# Table of Contents
* [pyrception\_utils](#pyrception_utils)
* [pyrception\_utils.cli](#pyrception_utils.cli)
* [preview](#pyrception_utils.cli.preview)
* [pyrception\_utils.preview](#pyrception_utils.preview)
* [list\_datasets](#pyrception_utils.preview.list_datasets)
* [frame\_selector\_ui](#pyrception_utils.preview.frame_selector_ui)
* [draw\_image\_with\_boxes](#pyrception_utils.preview.draw_image_with_boxes)
* [load\_perception\_dataset](#pyrception_utils.preview.load_perception_dataset)
* [preview\_dataset](#pyrception_utils.preview.preview_dataset)
* [preview\_app](#pyrception_utils.preview.preview_app)
* [pyrception\_utils.pyrception](#pyrception_utils.pyrception)
* [FileType](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.FileType)
* [glob](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.glob)
* [file\_number](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.file_number)
* [glob\_list](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.glob_list)
* [load\_json](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.load_json)
* [PyrceptionDatasetMetadata](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.PyrceptionDatasetMetadata)
* [\_\_init\_\_](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.PyrceptionDatasetMetadata.__init__)
* [PyrceptionDataset](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.PyrceptionDataset)
* [\_\_init\_\_](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.PyrceptionDataset.__init__)
* [\_\_getitem\_\_](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.PyrceptionDataset.__getitem__)
* [\_\_len\_\_](#pyrception_utils.pyrception.PyrceptionDataset.__len__)
* [pyrception\_utils.pyrception\_gcs](#pyrception_utils.pyrception_gcs)
* [FileType](#pyrception_utils.pyrception_gcs.FileType)
* [glob](#pyrception_utils.pyrception_gcs.glob)
* [glob\_list](#pyrception_utils.pyrception_gcs.glob_list)
* [load\_json](#pyrception_utils.pyrception_gcs.load_json)
* [PyrceptionGCSDataset](#pyrception_utils.pyrception_gcs.PyrceptionGCSDataset)
* [\_\_init\_\_](#pyrception_utils.pyrception_gcs.PyrceptionGCSDataset.__init__)
* [\_\_getitem\_\_](#pyrception_utils.pyrception_gcs.PyrceptionGCSDataset.__getitem__)
* [\_\_len\_\_](#pyrception_utils.pyrception_gcs.PyrceptionGCSDataset.__len__)
# pyrception\_utils
# pyrception\_utils.cli
#### preview
[argument("--data", type=str, help="The path to the main perception data folder.")]
Previews the dataset in a streamlit app.
# pyrception\_utils.preview
#### list\_datasets
list_datasets(path) -> List
Lists the datasets in a diretory.
- `path`: path to a directory that contains dataset folders
:type str:
A list of dataset directories.
:rtype: List
#### frame\_selector\_ui
frame_selector_ui(dataset: PyrceptionDataset) -> int
Frame selector streamlist widget to select which frame in the dataset to display
- `dataset`: the PyrceptionDataset
:type PyrceptionDataset:
The image index
:rtype: int
#### draw\_image\_with\_boxes
#### draw\_image\_with\_boxes
draw_image_with_boxes(image: Image, classes: Dict, labels: List, boxes: List[List], colors: Dict, header: str, description: str)
Draws an image in streamlit with labels and bounding boxes.
- `image`: the PIL image
:type PIL:
- `classes`: the class dictionary
:type Dict:
- `labels`: list of integer object labels for the frame
:type List:
- `boxes`: List of bounding boxes (as a List of coordinates) for the frame
:type List[List]:
- `colors`: class colors
:type Dict:
- `header`: Image header
:type str:
- `description`: Image description
:type str:
#### load\_perception\_dataset
@st.cache(show_spinner=True, allow_output_mutation=True)
load_perception_dataset(path: str) -> Tuple
Loads the perception dataset in the cache and caches the random bounding box color scheme.
- `path`: Dataset path
:type str:
A tuple with the colors and PyrceptionDataset object as (colors, dataset)
:rtype: Tuple
#### preview\_dataset
preview_dataset(base_dataset_dir: str)
Adds streamlit components to the app to construct the dataset preview.
- `base_dataset_dir`: The directory that contains the perceptions datasets.
:type str:
#### preview\_app
Starts the dataset preview app.
- `args`: Arguments for the app, such as dataset
:type args: Namespace
# pyrception\_utils.pyrception
## FileType Objects
class FileType(Enum)
Enumerator for file types in the perception dataset. Based on
#### glob
glob(data_root: str, pattern: str) -> Iterator[str]
Find all files in a directory, data_dir, that match the pattern.
- `data_root`: The path to the directory that contains the dataset.
:type str:
- `pattern`: The file pattern to match.
:type str:
Returns an string iterator containing the paths to the matching files.
:rtype: Iterator[str]
#### file\_number
Key function to sort glob list.
- `filename`: POSIX path
:type filename:
#### glob\_list
glob_list(data_root: str, pattern: str) -> List
Find all files in a directory, data_dir, that match the pattern.
- `data_root`: The path to the directory that contains the dataset.
:type str:
- `pattern`: The file pattern to match.
:type str:
Returns an string iterator containing the paths to the matching files.
:rtype: Iterator[str]
#### load\_json
load_json(file: str, key: Union[str, List]) -> Dict
Loads top level records from json file given key or list of keys.
- `file`: The json filename.
:type str:
- `key`: The top-level key or list of keys to load.
:type Union[str, List]:
Returns a dictionary representing the json record
:rtype: Dict
## PyrceptionDatasetMetadata Objects
class PyrceptionDatasetMetadata()
#### \_\_init\_\_
| __init__(data_dir: str = None)
Creates a PyrceptionDataset object that can be used to iterate through the perception
- `data_dir`: The path to the perception dataset.
:type str:
## PyrceptionDataset Objects
class PyrceptionDataset()
Pyrception class for reading and visualizing annotations generated by the perception SDK.
#### \_\_init\_\_
| __init__(metadata: PyrceptionDatasetMetadata = None, data_dir: str = None)
Creates a PyrceptionDataset object that can be used to iterate through the perception
- `data_dir`: The path to the perception dataset.
:type str:
#### \_\_getitem\_\_
| __getitem__(index: int) -> Tuple
Iterator to get one frame at a time based on index.
- `index`: the index of the frame to retrieve
:type int:
Returns a tuple containing the image and target metadata as (image, target)
:rtype: Tuple
#### \_\_len\_\_
| __len__() -> int
Returns the length of the perception dataset.
Length of the dataset.
:rtype: int
# pyrception\_utils.pyrception\_gcs
## FileType Objects
class FileType(Enum)
Enumerator for file types in the perception dataset. Based on
#### glob
glob(data_root: str, pattern: str) -> Iterator[str]
Find all files in a directory, data_dir, that match the pattern.
- `data_root`: The path to the directory that contains the dataset.
:type str:
- `pattern`: The file pattern to match.
:type str:
Returns an string iterator containing the paths to the matching files.
:rtype: Iterator[str]
#### glob\_list
glob_list(fs: GCSFileSystem, data_root: str, pattern: str) -> List
Find all files in a directory, data_dir, that match the pattern.
- `fs`: the GCSFileSystem object
:type GCSFileSystem
- `data_root`: The path to the directory that contains the dataset.
:type str:
- `pattern`: The file pattern to match.
:type str:
Returns an string iterator containing the paths to the matching files.
:rtype: Iterator[str]
#### load\_json
load_json(fs: GCSFileSystem, file: str, key: Union[str, List]) -> Dict
Loads top level records from json file given key or list of keys.
- `fs`: the GCSFileSystem object
:type GCSFileSystem
- `file`: The json filename.
:type str:
- `key`: The top-level key or list of keys to load.
:type Union[str, List]:
Returns a dictionary representing the json record
:rtype: Dict
## PyrceptionGCSDataset Objects
class PyrceptionGCSDataset()
Pyrception class for reading and visualizing annotations generated by the perception SDK.
#### \_\_init\_\_
| __init__(project_id: str = None, dataset_bucket: str = None, dataset_folder: str = None)
Creates a PyrceptionDataset object that can be used to iterate through the perception
- `dataset_bucket`: The path to the perception dataset.
:type str:
#### \_\_getitem\_\_
| __getitem__(index: int) -> Tuple
Iterator to get one frame at a time based on index.
- `index`: the index of the frame to retrieve
:type int:
Returns a tuple containing the image and target metadata as (image, target)
:rtype: Tuple
#### \_\_len\_\_
| __len__() -> int
Returns the length of the perception dataset.
Length of the dataset.
:rtype: int