
Fixes math in SimulationState SequenceTimeOfNextCapture

SequenceTimeOfNextCapture was reporting time with respect to two
different frames depending on context: either it would report absolute
time since the start of the sequence, if the first capture had not been
completed, or it would report the amount of time left until the next
capture, relative to the current time.

Removed logic which reported relative time, which seems like it was not
part of any code path, or was being corrected for elsewhere in
SimulationState's update loop. Removed some of the error correction in
the update loop and added stricter expectations for the management of
the timing code.

Added unit tests to ensure function reports time we'd expect regardless
of context.

Created follow-up task AISV-845 for making the timing code less fragile.
Devin Miller 4 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 73 次插入9 次删除
  1. 18
  2. 64


using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Simulation;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;

float SequenceTimeOfNextCapture(SensorData sensorData)
// If the first capture hasn't happened yet, sequenceTimeNextCapture field won't be valid
return sensorData.period - (UnscaledSequenceTime - sensorData.firstCaptureTime) % sensorData.period;
return sensorData.sequenceTimeNextCapture;
public bool Contains(Guid id) => m_Ids.Contains(id);

if (!activeSensor.ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
//Just in case we get in a situation where we are so far beyond sequenceTimeNextCapture that incrementing next time by the period still doesn't get us to a time past "now"
sensorData.sequenceTimeNextCapture += sensorData.period;
while (sensorData.sequenceTimeNextCapture <= UnscaledSequenceTime);
// TODO: AISV-845 This is an errant modification of this record that can lead to undefined behavior
// Leaving as-is for now because too many components depend on this logic
sensorData.sequenceTimeNextCapture += sensorData.period;
Debug.Assert(sensorData.sequenceTimeNextCapture > UnscaledSequenceTime,
$"Next scheduled capture should be after {UnscaledSequenceTime} but is {sensorData.sequenceTimeNextCapture}");
// sensorData.sequenceTimeNextCapture = SequenceTimeOfNextCapture(sensorData);
sensorData.lastCaptureFrameCount = Time.frameCount;
m_Sensors[activeSensor] = sensorData;


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;

namespace GroundTruthTests
// Provides accessors and invocation methods for members of SimulationState that would otherwise be in-accessible
// due to protection level - use only when testing protected logic is critical
class SimulationStateTestHelper
SimulationState m_State => DatasetCapture.SimulationState;
Dictionary<SensorHandle, SimulationState.SensorData> m_SensorsReference;
MethodInfo m_SequenceTimeOfNextCaptureMethod;
internal SimulationStateTestHelper()
var bindingFlags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
m_SequenceTimeOfNextCaptureMethod = m_State.GetType().GetMethod("SequenceTimeOfNextCapture", bindingFlags);
Debug.Assert(m_SequenceTimeOfNextCaptureMethod != null, "Couldn't find sequence time method.");
var sensorsField = m_State.GetType().GetField("m_Sensors", bindingFlags);
Debug.Assert(sensorsField != null, "Couldn't find internal sensors field");
m_SensorsReference = (Dictionary<SensorHandle, SimulationState.SensorData>)(sensorsField.GetValue(m_State));
Debug.Assert(m_SensorsReference != null, "Couldn't cast sensor field to dictionary");
internal float CallSequenceTimeOfNextCapture(SimulationState.SensorData sensorData)
return (float)m_SequenceTimeOfNextCaptureMethod.Invoke(m_State, new object[] { sensorData });
internal SimulationState.SensorData GetSensorData(SensorHandle sensorHandle)
return m_SensorsReference[sensorHandle];
SimulationStateTestHelper m_TestHelper;
public void SetUp()
m_TestHelper = new SimulationStateTestHelper();
public IEnumerator SequenceTimeOfNextCapture_ReportsCorrectTime()
var ego = DatasetCapture.RegisterEgo("ego");
var firstCaptureTime = 1.5f;
var period = .4f;
var sensorHandle = DatasetCapture.RegisterSensor(ego, "cam", "", period, firstCaptureTime);
float[] sequenceTimesExpected =
period + firstCaptureTime,
period * 2 + firstCaptureTime,
period * 3 + firstCaptureTime
for (var i = 0; i < sequenceTimesExpected.Length; i++)
yield return null;
var sensorData = m_TestHelper.GetSensorData(sensorHandle);
var sequenceTimeActual = m_TestHelper.CallSequenceTimeOfNextCapture(sensorData);
Assert.AreEqual(sequenceTimesExpected[i], sequenceTimeActual, 0.0001f);
