Here, you can specify a name for the run, the number of Iterations the Scenario will execute for, and the number of Instances (number of nodes the work will be distributed across) for the run. This window automatically picks the currently active Scene and Scenario to run in Unity Simulation.
* **:green_circle: Action**: Name your run `FirstRun`, set the number of Iterations to `1000`, and Instances to `20`.
* **:green_circle: Action**: Name your run `FirstRun`, set the number of Iterations to `1000`, and Instances to `20`.
* **:green_circle: Action**: Click `Randomize` to generate a seed for your runs.
* **:green_circle: Action**: Click _**Build and Run**_.
> :information_source: You can ignore the ***Optional Configuration*** section for now. This is useful if you plan to specify a configuration for your Scenario (including the Randomizers) that will override the values set in the Scenario UI, in Unity Simulation. To generate a configuration, you can click on the ***Generate JSON Config*** button provided in the ***Inspector*** view of Scenario components.