As the name suggests, the _**Package Manager**_ is where you can download new packages, update or remove existing ones, and access a variety of information and additional actions for each package.
* **Action**: Click on the _**+**_ sign at the top-left corner of the _**Package Manager**_ window and then choose the option _**Add package frim git URL...**_.
* **Action**: Click on the _**+**_ sign at the top-left corner of the _**Package Manager**_ window and then choose the option _**Add package from git URL...**_.
* **Action**: Enter the address `com.unity.perception` and click _**Add**_.
**Note:** If you would like a specific version of the package, you can append the version to the end of the url. For example `com.unity.perception@0.1.0-preview.5`. For this tutorial, **we do not need to add a version**. You can also install the package from a local clone of the Perception repository. More information on installing local packages is available [here](
Each package can come with a set of samples. As seen in the righthand panel, the Perception package includes a sample named _**Tutorial Files**_, which will be required for completing this tutorial. The sample files consist of example foreground and background objects, randomizers, shaders, and other useful elements to work with during this tutorial. **Foreground** objects are those thatthe eventual machine learning model will try to detect, and **background** objects will be placed in the background as distractors for the model.
Each package can come with a set of samples. As seen in the righthand panel, the Perception package includes a sample named _**Tutorial Files**_, which will be required for completing this tutorial. The sample files consist of example foreground and background objects, randomizers, shaders, and other useful elements to work with during this tutorial. **Foreground** objects are those thatthe eventual machine learning model will try to detect, and **background** objects will be placed in the background as distractors for the model.
* **Action**: In the _**Package Manager**_ window, from the list of _**Samples**_ for the Perception package, click on the _**Import into Project**_ button for the sample named _**Tutorial Files**_.
* **Action**: Add `MyLightRandomizer` to the list of Randomizers in `SimulationScenario`.
You will notice the the Randomizer's UI snippet contains one Parameter named `Light Intensity Parameter`. This is the same Parameter we added in the code block above. Here, you can set the sampling distribution (`Value`), `Seed`, and `Range` for this float Parameter:
You will notice that the Randomizer's UI snippet contains one Parameter named `Light Intensity Parameter`. This is the same Parameter we added in the code block above. Here, you can set the sampling distribution (`Value`), `Seed`, and `Range` for this float Parameter:
* **Action**: Click _**Sign in...**_ and follow the steps in the window that opens to sign in or create an account.
* **Action**: Sign up for a free trial of Unity Simulation [here](
Unity Simulation is a cloud-based service that makes it possible for you run thousands of instances of Unity builds in order to generate massive amounts of data. The Unity Simulation service is billed on a per-usage basis, and the free trial offers up to $100 of free credit per month. In order to access the free trial, you will need to provide credit card information. **This information will be used to charge your account if you exceed the $100 monthly credit.** A list of hourly and daily rates for various computational resources is available in the page where you first register for Unity Simulation.
Unity Simulation is a cloud-based service that makes it possible for you to run hundreds of instances of Unity builds in order to generate massive amounts of data. The Unity Simulation service is billed on a per-usage basis, and the free trial offers up to $100 of free credit per month. In order to access the free trial, you will need to provide credit card information. **This information will be used to charge your account if you exceed the $100 monthly credit.** A list of hourly and daily rates for various computational resources is available in the page where you first register for Unity Simulation.
Once you have registered for a free trial, you will be taken to your Unity Simulation dashboard, where you will be able to observe your usage and billing invoices.
### <aname="step-4">Step 4: Analyze the Dataset using Dataset Insights</a>
In order to to download the actual data from your run, we will now use Dataset Insights again. This time though, we will utilize some of the lines that were commented in our previous use with locally generated data.
In order to download the actual data from your run, we will now use Dataset Insights again. This time though, we will utilize some of the lines that were commented in our previous use with locally generated data.
* **Action**: Open the Dataset Insights Jupyter notebook again, using the command below: