using System;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// Abstract class for defining custom annotation and metric generation to be run by .
/// Instances of CameraLabeler on will be invoked each frame the camera is
/// set to capture data (see ).
public abstract class CameraLabeler
/// Whether the CameraLabeler should be set up and called each frame.
public bool enabled = true;
internal bool isInitialized { get; private set; }
/// The that contains this labeler.
protected PerceptionCamera perceptionCamera { get; private set; }
/// The SensorHandle for the that contains this labeler. Use this to report
/// annotations and metrics.
protected SensorHandle sensorHandle { get; private set; }
/// Called just before the first call to or . Implement this
/// to initialize state.
protected virtual void Setup() { }
/// Called during the Update each frame the the labeler is enabled and is true.
protected virtual void OnUpdate() {}
/// Called just before the camera renders each frame the the labeler is enabled and is true.
protected virtual void OnBeginRendering() {}
/// Called when the Labeler is about to be destroyed or removed from the PerceptionCamera. Use this to clean up to state.
protected virtual void Cleanup() {}
internal void InternalSetup() => Setup();
internal void InternalOnUpdate() => OnUpdate();
internal void InternalOnBeginRendering() => OnBeginRendering();
internal void InternalCleanup() => Cleanup();
internal void Init(PerceptionCamera newPerceptionCamera)
this.perceptionCamera = newPerceptionCamera;
sensorHandle = newPerceptionCamera.SensorHandle;
isInitialized = true;
catch (Exception)
this.enabled = false;