Fix pose positions (#220)
Fix pose positions (#220)
* Partial fix for keypoint issues * Adding human pose assets to perceptionHDRP * Moving test assets out of resources folder. Removing baked lighting from scenes. * Updating changelog * Fixing test on large screens. Reverting unnecessary PerceptionURP change * Adding human pose labeling sample to PerceptionURP * Update HDRP PoseSample.unity * Fixing merge issues * Adding rendertexture to test to address issue at other resolutions/main
4 年前
共有 85 个文件被更改,包括 28536 次插入 和 68 次删除
8TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization.meta
8TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization.meta
4TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/.sample.json
8TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Idle.fbx
938TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Idle.fbx.meta
134TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/LabeledAndRandomized.prefab
7TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/LabeledAndRandomized.prefab.meta
53TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/New Animation.anim
8TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/New Animation.anim.meta
73TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/New Animator Controller.controller
8TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/New Animator Controller.controller.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Player.fbx
97TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Player.fbx.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/PutGlassesOn.fbx
938TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/PutGlassesOn.fbx.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Run.fbx
946TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Run.fbx.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/TakeObjectAttempt.fbx
923TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/TakeObjectAttempt.fbx.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/TakeObjects.fbx
938TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/TakeObjects.fbx.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Walk.fbx
946TestProjects/PerceptionHDRP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Walk.fbx.meta
4TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/.sample.json
8TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Idle.fbx
938TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Idle.fbx.meta
134TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/LabeledAndRandomized.prefab
7TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/LabeledAndRandomized.prefab.meta
53TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/New Animation.anim
8TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/New Animation.anim.meta
73TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/New Animator Controller.controller
8TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/New Animator Controller.controller.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Player.fbx
97TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Player.fbx.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/PutGlassesOn.fbx
938TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/PutGlassesOn.fbx.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Run.fbx
946TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Run.fbx.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/TakeObjectAttempt.fbx
923TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/TakeObjectAttempt.fbx.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/TakeObjects.fbx
938TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/TakeObjects.fbx.meta
1001TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Walk.fbx
946TestProjects/PerceptionURP/Assets/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization/Models and Animations/Walk.fbx.meta
285com.unity.perception/Tests/Runtime/TestAssets/Cube Animation.anim
8com.unity.perception/Tests/Runtime/TestAssets/Cube Animation.anim.meta
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