_Example rendered object info for a single object_
The Rendered Object Info Labeler records a list of all objects visible in the camera image, including its instance id, resolved label id and visible pixels. Objects not resolved to a label in the given ID Label Config are not recorded.
The Rendered Object Info Labeler records a list of all objects visible in the camera image, including its instance id, resolved label id and visible pixels. Objects not resolved to a label in the given ID Label Config are not recorded.
## Limitations
Ground truth is not compatible with all rendering features, especially ones that modify the visibility or shape of objects in the frame.
When generating ground truth:
* Vertex and geometry shaders are not run
* Transparency is not considered. All geometry is considered opaque
* Besides built-in Lens Distortion in URP and HDRP, post-processing effects are not run
If you encounter additional incompatibilities, please open an [issue](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.perception/issues)