
Merge pull request #333 from Unity-Technologies/pose-tutorial-fix

A small fix for the keypoint labeling tutorial
GitHub 4 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 4 次插入2 次删除
  1. 6


* **:green_circle: Action**: Return to `Perception Camera` and assign `HPE_IdLabelConfig` to the `KeyPointLabeler`'s label configuration property.
* **:green_circle: Action**: Search in the _**Project**_ tab for `CocoKeypointTemplate`, with the scope set to _**In Packages**_. Drag and drop the found asset into the `Active Template` field of the `Perception Camera`.
Note the `CocoKeypointTemplate` asset that is already assigned as the `Active Template`. This template will tell the labeler how to map default Unity rig joints to human joint labels in the popular COCO dataset so that the output of the labeler can be easily converted to COCO format. Later in this tutorial, we will learn how to add more joints to our character and how to customize joint mapping templates.
The `Active Template` tells the labeler how to map default Unity rig joints to human joint labels in the popular COCO dataset so that the output of the labeler can be easily converted to COCO format. Later in this tutorial, we will learn how to add more joints to our character and how to customize joint mapping templates.
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<img src="Images/take_objects_keypoints.gif" width="600"/>
