], newPoint); if (distanceSqr >= rSqr) continue; tooCloseToAnotherPoint = true; break; } } if (tooCloseToAnotherPoint) continue; // If the new point is accepted, add it to the occupancy grid and the list of generated samples nextPointFound = true; activePoints.Add(newPoint); samples.Add(newPoint); gridToSampleIndex[col + row * cols] = samples.Length - 1; } if (!nextPointFound) activePoints.RemoveAtSwapBack(randomIndex); } gridToSampleIndex.Dispose(); activePoints.Dispose(); return samples; } } }