Steven Leal
4 年前
共有 13 个文件被更改,包括 347 次插入 和 35 次删除
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.IO; |
using System.Threading; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using Unity.Simulation.Client; |
using UnityEditor; |
using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting; |
using UnityEditor.UIElements; |
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Editor; |
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Scenarios; |
using UnityEngine.UIElements; |
using ZipUtility; |
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.Randomization.Editor |
{ |
public class RunInUSimWindow : EditorWindow |
{ |
string m_BuildZipPath; |
SysParamDefinition m_SysParam; |
TextField m_RunNameField; |
IntegerField m_TotalIterationsField; |
IntegerField m_InstanceCountField; |
ObjectField m_MainSceneField; |
ObjectField m_ScenarioField; |
Button m_RunButton; |
[MenuItem("Window/Run in USim")] |
public static void ShowWindow() |
{ |
var window = GetWindow<RunInUSimWindow>(); |
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Run In Unity Simulation"); |
window.minSize = new Vector2(250, 50); |
window.Show(); |
} |
void OnEnable() |
{ |
Project.Activate(); |
Project.clientReadyStateChanged += CreateEstablishingConnectionUI; |
CreateEstablishingConnectionUI(Project.projectIdState); |
} |
void OnFocus() |
{ |
Application.runInBackground = true; |
} |
void OnLostFocus() |
{ |
Application.runInBackground = false; |
} |
void CreateEstablishingConnectionUI(Project.State state) |
{ |
rootVisualElement.Clear(); |
if (Project.projectIdState == Project.State.Pending) |
{ |
var waitingText = new TextElement(); |
waitingText.text = "Waiting for connection to Unity Cloud..."; |
rootVisualElement.Add(waitingText); |
} |
else if (Project.projectIdState == Project.State.Invalid) |
{ |
var waitingText = new TextElement(); |
waitingText.text = "The current project must be associated with a valid Unity Cloud project " + |
"to run in Unity Simulation"; |
rootVisualElement.Add(waitingText); |
} |
else |
{ |
CreateRunInUSimUI(); |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Enables a visual element to remember values between editor sessions
/// </summary>
static void SetViewDataKey(VisualElement element) |
{ |
element.viewDataKey = $"RunInUSim_{}"; |
} |
void CreateRunInUSimUI() |
{ |
var root = rootVisualElement; |
AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<VisualTreeAsset>( |
$"{StaticData.uxmlDir}/RunInUSimWindow.uxml").CloneTree(root); |
m_RunNameField = root.Q<TextField>("run-name"); |
SetViewDataKey(m_RunNameField); |
m_TotalIterationsField = root.Q<IntegerField>("total-iterations"); |
SetViewDataKey(m_TotalIterationsField); |
m_InstanceCountField = root.Q<IntegerField>("instance-count"); |
SetViewDataKey(m_InstanceCountField); |
m_MainSceneField = root.Q<ObjectField>("main-scene"); |
m_MainSceneField.objectType = typeof(SceneAsset); |
m_ScenarioField = root.Q<ObjectField>("scenario"); |
m_ScenarioField.objectType = typeof(ScenarioBase); |
var sysParamDefinitions = API.GetSysParams(); |
var sysParamMenu = root.Q<ToolbarMenu>("sys-param"); |
foreach (var definition in sysParamDefinitions) |
|||, action => m_SysParam = definition); |
sysParamMenu.text = sysParamDefinitions[0].description; |
m_SysParam = sysParamDefinitions[0]; |
m_RunButton = root.Q<Button>("run-button"); |
m_RunButton.clicked += RunInUSim; |
} |
async void RunInUSim() |
{ |
ValidateSettings(); |
CreateLinuxBuildAndZip(); |
await StartUSimRun(); |
} |
void ValidateSettings() |
{ |
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_RunNameField.value)) |
throw new MissingFieldException("Empty run name"); |
if (m_MainSceneField.value == null) |
throw new MissingFieldException("Main scene unselected"); |
if (m_ScenarioField.value == null) |
throw new MissingFieldException("Scenario unselected"); |
var scenario = (ScenarioBase)m_ScenarioField.value; |
if (!StaticData.IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(typeof(USimScenario<>), scenario.GetType())) |
throw new NotSupportedException("Scenario class must be derived from USimScenario to run in USim"); |
} |
void CreateLinuxBuildAndZip() |
{ |
// Ensure that scenario serialization is enabled
var scenario = (ScenarioBase)m_ScenarioField.value; |
scenario.deserializeOnStart = true; |
// Create build directory
var pathToProjectBuild = Application.dataPath + "/../" + "Build/"; |
if (!Directory.Exists(pathToProjectBuild + m_RunNameField.value)) |
Directory.CreateDirectory(pathToProjectBuild + m_RunNameField.value); |
pathToProjectBuild = pathToProjectBuild + m_RunNameField.value + "/"; |
// Create Linux build
Debug.Log("Creating Linux build..."); |
var buildPlayerOptions = new BuildPlayerOptions |
{ |
scenes = new[] { AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_MainSceneField.value) }, |
locationPathName = Path.Combine(pathToProjectBuild, m_RunNameField.value + ".x86_64"), |
target = BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux64 |
}; |
var report = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(buildPlayerOptions); |
var summary = report.summary; |
if (summary.result != BuildResult.Succeeded) |
throw new Exception($"Build did not succeed: status = {summary.result}"); |
Debug.Log("Created Linux build"); |
// Zip the build
Debug.Log("Starting to zip..."); |
var buildFolder = Application.dataPath + "/../" + "Build/" + m_RunNameField.value; |
Zip.DirectoryContents(buildFolder, m_RunNameField.value); |
m_BuildZipPath = buildFolder + ".zip"; |
Debug.Log("Created build zip"); |
} |
List<AppParam> GenerateAppParamIds(CancellationToken token) |
{ |
var appParamIds = new List<AppParam>(); |
for (var i = 0; i < m_InstanceCountField.value; i++) |
{ |
if (token.IsCancellationRequested) |
return null; |
var appParamName = $"{m_RunNameField.value}_{i}"; |
var appParamId = API.UploadAppParam(appParamName, new USimConstants |
{ |
totalIterations = m_TotalIterationsField.value, |
instanceCount = m_InstanceCountField.value, |
instanceIndex = i |
}); |
appParamIds.Add(new AppParam() |
{ |
id = appParamId, |
name = appParamName, |
num_instances = 1 |
}); |
} |
return appParamIds; |
} |
async Task StartUSimRun() |
{ |
m_RunButton.SetEnabled(false); |
var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); |
var token = cancellationTokenSource.Token; |
Debug.Log("Uploading build..."); |
var buildId = await API.UploadBuildAsync( |
m_RunNameField.value, |
m_BuildZipPath, |
cancellationTokenSource: cancellationTokenSource); |
Debug.Log($"Build upload complete: build id {buildId}"); |
var appParams = GenerateAppParamIds(token); |
if (token.IsCancellationRequested) |
{ |
Debug.Log("Run cancelled"); |
return; |
} |
Debug.Log($"Generated app-param ids: {appParams.Count}"); |
var runDefinitionId = API.UploadRunDefinition(new RunDefinition |
{ |
app_params = appParams.ToArray(), |
name = m_RunNameField.value, |
sys_param_id =, |
build_id = buildId |
}); |
Debug.Log($"Run definition upload complete: run definition id {runDefinitionId}"); |
var run = Run.CreateFromDefinitionId(runDefinitionId); |
run.Execute(); |
cancellationTokenSource.Dispose(); |
Debug.Log($"Executing run: {run.executionId}"); |
m_RunButton.SetEnabled(true); |
} |
} |
} |
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<editor:ObjectField name="main-scene" label="Main Scene" allow-scene-objects="false"/> |
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using System; |
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Scenarios |
{ |
public abstract class USimScenario<T> : Scenario<T> where T : USimConstants, new() |
{ |
public override bool isScenarioComplete => currentIteration >= constants.totalIterations; |
protected override void OnAwake() |
{ |
currentIteration = constants.instanceIndex; |
} |
protected override void IncrementIteration() |
{ |
currentIteration += constants.instanceCount; |
} |
public override void Deserialize() |
{ |
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Unity.Simulation.Configuration.Instance.SimulationConfig.app_param_uri)) |
base.Deserialize(); |
else |
constants = Unity.Simulation.Configuration.Instance.GetAppParams<T>(); |
} |
} |
[Serializable] |
public class USimConstants |
{ |
public int totalIterations = 100; |
public int instanceCount = 1; |
public int instanceIndex; |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: ee12a68b9b7b40aa9f60c97d6078a7cf |
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Reference in new issue