[Perception Tutorial](com.unity.perception/Documentation~/Tutorial/TUTORIAL.md): Detailed instructions covering every step from installing Unity Editor, to creating your first Perception project and generating large-scale synthetic datasets by leveraging the power of Unity Simulation.
[Randomizing your simulation](com.unity.perception/Documentation~/Randomization/Index.md)
[Perception Manual](com.unity.perception/Documentation~/index.md): Sample projects and documentation of the SDK.
## Local development
The repository includes two projects for local development in `TestProjects` folder, one set up for HDRP and the other for URP.
1. Install the latest [2019.3 Unity Editor](https://unity.com/releases/2019-4)
1. Create a new HDRP or URP project, or open an existing project
This page provides brief instructions on installing the Perception package. Head over to the [Perception Tutorial](Tutorial/TUTORIAL.md) for more detailed instructions and steps for building a sample project.
1. Install the latest version of 2020.1.x Unity Editor from [here](https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive). (Perception has not been tested on Unity versions newer than 2020.1)
1. Create a new HDRP or URP project, or open an existing project.
Note that although the Perception package is compatible with both URP and HDRP, Unity Simulation currently only supports URP projects, therefore a URP project is recommended.
Once completed you can continue with the [getting started steps](GettingStarted.md).