using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel; using Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting; namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Consumers { public class PerceptionResolver : DefaultContractResolver { protected override JsonObjectContract CreateObjectContract(Type objectType) { var contract = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType); if (objectType == typeof(Vector3) || objectType == typeof(Vector2) || objectType == typeof(Color32)) { contract.Converter = PerceptionConverter.Instance; } return contract; } } public class PerceptionConverter : JsonConverter { public static PerceptionConverter Instance = new PerceptionConverter(); public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) { switch (value) { case Vector3 v3: { writer.WriteStartArray(); writer.WriteValue(v3.x); writer.WriteValue(v3.y); writer.WriteValue(v3.z); writer.WriteEndArray(); break; } case Vector2 v2: { writer.WriteStartArray(); writer.WriteValue(v2.x); writer.WriteValue(v2.y); writer.WriteEndArray(); break; } case Color32 rgba: { writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("r"); writer.WriteValue(rgba.r); writer.WritePropertyName("g"); writer.WriteValue(rgba.g); writer.WritePropertyName("b"); writer.WriteValue(rgba.b); writer.WritePropertyName("a"); writer.WriteValue(rgba.a); writer.WriteEndObject(); break; } } } public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { return null; } public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) { if (objectType == typeof(Vector3)) return true; if (objectType == typeof(Vector2)) return true; return objectType == typeof(Color32); } } public class OldPerceptionConsumer : ConsumerEndpoint { static readonly string version = "0.1.1"; public string baseDirectory = "D:/PerceptionOutput/KickinItOldSchool"; public int capturesPerFile = 20; internal JsonSerializer Serializer { get; }= new JsonSerializer { ContractResolver = new PerceptionResolver()}; //JsonSerializer m_JsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer(); string m_CurrentPath; string m_DatasetPath; string m_RgbPath; string m_LogsPath; [Serializable] struct SensorInfo { public Guid id; public string modality; public string description; } Dictionary m_SensorMap = new Dictionary(); Dictionary m_RegisteredAnnotations = new Dictionary(); Dictionary m_SequenceToGuidMap = new Dictionary(); List m_CurrentCaptures = new List(); protected override bool IsComplete() { return true; } internal string VerifyDirectoryWithGuidExists(string directoryPrefix, bool appendGuid = true) { var dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(m_CurrentPath); var found = string.Empty; foreach (var dir in dirs) { var dirName = new DirectoryInfo(dir).Name; if (dirName.StartsWith(directoryPrefix)) { found = dir; break; } } if (found == string.Empty) { var dirName = appendGuid ? $"{directoryPrefix}{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}" : directoryPrefix; found = Path.Combine(m_CurrentPath, dirName); Directory.CreateDirectory(found); } return found; } public override void OnAnnotationRegistered(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition) { if (m_RegisteredAnnotations.ContainsKey( { Debug.LogError("Tried to register an annotation twice"); return; } m_RegisteredAnnotations[] = (Guid.NewGuid(), annotationDefinition); } public override void OnSensorRegistered(SensorDefinition sensor) { if (m_SensorMap.ContainsKey( { Debug.LogError("Tried to register a sensor twice"); return; } m_SensorMap[] = new SensorInfo { id = Guid.NewGuid(), modality = sensor.modality, description = sensor.definition }; } public override void OnSimulationStarted(SimulationMetadata metadata) { // Create a directory guid... var path = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); m_CurrentPath = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, path); Directory.CreateDirectory(m_CurrentPath); m_DatasetPath = VerifyDirectoryWithGuidExists("Dataset"); m_RgbPath = VerifyDirectoryWithGuidExists("RGB"); m_LogsPath = VerifyDirectoryWithGuidExists("Logs", false); } public override void OnFrameGenerated(Frame frame) { if (!m_SequenceToGuidMap.TryGetValue(frame.sequence, out var seqId)) { seqId = Guid.NewGuid(); m_SequenceToGuidMap[frame.sequence] = seqId; } // Only support one image file right now var path = ""; RgbSensor rgbSensor = null; if (frame.sensors.Count() == 1) { var sensor = frame.sensors.First(); if (sensor is RgbSensor rgb) { rgbSensor = rgb; path = WriteOutImageFile(frame.frame, rgb); } } #if false // TODO bring back annotations.... var annotations = new JArray(); foreach (var annotation in frame.annotations) { var labelerId = Guid.NewGuid(); // TODO - we need to get this figured out if (!m_RegisteredAnnotations.TryGetValue(annotation.Id, out var def)) { def.Item1 = Guid.Empty; } var defId = def.Item1; var json = OldPerceptionJsonFactory.Convert(this, frame, labelerId, defId, annotation); if (json != null) annotations.Add(json); } #endif var capture = new PerceptionCapture { id = Guid.NewGuid(), filename = path, format = "PNG", sequence_id = seqId, step = frame.step, timestamp = frame.timestamp, sensor = PerceptionRgbSensor.Convert(this, rgbSensor, path), // annotations = annotations }; m_CurrentCaptures.Add(capture); if (m_CurrentCaptures.Count >= capturesPerFile) { var toRemove = m_CurrentCaptures; m_CurrentCaptures = new List(); // Write out a capture file WriteCaptureFile(m_CurrentCaptureIndex++, toRemove); toRemove.Clear(); } } public override void OnSimulationCompleted(CompletionMetadata metadata) { WriteSensorsFile(); WriteEgosFile(); WriteAnnotationsDefinitionsFile(); WriteMetricsDefinitionsFile(); } int m_CurrentCaptureIndex = 1; string WriteOutImageFile(int frame, RgbSensor rgb) { var path = Path.Combine(m_RgbPath, $"{rgb.sensorType}_{frame}.png"); var file = File.Create(path, 4096); file.Write(rgb.buffer, 0, rgb.buffer.Length); file.Close(); return path; } void WriteJTokenToFile(string filePath, PerceptionJson json) { WriteJTokenToFile(filePath, JToken.FromObject(json, Serializer)); } static void WriteJTokenToFile(string filePath, JToken json) { var stringWriter = new StringWriter(new StringBuilder(256), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); using (var jsonTextWriter = new JsonTextWriter(stringWriter)) { jsonTextWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; json.WriteTo(jsonTextWriter); } var contents = stringWriter.ToString(); File.WriteAllText(filePath, contents); } void WriteAnnotationsDefinitionsFile() { var defs = new JArray(); foreach (var (id, def) in m_RegisteredAnnotations.Values) { defs.Add(OldPerceptionJsonFactory.Convert(this, id, def)); } var top = new JObject { ["version"] = version, ["annotation_definitions"] = defs }; var path = Path.Combine(m_DatasetPath, "annotation_definitions.json"); WriteJTokenToFile(path, top); } void WriteMetricsDefinitionsFile() { var top = new JObject { ["version"] = version, ["metric_definitions"] = new JArray() }; var path = Path.Combine(m_DatasetPath, "metric_definitions.json"); WriteJTokenToFile(path, top); } void WriteEgosFile() { var top = new JObject { ["version"] = version, ["egos"] = new JArray() }; var path = Path.Combine(m_DatasetPath, "egos.json"); WriteJTokenToFile(path, top); } void WriteSensorsFile() { var sub = new JArray(); foreach (var sensor in m_SensorMap) { sub.Add(JToken.FromObject(sensor.Value, Serializer)); } var top = new JObject { ["version"] = version, ["sensors"] = sub }; var path = Path.Combine(m_DatasetPath, "sensors.json"); WriteJTokenToFile(path, top); } void WriteCaptureFile(int index, IEnumerable captures) { var top = new PerceptionJson { version = version, captures = captures }; var path = Path.Combine(m_DatasetPath, $"captures_{index}.json"); WriteJTokenToFile(path, top); } public Guid GetIdForSensor(Sensor inSensor) { if (!m_SensorMap.TryGetValue(inSensor.Id, out var info)) { Debug.LogError("Sensor Id was not available, it should have already been registered"); return Guid.Empty; } return; } [Serializable] struct PerceptionJson { public string version; public IEnumerable captures; } [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")] [Serializable] struct PerceptionCapture { public Guid id; public Guid sequence_id; public int step; public float timestamp; public string filename; public string format; public PerceptionRgbSensor sensor; public JArray annotations; } [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")] [Serializable] struct PerceptionRgbSensor { public Guid sensor_id; public string modality; public Vector3 translation; public Vector3 rotation; public Vector3 velocity; public Vector3 acceleration; public static PerceptionRgbSensor Convert(OldPerceptionConsumer consumer, RgbSensor inRgb, string path) { return new PerceptionRgbSensor { sensor_id = consumer.GetIdForSensor(inRgb), modality = inRgb.sensorType, translation = inRgb.position, rotation = inRgb.rotation, velocity = inRgb.velocity, acceleration = inRgb.acceleration }; } } } }