/// <param name="savePath">Path where the new created prefab will be saved too</param>
/// <param name="drawRays">Shows the rays on how the joint posiitons are found</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static GameObject AvatarCreateNoseEars (GameObject selection, string savePath, bool drawRays = false) |
public static GameObject AvatarCreateNoseEars (GameObject selection, Object keypointTemplate, string savePath, bool drawRays = false) |
{ |
if (selection == null) |
{ |
DebugDrawRays(30f, distanceCheck, rightEye, leftEye, head, rayRightEye, rayLeftEye, faceCenter, earCenter); |
} |
return CreateNewCharacterPrefab(selection, nosePos, earRightPos, earLeftPos, savePath); |
return CreateNewCharacterPrefab(selection, nosePos, earRightPos, earLeftPos, keypointTemplate, savePath); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// <param name="earLeftPosition">Vector 3 position</param>
/// <param name="savePath">Save path for the creation of a new prefab</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static GameObject CreateNewCharacterPrefab(GameObject selection, Vector3 nosePosition, Vector3 earRightPosition, Vector3 earLeftPosition, string savePath = "Assets/") |
public static GameObject CreateNewCharacterPrefab(GameObject selection, Vector3 nosePosition, Vector3 earRightPosition, Vector3 earLeftPosition, Object keypointTemplate, string savePath = "Assets/") |
{ |
var head = FindBodyPart("head", selection.transform); |
nose.name = "nose"; |
nose.transform.SetParent(head); |
AddJointLabel(nose); |
AddJointLabel(nose, keypointTemplate); |
} |
if (earRightPosition != Vector3.zero) |
earRight.name = "earRight"; |
earRight.transform.SetParent(head); |
AddJointLabel(earRight); |
AddJointLabel(earRight, keypointTemplate); |
} |
if (earLeftPosition != Vector3.zero) |
earLeft.name = "earLeft"; |
earLeft.transform.SetParent(head); |
AddJointLabel(earLeft); |
AddJointLabel(earLeft, keypointTemplate); |
} |
} |
/// Add a joint label and add the template data for the joint, uses base CocoKeypointTemplate in perception since the plan is to
/// remove the template from the template data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gameObject">target cgameobject from the joint</param>
static void AddJointLabel(GameObject gameObject) |
/// <param name="gameObject">target gameobject from the joint</param>
/// <param name="keypointTemplate">selected keypoint template from the UI, if blank it will grab the example CocoKeypointTemplate</param>
static void AddJointLabel(GameObject gameObject, Object keypointTemplate) |
var asset = new Object(); |
var template = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths().Where(o => o.EndsWith("CocoKeypointTemplate.asset", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList(); |
foreach (string o in template) |
var exampleTemplate = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths().Where(o => o.EndsWith("CocoKeypointTemplate.asset", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList(); |
if (keypointTemplate == null) |
if (o.Contains("com.unity.perception")) |
foreach (string o in exampleTemplate) |
asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Object>(o); |
if (o.Contains("com.unity.perception")) |
{ |
keypointTemplate = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Object>(o); |
} |
data.template = (KeypointTemplate)asset; |
data.template = (KeypointTemplate)keypointTemplate; |
jointLabel.templateInformation = new List<JointLabel.TemplateData>(); |
jointLabel.templateInformation.Add(data); |
} |