* Can now render intermediate frames between captures.
* Capture can now be triggered manually using a function call, instead of automatic capturing on a schedule.
Categorical Parameters will now validate that their specified options are unique at runtime
Categorical Parameters will now validate that their specified options are unique at runtime.
Randomizers now access their parent scenario through the static activeScenario property
Randomizers now access their parent scenario through the static activeScenario property.
Unique seeds per Sampler have been replaced with one global random seed configured via the ScenarioConstants of a Scenario
RandomizerTagManager.Query<T>() now returns RandomizerTags directly instead of the GameObjects attached to said tags
Semantic Segmentation Labeler now places data in folders with randomized filenames
Semantic Segmentation Labeler now places data in folders with randomized filenames.
The uniform toggle on Categorical Parameters will now reset the parameter's probability weights to be uniform
The uniform toggle on Categorical Parameters will now reset the Parameter's probability weights to be uniform.
### Deprecated
Semantic Segmentation Labeler now produces output in the proper form for distributed data generation on Unity Simulation by placing output in randomized directory names
Texture Randomizer is now compatible with HDRP
Texture Randomizer is now compatible with HDRP.
Categorical Parameters no longer error when deleting items from long options lists
Categorical Parameters no longer produce errors when deleting items from long options lists.