
Restructuring of files

Steve Borkman 3 年前
共有 40 个文件被更改,包括 1578 次插入1463 次删除
  1. 8
  2. 684
  3. 4
  4. 26
  5. 76
  6. 4
  7. 95
  8. 6
  9. 4
  10. 52
  11. 731
  12. 505
  13. 5
  14. 2
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  18. 2
  19. 17
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  21. 7
  22. 33
  23. 8
  24. 421
  25. 11
  26. 296
  27. 8
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  29. 0
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s.wordWrap = true;
var defaultColor = s.normal.textColor;
var dir = PlayerPrefs.GetString(SimulationState.latestOutputDirectoryKey, string.Empty);
var dir = PlayerPrefs.GetString(string.Empty, string.Empty);
if (dir != string.Empty)
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Latest Generated Dataset");

var userBaseDir = PlayerPrefs.GetString(SimulationState.userBaseDirectoryKey);
var userBaseDir = PlayerPrefs.GetString(string.Empty, string.Empty);
var folder = PlayerPrefs.GetString(SimulationState.defaultOutputBaseDirectory);
var folder = PlayerPrefs.GetString(string.Empty, string.Empty);
userBaseDir = folder != string.Empty ? folder : Application.persistentDataPath;

if (path.Length != 0)
Debug.Log($"Chose path: {path}");
PlayerPrefs.SetString(SimulationState.userBaseDirectoryKey, path);
// PlayerPrefs.SetString(SimulationState.userBaseDirectoryKey, path);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SoloDesign;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
#pragma warning disable 649
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth

public class DatasetCapture : MonoBehaviour
public static DatasetCapture Instance { get; protected set; }
public PerceptionConsumer activeConsumer;
// readonly Guid k_DatasetGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
public ConsumerEndpoint activeConsumer;
SimulationState m_SimulationState;
void Awake()

/// </summary>
public event Action SimulationEnding;
/// <summary>
/// Register a new sensor under the given ego.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="egoHandle">The ego container for the sensor. Sensor orientation will be reported in the context of the given ego.</param>
/// <param name="modality">The kind of the sensor (ex. "camera", "lidar")</param>
/// <param name="description">A human-readable description of the sensor (ex. "front-left rgb camera")</param>
/// <param name="firstCaptureFrame">The offset from the current frame on which this sensor should first be scheduled.</param>
/// <param name="captureTriggerMode">The method of triggering captures for this sensor.</param>
/// <param name="simulationDeltaTime">The simulation frame time (seconds) requested by this sensor.</param>
/// <param name="framesBetweenCaptures">The number of frames to simulate and render between the camera's scheduled captures. Setting this to 0 makes the camera capture every frame.</param>
/// <param name="manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming">Have this unscheduled (manual capture) camera affect simulation timings (similar to a scheduled camera) by requesting a specific frame delta time</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="SensorHandle"/>, which should be used to check <see cref="SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame"/> each frame to determine whether to capture (or render) that frame.
/// It is also used to report captures, annotations, and metrics on the sensor.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if ego is invalid.</exception>
#if false
public SensorHandle RegisterSensor(EgoHandle egoHandle, string modality, string description, float firstCaptureFrame, CaptureTriggerMode captureTriggerMode, float simulationDeltaTime, int framesBetweenCaptures, bool manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming = false)
var sensor = new SensorHandle(Guid.NewGuid(), this);
simulationState.AddSensor(egoHandle, modality, description, firstCaptureFrame, captureTriggerMode, simulationDeltaTime, framesBetweenCaptures, manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming, sensor);
return sensor;
#if false
/// <summary>
/// Creates a metric type, which can be used to produce metrics during the simulation.
/// See <see cref="ReportMetric{T}(MetricDefinition,T[])"/>, <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition)"/>, <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportMetric{T}(MetricDefinition,T[])"/>,
/// <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition)"/>, <see cref="Annotation.ReportMetric{T}(MetricDefinition,T[])"/>, <see cref="Annotation.ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition)"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Human readable annotation spec name (e.g. sementic_segmentation, instance_segmentation, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="description">Description of the annotation.</param>
/// <param name="id">The ID for this metric. This allows metric types to be shared across simulations and sequences.</param>
/// <returns>A MetricDefinition, which can be used during this simulation to report metrics.</returns>
public MetricDefinition RegisterMetricDefinition(string name, string description = null, Guid id = default)
return RegisterMetricDefinition<object>(name, null, description, id);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a metric type, which can be used to produce metrics during the simulation.
/// See <see cref="ReportMetric{T}(MetricDefinition,T[])"/>, <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition)"/>, <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportMetric{T}(MetricDefinition,T[])"/>,
/// <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition)"/>, <see cref="Annotation.ReportMetric{T}(MetricDefinition,T[])"/>, <see cref="Annotation.ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition)"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Human readable annotation spec name (e.g. sementic_segmentation, instance_segmentation, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="description">Description of the annotation.</param>
/// <param name="specValues">Format-specific specification for the metric values. Will be converted to json automatically.</param>
/// <param name="id">The ID for this metric. This allows metric types to be shared across simulations and sequences.</param>
/// <typeparam name="TSpec">The type of the <see cref="specValues"/> struct to write.</typeparam>
/// <returns>A MetricDefinition, which can be used during this simulation to report metrics.</returns>
public MetricDefinition RegisterMetricDefinition<TSpec>(string name, TSpec[] specValues, string description = null, Guid id = default)
public void RegisterMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition)
return simulationState.RegisterMetricDefinition(name, specValues, description, id);
public void RegisterMetricDefinition(SoloDesign.MetricDefinition metricDefinition)
public void RegisterAnnotationDefinition(SoloDesign.AnnotationDefinition definition)
public void RegisterAnnotationDefinition(AnnotationDefinition definition)
#if false
/// <summary>
/// Creates an annotation type, which can be used to produce annotations during the simulation.
/// See <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationFile"/>, <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationValues{T}"/> and <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationAsync"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Human readable annotation spec name (e.g. sementic_segmentation, instance_segmentation, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="description">Description of the annotation.</param>
/// <param name="format">Optional format name.</param>
/// <param name="id">The ID for this annotation type. This allows annotation types to be shared across simulations and sequences.</param>
/// <returns>An AnnotationDefinition. If the given <see cref="id"/> has already been defined, its AnnotationDefinition is returned.</returns>
public AnnotationDefinition RegisterAnnotationDefinition(string name, string description = null, string format = "json", Guid id = default)
return RegisterAnnotationDefinition<object>(name, null, description, format, id);
/// Creates an annotation type, which can be used to produce annotations during the simulation.
/// See <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationFile"/>, <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationValues{T}"/> and <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationAsync"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Human readable annotation spec name (e.g. sementic_segmentation, instance_segmentation, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="description">Description of the annotation.</param>
/// <param name="format">Optional format name.</param>
/// <param name="specValues">Format-specific specification for the annotation values (ex. label-value mappings for semantic segmentation images)</param>
/// <param name="id">The ID for this annotation type. This allows annotation types to be shared across simulations and sequences.</param>
/// <typeparam name="TSpec">The type of the values for the spec array in the resulting json.</typeparam>
/// <returns>An AnnotationDefinition. If the given <see cref="id"/> has already been defined, its AnnotationDefinition is returned.</returns>
public AnnotationDefinition RegisterAnnotationDefinition<TSpec>(string name, TSpec[] specValues, string description = null, string format = "json", Guid id = default)
return simulationState.RegisterAnnotationDefinition(name, specValues, description, format, id);
#if false
/// <summary>
/// Report a metric not associated with any sensor or annotation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metricDefinition">The MetricDefinition associated with this metric. <see cref="RegisterMetricDefinition"/></param>
/// <param name="values">An array to be converted to json and put in the "values" field of the metric</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the <see cref="values"/> array</typeparam>
public void ReportMetric<T>(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, T[] values)
simulationState.ReportMetric(metricDefinition, values, default, default);
/// <summary>
/// Report a metric not associated with any sensor or annotation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metricDefinition">The MetricDefinition associated with this metric. <see cref="RegisterMetricDefinition"/></param>
/// <param name="valuesJsonArray">A string-based JSON array to be placed in the "values" field of the metric</param>
public void ReportMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, string valuesJsonArray)
simulationState.ReportMetric(metricDefinition, new JRaw(valuesJsonArray), default, default);
/// <summary>
/// Report a metric not associated with any sensor or annotation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metricDefinition">The metric definition of the metric being reported</param>
/// <returns>An <see cref="AsyncMetric"/> which should be used to report the metric values, potentially in a later frame</returns>
public AsyncMetric ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition metricDefinition) => simulationState.CreateAsyncMetric(metricDefinition);
/// <summary>
/// Starts a new sequence in the capture.
/// </summary>
public void StartNewSequence() => simulationState.StartNewSequence();

public enum FutureType
public interface IAsyncFuture<T> where T : SimulationState.IPendingId
T GetId();
FutureType GetFutureType();
bool IsPending();
public struct AsyncSensorFuture : IAsyncFuture<SimulationState.SPendingSensorId>
public AsyncSensorFuture(SimulationState.SPendingSensorId id, SimulationState simulationState)
m_Id = id;
m_SimulationState = simulationState;
SimulationState.SPendingSensorId m_Id;
SimulationState m_SimulationState;
public SimulationState.SPendingSensorId GetId()
return m_Id;
public FutureType GetFutureType()
return FutureType.Sensor;
public bool IsPending()
return m_SimulationState.IsPending(this);
public void Report(Sensor sensor)
m_SimulationState.ReportAsyncResult(this, sensor);
public struct AsyncAnnotationFuture : IAsyncFuture<SimulationState.SPendingCaptureId>
public AsyncAnnotationFuture(SimulationState.SPendingCaptureId id, SimulationState simulationState)
m_Id = id;
m_SimulationState = simulationState;
SimulationState.SPendingCaptureId m_Id;
SimulationState m_SimulationState;
public SimulationState.SPendingCaptureId GetId()
return m_Id;
public FutureType GetFutureType()
return FutureType.Annotation;
public bool IsPending()
return m_SimulationState.IsPending(this);
public void Report(Annotation annotation)
m_SimulationState.ReportAsyncResult(this, annotation);
public struct AsyncMetricFuture : IAsyncFuture<SimulationState.SPendingCaptureId>
public AsyncMetricFuture(SimulationState.SPendingCaptureId id, SimulationState simulationState)
m_Id = id;
m_SimulationState = simulationState;
SimulationState.SPendingCaptureId m_Id;
SimulationState m_SimulationState;
public SimulationState.SPendingCaptureId GetId()
return m_Id;
public FutureType GetFutureType()
return FutureType.Metric;
public bool IsPending()
return m_SimulationState.IsPending(this);
public void Report(Metric metric)
m_SimulationState.ReportAsyncResult(this, metric);
/// <summary>
/// A handle to a sensor managed by the <see cref="DatasetCapture"/>. It can be used to check whether the sensor
/// is expected to capture this frame and report captures, annotations, and metrics regarding the sensor.

internal DatasetCapture datasetCapture { get; }
internal SensorHandle(string id, DatasetCapture datasetCapture)
internal SensorHandle(string id)
this.datasetCapture = datasetCapture;
/// <summary>

get => datasetCapture.simulationState.IsEnabled(this);
get => DatasetCapture.Instance.simulationState.IsEnabled(this);
datasetCapture.simulationState.SetEnabled(this, value);
DatasetCapture.Instance.simulationState.SetEnabled(this, value);
#if false
/// <summary>
/// Report a file-based annotation related to this sensor in this frame.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="annotationDefinition">The AnnotationDefinition of this annotation.</param>
/// <param name="filename">The path to the file containing the annotation data.</param>
/// <returns>A handle to the reported annotation for reporting annotation-based metrics.</returns>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if this method is called during a frame where <see cref="ShouldCaptureThisFrame"/> is false.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the given AnnotationDefinition is invalid.</exception>
public AnnotationHandle ReportAnnotationFile(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, string filename)
if (!ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Annotation reported on SensorHandle in frame when its ShouldCaptureThisFrame is false.");
if (!annotationDefinition.IsValid)
throw new ArgumentException("The given annotationDefinition is invalid", nameof(annotationDefinition));
return datasetCapture.simulationState.ReportAnnotationFile(annotationDefinition, this, filename);
public AnnotationHandle ReportAnnotation(SoloDesign.AnnotationDefinition definition, SoloDesign.Annotation annotation)
public void ReportAnnotation(AnnotationDefinition definition, Annotation annotation)
if (!ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Annotation reported on SensorHandle in frame when its ShouldCaptureThisFrame is false.");

return datasetCapture.simulationState.ReportAnnotation(this, definition, annotation);
DatasetCapture.Instance.simulationState.ReportAnnotation(this, definition, annotation);
#if false
/// Report a value-based annotation related to this sensor in this frame.
/// Creates an async annotation for reporting the values for an annotation during a future frame.
/// <param name="values">The annotation data, which will be automatically converted to json.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the values array.</typeparam>
/// <returns>Returns a handle to the reported annotation for reporting annotation-based metrics.</returns>
/// <returns>Returns a handle to the <see cref="AsyncAnnotation"/>, which can be used to report annotation data during a subsequent frame.</returns>
public AnnotationHandle ReportAnnotationValues<T>(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, T[] values)
public AsyncAnnotationFuture ReportAnnotationAsync(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition)
if (!annotationDefinition.IsValid)
if (!annotationDefinition.IsValid())
return datasetCapture.simulationState.ReportAnnotationValues(annotationDefinition, this, values);
return DatasetCapture.Instance.simulationState.ReportAnnotationAsync(annotationDefinition, this);
/// <summary>
/// Creates an async annotation for reporting the values for an annotation during a future frame.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="annotationDefinition">The AnnotationDefinition of this annotation.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a handle to the <see cref="AsyncAnnotation"/>, which can be used to report annotation data during a subsequent frame.</returns>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if this method is called during a frame where <see cref="ShouldCaptureThisFrame"/> is false.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the given AnnotationDefinition is invalid.</exception>
public AsyncAnnotation ReportAnnotationAsync(SoloDesign.AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition)
public AsyncSensorFuture ReportSensorAsync(SensorDefinition sensorDefinition)
if (!annotationDefinition.IsValid())
throw new ArgumentException("The given annotationDefinition is invalid", nameof(annotationDefinition));
if (!sensorDefinition.IsValid())
throw new ArgumentException("The given annotationDefinition is invalid", nameof(sensorDefinition));
return datasetCapture.simulationState.ReportAnnotationAsync(annotationDefinition, this);
return DatasetCapture.Instance.simulationState.ReportSensorAsync(sensorDefinition);
/// <summary>
/// Report a sensor capture recorded to disk. This should be called on the same frame as the capture is taken, and may be called before the file is written to disk.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">The path to the capture data.</param>
/// <param name="sensorSpatialData">Spatial data describing the sensor and the ego containing it.</param>
/// <param name="additionalSensorValues">Additional values to be emitted as json name/value pairs on the sensor object under the capture.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if ReportCapture is being called when ShouldCaptureThisFrame is false or it has already been called this frame.</exception>
public void ReportCapture(string filename, SensorSpatialData sensorSpatialData, params(string, object)[] additionalSensorValues)
public void ReportSensor(SensorDefinition definition, Sensor sensor)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Capture reported in frame when ShouldCaptureThisFrame is false.");
throw new InvalidOperationException("Annotation reported on SensorHandle in frame when its ShouldCaptureThisFrame is false.");
if (!definition.IsValid())
throw new ArgumentException("The given annotationDefinition is invalid", nameof(definition));
datasetCapture.simulationState.ReportCapture(this, filename, sensorSpatialData, additionalSensorValues);
DatasetCapture.Instance.simulationState.ReportSensor(definition, sensor);
/// <summary>

public bool ShouldCaptureThisFrame => datasetCapture.simulationState.ShouldCaptureThisFrame(this);
public bool ShouldCaptureThisFrame => DatasetCapture.Instance.simulationState.ShouldCaptureThisFrame(this);
/// Requests a capture from this sensor on the next rendered frame. Can only be used with manual capture mode (<see cref="PerceptionCamera.CaptureTriggerMode.Manual"/>).
/// Requests a capture from this sensor on the next rendered frame. Can only be used with manual capture mode (<see cref="CaptureTriggerMode.Manual"/>).
/// <summary>
/// Report a metric regarding this sensor in the current frame.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metricDefinition">The <see cref="MetricDefinition"/> of the metric.</param>
/// <param name="values">An array to be converted to json and put in the "values" field of the metric</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The value type</typeparam>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if values is null</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if <see cref="ShouldCaptureThisFrame"/> is false.</exception>
public void ReportMetric<T>(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, [NotNull] T[] values)
public MetricHandle ReportMetric(MetricDefinition definition, Metric metric)
if (values == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(values));
if (!ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Sensor-based metrics may only be reported when SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame is true");
datasetCapture.simulationState.ReportMetric(metricDefinition, values, this, default);
if (metric == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metric));
/// <summary>
/// Report a metric regarding this sensor in the current frame.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metricDefinition">The <see cref="MetricDefinition"/> of the metric.</param>
/// <param name="valuesJsonArray">A string-based JSON array to be placed in the "values" field of the metric</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if values is null</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if <see cref="ShouldCaptureThisFrame"/> is false.</exception>
public void ReportMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, [NotNull] string valuesJsonArray)
datasetCapture.simulationState.ReportMetric(metricDefinition, new JRaw(valuesJsonArray), this, default);
return DatasetCapture.Instance.simulationState.ReportMetric(this, definition, metric, default);
/// <summary>
/// Start an async metric for reporting metric values for this frame in a subsequent frame.
/// </summary>

public AsyncMetric ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition metricDefinition)
public AsyncMetricFuture ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition metricDefinition)
if (!metricDefinition.IsValid())
throw new ArgumentException("The passed in metric definition is invalid", nameof(metricDefinition));
return datasetCapture.simulationState.CreateAsyncMetric(metricDefinition, this);
return DatasetCapture.Instance.simulationState.CreateAsyncMetric(metricDefinition, this);
/// <summary>
/// Dispose this SensorHandle.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Returns whether this SensorHandle is valid in the current simulation. Nil SensorHandles are never valid.
/// </summary>
public bool IsValid => datasetCapture.IsValid(this.Id);
public bool IsValid => DatasetCapture.Instance.IsValid(this.Id);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if this SensorHandle was default-instantiated.

void CheckValid()
if (!datasetCapture.IsValid(this.Id))
if (!DatasetCapture.Instance.IsValid(this.Id))
throw new InvalidOperationException("SensorHandle has been disposed or its simulation has ended");

/// <summary>
/// Handle to a metric whose values may be reported in a subsequent frame.
/// A handle to an annotation. Can be used to report metrics on the annotation.
public struct AsyncMetric
public readonly struct AnnotationHandle : IEquatable<AnnotationHandle>
internal readonly int Id;
readonly SimulationState m_SimulationState;
internal AsyncMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, int id, SimulationState simulationState)
this.Id = id;
MetricDefinition = metricDefinition;
m_SimulationState = simulationState;
/// <summary>
/// The MetricDefinition associated with this AsyncMetric.
/// </summary>
public readonly MetricDefinition MetricDefinition;
/// <summary>
/// True if the simulation is still running.
/// </summary>
public bool IsValid => !IsNil && m_SimulationState.IsRunning;
readonly AnnotationDefinition m_Definition;
/// True if ReportValues has not been called yet.
/// The ID of the annotation which will be used in the json metadata.
// public bool IsPending => !IsNil && m_SimulationState.IsPending(ref this);
public string Id => m_Definition.id;
/// Returns true if the AsyncMetric is its default value.
/// </summary>
public bool IsNil => m_SimulationState == null && Id == default;
/// <summary>
/// Report the values for this AsyncMetric. Calling this method will transition <see cref="IsPending"/> to false.
/// ReportValues may only be called once per AsyncMetric.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="values">The values to report for the metric. These values will be converted to json.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the values</typeparam>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if values is null</exception>
public void ReportValues<T>(T[] values)
if (values == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(values));
// m_SimulationState.ReportAsyncMetricResult(this, values: values);
/// <summary>
/// Report the values for this AsyncMetric. Calling this method will transition <see cref="IsPending"/> to false.
/// ReportValues may only be called once per AsyncMetric.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="valuesJsonArray">A JSON array in string form.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if values is null</exception>
public void ReportValues(string valuesJsonArray)
if (valuesJsonArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(valuesJsonArray));
// m_SimulationState.ReportAsyncMetricResult(this, valuesJsonArray);
/// <summary>
/// A handle to an async annotation, used to report values for an annotation after the frame for the annotation has past.
/// See <see cref="SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationAsync"/>
/// </summary>
public struct AsyncAnnotation
internal AsyncAnnotation(AnnotationHandle annotationHandle, SimulationState simulationState)
this.annotationHandle = annotationHandle;
m_SimulationState = simulationState;
#if false
internal AsyncAnnotation(AnnotationHandle annotationHandle, int step, SensorHandle sensorHandle, SimulationState simulationState)
this.annotationHandle = annotationHandle;
m_SimulationState = simulationState;
/// <summary>
/// The annotation associated with this AsyncAnnotation. Can be used to report metrics on the annotation.
/// </summary>
public readonly AnnotationHandle annotationHandle;
readonly SimulationState m_SimulationState;
/// <summary>
/// True if the annotation is nil (was created using default instantiation)
/// </summary>
internal bool IsNil => m_SimulationState == null && annotationHandle.IsNil;
/// <summary>
/// True if the annotation is generated by the currently running simulation.
/// </summary>
public bool IsValid => !IsNil && m_SimulationState.IsRunning;
/// <summary>
/// True if neither <see cref="ReportValues{T}"/> nor <see cref="ReportFile"/> have been called.
/// </summary>
public bool IsPending => !IsNil && m_SimulationState.IsPending(annotationHandle);
public void Report(SoloDesign.Annotation annotation)
if (annotation == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
m_SimulationState.ReportAsyncAnnotationResult(this, annotation);
/// <summary>
/// A handle to an annotation. Can be used to report metrics on the annotation.
/// </summary>
public struct AnnotationHandle : IEquatable<AnnotationHandle>
/// <summary>
/// The ID of the annotation which will be used in the json metadata.
/// </summary>
public readonly string Id;
/// <summary>
/// The step on which the annotation was reported.
/// </summary>
public readonly int Step;
/// <summary>
SimulationState m_SimulationState;
internal AnnotationHandle(SensorHandle sensorHandle, SimulationState simState, AnnotationDefinition definition, int step)
internal AnnotationHandle(SensorHandle sensorHandle, AnnotationDefinition definition, int sequence, int step)
m_SimulationState = simState;
Id = definition.id;
m_Definition = definition;
Step = step;
/// <summary>

#if false
/// <summary>
/// Reports a metric on this annotation. May only be called in the same frame as the annotation was reported.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metricDefinition"></param>
/// <param name="values"></param>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if values is null</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if <see cref="AnnotationHandle.SensorHandle"/> reports false for <see cref="UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame"/>.</exception>
public void ReportMetric<T>(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, [NotNull] T[] values)
if (values == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(values));
if (!SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Sensor-based metrics may only be reported when SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame is true");
m_SimulationState.ReportMetric(metricDefinition, values, SensorHandle, this);
/// <summary>
/// Reports a metric on this annotation. May only be called in the same frame as the annotation was reported.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metricDefinition"></param>
/// <param name="valuesJsonArray">A string-based JSON array to be placed in the "values" field of the metric</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if values is null</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if <see cref="AnnotationHandle.SensorHandle"/> reports false for
/// <see cref="UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame"/>.</exception>
public void ReportMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, [NotNull] string valuesJsonArray)
if (valuesJsonArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(valuesJsonArray));
if (!SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Sensor-based metrics may only be reported when SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame is true");
m_SimulationState.ReportMetric(metricDefinition, new JRaw(valuesJsonArray), SensorHandle, this);
/// <summary>
/// Report a metric whose values will be supplied in a later frame.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metricDefinition">The type of the metric.</param>
/// <returns>A handle to an AsyncMetric, which can be used to report values for this metric in future frames.</returns>
public AsyncMetric ReportMetricAsync(MetricDefinition metricDefinition) => m_SimulationState.CreateAsyncMetric(metricDefinition, SensorHandle, this);
return Id.Equals(other.Id);
return SensorHandle.Equals(other.SensorHandle) && m_Definition.Equals(other.m_Definition);
/// <inheritdoc/>

/// <inheritdoc/>
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
#if false
/// <summary>
/// A metric type, used to define a kind of metric. <see cref="DatasetCapture.RegisterMetricDefinition"/>.
/// </summary>
public struct MetricDefinition : IEquatable<MetricDefinition>
/// <summary>
/// The ID of the metric
/// </summary>
public readonly Guid Id;
internal MetricDefinition(Guid id)
Id = id;
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool Equals(MetricDefinition other)
return Id.Equals(other.Id);
/// <inheritdoc />
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is MetricDefinition other && Equals(other);
/// <inheritdoc />
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
#if false
/// <summary>
/// A metric type, used to define a kind of annotation. <see cref="DatasetCapture.RegisterAnnotationDefinition"/>.
/// </summary>
public struct AnnotationDefinition : IEquatable<AnnotationDefinition>
/// <inheritdoc/>
public bool Equals(AnnotationDefinition other)
return Id.Equals(other.Id);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is AnnotationDefinition other && Equals(other);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
/// <summary>
/// The ID of the annotation type. Used in the json metadata to associate anntations with the type.
/// </summary>
public readonly Guid Id;
internal bool IsValid => m_SimulationState.IsValid(Id);
SimulationState m_SimulationState;
internal AnnotationDefinition(Guid id, SimulationState simState)
Id = id;
m_SimulationState = simState;
/// <summary>
/// Container holding the poses of the ego and sensor. Also optionally contains the ego velocity and acceleration.
/// </summary>
public struct SensorSpatialData
/// <summary>
/// The pose of the ego.
/// </summary>
public Pose EgoPose;
/// <summary>
/// The pose of the sensor relative to the ego.
/// </summary>
public Pose SensorPose;
/// <summary>
/// The velocity of the ego (optional).
/// </summary>
public Vector3? EgoVelocity;
/// <summary>
/// The acceleration of the ego (optional).
/// </summary>
public Vector3? EgoAcceleration;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new SensorSpatialData with the given values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="egoPose">The pose of the ego.</param>
/// <param name="sensorPose">The pose of the sensor relative to the ego.</param>
/// <param name="egoVelocity">The velocity of the ego.</param>
/// <param name="egoAcceleration">The acceleration of the ego.</param>
public SensorSpatialData(Pose egoPose, Pose sensorPose, Vector3? egoVelocity, Vector3? egoAcceleration)
EgoPose = egoPose;
SensorPose = sensorPose;
EgoVelocity = egoVelocity;
EgoAcceleration = egoAcceleration;
/// <summary>
/// Create a SensorSpatialData from two <see cref="UnityEngine.GameObject"/>s, one representing the ego and the other representing the sensor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ego">The ego GameObject.</param>
/// <param name="sensor">The sensor GameObject.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a SensorSpatialData filled out with EgoPose and SensorPose based on the given objects.</returns>
public static SensorSpatialData FromGameObjects(GameObject ego, GameObject sensor)
ego = ego == null ? sensor : ego;
var egoRotation = ego.transform.rotation;
var egoPosition = ego.transform.position;
var sensorSpatialData = new SensorSpatialData()
EgoPose = new Pose(egoPosition, egoRotation),
SensorPose = new Pose(sensor.transform.position - egoPosition, sensor.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(egoRotation))
return sensorSpatialData;
var hash = (Id != null ? StringComparer.InvariantCulture.GetHashCode(Id) : 0);
return hash;


static ProfilerMarker s_BoundingBoxCallback = new ProfilerMarker("OnBoundingBoxes3DReceived");
// AnnotationDefinition m_AnnotationDefinition;
Dictionary<int, AsyncAnnotation> m_AsyncAnnotations;
Dictionary<int, AsyncAnnotationFuture> m_AsyncAnnotations;
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<uint, BoxData>> m_BoundingBoxValues;
List<BoxData> m_ToReport;

perceptionCamera.RenderedObjectInfosCalculated += OnRenderObjectInfosCalculated;
m_AsyncAnnotations = new Dictionary<int, AsyncAnnotation>();
m_AsyncAnnotations = new Dictionary<int, AsyncAnnotationFuture>();
m_BoundingBoxValues = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<uint, BoxData>>();
m_ToReport = new List<BoxData>();


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SoloDesign;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth

public sealed class BoundingBox2DLabeler : CameraLabeler
public class AnnotationDefinition : SoloDesign.AnnotationDefinition
public class BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition : AnnotationDefinition
public AnnotationDefinition() : base(k_Id, k_Description, k_AnnotationType) { }
public BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition() : base(k_Id, k_Description, k_AnnotationType) { }
public AnnotationDefinition(IEnumerable<Entry> spec)
public BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition(IEnumerable<DefinitionEntry> spec)
: base(k_Id, k_Description, k_AnnotationType)
this.spec = spec;

public struct Entry : IMessageProducer
public struct DefinitionEntry : IMessageProducer
public Entry(int id, string name)
public DefinitionEntry(int id, string name)
labelId = id;
labelName = name;

public IEnumerable<Entry> spec;
public IEnumerable<DefinitionEntry> spec;
public override void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)

AnnotationDefinition m_AnnotationDefinition = new AnnotationDefinition();
AnnotationDefinition m_AnnotationDefinition = new BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition();
public class BoundingBoxAnnotation : SoloDesign.Annotation
public class BoundingBoxAnnotation : Annotation
public struct Entry

public IdLabelConfig idLabelConfig;
Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotation annotation, LabelEntryMatchCache labelEntryMatchCache)> m_AsyncData;
Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotationFuture annotation, LabelEntryMatchCache labelEntryMatchCache)> m_AsyncData;
List<BoundingBoxAnnotation.Entry> m_BoundingBoxValues;
Vector2 m_OriginalScreenSize = Vector2.zero;

if (idLabelConfig == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("BoundingBox2DLabeler's idLabelConfig field must be assigned");
m_AsyncData = new Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotation annotation, LabelEntryMatchCache labelEntryMatchCache)>();
m_AsyncData = new Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotationFuture annotation, LabelEntryMatchCache labelEntryMatchCache)>();
DatasetCapture.RegisterAnnotationDefinition(new AnnotationDefinition());
#if false
m_BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition = DatasetCapture.RegisterAnnotationDefinition("bounding box", idLabelConfig.GetAnnotationSpecification(),
"Bounding box for each labeled object visible to the sensor", id: new Guid(annotationId));


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using Unity.Simulation;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SoloDesign;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.Solo;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth

public sealed class InstanceSegmentationLabeler : CameraLabeler, IOverlayPanelProvider
public class InstanceSegmentationDefinition : AnnotationDefinition
static readonly string k_Id = "instance segmentation";
static readonly string k_Description = "You know the deal";
static readonly string k_AnnotationType = "instance segmentation";
public InstanceSegmentationDefinition() : base(k_Id, k_Description, k_AnnotationType) { }
/// <summary>
/// The instance segmentation image recorded for a capture. This
/// includes the data that associates a pixel color to an object.
/// </summary>
public class InstanceSegmentation : Annotation
public struct Entry
/// <summary>
/// The instance ID associated with a pixel color
/// </summary>
public int instanceId;
/// <summary>
/// The color (rgba) value
/// </summary>
public Color32 rgba;
internal void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddInt("instance_id", instanceId);
builder.AddIntVector("rgba", new[] { (int)rgba.r, (int)rgba.g, (int)rgba.b, (int)rgba.a });
/// <summary>
/// This instance to pixel map
/// </summary>
public List<Entry> instances;
// The format of the image type
public string imageFormat;
// The dimensions (width, height) of the image
public Vector2 dimension;
// The raw bytes of the image file
public byte[] buffer;
public override void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("image_format", imageFormat);
builder.AddFloatVector("dimension", new[] { dimension.x, dimension.y });
builder.AddPngImage("instance_segmentation", buffer);
foreach (var e in instances)
var nested = builder.AddNestedMessageToVector("instances");
InstanceSegmentationDefinition m_Definition = new InstanceSegmentationDefinition();

static ProfilerMarker s_OnObjectInfoReceivedCallback = new ProfilerMarker("OnInstanceSegmentationObjectInformationReceived");
static ProfilerMarker s_OnImageReceivedCallback = new ProfilerMarker("OnInstanceSegmentationImagesReceived");
Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotation annotation, byte[] buffer)> m_AsyncData;
Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotationFuture future, byte[] buffer)> m_AsyncData;
Texture m_CurrentTexture;
/// <inheritdoc cref="IOverlayPanelProvider"/>

buffer = asyncData.buffer

perceptionCamera.InstanceSegmentationImageReadback += OnImageCaptured;
perceptionCamera.RenderedObjectInfosCalculated += OnRenderedObjectInfosCalculated;
m_AsyncData = new Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotation, byte[])>();
m_AsyncData = new Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotationFuture, byte[])>();
visualizationEnabled = supportsVisualization;


// AnnotationDefinition m_AnnotationDefinition;
Texture2D m_MissingTexture;
Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotation annotation, Dictionary<uint, KeypointEntry> keypoints)> m_AsyncAnnotations;
Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotationFuture annotation, Dictionary<uint, KeypointEntry> keypoints)> m_AsyncAnnotations;
List<KeypointEntry> m_KeypointEntriesToReport;
int m_CurrentFrame;

m_KnownStatus = new Dictionary<uint, CachedData>();
m_AsyncAnnotations = new Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotation, Dictionary<uint, KeypointEntry>)>();
m_AsyncAnnotations = new Dictionary<int, (AsyncAnnotationFuture, Dictionary<uint, KeypointEntry>)>();
m_KeypointEntriesToReport = new List<KeypointEntry>();
m_CurrentFrame = 0;


using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Profiling;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth

public sealed class ObjectCountLabeler : CameraLabeler
/// <summary>
/// The object count metric records how many of a particular object are
/// present in a capture.
/// </summary>
public class ObjectCountMetric : Metric
public struct Entry
/// <summary>
/// The label of the category
/// </summary>
public string labelName;
/// <summary>
/// The number of instances for a particular category.
/// </summary>
public int count;
/// <summary>
/// The object counts
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<Entry> objectCounts;
static readonly string k_Id = "ObjectCount";
static readonly string k_Description = "Produces object counts for each label defined in this labeler's associated label configuration.";
get => "Produces object counts for each label defined in this labeler's associated label configuration.";
get => k_Description;
/// The ID to use for object count annotations in the resulting dataset
/// </summary>
public string objectCountMetricId = "51da3c27-369d-4929-aea6-d01614635ce2";
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="IdLabelConfig"/> which associates objects with labels.
/// </summary>
public IdLabelConfig labelConfig

static ProfilerMarker s_ClassCountCallback = new ProfilerMarker("OnClassLabelsReceived");
ClassCountValue[] m_ClassCountValues;
ObjectCountMetric.Entry[] m_ClassCountValues;
Dictionary<int, AsyncMetric> m_ObjectCountAsyncMetrics;
MetricDefinition m_ObjectCountMetricDefinition;
Dictionary<int, AsyncMetricFuture> m_AsyncMetrics;
MetricDefinition m_Definition = new MetricDefinition(k_Id, k_Description);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new ObjectCountLabeler. This constructor should only be used by serialization. For creation from

m_LabelConfig = labelConfig;
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")]
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "NotAccessedField.Local")]
struct ClassCountValue
public int label_id;
public string label_name;
public uint count;
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override bool supportsVisualization => true;

if (labelConfig == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The ObjectCountLabeler idLabelConfig field must be assigned");
m_ObjectCountAsyncMetrics = new Dictionary<int, AsyncMetric>();
m_AsyncMetrics = new Dictionary<int, AsyncMetricFuture>();
NativeArray<uint> objectCounts = ComputeObjectCounts(objectInfo);
var objectCounts = ComputeObjectCounts(objectInfo);
m_Definition = new MetricDefinition
id = k_Id,
description = k_Description
visualizationEnabled = supportsVisualization;

#if true
if (m_ObjectCountMetricDefinition.Equals(default))
m_ObjectCountMetricDefinition = DatasetCapture.RegisterMetricDefinition("object count",
"Counts of objects for each label in the sensor's view", id: new Guid(objectCountMetricId));
m_ObjectCountAsyncMetrics[Time.frameCount] = perceptionCamera.SensorHandle.ReportMetricAsync(m_ObjectCountMetricDefinition);
m_AsyncMetrics[Time.frameCount] = perceptionCamera.SensorHandle.ReportMetricAsync(m_Definition);

using (s_ClassCountCallback.Auto())
if (!m_ObjectCountAsyncMetrics.TryGetValue(frameCount, out var classCountAsyncMetric))
if (!m_AsyncMetrics.TryGetValue(frameCount, out var classCountAsyncMetric))
m_ClassCountValues = new ClassCountValue[entries.Count];
m_ClassCountValues = new ObjectCountMetric.Entry[entries.Count]; //ClassCountValue[entries.Count];
var visualize = visualizationEnabled;

for (var i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
m_ClassCountValues[i] = new ClassCountValue()
m_ClassCountValues[i] = new ObjectCountMetric.Entry
label_id = entries[i].id,
label_name = entries[i].label,
count = counts[i]
labelName = entries[i].label,
count = (int)counts[i]
// Only display entries with a count greater than 0

var payload = new ObjectCountMetric
sensorId = "",
annotationId = default,
description = m_Definition.description,
metadata = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
objectCounts = m_ClassCountValues


public IdLabelConfig idLabelConfig;
RenderedObjectInfoValue[] m_VisiblePixelsValues;
Dictionary<int, AsyncMetric> m_ObjectInfoAsyncMetrics;
Dictionary<int, AsyncMetricFuture> m_ObjectInfoAsyncMetrics;
// MetricDefinition m_RenderedObjectInfoMetricDefinition;
/// <summary>

if (idLabelConfig == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("RenderedObjectInfoLabeler's idLabelConfig field must be assigned");
m_ObjectInfoAsyncMetrics = new Dictionary<int, AsyncMetric>();
m_ObjectInfoAsyncMetrics = new Dictionary<int, AsyncMetricFuture>();
perceptionCamera.RenderedObjectInfosCalculated += (frameCount, objectInfo) =>

// metric.Report(m_VisiblePixelsValues);


LensDistortionUrpPass m_LensDistortionPass;
Dictionary<int, AsyncAnnotation> m_AsyncAnnotations;
Dictionary<int, AsyncAnnotationFuture> m_AsyncAnnotations;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new SemanticSegmentationLabeler. Be sure to assign <see cref="labelConfig"/> before adding to a <see cref="PerceptionCamera"/>.

"SemanticSegmentationLabeler's LabelConfig must be assigned");
m_AsyncAnnotations = new Dictionary<int, AsyncAnnotation>();
m_AsyncAnnotations = new Dictionary<int, AsyncAnnotationFuture>();
if (targetTexture != null)


using Unity.Simulation;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SoloDesign;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

SensorHandle = default;
SensorDefinition m_SensorDefinition;
var sensorDef = new SensorDefinition(ID, "camera", description)
m_SensorDefinition = new SensorDefinition(ID, "camera", description)
firstCaptureFrame = firstCaptureFrame,
captureTriggerMode = captureTriggerMode.ToString(),

SensorHandle = DatasetCapture.Instance.RegisterSensor(sensorDef);
SensorHandle = DatasetCapture.Instance.RegisterSensor(m_SensorDefinition);

void CaptureRgbData(Camera cam)
// TODO - Steve - this could be a place where we override the capture of the RGB image to allow the
// active reporter to determine where we should save RGB images, or even write them out
var width = cam.pixelWidth;
var height = cam.pixelHeight;
var capture = new RgbSensor
Id = "perception_camera",
sensorType = "rgb_camera",
description = "you know",
position = transform.position,
rotation = transform.eulerAngles,
velocity = Vector3.zero,
acceleration = Vector3.zero,
imageFormat = ".png",
dimension = new Vector2(cam.pixelWidth, cam.pixelHeight),
buffer = null
//var width = cam.pixelWidth;
//var height = cam.pixelHeight;
var captureFilename = $"{Manager.Instance.GetDirectoryFor(rgbDirectory)}/{k_RgbFilePrefix}{frameCount}.png";
//var captureFilename = $"{Manager.Instance.GetDirectoryFor(rgbDirectory)}/{k_RgbFilePrefix}{frameCount}.png";
SetPersistentSensorData("camera_width", width);
SetPersistentSensorData("camera_height", height);
SetPersistentSensorData("full_path", captureFilename);
SetPersistentSensorData("frame", frameCount);
// Record the camera's projection type (orthographic or perspective)
var dxRootPath = $"{rgbDirectory}/{k_RgbFilePrefix}{Time.frameCount}.png";
var asyncSensor = SensorHandle.ReportSensorAsync(m_SensorDefinition);
#if false
Func<AsyncRequest<CaptureCamera.CaptureState>, AsyncRequest.Result> colorFunctor;
colorFunctor = r =>

using (s_EncodeAndSave.Auto())
encodedData = ImageConversion.EncodeArrayToPNG(
dataColorBuffer, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, (uint)width, (uint)height);
dataColorBuffer, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, (uint)capture.dimension.x, (uint)capture.dimension.y);
#if false
capture.buffer = encodedData;
return AsyncRequest.Result.Completed;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Simulation;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SoloDesign;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth

int m_CaptureFileIndex;
List<AdditionalInfoTypeData> m_AdditionalInfoTypeData = new List<AdditionalInfoTypeData>();
List<PendingCapture> m_PendingCaptures = new List<PendingCapture>(k_MinPendingCapturesBeforeWrite + 10);
// List<PendingMetric> m_PendingMetrics = new List<PendingMetric>(k_MinPendingMetricsBeforeWrite + 10);
int m_MetricsFileIndex;
// int m_NextMetricId = 1;
Dictionary<SPendingFrameId, int> m_PendingIdToFrameMap = new Dictionary<SPendingFrameId, int>();
Dictionary<SPendingFrameId, PendingFrame> m_PendingFrames = new Dictionary<SPendingFrameId, PendingFrame>();
CustomSampler m_SerializeCapturesSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeCaptures");
CustomSampler m_SerializeCapturesAsyncSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeCapturesAsync");

CustomSampler m_SerializeMetricsAsyncSampler = CustomSampler.Create("SerializeMetricsAsync");
CustomSampler m_GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrameSampler = CustomSampler.Create("GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame");
float m_LastTimeScale;
string m_OutputDirectoryPath;
public const string userBaseDirectoryKey = "userBaseDirectory";
public const string latestOutputDirectoryKey = "latestOutputDirectory";
public const string defaultOutputBaseDirectory = "defaultOutputBaseDirectory";
public const string outputFormatMode = "outputFormatMode";
public bool IsValid(Guid guid) => true; // TODO obvs we need to do this for realz

const float k_SimulationTimingAccuracy = 0.01f;
const int k_MinPendingCapturesBeforeWrite = 150;
const int k_MinPendingMetricsBeforeWrite = 150;
public SimulationState()

static PerceptionConsumer GetActiveConsumer()
static ConsumerEndpoint GetActiveConsumer()
/// <summary>
/// A self-sufficient container for all information about a reported capture. Capture writing should not depend on any
/// state outside of this container, as other state may have changed since the capture was reported.
/// </summary>
public class PendingCapture
public interface IPendingId
public SensorHandle SensorHandle;
public SensorData SensorData;
public SensorSpatialData SensorSpatialData;
public int FrameCount;
public int Step;
public float Timestamp;
public int SequenceId;
public (string, object)[] AdditionalSensorValues;
public List<(AnnotationHandle, Annotation)> Annotations = new List<(AnnotationHandle, Annotation)>();
public bool CaptureReported;
SPendingFrameId AsFrameId();
SPendingSensorId AsSensorId();
public (int, int) Id => (SequenceId, Step);
bool IsValid();
public PendingCapture(SensorHandle sensorHandle, SensorData sensorData, int sequenceId, int frameCount, int step, float timestamp)
public readonly struct SPendingFrameId : IPendingId, IEquatable<SPendingFrameId>, IEquatable<SPendingSensorId>, IEquatable<SPendingCaptureId>
public SPendingFrameId(int sequence, int step)
SensorHandle = sensorHandle;
FrameCount = frameCount;
Sequence = sequence;
SequenceId = sequenceId;
Timestamp = timestamp;
SensorData = sensorData;
public bool IsValid()
return Sequence >= 0 && Step >= 0;
public int Sequence { get; }
public int Step { get; }
public SPendingFrameId AsFrameId()
return this;
public SPendingSensorId AsSensorId()
return new SPendingSensorId(string.Empty,this);
public bool Equals(SPendingFrameId other)
return Sequence == other.Sequence && Step == other.Step;
public bool Equals(SPendingSensorId other)
var otherId = other.AsFrameId();
return Sequence == otherId.Sequence && Step == otherId.Step;
public bool Equals(SPendingCaptureId other)
var otherId = other.AsFrameId();
return Sequence == otherId.Sequence && Step == otherId.Step;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is SPendingFrameId other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
return (Sequence * 397) ^ Step;
public readonly struct SPendingSensorId : IPendingId, IEquatable<SPendingSensorId>, IEquatable<SPendingFrameId>, IEquatable<SPendingCaptureId>
public SPendingSensorId(string sensorId, int sequence, int step)
SensorId = sensorId;
m_FrameId = new SPendingFrameId(sequence, step);
public SPendingSensorId(string sensorId, SPendingFrameId frameId)
SensorId = sensorId;
m_FrameId = frameId;
public bool IsValid()
return m_FrameId.IsValid() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SensorId);
public string SensorId { get; }
readonly SPendingFrameId m_FrameId;
public SPendingFrameId AsFrameId()
return m_FrameId;
public SPendingSensorId AsSensorId()
return this;
public bool Equals(SPendingSensorId other)
return SensorId == other.SensorId && m_FrameId.Equals(other.m_FrameId);
public bool Equals(SPendingFrameId other)
return m_FrameId.Equals(other);
public bool Equals(SPendingCaptureId other)
return Equals(other.SensorId);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is SPendingSensorId other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
return ((SensorId != null ? SensorId.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397) ^ m_FrameId.GetHashCode();
#if false
public struct PendingMetric
public readonly struct SPendingCaptureId : IPendingId, IEquatable<SPendingCaptureId>, IEquatable<SPendingSensorId>, IEquatable<SPendingFrameId>
public PendingMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, int metricId, SensorHandle sensorHandle, AnnotationHandle annotationHandle, int sequenceId, int step, JToken values = null)
public SPendingCaptureId(string sensorId, string captureId, int sequence, int step)
MetricDefinition = metricDefinition;
MetricId = metricId;
SensorHandle = sensorHandle;
AnnotationHandle = annotationHandle;
SequenceId = sequenceId;
Step = step;
Values = values;
CaptureId = captureId;
SensorId = new SPendingSensorId(sensorId, sequence, step);
public SPendingCaptureId(string captureId, SPendingSensorId frameId)
CaptureId = captureId;
SensorId = frameId;
public string CaptureId { get; }
public SPendingSensorId SensorId { get; }
public SPendingFrameId AsFrameId()
return SensorId.AsFrameId();
public SPendingSensorId AsSensorId()
return SensorId;
public bool IsValid()
return SensorId.IsValid() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CaptureId);
public bool Equals(SPendingCaptureId other)
return CaptureId == other.CaptureId && SensorId.Equals(other.SensorId);
public bool Equals(SPendingSensorId other)
return SensorId.Equals(other);
public bool Equals(SPendingFrameId other)
return SensorId.AsFrameId().Equals(other);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is SPendingCaptureId other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
return ((CaptureId != null ? CaptureId.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397) ^ SensorId.GetHashCode();
public class PendingSensor
public PendingSensor(SPendingSensorId id)
m_Id = id;
m_SensorData = null;
Annotations = new Dictionary<SPendingCaptureId, Annotation>();
Metrics = new Dictionary<SPendingCaptureId, Metric>();
public PendingSensor(SPendingSensorId id, Sensor sensorData) : this(id)
m_SensorData = sensorData;
public Sensor ToSensor()
if (!IsReadyToReport()) return null;
m_SensorData.annotations = Annotations.Select(kvp => kvp.Value);
m_SensorData.metrics = Metrics.Select(kvp => kvp.Value);
return m_SensorData;
SPendingSensorId m_Id;
Sensor m_SensorData;
public Dictionary<SPendingCaptureId, Annotation> Annotations { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<SPendingCaptureId, Metric> Metrics { get; private set; }
public bool IsPending<T>(IAsyncFuture<T> asyncFuture) where T : IPendingId
switch (asyncFuture.GetFutureType())
case FutureType.Sensor:
return m_SensorData == null;
case FutureType.Annotation:
return asyncFuture.GetId() is SPendingCaptureId captureId && Annotations.ContainsKey(captureId) && Annotations[captureId] == null;
case FutureType.Metric:
return asyncFuture.GetId() is SPendingCaptureId captureId && Annotations.ContainsKey(captureId) && Metrics[captureId] == null;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
public bool ReportAsyncResult<T>(IAsyncFuture<T> asyncFuture, object result) where T : IPendingId
switch (asyncFuture.GetFutureType())
case FutureType.Sensor:
if (result is Sensor sensor)
m_SensorData = sensor;
return true;
return false;
case FutureType.Annotation:
if (result is Annotation annotation && asyncFuture.GetId() is SPendingCaptureId capId)
Annotations[capId] = annotation;
return true;
return false;
case FutureType.Metric:
if (result is Metric metric && asyncFuture.GetId() is SPendingCaptureId capId)
Metrics[capId] = metric;
return true;
return false;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
public bool IsReadyToReport()
m_SensorData != null &&
Metrics.All(i => i.Value != null) &&
Annotations.All(i => i.Value != null);
public class PendingFrame
public SPendingFrameId PendingId { get; }
public float Timestamp { get; set; }
internal Dictionary<SPendingSensorId, PendingSensor> sensors = new Dictionary<SPendingSensorId, PendingSensor>();
public bool CaptureReported { get; set; } = false;
public PendingFrame(SPendingFrameId pendingFrameId, float timestamp)
PendingId = pendingFrameId;
Timestamp = timestamp;
public bool IsReadyToReport()
return sensors.All(sensor => sensor.Value.IsReadyToReport());
public PendingSensor GetOrCreatePendingSensor(SPendingSensorId sensorId)
return GetOrCreatePendingSensor(sensorId, out var _);
public PendingSensor GetOrCreatePendingSensor(SPendingSensorId sensorId, out bool created)
created = false;
if (!sensors.TryGetValue(sensorId, out var pendingSensor))
pendingSensor = new PendingSensor(sensorId);
sensors[sensorId] = pendingSensor;
created = true;
return pendingSensor;
public bool IsPending<T>(IAsyncFuture<T> asyncFuture) where T : IPendingId
var sensorId = asyncFuture.GetId().AsSensorId();
if (!sensorId.IsValid()) return false;
sensors.TryGetValue(sensorId, out var pendingSensor) &&
// ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Local
public readonly SensorHandle SensorHandle;
public readonly MetricDefinition MetricDefinition;
public readonly int MetricId;
public (int, int) CaptureId => (SequenceId, Step);
public readonly AnnotationHandle AnnotationHandle;
public readonly int SequenceId;
public readonly int Step;
public JToken Values;
public bool ReportAsyncResult<T>(IAsyncFuture<T> asyncFuture, object result) where T : IPendingId
var sensorId = asyncFuture.GetId().AsSensorId();
if (!sensorId.IsValid()) return false;
public bool IsAssigned => Values != null;
var sensor = GetOrCreatePendingSensor(sensorId);
return sensor.ReportAsyncResult(asyncFuture, result);
public struct SensorData
public string modality;

#if false
internal void ReportCapture(SensorHandle sensorHandle, string filename, SensorSpatialData sensorSpatialData, params(string, object)[] additionalSensorValues)
var sensorData = m_Sensors[sensorHandle];

var rot = pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.EgoPose.rotation;
var velocity = pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.EgoVelocity ?? Vector3.zero;
var accel = pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.EgoAcceleration ?? Vector3.zero;
#if false
GetActiveReporter()?.OnCaptureReported(m_SequenceId, AcquireStep(), width, height, filename, trans, rot, velocity, accel);
static string GetFormatFromFilename(string filename)
var ext = Path.GetExtension(filename);
if (ext == null)
return null;
if (ext.StartsWith("."))
ext = ext.Substring(1);
return ext.ToUpperInvariant();
/// <summary>
/// Use this to get the current step when it is desirable to ensure the step has been allocated for this frame. Steps should only be allocated in frames where a capture or metric is reported.
/// </summary>

sensorData.sequenceTimeOfNextRender = UnscaledSequenceTime;
sensor.id = RegisterId(sensor.id);
var sensorHandle = new SensorHandle(sensor.id, DatasetCapture.Instance);
var sensorHandle = new SensorHandle(sensor.id);
m_Sensors.Add(sensorHandle, sensorData);

WritePendingCaptures(true, true);
if (m_PendingCaptures.Count > 0)
Debug.LogError($"Simulation ended with pending annotations: {string.Join(", ", m_PendingCaptures.Select(c => $"id:{c.SensorHandle.Id} frame:{c.FrameCount}"))}");
if (m_PendingFrames.Count > 0)
Debug.LogError($"Simulation ended with pending annotations: {string.Join(", ", m_PendingFrames.Select(c => $"id:{c.Key}"))}");
#if false
if (m_PendingMetrics.Count > 0)

// WriteReferences();
// Debug.Log($"Calling SS::OnSimulationEnd");
// GetActiveReporter()?.OnSimulationEnd();
public void RegisterAnnotationDefinition(SoloDesign.AnnotationDefinition definition)
public void RegisterAnnotationDefinition(AnnotationDefinition definition)
definition.id = RegisterId(definition.id);
public void RegisterMetricDefinition(SoloDesign.MetricDefinition definition)
public void RegisterMetric(MetricDefinition definition)
definition.id = RegisterId(definition.id);
#if false
public AnnotationDefinition RegisterAnnotationDefinition<TSpec>(string name, TSpec[] specValues, string description, string format, Guid id)
if (id == Guid.Empty)
id = Guid.NewGuid();
RegisterAdditionalInfoType(name, specValues, description, format, id, AdditionalInfoKind.Annotation);
// GetActiveReporter()?.OnAnnotationRegistered(id, specValues); // <- Not sure about this one either
if (name == "bounding box")
return new AnnotationDefinition(id, this);
BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition ToBoundingBoxDef<TSpec>(TSpec[] specValues)
var entries = new List<BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition.Entry>();
foreach (var spec in specValues)
if (spec is IdLabelConfig.LabelEntrySpec label)
entries.Add(new BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition.Entry(label.label_id, label.label_name));
return new BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition(entries);
#if false
public MetricDefinition RegisterMetricDefinition<TSpec>(string name, TSpec[] specValues, string description, Guid id)
if (id == Guid.Empty)
id = Guid.NewGuid();
RegisterAdditionalInfoType(name, specValues, description, null, id, AdditionalInfoKind.Metric);
// GetActiveReporter()?.OnMetricRegistered(id, name, description); // <- Not sure about this one either
return new MetricDefinition(id);
void RegisterAdditionalInfoType<TSpec>(string name, TSpec[] specValues, string description, string format, Guid id, AdditionalInfoKind additionalInfoKind)

public AnnotationHandle ReportAnnotation(SensorHandle sensor, AnnotationDefinition definition, Annotation annotation)
public SPendingSensorId ReportSensor(SensorDefinition definition, Sensor sensor)
var handle = new AnnotationHandle(sensor, this, definition, AcquireStep());
var pendingCapture = GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensor);
pendingCapture.Annotations.Add((handle, null));
return handle;
var step = AcquireStep();
var pendingSensorId = new SPendingSensorId(definition.id, m_SequenceId, step);
var pendingFrame = GetOrCreatePendingFrame(pendingSensorId.AsFrameId());
pendingFrame.sensors[pendingSensorId] = new PendingSensor(pendingSensorId, sensor);
return pendingSensorId;
#if false
public AnnotationHandle ReportAnnotationFile(AnnotationHandle annotationHandle, SensorHandle sensorHandle)
public SPendingCaptureId ReportAnnotation(SensorHandle sensorHandle, AnnotationDefinition definition, Annotation annotation)
var annotation = new AnnotationHandle(sensorHandle, this, AcquireStep());
var pendingCapture = GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle);
pendingCapture.Annotations.Add((annotation, new AnnotationData(annotationHandle, null)));
return annotation;
var step = AcquireStep();
var sensorId = new SPendingCaptureId(sensorHandle.Id, definition.id, m_SequenceId, step);
var pendingFrame = GetOrCreatePendingFrame(sensorId.AsFrameId());
var sensor = pendingFrame.GetOrCreatePendingSensor(sensorId.SensorId);
var annotationId = new SPendingCaptureId(sensorHandle.Id, definition.id, m_SequenceId, step);
sensor.Annotations[annotationId] = annotation;
return annotationId;
public AnnotationHandle ReportAnnotationValues<T>(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle, T[] values)
PendingFrame GetOrCreatePendingFrame(SPendingFrameId pendingId)
var annotation = new AnnotationHandle(sensorHandle, this, AcquireStep());
var pendingCapture = GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle);
var valuesJson = new JArray();
foreach (var value in values)
pendingCapture.Annotations.Add((annotation, new AnnotationData(annotationDefinition, null, valuesJson)));
return annotation;
PendingCapture GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(SensorHandle sensorHandle)
return GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle, out var _);
return GetOrCreatePendingFrame(pendingId, out var _);
PendingCapture GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(SensorHandle sensorHandle, out bool created)
PendingFrame GetOrCreatePendingFrame(SPendingFrameId pendingId, out bool created)
//Following is this converted to code: m_PendingCaptures.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SensorHandle == sensorHandle && c.FrameCount == Time.frameCount);
//We also start at the end, since the pending capture list can get long as we await writing to disk
PendingCapture pendingCapture = null;
for (var i = m_PendingCaptures.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!m_PendingFrames.TryGetValue(pendingId, out var pendingFrame))
var c = m_PendingCaptures[i];
if (c.SensorHandle == sensorHandle && c.FrameCount == Time.frameCount)
pendingCapture = c;
if (pendingCapture == null)
pendingFrame = new PendingFrame(pendingId, SequenceTime);
m_PendingFrames[pendingId] = pendingFrame;
m_PendingIdToFrameMap[pendingId] = Time.frameCount;
pendingCapture = new PendingCapture(sensorHandle, m_Sensors[sensorHandle], m_SequenceId, Time.frameCount, AcquireStep(), SequenceTime);
return pendingCapture;
return pendingFrame;
public AsyncAnnotation ReportAnnotationAsync(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle)
public AsyncAnnotationFuture ReportAnnotationAsync(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle)
return new AsyncAnnotation(ReportAnnotation(sensorHandle, annotationDefinition, null), this);
return new AsyncAnnotationFuture(ReportAnnotation(sensorHandle, annotationDefinition, null), this);
#if false
public AsyncAnnotation ReportAnnotationAsync(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle)
public AsyncSensorFuture ReportSensorAsync(SensorDefinition sensorDefinition)
return new AsyncAnnotation(ReportAnnotationFile(annotationDefinition, sensorHandle, null), this);
return new AsyncSensorFuture(ReportSensor(sensorDefinition, null), this);
public void ReportAsyncAnnotationResult(AsyncAnnotation asyncAnnotation, SoloDesign.Annotation annotation)
if (!asyncAnnotation.IsPending)
throw new InvalidOperationException("AsyncAnnotation has already been reported and cannot be reported again.");
PendingCapture pendingCapture = null;
var annotationIndex = -1;
foreach (var c in m_PendingCaptures)
if (c.Step == asyncAnnotation.annotationHandle.Step && c.SensorHandle == asyncAnnotation.annotationHandle.SensorHandle)
pendingCapture = c;
annotationIndex = pendingCapture.Annotations.FindIndex(a => a.Item1.Equals(asyncAnnotation.annotationHandle));
if (annotationIndex != -1)
Debug.Assert(pendingCapture != null && annotationIndex != -1);
var annotationTuple = pendingCapture.Annotations[annotationIndex];
annotationTuple.Item2 = annotation;
pendingCapture.Annotations[annotationIndex] = annotationTuple;
#if false
public void ReportAsyncAnnotationResult<T>(AsyncAnnotation asyncAnnotation, string filename = null, NativeSlice<T> values = default) where T : struct
public bool IsPending<T>(IAsyncFuture<T> asyncFuture) where T : IPendingId
var jArray = new JArray();
foreach (var value in values)
jArray.Add(new JRaw(DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(value)));
ReportAsyncAnnotationResult(asyncAnnotation, filename, jArray);
m_PendingFrames.TryGetValue(asyncFuture.GetId().AsFrameId(), out var pendingFrame) &&
public void ReportAsyncAnnotationResult<T>(AsyncAnnotation asyncAnnotation, string filename = null, IEnumerable<T> values = null)
PendingFrame GetPendingFrame<T>(IAsyncFuture<T> future) where T : IPendingId
JArray jArray = null;
if (values != null)
jArray = new JArray();
foreach (var value in values)
if (value != null)
jArray.Add(new JRaw(DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(value)));
ReportAsyncAnnotationResult(asyncAnnotation, filename, jArray, values?.Cast<object>().ToList() ?? null); //aluesList);
return GetPendingFrame(future.GetId().AsFrameId());
void ReportAsyncAnnotationResult(AsyncAnnotation asyncAnnotation, string filename, JArray jArray, IEnumerable<object> values = null)
PendingFrame GetPendingFrame(SPendingFrameId id)
if (!asyncAnnotation.IsPending)
throw new InvalidOperationException("AsyncAnnotation has already been reported and cannot be reported again.");
return m_PendingFrames[id];
PendingCapture pendingCapture = null;
var annotationIndex = -1;
foreach (var c in m_PendingCaptures)
if (c.Step == asyncAnnotation.Annotation.Step && c.SensorHandle == asyncAnnotation.Annotation.SensorHandle)
pendingCapture = c;
annotationIndex = pendingCapture.Annotations.FindIndex(a => a.Item1.Equals(asyncAnnotation.Annotation));
if (annotationIndex != -1)
Debug.Assert(pendingCapture != null && annotationIndex != -1);
bool ReportAsyncResultGeneric<T>(IAsyncFuture<T> asyncFuture, object result) where T : IPendingId
if (!asyncFuture.IsPending()) return false;
var annotationTuple = pendingCapture.Annotations[annotationIndex];
var annotationData = annotationTuple.Item2;
var pendingFrame = GetPendingFrame(asyncFuture);
annotationData.Path = filename;
annotationData.ValuesJson = jArray;
annotationData.RawValues = values;
if (pendingFrame == null) return false;
annotationTuple.Item2 = annotationData;
pendingCapture.Annotations[annotationIndex] = annotationTuple;
return pendingFrame.ReportAsyncResult(asyncFuture, result);
public bool IsPending(AnnotationHandle annotationHandle)
public bool ReportAsyncResult(AsyncSensorFuture asyncFuture, Sensor sensor)
foreach (var c in m_PendingCaptures)
foreach (var (handle, annotation) in c.Annotations)
if (handle.Equals(annotationHandle))
return annotation == null;
return false;
return ReportAsyncResultGeneric(asyncFuture, sensor);
#if false
public bool IsPending(ref AsyncMetric asyncMetric)
public bool ReportAsyncResult(AsyncAnnotationFuture asyncFuture, Annotation annotation)
foreach (var m in m_PendingMetrics)
if (m.MetricId == asyncMetric.Id)
return !m.IsAssigned;
return false;
return ReportAsyncResultGeneric(asyncFuture, annotation);
public void ReportAsyncMetricResult<T>(AsyncMetric asyncMetric, T[] values)
public bool ReportAsyncResult(AsyncMetricFuture asyncFuture, Metric metric)
var pendingMetricValues = JArrayFromArray(values);
ReportAsyncMetricResult(asyncMetric, pendingMetricValues);
return ReportAsyncResultGeneric(asyncFuture, metric);
public void ReportAsyncMetricResult(AsyncMetric asyncMetric, string valuesJsonArray)
public AsyncMetricFuture CreateAsyncMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle = default, AnnotationHandle annotationHandle = default)
ReportAsyncMetricResult(asyncMetric, new JRaw(valuesJsonArray));
var pendingId = ReportMetric(sensorHandle, metricDefinition, null, annotationHandle);
return new AsyncMetricFuture(pendingId, this);
void ReportAsyncMetricResult(AsyncMetric asyncMetric, JToken values)
public SPendingCaptureId ReportMetric(SensorHandle sensor, MetricDefinition definition, Metric metric, AnnotationHandle annotation)
var metricIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < m_PendingMetrics.Count; i++)
if (m_PendingMetrics[i].MetricId == asyncMetric.Id)
metricIndex = i;
if (definition == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metric));
if (metricIndex == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("asyncMetric is invalid or has already been reported");
var pendingId = new SPendingCaptureId(sensor.Id, definition.id, m_SequenceId, AcquireStep());
var pendingFrame = GetOrCreatePendingFrame(pendingId.AsFrameId());
var pendingMetric = m_PendingMetrics[metricIndex];
if (pendingMetric.IsAssigned)
throw new InvalidOperationException("asyncMetric already been reported. ReportAsyncMetricResult may only be called once per AsyncMetric");
if (pendingFrame == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not get or create a pending frame for {pendingId}");
pendingMetric.Values = values;
m_PendingMetrics[metricIndex] = pendingMetric;
#if false
public AsyncMetric CreateAsyncMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, SensorHandle sensorHandle = default, AnnotationHandle annotationHandle = default)
var id = m_NextMetricId++;
if (sensorHandle != default)
var capture = GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle);
m_PendingMetrics.Add(new PendingMetric(metricDefinition, id, sensorHandle, annotationHandle, m_SequenceId, AcquireStep()));
return new AsyncMetric(metricDefinition, id, this);
public void ReportMetric<T>(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, T[] values, SensorHandle sensorHandle, AnnotationHandle annotationHandle)
var jArray = JArrayFromArray(values);
ReportMetric(metricDefinition, jArray, sensorHandle, annotationHandle);
var pendingSensor = pendingFrame.GetOrCreatePendingSensor(pendingId.SensorId);
public void ReportMetric(MetricDefinition metricDefinition, JToken values, SensorHandle sensorHandle, AnnotationHandle annotationHandle)
if (values == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(values));
var captureId = sensorHandle.IsNil ? (-1, -1) : GetOrCreatePendingCaptureForThisFrame(sensorHandle).Id;
m_PendingMetrics.Add(new PendingMetric(metricDefinition, m_NextMetricId++, sensorHandle, annotationHandle, m_SequenceId, AcquireStep(), values));
pendingSensor.Metrics[pendingId] = metric;
return pendingId;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SoloDesign;
// ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Local
// ReSharper disable CoVariantArrayConversion
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
const Formatting k_Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
/// <summary>
/// Writes sensors.json, egos.json, metric_definitions.json, and annotation_definitions.json
/// </summary>
public void WriteReferences()
var egoReference = new JObject();
egoReference["version"] = DatasetCapture.SchemaVersion;
WriteJObjectToFile(egoReference, "egos.json");
var sensorReferenceDoc = new JObject();
sensorReferenceDoc["version"] = DatasetCapture.SchemaVersion;
sensorReferenceDoc["sensors"] = new JArray(m_Sensors.Select(kvp =>
var sensorReference = new JObject();
sensorReference["id"] = kvp.Key.Id.ToString();
sensorReference["modality"] = kvp.Value.modality;
if (kvp.Value.description != null)
sensorReference["description"] = kvp.Value.description;
return sensorReference;
WriteJObjectToFile(sensorReferenceDoc, "sensors.json");
if (m_AdditionalInfoTypeData.Count > 0)
var annotationDefinitionsJArray = new JArray();
var metricDefinitionsJArray = new JArray();
foreach (var typeInfo in m_AdditionalInfoTypeData)
var typeJObject = new JObject();
typeJObject.Add("id", new JValue(typeInfo.id.ToString()));
typeJObject.Add("name", new JValue(typeInfo.name));
if (typeInfo.description != null)
typeJObject.Add("description", new JValue(typeInfo.description));
if (typeInfo.format != null)
typeJObject.Add("format", new JValue(typeInfo.format));
if (typeInfo.specValues != null)
var specValues = new JArray();
foreach (var value in typeInfo.specValues)
typeJObject.Add("spec", specValues);
switch (typeInfo.additionalInfoKind)
case AdditionalInfoKind.Annotation:
case AdditionalInfoKind.Metric:
throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported info kind");
if (annotationDefinitionsJArray.Count > 0)
var annotationDefinitionsJObject = new JObject();
annotationDefinitionsJObject.Add("version", DatasetCapture.SchemaVersion);
annotationDefinitionsJObject.Add("annotation_definitions", annotationDefinitionsJArray);
WriteJObjectToFile(annotationDefinitionsJObject, "annotation_definitions.json");
if (metricDefinitionsJArray.Count > 0)
var metricDefinitionsJObject = new JObject();
metricDefinitionsJObject.Add("version", DatasetCapture.SchemaVersion);
metricDefinitionsJObject.Add("metric_definitions", metricDefinitionsJArray);
WriteJObjectToFile(metricDefinitionsJObject, "metric_definitions.json");
// Debug.Log($"Dataset written to {Path.GetDirectoryName(OutputDirectory)}");
void WriteJObjectToFile(JObject jObject, string filename)
#if false
var stringWriter = new StringWriter(new StringBuilder(256), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
using (var jsonTextWriter = new JsonTextWriter(stringWriter))
jsonTextWriter.Formatting = k_Formatting;
var contents = stringWriter.ToString();
var path = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, filename);
// Debug.Log($"ss - sensors.json - {path}");
File.WriteAllText(path, contents);
int m_currentReportedSequence = 0;
Sensor ToSensor(PendingCapture pendingCapture, SimulationState simulationState, int captureFileIndex)
Sensor ToSensor(PendingFrame pendingFrame, SimulationState simulationState, int captureFileIndex)
var sensor = new RgbSensor

rotation = Vector3.zero,
velocity = Vector3.zero,
acceleration = Vector3.zero,
// metadata = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
imageFormat = "png",
dimension = Vector2.zero,
buffer = null

Frame ToFrame(PendingCapture pendingCapture, SimulationState simulationState, int captureFileIndex)
if (!m_SequenceMap.TryGetValue(pendingCapture.SequenceId, out var seqId))
seqId = m_currentReportedSequence++;
m_SequenceMap[pendingCapture.SequenceId] = seqId;
return new Frame(pendingCapture.FrameCount, seqId, pendingCapture.Step);
// TODO rename this to 'WritePendingFrames'
// if (!flush && m_PendingCaptures.Count < k_MinPendingCapturesBeforeWrite)
// return;
var pendingCapturesToWrite = new List<PendingCapture>(m_PendingCaptures.Count);
var frameCountNow = Time.frameCount;
for (var i = 0; i < m_PendingCaptures.Count; i++)
var pendingFramesToWrite = new List<KeyValuePair<SPendingFrameId,PendingFrame>>(m_PendingFrames.Count);
var currentFrame = Time.frameCount;
foreach (var frame in m_PendingFrames)
var pendingCapture = m_PendingCaptures[i];
if ((writeCapturesFromThisFrame || pendingCapture.FrameCount < frameCountNow) &&
pendingCapture.Annotations.All(a => a.Item2 != null))
var recordedFrame = m_PendingIdToFrameMap[frame.Value.PendingId];
if ((writeCapturesFromThisFrame || recordedFrame < currentFrame) &&
i--; //decrement i because we removed an element
if (pendingCapturesToWrite.Count == 0)
foreach (var pf in pendingFramesToWrite)
#if false
BoundingBoxAnnotation ToBoundingBox(Annotation annotation, AnnotationData data)
var bbox = new BoundingBoxAnnotation
Id = "bounding box",
sensorId = "camera",
description = "Labeled bounding boxes",
annotationType = "bounding box labeler",
// metadata = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
boxes = new List<BoundingBoxAnnotation.Entry>()
foreach (var d in data.RawValues)
if (d is BoundingBox2DLabeler.BoundingBoxValue e)
var entry = new BoundingBoxAnnotation.Entry
instanceId = (int)e.instance_id,
labelId = e.label_id,
labelName = e.label_name,
origin = new Vector2{x = e.x, y = e.y},
dimension = new Vector2{x = e.width, y = e.height}
return bbox;
#if false
InstanceSegmentation ToInstanceSegmentation(AnnotationHandle annotation, AnnotationData data, params(string,object)[] sensorValues)
IEnumerable<Sensor> ConvertToSensors(PendingFrame frame, SimulationState simulationState)
var seg = new InstanceSegmentation
Id = "instance segmentation",
sensorId = "camera",
description = "instance segmentation blah blah blah",
annotationType = "instance segmentation labeler",
// metadata = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
instances = new List<InstanceSegmentation.Entry>(),
dimension = Vector2.zero,
imageFormat = "png"
foreach (var sv in sensorValues)
switch (sv.Item1)
case "camera_width":
seg.dimension.x = (int)sv.Item2;
case "camera_height":
seg.dimension.y = (int)sv.Item2;
foreach (var d in data.RawValues)
if (d is InstanceSegmentationLabeler.InstanceData i)
seg.buffer = i.buffer;
foreach (var color in i.colors)
var entry = new InstanceSegmentation.Entry
instanceId = (int)color.instance_id,
rgba = color.color
return seg;
return frame.sensors.Values.Where(s => s.IsReadyToReport()).Select(s => s.ToSensor());
#if true
List<Sensor> ConvertToSensors(PendingCapture capture, SimulationState simulationState)
var dim = new Vector2();
var buffer = new byte[0];
foreach (var sv in capture.AdditionalSensorValues)
switch (sv.Item1)
case "camera_width":
dim.x = (int)sv.Item2;
case "camera_height":
dim.y = (int)sv.Item2;
case "buffer":
buffer = (byte[])sv.Item2;
return new List<Sensor>
new RgbSensor
Id = "camera",
sensorType = capture.SensorData.modality,
imageFormat = ".png",
dimension = dim,
position = capture.SensorSpatialData.EgoPose.position,
rotation = capture.SensorSpatialData.EgoPose.rotation.eulerAngles,
velocity = capture.SensorSpatialData.EgoVelocity ?? Vector3.zero,
acceleration = capture.SensorSpatialData.EgoAcceleration ?? Vector3.zero,
buffer = buffer,
// metadata = new Dictionary<string, object>()
#if true
Frame ConvertToFrameData(PendingCapture capture, SimulationState simState, int captureFileIndex)
Frame ConvertToFrameData(PendingFrame pendingFrame, SimulationState simState)
if (!m_SequenceMap.TryGetValue(capture.SequenceId, out var seq))
seq = m_currentReportedSequence++;
m_SequenceMap[capture.SequenceId] = seq;
var frame = new Frame(capture.FrameCount, seq, capture.Step);
var frameId = m_PendingIdToFrameMap[pendingFrame.PendingId];
var frame = new Frame(frameId, pendingFrame.PendingId.Sequence, pendingFrame.PendingId.Step);
frame.sensors = ConvertToSensors(capture, simState);
foreach (var (handle, annotation) in capture.Annotations)
frame.sensors = ConvertToSensors(pendingFrame, simState);
#if false
foreach (var annotation in pendingFrame.annotations.Values)
#if false
foreach (var (annotation, data) in capture.Annotations)
foreach (var metric in pendingFrame.metrics.Values)
SoloDesign.Annotation soloAnnotation = null;
var supported = false;
switch (data.AnnotationDefinition.Id.ToString())
#if false
case "f9f22e05-443f-4602-a422-ebe4ea9b55cb":
soloAnnotation = ToBoundingBox(annotation, data);
supported = true;
case "1ccebeb4-5886-41ff-8fe0-f911fa8cbcdf":
soloAnnotation = ToInstanceSegmentation(annotation, data, capture.AdditionalSensorValues);
supported = true;
if (supported) frame.annotations.Add(soloAnnotation);
void Write(List<PendingCapture> pendingCaptures, SimulationState simulationState, int captureFileIndex)
void Write(List<KeyValuePair<SPendingFrameId, PendingFrame>> frames, SimulationState simulationState)
foreach (var pendingCapture in pendingCaptures)
foreach (var pendingFrame in frames)
var frame = ConvertToFrameData(pendingCapture, simulationState, captureFileIndex);
var frame = ConvertToFrameData(pendingFrame.Value, simulationState);
//GetActiveReporter()?.ProcessPendingCaptures(pendingCaptures, simulationState);
#if false
//lazily allocate for fast zero-write frames
var capturesJArray = new JArray();
foreach (var pendingCapture in pendingCaptures)
var capturesJObject = new JObject();
capturesJObject.Add("version", DatasetCapture.SchemaVersion);
capturesJObject.Add("captures", capturesJArray);
Write(pendingCapturesToWrite, this, m_CaptureFileIndex);
Write(pendingFramesToWrite, this);

CaptureFileIndex = m_CaptureFileIndex,
PendingCaptures = pendingCapturesToWrite,
PendingFrames = pendingFramesToWrite,
Write(r.data.PendingCaptures, r.data.SimulationState, r.data.CaptureFileIndex);
Write(r.data.PendingFrames, r.data.SimulationState);
return AsyncRequest.Result.Completed;

#if false
struct WritePendingMetricRequestData
public List<PendingMetric> PendingMetrics;
public int MetricFileIndex;
void WritePendingMetrics(bool flush = false)
if (!flush && m_PendingMetrics.Count < k_MinPendingMetricsBeforeWrite)
var pendingMetricsToWrite = new List<PendingMetric>(m_PendingMetrics.Count);
for (var i = 0; i < m_PendingMetrics.Count; i++)
var metric = m_PendingMetrics[i];
if (metric.IsAssigned)
i--; //decrement i because we removed an element
if (pendingMetricsToWrite.Count == 0)
void Write(List<PendingMetric> pendingMetrics, SimulationState simState, int metricsFileIndex)
#if false
GetActiveReporter()?.ProcessPendingMetrics(pendingMetrics, simState);
#if false
var jArray = new JArray();
foreach (var pendingMetric in pendingMetrics)
var metricsJObject = new JObject();
metricsJObject.Add("version", DatasetCapture.SchemaVersion);
metricsJObject.Add("metrics", jArray);
WriteJObjectToFile(metricsJObject, $"metrics_{metricsFileIndex:000}.json");
if (flush)
Write(pendingMetricsToWrite, this, m_MetricsFileIndex);
var req = Manager.Instance.CreateRequest<AsyncRequest<WritePendingMetricRequestData>>();
req.data = new WritePendingMetricRequestData()
MetricFileIndex = m_MetricsFileIndex,
PendingMetrics = pendingMetricsToWrite
req.Enqueue(r =>
Write(r.data.PendingMetrics, this, r.data.MetricFileIndex);
return AsyncRequest.Result.Completed;
static JObject JObjectFromPendingMetric(PendingMetric metric)
var jObject = new JObject();
#if false
jObject["capture_id"] = metric.CaptureId == Guid.Empty ? new JRaw("null") : new JValue(metric.CaptureId.ToString());
jObject["annotation_id"] = metric.annotationHandle.IsNil ? new JRaw("null") : new JValue(metric.annotationHandle.Id.ToString());
jObject["sequence_id"] = metric.SequenceId.ToString();
jObject["step"] = metric.Step;
jObject["metric_definition"] = metric.MetricDefinition.Id.ToString();
jObject["values"] = metric.Values;
return jObject;
#if false
/// <summary>
/// Creates the json representation of the given PendingCapture. Static because this should not depend on any SimulationState members,
/// which may have changed since the capture was reported.
/// </summary>
static JToken JObjectFromPendingCapture(PendingCapture pendingCapture)
var sensorJObject = new JObject();//new SensorCaptureJson
sensorJObject["sensor_id"] = pendingCapture.SensorHandle.Id.ToString();
sensorJObject["modality"] = pendingCapture.SensorData.modality;
sensorJObject["translation"] = DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.SensorPose.position);
sensorJObject["rotation"] = DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.SensorPose.rotation);
if (pendingCapture.AdditionalSensorValues != null)
foreach (var(name, value) in pendingCapture.AdditionalSensorValues)
sensorJObject.Add(name, DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(value));
var egoCaptureJson = new JObject();
egoCaptureJson["translation"] = DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.EgoPose.position);
egoCaptureJson["rotation"] = DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.EgoPose.rotation);
egoCaptureJson["velocity"] = pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.EgoVelocity.HasValue ? DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.EgoVelocity.Value) : null;
egoCaptureJson["acceleration"] = pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.EgoAcceleration.HasValue ? DatasetJsonUtility.ToJToken(pendingCapture.SensorSpatialData.EgoAcceleration.Value) : null;
var capture = new JObject();
capture["id"] = pendingCapture.Id.ToString();
capture["sequence_id"] = pendingCapture.SequenceId.ToString();
capture["step"] = pendingCapture.Step;
capture["timestamp"] = pendingCapture.Timestamp;
capture["sensor"] = sensorJObject;
capture["ego"] = egoCaptureJson;
if (pendingCapture.Annotations.Any())
capture["annotations"] = new JArray(pendingCapture.Annotations.Select(JObjectFromAnnotation).ToArray());
return capture;
#if false
static JObject JObjectFromAnnotation((AnnotationHandle, AnnotationData) annotationInfo)
var annotationJObject = new JObject();
annotationJObject["id"] = annotationInfo.Item1.Id.ToString();
annotationJObject["annotation_definition"] = annotationInfo.Item2.AnnotationDefinition.Id.ToString();
if (annotationInfo.Item2.Path != null)
annotationJObject["filename"] = annotationInfo.Item2.Path;
if (annotationInfo.Item2.ValuesJson != null)
annotationJObject["values"] = annotationInfo.Item2.ValuesJson;
return annotationJObject;
public List<PendingCapture> PendingCaptures;
public int CaptureFileIndex;
public List<KeyValuePair<SPendingFrameId, PendingFrame>> PendingFrames;
public SimulationState SimulationState;


using System;
using Unity.Simulation;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.Randomization.Scenarios

/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void OnStart()
var md = new GroundTruth.SoloDesign.MetricDefinition();
var md = new MetricDefinition();
#if false
m_IterationMetricDefinition = DatasetCapture.Instance.RegisterMetricDefinition(


var filePath = new Uri(Configuration.Instance.SimulationConfig.app_param_uri).LocalPath;
PlayerPrefs.SetString(SimulationState.outputFormatMode, constants.outputFormat);
// PlayerPrefs.SetString(SimulationState.outputFormatMode, constants.outputFormat);


var labeler1 = new ObjectCountLabeler(cfg);
labeler1.objectCountMetricId = "a1da3c27-369d-4929-aea6-d01614635ce2";
// labeler1.objectCountMetricId = "a1da3c27-369d-4929-aea6-d01614635ce2";
labeler2.objectCountMetricId = "b1da3c27-369d-4929-aea6-d01614635ce2";
// labeler2.objectCountMetricId = "b1da3c27-369d-4929-aea6-d01614635ce2";


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 80d31589331913b40b3fa915181ee631
guid: 779eff09909f87249b75122620de01a7
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.Solo
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.Solo
public interface IMessageBuilder


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 9b7babd7be7b7934db08409d6f7a9524
guid: 2a7e1af431de0d04683f7a4743f4d4da
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2


using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SoloDesign;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
namespace GroundTruth.SoloDesign
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Consumers
public class PerceptionResolver : DefaultContractResolver

public class OldPerceptionConsumer : PerceptionConsumer
public class OldPerceptionConsumer : ConsumerEndpoint
static readonly string version = "0.1.1";

var path = "";
RgbSensor rgbSensor = null;
if (frame.sensors.Count == 1)
if (frame.sensors.Count() == 1)
var sensor = frame.sensors[0];
var sensor = frame.sensors.First();
if (sensor is RgbSensor rgb)
rgbSensor = rgb;

#if false // TODO bring back annotations....
var annotations = new JArray();
foreach (var annotation in frame.annotations)

var json = OldPerceptionJsonFactory.Convert(this, frame, labelerId, defId, annotation);
if (json != null) annotations.Add(json);
var capture = new PerceptionCapture
id = Guid.NewGuid(),

step = frame.step,
timestamp = frame.timestamp,
sensor = PerceptionRgbSensor.Convert(this, rgbSensor, path),
annotations = annotations
// annotations = annotations


using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SoloDesign;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
namespace GroundTruth.SoloDesign
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Consumers
public static class OldPerceptionJsonFactory

case BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition b:
case BoundingBox2DLabeler.BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition b:
return JToken.FromObject(PerceptionBoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition.Convert(id, b));

switch (annotation)
case InstanceSegmentation i:
case InstanceSegmentationLabeler.InstanceSegmentation i:
return JToken.FromObject(PerceptionInstanceSegmentationValue.Convert(consumer, frame.frame, i), consumer.Serializer);

public int instance_id;
public Color32 color;
internal static Entry Convert(InstanceSegmentation.Entry entry)
internal static Entry Convert(InstanceSegmentationLabeler.InstanceSegmentation.Entry entry)
return new Entry

public string filename;
public List<Entry> values;
static string CreateFile(OldPerceptionConsumer consumer, int frame, InstanceSegmentation annotation)
static string CreateFile(OldPerceptionConsumer consumer, int frame, InstanceSegmentationLabeler.InstanceSegmentation annotation)
var path = consumer.VerifyDirectoryWithGuidExists("InstanceSegmentation");
path = Path.Combine(path, $"Instance_{frame}.png");

return path;
public static PerceptionInstanceSegmentationValue Convert(OldPerceptionConsumer consumer, int frame, InstanceSegmentation annotation)
public static PerceptionInstanceSegmentationValue Convert(OldPerceptionConsumer consumer, int frame, InstanceSegmentationLabeler.InstanceSegmentation annotation)
return new PerceptionInstanceSegmentationValue

public string format;
public LabelDefinitionEntry[] spec;
public static PerceptionBoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition Convert(Guid inId, BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition box)
public static PerceptionBoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition Convert(Guid inId, BoundingBox2DLabeler.BoundingBoxAnnotationDefinition box)
var specs = new LabelDefinitionEntry[box.spec.Count()];
var i = 0;


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.SoloDesign;
namespace GroundTruth.SoloDesign
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Consumers
public class SoloMessageBuilder : PerceptionConsumer
public class SoloMessageBuilder : ConsumerEndpoint
public string _baseDirectory = "D:/PerceptionOutput/SoloMessageBuilder";
public string soloDatasetName = "solo_mb";


using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
public abstract class ConsumerEndpoint : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// Called when the simulation begins. Provides simulation wide metadata to
/// the consumer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metadata">Metadata describing the active simulation</param>
public abstract void OnSimulationStarted(SimulationMetadata metadata);
public virtual void OnSensorRegistered(SensorDefinition sensor) { }
public virtual void OnAnnotationRegistered(AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition) { }
public virtual void OnMetricRegistered(MetricDefinition metricDefinition) { }
/// <summary>
/// Called at the end of each frame. Contains all of the generated data for the
/// frame. This method is called after the frame has entirely finished processing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="frame">The frame data.</param>
public abstract void OnFrameGenerated(Frame frame);
/// <summary>
/// Called at the end of the simulation. Contains metadata describing the entire
/// simulation process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metadata">Metadata describing the entire simulation process</param>
public abstract void OnSimulationCompleted(CompletionMetadata metadata);


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: e818e37774a99724e8f5cfbeeba26b22
folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Exporters.Solo;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel
public interface IMessageProducer
void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder);
public class SensorDefinition : IMessageProducer
public SensorDefinition(string id, string modality, string definition)
this.id = id;
this.modality = modality;
this.definition = definition;
this.firstCaptureFrame = 0;
this.captureTriggerMode = string.Empty;
this.simulationDeltaTime = 0.0f;
this.framesBetweenCaptures = 0;
this.manualSensorsAffectTiming = false;
public virtual bool IsValid()
return id != string.Empty && definition != string.Empty;
public string id;
public string modality;
public string definition;
public float firstCaptureFrame;
public string captureTriggerMode;
public float simulationDeltaTime;
public int framesBetweenCaptures;
public bool manualSensorsAffectTiming;
public void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", id);
builder.AddString("modality", modality);
builder.AddString("definition", definition);
builder.AddFloat("first_capture_frame", firstCaptureFrame);
builder.AddString("capture_trigger_mode", captureTriggerMode);
builder.AddFloat("simulation_delta_time", simulationDeltaTime);
builder.AddInt("frames_between_captures", framesBetweenCaptures);
builder.AddBoolean("manual_sensors_affect_timing", manualSensorsAffectTiming);
public abstract class AnnotationDefinition : IMessageProducer
public string id = string.Empty;
public string description = string.Empty;
public string annotationType = string.Empty;
public AnnotationDefinition() { }
public AnnotationDefinition(string id, string description, string annotationType)
this.id = id;
this.description = description;
this.annotationType = annotationType;
public virtual bool IsValid()
return id != string.Empty && description != string.Empty && annotationType != string.Empty;
public virtual void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", id);
builder.AddString("description", description);
builder.AddString("annotation_type", annotationType);
public class MetricDefinition : IMessageProducer
public string id = string.Empty;
public string description = string.Empty;
bool isRegistered { get; set; }= false;
public MetricDefinition() { }
public MetricDefinition(string id, string description)
this.id = id;
this.description = description;
public virtual bool IsValid()
return id != string.Empty && description != string.Empty;
public virtual void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", id);
builder.AddString("description", description);
/// <summary>
/// The top level structure that holds all of the artifacts of a simulation
/// frame. This is only reported after all of the captures, annotations, and
/// metrics are ready to report for a single frame.
/// </summary>
public class Frame : IMessageProducer
public Frame(int frame, int sequence, int step)
this.frame = frame;
this.sequence = sequence;
this.step = step;
sensors = new List<Sensor>();
/// <summary>
/// The perception frame number of this record
/// </summary>
public int frame;
/// <summary>
/// The sequence that this record is a part of
/// </summary>
public int sequence;
/// <summary>
/// The step in the sequence that this record is a part of
/// </summary>
public int step;
public float timestamp;
/// <summary>
/// A list of all of the sensor captures recorded for the frame.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<Sensor> sensors;
public void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddInt("frame", frame);
builder.AddInt("sequence", sequence);
builder.AddInt("step", step);
foreach (var s in sensors)
var nested = builder.AddNestedMessageToVector("sensors");
/// <summary>
/// Abstract sensor class that holds all of the common information for a sensor.
/// </summary>
public abstract class Sensor : IMessageProducer
/// <summary>
/// The unique, human readable ID for the sensor.
/// </summary>
public string Id;
/// <summary>
/// The type of the sensor.
/// </summary>
public string sensorType;
public string description;
/// <summary>
/// The position (xyz) of the sensor in the world.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 position;
/// <summary>
/// The rotation in euler angles.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 rotation;
/// <summary>
/// The current velocity (xyz) of the sensor.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 velocity;
/// <summary>
/// The current acceleration (xyz) of the sensor.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 acceleration;
// TODO put in camera intrinsic
// TODO put in projection
/// <summary>
/// A list of all of the annotations recorded recorded for the frame.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<Annotation> annotations = new List<Annotation>();
/// <summary>
/// A list of all of the metrics recorded recorded for the frame.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<Metric> metrics = new List<Metric>();
public virtual void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", Id);
builder.AddString("sensor_id", sensorType);
builder.AddFloatVector("position", Utils.ToFloatVector(position));
builder.AddFloatVector("rotation", Utils.ToFloatVector(rotation));
builder.AddFloatVector("velocity", Utils.ToFloatVector(velocity));
builder.AddFloatVector("acceleration", Utils.ToFloatVector(acceleration));
foreach (var annotation in annotations)
var nested = builder.AddNestedMessageToVector("annotations");
foreach (var metric in metrics)
var nested = builder.AddNestedMessageToVector("metrics");
/// <summary>
/// The concrete class for an RGB sensor.
/// </summary>
public class RgbSensor : Sensor
// The format of the image type
public string imageFormat;
// The dimensions (width, height) of the image
public Vector2 dimension;
// The raw bytes of the image file
public byte[] buffer;
public override void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("image_format", imageFormat);
builder.AddFloatVector("dimension", Utils.ToFloatVector(dimension));
builder.AddPngImage("camera", buffer);
/// <summary>
/// Abstract class that holds the common data found in all
/// annotations. Concrete instances of this class will add
/// data for their specific annotation type.
/// </summary>
public abstract class Annotation : IMessageProducer
/// <summary>
/// The unique, human readable ID for the annotation.
/// </summary>
public string Id;
/// <summary>
/// The sensor that this annotation is associated with.
/// </summary>
public string sensorId;
/// <summary>
/// The description of the annotation.
/// </summary>
public string description;
/// <summary>
/// The type of the annotation, this will map directly to one of the
/// annotation subclasses that are concrete implementations of this abstract
/// class.
/// </summary>
public string annotationType;
public virtual void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", Id);
builder.AddString("sensor_id", sensorId);
builder.AddString("description", description);
builder.AddString("annotation_type", annotationType);
/// <summary>
/// Abstract class that holds the common data found in all
/// metrics. Concrete instances of this class will add
/// data for their specific metric type.
/// </summary>
public abstract class Metric : IMessageProducer
public string Id;
/// <summary>
/// The sensor ID that this metric is associated with
/// </summary>
public string sensorId;
/// <summary>
/// The annotation ID that this metric is associated with. If the value is none ("")
/// then the metric is capture wide, and not associated with a specific annotation.
/// </summary>
public string annotationId;
/// <summary>
/// A human readable description of what this metric is for.
/// </summary>
public string description;
/// <summary>
/// Additional key/value pair metadata that can be associated with
/// any metric.
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<string, object> metadata;
public virtual void ToMessage(IMessageBuilder builder)
builder.AddString("id", Id);
builder.AddString("sensor_id", sensorId);
builder.AddString("annotation_id", annotationId);
builder.AddString("description", description);
/// <summary>
/// Metadata describing the simulation.
/// </summary>
public class SimulationMetadata
public SimulationMetadata()
unityVersion = "figure out how to do unity version";
perceptionVersion = "0.8.0-preview.4";
renderPipeline = "HDRP";
renderPipeline = "URP";
renderPipeline = "built-in";
metadata = new Dictionary<string, object>();
/// <summary>
/// The version of the Unity editor executing the simulation.
/// </summary>
public string unityVersion;
/// <summary>
/// The version of the perception package used to generate the data.
/// </summary>
public string perceptionVersion;
/// <summary>
/// The render pipeline used to create the data. Currently either URP or HDRP.
/// </summary>
public string renderPipeline;
/// <summary>
/// Additional key/value pair metadata that can be associated with
/// the simulation.
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<string, object> metadata;
// We could probably list all of the randomizers here...
/// <summary>
/// Metadata describing the final metrics of the simulation.
/// </summary>
public class CompletionMetadata : SimulationMetadata
public CompletionMetadata()
: base() { }
public struct Sequence
/// <summary>
/// The ID of the sequence
/// </summary>
public int id;
/// <summary>
/// The number of steps in the sequence.
/// </summary>
public int numberOfSteps;
/// <summary>
/// Total frames processed in the simulation. These frames are distributed
/// over sequence and steps.
/// </summary>
public int totalFrames;
/// <summary>
/// A list of all of the sequences and the number of steps in the sequence for
/// a simulation.
/// </summary>
public List<Sequence> sequences;
static class Utils
internal static int[] ToIntVector(Color32 c)
return new[] { (int)c.r, (int)c.g, (int)c.b, (int)c.a };
internal static float[] ToFloatVector(Vector2 v)
return new[] { v.x, v.y };
internal static float[] ToFloatVector(Vector3 v)
return new[] { v.x, v.y, v.z };


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using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.DataModel;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth.Consumers
public class SoloConsumer : ConsumerEndpoint
public string _baseDirectory = "D:/PerceptionOutput/SoloConsumer";
public string soloDatasetName = "solo";
static string currentDirectory = "";
SimulationMetadata m_CurrentMetadata;
void Start()
// Only here to get the check mark to show up in Unity Editor
public override void OnSimulationStarted(SimulationMetadata metadata)
Debug.Log("SC - On Simulation Started");
m_CurrentMetadata = metadata;
var i = 0;
while (true)
var n = $"{soloDatasetName}_{i++}";
n = Path.Combine(_baseDirectory, n);
if (!Directory.Exists(n))
currentDirectory = n;
static string GetSequenceDirectoryPath(Frame frame)
var path = $"sequence.{frame.sequence}";
// verify that a directory already exists for a sequence,
// if not, create it.
path = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, path);
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
return path;
void WriteJTokenToFile(string filePath, JToken jToken)
var stringWriter = new StringWriter(new StringBuilder(256), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
using (var jsonTextWriter = new JsonTextWriter(stringWriter))
jsonTextWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
var contents = stringWriter.ToString();
File.WriteAllText(filePath, contents);
public override void OnFrameGenerated(Frame frame)
var path = GetSequenceDirectoryPath(frame);
path = Path.Combine(path, $"step{frame.step}.frame_data.json");
WriteJTokenToFile(path, ToFrame(frame));
Debug.Log("SC - On Frame Generated");
public override void OnSimulationCompleted(CompletionMetadata metadata)
Debug.Log("SC - On Simulation Completed");
static JToken ToFrame(Frame frame)
var frameJson = new JObject
["frame"] = frame.frame,
["sequence"] = frame.sequence,
["step"] = frame.step
var captures = new JArray();
foreach (var sensor in frame.sensors)
switch (sensor)
case RgbSensor rgb:
captures.Add(ConvertSensor(frame, rgb));
frameJson["captures"] = captures;
return frameJson;
static JArray FromVector3(Vector3 vector3)
return new JArray
vector3.x, vector3.y, vector3.z
static JArray FromVector2(Vector2 vector2)
return new JArray
vector2.x, vector2.y
static JArray FromColor32(Color32 color)
return new JArray
color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a
static JToken ToSensorHeader(Frame frame, Sensor sensor)
var token = new JObject
["Id"] = sensor.Id,
["sensorType"] = sensor.sensorType,
["position"] = FromVector3(sensor.position),
["rotation"] = FromVector3(sensor.rotation),
["velocity"] = FromVector3(sensor.velocity),
["acceleration"] = FromVector3(sensor.acceleration)
return token;
static JToken ConvertSensor(Frame frame, RgbSensor sensor)
// write out the png data
var path = GetSequenceDirectoryPath(frame);
path = Path.Combine(path, $"step{frame.step}.{sensor.sensorType}.{sensor.imageFormat}");
var file = File.Create(path, 4096);
file.Write(sensor.buffer, 0, sensor.buffer.Length);
var outRgb = ToSensorHeader(frame, sensor);
outRgb["fileName"] = path;
outRgb["imageFormat"] = sensor.imageFormat;
outRgb["dimension"] = FromVector2(sensor.dimension);
var annotations = new JArray();
var metrics = new JArray();
foreach (var annotation in sensor.annotations)
switch (annotation)
case BoundingBox2DLabeler.BoundingBoxAnnotation bbox:
annotations.Add(ConvertAnnotation(frame, bbox));
case InstanceSegmentationLabeler.InstanceSegmentation seg:
annotations.Add(ConvertAnnotation(frame, seg));
foreach (var metric in sensor.metrics)
switch (metric)
case ObjectCountLabeler.ObjectCountMetric objCount:
metrics.Add(ConvertMetric(frame, objCount));
outRgb["annotations"] = annotations;
outRgb["metrics"] = metrics;
return outRgb;
static JToken ToAnnotationHeader(Frame frame, Annotation annotation)
return new JObject
["Id"] = annotation.Id,
["definition"] = annotation.description,
["sequence"] = frame.sequence,
["step"] = frame.step,
["sensor"] = annotation.sensorId
static JToken ToMetricHeader(Frame frame, Metric metric)
return new JObject
["sensorId"] = metric.sensorId,
["annotationId"] = metric.annotationId,
["description"] = metric.description
static JToken ConvertAnnotation(Frame frame, BoundingBox2DLabeler.BoundingBoxAnnotation bbox)
var outBox = ToAnnotationHeader(frame, bbox);
var values = new JArray();
foreach (var box in bbox.boxes)
values.Add(new JObject
["frame"] = frame.frame,
["label_name"] = box.labelName,
["instance_id"] = box.instanceId,
["origin"] = FromVector2(box.origin),
["dimension"] = FromVector2(box.dimension)
outBox["values"] = values;
return outBox;
static JToken ConvertMetric(Frame frame, ObjectCountLabeler.ObjectCountMetric count)
var outCount = ToMetricHeader(frame, count);
var values = new JArray();
foreach (var i in count.objectCounts)
values.Add(new JObject
["label_name"] = i.labelName,
["count"] = i.count
outCount["object_counts"] = values;
return outCount;
static JToken ConvertAnnotation(Frame frame, InstanceSegmentationLabeler.InstanceSegmentation segmentation)
// write out the png data
var path = GetSequenceDirectoryPath(frame);
path = Path.Combine(path,$"step{frame.step}.segmentation.{segmentation.imageFormat}");
var file = File.Create(path, 4096);
file.Write(segmentation.buffer, 0, segmentation.buffer.Length);
var outSeg = ToAnnotationHeader(frame, segmentation);
var values = new JArray();
foreach (var i in segmentation.instances)
values.Add(new JObject
["instance_id"] = i.instanceId,
["rgba"] = FromColor32(i.rgba)
outSeg["imageFormat"] = segmentation.imageFormat;
outSeg["dimension"] = FromVector2(segmentation.dimension);
outSeg["imagePath"] = path;
outSeg["instances"] = values;
return outSeg;


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fileFormatVersion: 2
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/com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/SoloDesign/Frame.cs.meta → /com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/ConsumerEndpoint.cs.meta

/com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/SoloDesign/SoloConsumer.cs.meta → /com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/Consumers/SoloConsumer.cs.meta

/com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/SoloDesign/IMessageBuilder.cs → /com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/IMessageBuilder.cs

/com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/SoloDesign/IMessageBuilder.cs.meta → /com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/IMessageBuilder.cs.meta

/com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/SoloDesign/OldPerceptionConsumer.cs.meta → /com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/Consumers/OldPerceptionConsumer.cs.meta

/com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/SoloDesign/OldPerceptionJsonFactory.cs.meta → /com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/Consumers/OldPerceptionJsonFactory.cs.meta

/com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/SoloDesign/SoloMessageBuilder.cs.meta → /com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/Consumers/SoloMessageBuilder.cs.meta

/com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/SoloDesign/OldPerceptionConsumer.cs → /com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/Consumers/OldPerceptionConsumer.cs

/com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/SoloDesign/OldPerceptionJsonFactory.cs → /com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/Consumers/OldPerceptionJsonFactory.cs

/com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/SoloDesign/SoloMessageBuilder.cs → /com.unity.perception/Runtime/GroundTruth/Consumers/SoloMessageBuilder.cs
