# Changelog All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## Unreleased ### Upgrade Notes ### Known Issues ### Added The user can now choose the base folder location to store their generated datasets. Added the AssetSource class for loading assets from generic sources inside randomizers. Users can now choose the base folder location to store their generated datasets. Added a `projection` field in the capture.sensor metadata. Values are either "perspective" or "orthographic". ### Changed Changed the JSON serialization key of Normal Sampler's standard deviation property from "standardDeviation" to "stddev". Changed the JSON serialization of Randomizers in a scenario to an array of groups rather than a dictionary. ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Fixed Fixed an indexing issue with the IdLabelConfig editor. When a new label was added to an empty Id Label Config with Auto Assign IDs enabled, the starting id (0 or 1) was ignored and the new label would always have an id of 0. ## [0.8.0-preview.4] - 2021-07-05 ### Upgrade Notes ### Known Issues When using URP in OSX, having MSAA enabled on the camera while the post-processing option is disabled may cause the output RGB images to be blank. As a workaround, you can disable MSAA and use FXAA instead, until the issue is fixed. ### Added Added support for 'step' button in editor. Added random seed field to the Run in Unity Simulation Window. ### Changed Increased color variety in instance segmentation images. The PoissonDiskSampling utility now samples a larger region of points to then crop to size of the intended region to prevent edge case bias. Upgraded capture package dependency to 0.0.10-preview.23 to fix two issues: (1) Post processing effects were not included when capturing images in URP (2) RGB images were upside-down when post processing effects were enabled and FXAA disabled. ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Fixed Fixed keypoint labeling bug when visualizations are disabled. Fixed an issue where Simulation Delta Time values larger than 100 seconds in Perception Camera would cause incorrect capture scheduling behavior. Fixed an issue where Categorical Parameters sometimes tried to fetch items at `i = categories.Count`, which caused an exception. ## [0.8.0-preview.3] - 2021-03-24 ### Changed Expanded documentation on the Keypoint Labeler Updated Keypoint Labeler logic to only report keypoints for visible objects by default Increased color variety in instance segmentation images ### Fixed Fixed compiler warnings in projects with HDRP on 2020.1 and later Fixed a bug in the Normal Sampler where it would return values less than the passed in minimum value, or greater than the passed in maximum value, for random values very close to 0 or 1 respectively. ## [0.8.0-preview.2] - 2021-03-15 ### Upgrade Notes All appearances of the term `KeyPoint` have been renamed to `Keypoint`. If you have code that relies on any renamed types or names, make sure to alter your code to reflect the new names. `ScenarioBase`'s `Awake()`, `Start()`, and `Update()` functions are now private. If you previously used these, replace the usages with `OnAwake()`, `OnStart()`, and `OnUpdate()`. The interface `IGroundTruthGenerator` now contains a new method named `ClearMaterialProperties` for disabling ground truth generation on a `Labeling` component or its associated `MaterialPropertyBlock`. Update your implementing classes to including this method. ### Known Issues ### Added Added error message when missing Randomizer scripts are detected. Scenario serialization has been updated to include scalar values on Randomizers and Parameters. Added new `ScenarioBase` virtual lifecycle hooks: `OnAwake()`, `OnStart()`, `OnUpdate()`, `OnComplete()`, and `OnIdle()`. Keypoint occlusion has been added. No keypoint information will be recorded for a labeled asset completely out of the camera's frustum. New keypoint tests have been added to test keypoint states. The color of keypoints and connections are now reported in the annotation definition JSON file for keypoint templates. The `PerceptionScenario` abstract class has been added to abstract perception data capture specific functionality from the vanilla Scenario lifecycle. The newly added `LabelManager` class now enables custom Labelers to access the list of registered `Labeling` Components present in the Scene. Improved UI for `KeypointTemplate` and added useful default colors for keypoint and skeleton definitions. Added the ability to switch ground truth generation on or off for an object at runtime by enabling or disabling its `Labeling` component. A new method named `ClearMaterialProperties()` in `IGroundTruthGenerator` handles this functionality. ### Changed Renamed all appearances of the term `KeyPoint` within types and names to `Keypoint`. ScenarioBase's `Awake()`, `Start()`, and `Update()` methods are now private. The newly added virtual lifecycle hooks are to be used as replacements. Improved _Run in Unity Simulation_ window UI. The _Run in Unity Simulation_ window now accepts an optional Scenario JSON configuration to override existing Scenario editor UI settings. The `GetRandomizer()` and `CreateRandomizer()` methods of `ScenarioBase` have been augmented or replaced with more generic list index style accessors. The Scenario inspector buttons for serialization and deserialization have been refactored to open a file explorer so that the user can choose where to save the generated JSON configuration or which file to import a configuration from. RandomizerTags now use `OnEnable()` and `OnDisable()` to manage their lifecycle. This allows the user to toggle them on and off in the editor. Upgraded `com.unity.simulation.capture` package dependency to integrate new changes that prevent the API updater from looping infinitely when opening the project settings window on new URP projects. `CameraLabeler` methods `OnBeginRendering()` and `OnEndRendering()` now have an added `ScriptableRenderContext` parameter. ### Deprecated The Randomizer methods `OnCreate()`, `OnStartRunning()`, and `OnStopRunning()` are now deprecated and have been replaced with `OnAwake()`, `OnEnable()` and `OnDisable()` respectively, so as to better reflect the existing MonoBehaviour lifecycle methods. ### Removed Removed the Entities package dependency. ### Fixed Fixed a null reference error that appeared when adding options to Categorical Parameters. Fixed ground truth not properly being produced when there are other disabled PerceptionCameras present. Note: this does not yet add support for multiple enabled PerceptionCameras. Fixed an exception when rendering inspector for Randomizers with private serialized fields. Fixed an issue preventing the user from adding more options to a Categorical Parameter's list of options with the _Add Folder_ button. _Add Folder_ now correctly appends the contents of the new folder to the existing list. Fixed a bug where uniform probabilities were not properly reset upon adding or removing options from a Categorical Parameter's list of options. Fixed keypoints being reported in wrong locations on the first frame in which an object is visible. Fixed an out of range error that occurred when a keypoint template skeleton relied on a joint that was not available. Fixed wrong labels on 2d bounding boxes when all labeled objects are deleted in a frame. ## [0.7.0-preview.2] - 2021-02-08 ### Upgrade Notes ### Known Issues ### Added Added Register() and Unregister() methods to the RandomizerTag API so users can implement RandomizerTag compatible GameObject caching ### Changed Switched accessibility of scenario MonoBehaviour lifecycle functions (Awake, Start, Update) from private to protected to enable users to define their own overrides when deriving the Scenario class. The GameObjectOneWayCache has been made public for users to cache GameObjects within their own custom Randomizers. ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Fixed Fixed the math offsetting the iteration index of each Unity Simulation instance directly after they deserialize their app-params. The RandomizerTagManager now uses a LinkedHashSet data structure to register tags to preserve insertion order determinism in Unity Simulation. GameObjectOneWayCache now correctly registers and unregisters RandomizerTags on cached GameObjects. ## [0.7.0-preview.1] - 2021-02-01 ### Upgrade Notes #### Randomization Namespace Change The Randomization toolset has been moved out of the Experimental namespace. After upgrading to this version of the Perception package, please follow these steps: * Replace all references to `UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization` with `UnityEngine.Perception.Randomization` in your C# code. * Open your Unity Scene file in a text editor and replace all mentions of `UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization` with `UnityEngine.Perception.Randomization`, and save the file. #### Random Seed Generation Replace usages of `ScenarioBase.GenerateRandomSeed()` with `SamplerState.NextRandomState()` in your custom Randomizer code. #### Sampler Ranges Before upgrading a project to this version of the Perception package, make sure to keep a record of **all sampler ranges** in your added Randomizers. Due to a change in how sampler ranges are serialized, **after upgrading to this version, ranges for all stock Perception samplers (Uniform and Normal Samplers) will be reset**, and will need to be manually reverted by the user. #### Tag Querying The `RandomizerTagManager.Query` function now returns the tag object itself instead of the GameObject it is attached to. You will need to slightly modify your custom Randomizers to accommodate this change. Please refer to the included sample Randomizers as examples. ### Known Issues The bounding box 3D labeler does not work with labeled assets that utilize a skinned mesh renderer. These are commonly used with animated models. ### Added Added keypoint ground truth labeling Added animation randomization Added ScenarioConstants base class for all scenario constants objects Added ScenarioBase.SerializeToConfigFile() Randomizer tags now support inheritance Added AnimationCurveSampler, which returns random values according to a range and probability distribution denoted by a user provided AnimationCurve. Added ParameterUIElementsEditor class to allow custom ScriptableObjects and MonoBehaviours to render Parameter and Sampler typed public fields correctly in their inspector windows. Added new capture options to Perception Camera: * Can now render intermediate frames between captures. * Capture can now be triggered manually using a function call, instead of automatic capturing on a schedule. Added 3D bounding box visualizer Categorical Parameters will now validate that their specified options are unique at runtime. ### Changed Randomizers now access their parent scenario through the static activeScenario property. Unique seeds per Sampler have been replaced with one global random seed configured via the ScenarioConstants of a Scenario Samplers now derive their random state from the static SamplerState class instead of individual scenarios to allow parameters and samplers to be used outside of the context of a scenario Replaced ScenarioBase.GenerateRandomSeed() with SamplerState.NextRandomState() and SamplerState.CreateGenerator() ScenarioBase.Serialize() now directly returns the serialized scenario configuration JSON string instead of writing directly to a file (use SerializeToConfigFile() instead) ScenarioBase.Serialize() now not only serializes scenario constants, but also all sampler member fields on randomizers attached to the scenario RandomizerTagManager.Query() now returns RandomizerTags directly instead of the GameObjects attached to said tags Semantic Segmentation Labeler now places data in folders with randomized filenames. The uniform toggle on Categorical Parameters will now reset the Parameter's probability weights to be uniform. Reorganized Perception MonoBehaviour paths within the AddComponentMenu. Upgraded the Unity Simulation Capture package dependency to 0.0.10-preview.18 and Unity Simulation Core to 0.0.10-preview.22 ### Deprecated ### Removed Removed ScenarioBase.GenerateRandomSeedFromIndex() Removed native sampling (through jobs) capability from all samplers and parameters as it introduced additional complexity to the code and was not a common usage pattern Removed `range` as a required ISampler interface property. Removed randomization tooling from the "Experimental" namespace ### Fixed Fixed an issue where the overlay panel would display a full screen semi-transparent image over the entire screen when the overlay panel is disabled in the UI Fixed a bug in instance segmentation labeler that erroneously logged that object ID 255 was not supported Fixed the simulation stopping while the editor/player is not focused Fixed memory leak or crash occurring at the end of long simulations when using BackgroundObjectPlacementRandomizer or ForegroundObjectPlacementRandomizer Randomizer.OnCreate() is no longer called in edit-mode when adding a randomizer to a scenario Fixed a bug where removing all randomizers from a scenario caused the randomizer container UI element to overflow over the end of Scenario component UI Semantic Segmentation Labeler now produces output in the proper form for distributed data generation on Unity Simulation by placing output in randomized directory names Texture Randomizer is now compatible with HDRP. Categorical Parameters no longer produce errors when deleting items from long options lists. Parameter, ISampler, and non-generic Sampler class UIs now render properly in MonoBehaviours and ScriptableObjects. Fixed an issue in the perception tutorial sample assets where upon the editor being first opened, and a user generates a dataset by clicking the play button, the first generated image has duplicated textures and hue offsets for all background objects. Enabling the "GPU instancing" boolean in the tutorial's sample material's inspector fixed this issue. ## [0.6.0-preview.1] - 2020-12-03 ### Added Added support for labeling Terrain objects. Trees and details are not labeled but will occlude other objects. Added analytics for Unity Simulation runs Added instance segmentation labeler. Added support for full screen visual overlays and overlay manager. All-new editor interface for the Labeling component and Label Configuration assets. The new UI improves upon various parts of the label specification and configuration workflow, making it more efficient and less error-prone to setup a new Perception project. Added Assets->Perception menu for current and future asset preparation and validation tools. Currently contains one function which lets the user create prefabs out of multiple selected models with one click, removing the need for going through all models individually. ### Changed Updated dependencies to com.unity.simulation.capture:0.0.10-preview.14, com.unity.simulation.core:0.0.10-preview.20, and com.unity.burst:1.3.9. Changed InstanceSegmentationImageReadback event to provide a NativeArray\ instead of NativeArray\. Expanded all Unity Simulation references from USim to Unity Simulation. Uniform and Normal samplers now serialize their random seeds. The ScenarioBase's GenerateIterativeRandomSeed() method has been renamed to GenerateRandomSeedFromIndex(). ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Fixed UnitySimulationScenario now correctly deserializes app-params before offsetting the current scenario iteration when executing on Unity Simulation. Fixed Unity Simulation nodes generating one extra empty image before generating their share of the randomization scenario iterations. Fixed enumeration in the CategoricalParameter.categories property. The GenerateRandomSeedFromIndex method now correctly hashes the current scenario iteration into the random seed it generates. Corrupted .meta files have been rebuilt and replaced. The Randomizer list inspector UI now updates appropriately when a user clicks undo. ## [0.5.0-preview.1] - 2020-10-14 ### Known Issues Creating a new 2020.1.x project and adding the perception package to the project causes a memory error that is a [known issue in 2020.1 editors](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/wild-memory-leaks-leading-to-stackallocator-walkallocations-crashes). Users can remedy this issue by closing and reopening the editor. ### Added Added Randomizers and RandomizerTags Added support for generating 3D bounding box ground truth data ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed Removed ParameterConfigurations (replaced with Randomizers) ### Fixed Fixed visualization issue where object count and pixel count labelers were shown stale values Fixed visualization issue where HUD entry labels could be too long and take up the entire panel ## [0.4.0-preview.1] - 2020-08-07 ### Added Added new experimental randomization tools Added support for 2020.1 Added Labeling.RefreshLabeling(), which can be used to update ground truth generators after the list of labels or the renderers is changed Added support for renderers with MaterialPropertyBlocks assigned to individual materials ### Changed Changed the way realtime visualizers rendered to avoid rendering conflicts Changed default labeler ids to be lower-case to be consistent with the ids in the dataset Switched to latest versions of com.unity.simulation.core and com.unity.simulation.capture ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Fixed Fixed 2d bounding boxes being reported for objects that do not match the label config. Fixed a categorical parameter UI error in which deleting an individual option would successfully remove the option from the UI but only serialize the option to null during serialization instead of removing it Fixed the "Application Frequency" parameter UI field not initializing to a default value Fixed the IterateSeed() method where certain combinations of indices and random seeds would produce a random state value of zero, causing Unity.Mathematics.Random to throw an exception Fixed labeler editor to allow for editing multiple labelers at a time Fixed labeler editor to ensure that when duplicating prefabs all labeler entries are also duplicated Fixed colors in semantic segmentation images being darker than those specified in the label config Fixed objects being incorrectly labeled when they do not match any entries in the label config Fixed lens distortion in URP and HDRP now being applied to ground truth ### Security ## [0.3.0-preview.1] - 2020-08-07 ### Added Added realtime visualization capability to the perception package. Added visualizers for built-in labelers: Semantic Segmentation, 2D Bounding Boxes, Object Count, and Rendered Object Info. Added references to example projects in manual. Added notification when an HDRP project is in Deferred Only mode, which is not supported by the labelers. ### Changed Updated to com.unity.simulation.capture version 0.0.10-preview.10 and com.unity.simulation.core version 0.0.10-preview.17 Changed minimum Unity Editor version to 2019.4 ### Fixed Fixed compilation warnings with latest com.unity.simulation.core package. Fixed errors in example script when exiting play mode ## [0.2.0-preview.2] - 2020-07-15 ### Fixed Fixed bug that prevented RGB captures to be written out to disk Fixed compatibility with com.unity.simulation.capture@0.0.10-preview.8 ## [0.2.0-preview.1] - 2020-07-02 ### Added Added CameraLabeler, an extensible base type for all forms of dataset output from a camera. Added LabelConfig\, a base class for mapping labels to data used by a labeler. There are two new derived types - ID label config and semantic segmentation label config. ### Changed Moved the various forms of ground truth from PerceptionCamera into various subclasses of CameraLabeler. Renamed SimulationManager to DatasetCapture. Changed Semantic Segmentation to take a SemanticSegmentationLabelConfig, which maps labels to color pixel values. ## [0.1.0] - 2020-06-24 ### This is the first release of the _Perception_ package