Boss Room 是一款使用 Unity MLAPI 制作的全功能合作多人 RPG。 它旨在作为学习样本,展示类似游戏中经常出现的某些典型游戏模式。
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

1173 行
45 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using LiteNetLib.Utils;
namespace LiteNetLib
/// <summary>
/// Peer connection state
/// </summary>
public enum ConnectionState : byte
Outgoing = 1 << 1,
Connected = 1 << 2,
ShutdownRequested = 1 << 3,
Disconnected = 1 << 4,
Any = Outgoing | Connected | ShutdownRequested
internal enum ConnectRequestResult
P2PLose, //when peer connecting
Reconnection, //when peer was connected
NewConnection //when peer was disconnected
internal enum DisconnectResult
internal enum ShutdownResult
/// <summary>
/// Network peer. Main purpose is sending messages to specific peer.
/// </summary>
public class NetPeer
//Ping and RTT
private int _rtt;
private int _avgRtt;
private int _rttCount;
private double _resendDelay = 27.0;
private int _pingSendTimer;
private int _rttResetTimer;
private readonly Stopwatch _pingTimer = new Stopwatch();
private int _timeSinceLastPacket;
private long _remoteDelta;
private readonly NetPacketPool _packetPool;
private readonly object _flushLock = new object();
private readonly object _sendLock = new object();
private readonly object _shutdownLock = new object();
internal volatile NetPeer NextPeer;
internal NetPeer PrevPeer;
internal byte ConnectionNum
get { return _connectNum; }
private set
_connectNum = value;
_mergeData.ConnectionNumber = value;
_pingPacket.ConnectionNumber = value;
_pongPacket.ConnectionNumber = value;
private readonly Queue<NetPacket> _unreliableChannel;
private readonly BaseChannel[] _channels;
private BaseChannel _headChannel;
private int _mtu;
private int _mtuIdx;
private bool _finishMtu;
private int _mtuCheckTimer;
private int _mtuCheckAttempts;
private const int MtuCheckDelay = 1000;
private const int MaxMtuCheckAttempts = 4;
private readonly object _mtuMutex = new object();
private class IncomingFragments
public NetPacket[] Fragments;
public int ReceivedCount;
public int TotalSize;
public byte ChannelId;
private ushort _fragmentId;
private readonly Dictionary<ushort, IncomingFragments> _holdedFragments;
private readonly Dictionary<ushort, ushort> _deliveredFramgnets;
private readonly NetPacket _mergeData;
private int _mergePos;
private int _mergeCount;
private int _connectAttempts;
private int _connectTimer;
private long _connectTime;
private byte _connectNum;
private ConnectionState _connectionState;
private NetPacket _shutdownPacket;
private const int ShutdownDelay = 300;
private int _shutdownTimer;
private readonly NetPacket _pingPacket;
private readonly NetPacket _pongPacket;
private readonly NetPacket _connectRequestPacket;
private readonly NetPacket _connectAcceptPacket;
/// <summary>
/// Peer ip address and port
/// </summary>
public readonly IPEndPoint EndPoint;
/// <summary>
/// Peer parent NetManager
/// </summary>
public readonly NetManager NetManager;
/// <summary>
/// Current connection state
/// </summary>
public ConnectionState ConnectionState { get { return _connectionState; } }
/// <summary>
/// Connection time for internal purposes
/// </summary>
internal long ConnectTime { get { return _connectTime; } }
/// <summary>
/// Peer id can be used as key in your dictionary of peers
/// </summary>
public readonly int Id;
/// <summary>
/// Current ping in milliseconds
/// </summary>
public int Ping { get { return _avgRtt/2; } }
/// <summary>
/// Current MTU - Maximum Transfer Unit ( maximum udp packet size without fragmentation )
/// </summary>
public int Mtu { get { return _mtu; } }
/// <summary>
/// Delta with remote time in ticks (not accurate)
/// positive - remote time > our time
/// </summary>
public long RemoteTimeDelta
get { return _remoteDelta; }
/// <summary>
/// Remote UTC time (not accurate)
/// </summary>
public DateTime RemoteUtcTime
get { return new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + _remoteDelta); }
/// <summary>
/// Time since last packet received (including internal library packets)
/// </summary>
public int TimeSinceLastPacket { get { return _timeSinceLastPacket; } }
internal double ResendDelay { get { return _resendDelay; } }
/// <summary>
/// Application defined object containing data about the connection
/// </summary>
public object Tag;
/// <summary>
/// Statistics of peer connection
/// </summary>
public readonly NetStatistics Statistics;
//incoming connection constructor
internal NetPeer(NetManager netManager, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, int id)
Id = id;
Statistics = new NetStatistics();
_packetPool = netManager.NetPacketPool;
NetManager = netManager;
EndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
_connectionState = ConnectionState.Connected;
_mergeData = new NetPacket(PacketProperty.Merged, NetConstants.MaxPacketSize);
_pongPacket = new NetPacket(PacketProperty.Pong, 0);
_pingPacket = new NetPacket(PacketProperty.Ping, 0) {Sequence = 1};
_unreliableChannel = new Queue<NetPacket>(64);
_headChannel = null;
_holdedFragments = new Dictionary<ushort, IncomingFragments>();
_deliveredFramgnets = new Dictionary<ushort, ushort>();
_channels = new BaseChannel[netManager.ChannelsCount * 4];
private void SetMtu(int mtuIdx)
_mtu = NetConstants.PossibleMtu[mtuIdx] - NetManager.ExtraPacketSizeForLayer;
/// <summary>
/// Returns packets count in queue for reliable channel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="channelNumber">number of channel 0-63</param>
/// <param name="ordered">type of channel ReliableOrdered or ReliableUnordered</param>
/// <returns>packets count in channel queue</returns>
public int GetPacketsCountInReliableQueue(byte channelNumber, bool ordered)
int idx = channelNumber * 4 +
(byte) (ordered ? DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered : DeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered);
var channel = _channels[idx];
return channel != null ? ((ReliableChannel)channel).PacketsInQueue : 0;
private BaseChannel CreateChannel(byte idx)
BaseChannel newChannel = _channels[idx];
if (newChannel != null)
return newChannel;
switch ((DeliveryMethod)(idx % 4))
case DeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered:
newChannel = new ReliableChannel(this, false, idx);
case DeliveryMethod.Sequenced:
newChannel = new SequencedChannel(this, false, idx);
case DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered:
newChannel = new ReliableChannel(this, true, idx);
case DeliveryMethod.ReliableSequenced:
newChannel = new SequencedChannel(this, true, idx);
_channels[idx] = newChannel;
newChannel.Next = _headChannel;
_headChannel = newChannel;
return newChannel;
//"Connect to" constructor
internal NetPeer(NetManager netManager, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, int id, byte connectNum, NetDataWriter connectData)
: this(netManager, remoteEndPoint, id)
_connectTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
_connectionState = ConnectionState.Outgoing;
ConnectionNum = connectNum;
//Make initial packet
_connectRequestPacket = NetConnectRequestPacket.Make(connectData, remoteEndPoint.Serialize(), _connectTime);
_connectRequestPacket.ConnectionNumber = connectNum;
//Send request
NetManager.SendRaw(_connectRequestPacket, EndPoint);
NetDebug.Write(NetLogLevel.Trace, "[CC] ConnectId: {0}, ConnectNum: {1}", _connectTime, connectNum);
//"Accept" incoming constructor
internal NetPeer(NetManager netManager, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, int id, long connectId, byte connectNum)
: this(netManager, remoteEndPoint, id)
_connectTime = connectId;
_connectionState = ConnectionState.Connected;
ConnectionNum = connectNum;
//Make initial packet
_connectAcceptPacket = NetConnectAcceptPacket.Make(_connectTime, connectNum, false);
NetManager.SendRaw(_connectAcceptPacket, EndPoint);
NetDebug.Write(NetLogLevel.Trace, "[CC] ConnectId: {0}", _connectTime);
internal void Reject(long connectionId, byte connectionNumber, byte[] data, int start, int length)
_connectTime = connectionId;
_connectNum = connectionNumber;
Shutdown(data, start, length, false);
internal bool ProcessConnectAccept(NetConnectAcceptPacket packet)
if (_connectionState != ConnectionState.Outgoing)
return false;
//check connection id
if (packet.ConnectionId != _connectTime)
NetDebug.Write(NetLogLevel.Trace, "[NC] Invalid connectId: {0}", _connectTime);
return false;
//check connect num
ConnectionNum = packet.ConnectionNumber;
NetDebug.Write(NetLogLevel.Trace, "[NC] Received connection accept");
Interlocked.Exchange(ref _timeSinceLastPacket, 0);
_connectionState = ConnectionState.Connected;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets maximum size of packet that will be not fragmented.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="options">Type of packet that you want send</param>
/// <returns>size in bytes</returns>
public int GetMaxSinglePacketSize(DeliveryMethod options)
return _mtu - NetPacket.GetHeaderSize(options == DeliveryMethod.Unreliable ? PacketProperty.Unreliable : PacketProperty.Channeled);
/// <summary>
/// Send data to peer with delivery event called
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
/// <param name="channelNumber">Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)</param>
/// <param name="deliveryMethod">Delivery method (reliable, unreliable, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="userData">User data that will be received in DeliveryEvent</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// If you trying to send unreliable packet type<para/>
/// </exception>
public void SendWithDeliveryEvent(byte[] data, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod, object userData)
if (deliveryMethod != DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered && deliveryMethod != DeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered)
throw new ArgumentException("Delivery event will work only for ReliableOrdered/Unordered packets");
SendInternal(data, 0, data.Length, channelNumber, deliveryMethod, userData);
/// <summary>
/// Send data to peer with delivery event called
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
/// <param name="start">Start of data</param>
/// <param name="length">Length of data</param>
/// <param name="channelNumber">Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)</param>
/// <param name="deliveryMethod">Delivery method (reliable, unreliable, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="userData">User data that will be received in DeliveryEvent</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// If you trying to send unreliable packet type<para/>
/// </exception>
public void SendWithDeliveryEvent(byte[] data, int start, int length, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod, object userData)
if (deliveryMethod != DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered && deliveryMethod != DeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered)
throw new ArgumentException("Delivery event will work only for ReliableOrdered/Unordered packets");
SendInternal(data, start, length, channelNumber, deliveryMethod, userData);
/// <summary>
/// Send data to peer with delivery event called
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataWriter">Data</param>
/// <param name="channelNumber">Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)</param>
/// <param name="deliveryMethod">Delivery method (reliable, unreliable, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="userData">User data that will be received in DeliveryEvent</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// If you trying to send unreliable packet type<para/>
/// </exception>
public void SendWithDeliveryEvent(NetDataWriter dataWriter, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod, object userData)
if (deliveryMethod != DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered && deliveryMethod != DeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered)
throw new ArgumentException("Delivery event will work only for ReliableOrdered/Unordered packets");
SendInternal(dataWriter.Data, 0, dataWriter.Length, channelNumber, deliveryMethod, userData);
/// <summary>
/// Send data to peer (channel - 0)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
/// <param name="deliveryMethod">Send options (reliable, unreliable, etc.)</param>
/// <exception cref="TooBigPacketException">
/// If size exceeds maximum limit:<para/>
/// MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable<para/>
/// Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue<para/>
/// </exception>
public void Send(byte[] data, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod)
SendInternal(data, 0, data.Length, 0, deliveryMethod, null);
/// <summary>
/// Send data to peer (channel - 0)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataWriter">DataWriter with data</param>
/// <param name="deliveryMethod">Send options (reliable, unreliable, etc.)</param>
/// <exception cref="TooBigPacketException">
/// If size exceeds maximum limit:<para/>
/// MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable<para/>
/// Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue<para/>
/// </exception>
public void Send(NetDataWriter dataWriter, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod)
SendInternal(dataWriter.Data, 0, dataWriter.Length, 0, deliveryMethod, null);
/// <summary>
/// Send data to peer (channel - 0)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
/// <param name="start">Start of data</param>
/// <param name="length">Length of data</param>
/// <param name="options">Send options (reliable, unreliable, etc.)</param>
/// <exception cref="TooBigPacketException">
/// If size exceeds maximum limit:<para/>
/// MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable<para/>
/// Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue<para/>
/// </exception>
public void Send(byte[] data, int start, int length, DeliveryMethod options)
SendInternal(data, start, length, 0, options, null);
/// <summary>
/// Send data to peer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
/// <param name="channelNumber">Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)</param>
/// <param name="deliveryMethod">Send options (reliable, unreliable, etc.)</param>
/// <exception cref="TooBigPacketException">
/// If size exceeds maximum limit:<para/>
/// MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable<para/>
/// Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue<para/>
/// </exception>
public void Send(byte[] data, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod)
SendInternal(data, 0, data.Length, channelNumber, deliveryMethod, null);
/// <summary>
/// Send data to peer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataWriter">DataWriter with data</param>
/// <param name="channelNumber">Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)</param>
/// <param name="deliveryMethod">Send options (reliable, unreliable, etc.)</param>
/// <exception cref="TooBigPacketException">
/// If size exceeds maximum limit:<para/>
/// MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable<para/>
/// Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue<para/>
/// </exception>
public void Send(NetDataWriter dataWriter, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod)
SendInternal(dataWriter.Data, 0, dataWriter.Length, channelNumber, deliveryMethod, null);
/// <summary>
/// Send data to peer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
/// <param name="start">Start of data</param>
/// <param name="length">Length of data</param>
/// <param name="channelNumber">Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)</param>
/// <param name="deliveryMethod">Delivery method (reliable, unreliable, etc.)</param>
/// <exception cref="TooBigPacketException">
/// If size exceeds maximum limit:<para/>
/// MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable<para/>
/// Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue<para/>
/// </exception>
public void Send(byte[] data, int start, int length, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod)
SendInternal(data, start, length, channelNumber, deliveryMethod, null);
private void SendInternal(
byte[] data,
int start,
int length,
byte channelNumber,
DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod,
object userData)
if (_connectionState != ConnectionState.Connected || channelNumber >= _channels.Length)
//Select channel
PacketProperty property;
BaseChannel channel = null;
if (deliveryMethod == DeliveryMethod.Unreliable)
property = PacketProperty.Unreliable;
property = PacketProperty.Channeled;
channel = CreateChannel((byte)(channelNumber*4 + (byte)deliveryMethod));
NetDebug.Write("[RS]Packet: " + property);
//Check fragmentation
int headerSize = NetPacket.GetHeaderSize(property);
//Save mtu for multithread
int mtu = _mtu;
if (length + headerSize > mtu)
//if cannot be fragmented
if (deliveryMethod != DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered && deliveryMethod != DeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered)
throw new TooBigPacketException("Unreliable packet size exceeded maximum of " + (mtu - headerSize) + " bytes");
int packetFullSize = mtu - headerSize;
int packetDataSize = packetFullSize - NetConstants.FragmentHeaderSize;
int totalPackets = length / packetDataSize + (length % packetDataSize == 0 ? 0 : 1);
NetDebug.Write("FragmentSend:\n" +
" MTU: {0}\n" +
" headerSize: {1}\n" +
" packetFullSize: {2}\n" +
" packetDataSize: {3}\n" +
" totalPackets: {4}",
mtu, headerSize, packetFullSize, packetDataSize, totalPackets);
if (totalPackets > ushort.MaxValue)
throw new TooBigPacketException("Data was split in " + totalPackets + " fragments, which exceeds " + ushort.MaxValue);
ushort currentFramentId;
lock (_sendLock)
currentFramentId = _fragmentId;
for(ushort partIdx = 0; partIdx < totalPackets; partIdx++)
int sendLength = length > packetDataSize ? packetDataSize : length;
NetPacket p = _packetPool.GetPacket(headerSize + sendLength + NetConstants.FragmentHeaderSize);
p.Property = property;
p.UserData = userData;
p.FragmentId = currentFramentId;
p.FragmentPart = partIdx;
p.FragmentsTotal = (ushort)totalPackets;
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, partIdx * packetDataSize, p.RawData, NetConstants.FragmentedHeaderTotalSize, sendLength);
length -= sendLength;
//Else just send
NetPacket packet = _packetPool.GetPacket(headerSize + length);
packet.Property = property;
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, start, packet.RawData, headerSize, length);
packet.UserData = userData;
if (channel == null) //unreliable
public void Disconnect(byte[] data)
NetManager.DisconnectPeer(this, data);
public void Disconnect(NetDataWriter writer)
NetManager.DisconnectPeer(this, writer);
public void Disconnect(byte[] data, int start, int count)
NetManager.DisconnectPeer(this, data, start, count);
public void Disconnect()
internal DisconnectResult ProcessDisconnect(NetPacket packet)
if ((_connectionState == ConnectionState.Connected || _connectionState == ConnectionState.Outgoing) &&
packet.Size >= 9 &&
BitConverter.ToInt64(packet.RawData, 1) == _connectTime &&
packet.ConnectionNumber == _connectNum)
return _connectionState == ConnectionState.Connected
? DisconnectResult.Disconnect
: DisconnectResult.Reject;
return DisconnectResult.None;
internal ShutdownResult Shutdown(byte[] data, int start, int length, bool force)
lock (_shutdownLock)
//trying to shutdown already disconnected
if (_connectionState == ConnectionState.Disconnected ||
_connectionState == ConnectionState.ShutdownRequested)
return ShutdownResult.None;
var result = _connectionState == ConnectionState.Connected
? ShutdownResult.WasConnected
: ShutdownResult.Success;
//don't send anything
if (force)
_connectionState = ConnectionState.Disconnected;
return result;
//reset time for reconnect protection
Interlocked.Exchange(ref _timeSinceLastPacket, 0);
//send shutdown packet
_shutdownPacket = new NetPacket(PacketProperty.Disconnect, length) {ConnectionNumber = _connectNum};
FastBitConverter.GetBytes(_shutdownPacket.RawData, 1, _connectTime);
if (_shutdownPacket.Size >= _mtu)
//Drop additional data
NetDebug.WriteError("[Peer] Disconnect additional data size more than MTU - 8!");
else if (data != null && length > 0)
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, start, _shutdownPacket.RawData, 9, length);
_connectionState = ConnectionState.ShutdownRequested;
NetDebug.Write("[Peer] Send disconnect");
NetManager.SendRaw(_shutdownPacket, EndPoint);
return result;
private void UpdateRoundTripTime(int roundTripTime)
_rtt += roundTripTime;
_avgRtt = _rtt/_rttCount;
_resendDelay = 25.0 + _avgRtt * 2.1; // 25 ms + double rtt
internal void AddReliablePacket(DeliveryMethod method, NetPacket p)
if (p.IsFragmented)
NetDebug.Write("Fragment. Id: {0}, Part: {1}, Total: {2}", p.FragmentId, p.FragmentPart, p.FragmentsTotal);
//Get needed array from dictionary
ushort packetFragId = p.FragmentId;
IncomingFragments incomingFragments;
if (!_holdedFragments.TryGetValue(packetFragId, out incomingFragments))
incomingFragments = new IncomingFragments
Fragments = new NetPacket[p.FragmentsTotal],
ChannelId = p.ChannelId
_holdedFragments.Add(packetFragId, incomingFragments);
var fragments = incomingFragments.Fragments;
//Error check
if (p.FragmentPart >= fragments.Length ||
fragments[p.FragmentPart] != null ||
p.ChannelId != incomingFragments.ChannelId)
NetDebug.WriteError("Invalid fragment packet");
//Fill array
fragments[p.FragmentPart] = p;
//Increase received fragments count
//Increase total size
incomingFragments.TotalSize += p.Size - NetConstants.FragmentedHeaderTotalSize;
//Check for finish
if (incomingFragments.ReceivedCount != fragments.Length)
//just simple packet
NetPacket resultingPacket = _packetPool.GetPacket(incomingFragments.TotalSize);
int firstFragmentSize = fragments[0].Size - NetConstants.FragmentedHeaderTotalSize;
for (int i = 0; i < incomingFragments.ReceivedCount; i++)
var fragment = fragments[i];
//Create resulting big packet
firstFragmentSize * i,
fragment.Size - NetConstants.FragmentedHeaderTotalSize);
//Free memory
Array.Clear(fragments, 0, incomingFragments.ReceivedCount);
//Send to process
NetManager.CreateReceiveEvent(resultingPacket, method, 0, this);
//Clear memory
else //Just simple packet
NetManager.CreateReceiveEvent(p, method, NetConstants.ChanneledHeaderSize, this);
private void ProcessMtuPacket(NetPacket packet)
//header + int
if (packet.Size < NetConstants.PossibleMtu[0])
//first stage check (mtu check and mtu ok)
int receivedMtu = BitConverter.ToInt32(packet.RawData, 1);
int endMtuCheck = BitConverter.ToInt32(packet.RawData, packet.Size - 4);
if (receivedMtu != packet.Size || receivedMtu != endMtuCheck || receivedMtu > NetConstants.MaxPacketSize)
NetDebug.WriteError("[MTU] Broken packet. RMTU {0}, EMTU {1}, PSIZE {2}", receivedMtu, endMtuCheck, packet.Size);
if (packet.Property == PacketProperty.MtuCheck)
_mtuCheckAttempts = 0;
NetDebug.Write("[MTU] check. send back: " + receivedMtu);
packet.Property = PacketProperty.MtuOk;
NetManager.SendRawAndRecycle(packet, EndPoint);
else if(receivedMtu > _mtu && !_finishMtu) //MtuOk
//invalid packet
if (receivedMtu != NetConstants.PossibleMtu[_mtuIdx + 1])
lock (_mtuMutex)
//if maxed - finish.
if (_mtuIdx == NetConstants.PossibleMtu.Length - 1)
_finishMtu = true;
NetDebug.Write("[MTU] ok. Increase to: " + _mtu);
private void UpdateMtuLogic(int deltaTime)
if (_finishMtu)
_mtuCheckTimer += deltaTime;
if (_mtuCheckTimer < MtuCheckDelay)
_mtuCheckTimer = 0;
if (_mtuCheckAttempts >= MaxMtuCheckAttempts)
_finishMtu = true;
lock (_mtuMutex)
if (_mtuIdx >= NetConstants.PossibleMtu.Length - 1)
//Send increased packet
int newMtu = NetConstants.PossibleMtu[_mtuIdx + 1];
var p = _packetPool.GetPacket(newMtu);
p.Property = PacketProperty.MtuCheck;
FastBitConverter.GetBytes(p.RawData, 1, newMtu); //place into start
FastBitConverter.GetBytes(p.RawData, p.Size - 4, newMtu);//and end of packet
//Must check result for MTU fix
if (NetManager.SendRawAndRecycle(p, EndPoint) <= 0)
_finishMtu = true;
internal ConnectRequestResult ProcessConnectRequest(NetConnectRequestPacket connRequest)
//current or new request
switch (_connectionState)
//P2P case
case ConnectionState.Outgoing:
//fast check
if (connRequest.ConnectionTime < _connectTime)
return ConnectRequestResult.P2PLose;
//slow rare case check
else if (connRequest.ConnectionTime == _connectTime)
var remoteBytes = EndPoint.Serialize();
var localBytes = connRequest.TargetAddress;
for (int i = remoteBytes.Size-1; i >= 0; i--)
byte rb = remoteBytes[i];
if (rb == localBytes[i])
if (rb < localBytes[i])
return ConnectRequestResult.P2PLose;
case ConnectionState.Connected:
//Old connect request
if (connRequest.ConnectionTime == _connectTime)
//just reply accept
NetManager.SendRaw(_connectAcceptPacket, EndPoint);
//New connect request
else if (connRequest.ConnectionTime > _connectTime)
return ConnectRequestResult.Reconnection;
case ConnectionState.Disconnected:
case ConnectionState.ShutdownRequested:
if (connRequest.ConnectionTime >= _connectTime)
return ConnectRequestResult.NewConnection;
return ConnectRequestResult.None;
//Process incoming packet
internal void ProcessPacket(NetPacket packet)
//not initialized
if (_connectionState == ConnectionState.Outgoing)
if (packet.ConnectionNumber != _connectNum && packet.Property != PacketProperty.ShutdownOk) //without connectionNum
NetDebug.Write(NetLogLevel.Trace, "[RR]Old packet");
Interlocked.Exchange(ref _timeSinceLastPacket, 0);
NetDebug.Write("[RR]PacketProperty: {0}", packet.Property);
switch (packet.Property)
case PacketProperty.Merged:
int pos = NetConstants.HeaderSize;
while (pos < packet.Size)
ushort size = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet.RawData, pos);
pos += 2;
NetPacket mergedPacket = _packetPool.GetPacket(size);
if (!mergedPacket.FromBytes(packet.RawData, pos, size))
pos += size;
//If we get ping, send pong
case PacketProperty.Ping:
if (NetUtils.RelativeSequenceNumber(packet.Sequence, _pongPacket.Sequence) > 0)
NetDebug.Write("[PP]Ping receive, send pong");
FastBitConverter.GetBytes(_pongPacket.RawData, 3, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);
_pongPacket.Sequence = packet.Sequence;
NetManager.SendRaw(_pongPacket, EndPoint);
//If we get pong, calculate ping time and rtt
case PacketProperty.Pong:
if (packet.Sequence == _pingPacket.Sequence)
int elapsedMs = (int)_pingTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
_remoteDelta = BitConverter.ToInt64(packet.RawData, 3) + (elapsedMs * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond ) / 2 - DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
NetManager.ConnectionLatencyUpdated(this, elapsedMs / 2);
NetDebug.Write("[PP]Ping: {0} - {1} - {2}", packet.Sequence, elapsedMs, _remoteDelta);
case PacketProperty.Ack:
case PacketProperty.Channeled:
if (packet.ChannelId > _channels.Length)
var channel = _channels[packet.ChannelId] ?? (packet.Property == PacketProperty.Ack ? null : CreateChannel(packet.ChannelId));
if (channel != null)
if (!channel.ProcessPacket(packet))
//Simple packet without acks
case PacketProperty.Unreliable:
NetManager.CreateReceiveEvent(packet, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, NetConstants.HeaderSize, this);
case PacketProperty.MtuCheck:
case PacketProperty.MtuOk:
case PacketProperty.ShutdownOk:
if(_connectionState == ConnectionState.ShutdownRequested)
_connectionState = ConnectionState.Disconnected;
NetDebug.WriteError("Error! Unexpected packet type: " + packet.Property);
private void SendMerged()
if (_mergeCount == 0)
int bytesSent;
if (_mergeCount > 1)
NetDebug.Write("[P]Send merged: " + _mergePos + ", count: " + _mergeCount);
bytesSent = NetManager.SendRaw(_mergeData.RawData, 0, NetConstants.HeaderSize + _mergePos, EndPoint);
//Send without length information and merging
bytesSent = NetManager.SendRaw(_mergeData.RawData, NetConstants.HeaderSize + 2, _mergePos - 2, EndPoint);
if (NetManager.EnableStatistics)
Statistics.BytesSent += (ulong)bytesSent;
_mergePos = 0;
_mergeCount = 0;
internal void SendUserData(NetPacket packet)
packet.ConnectionNumber = _connectNum;
int mergedPacketSize = NetConstants.HeaderSize + packet.Size + 2;
const int sizeTreshold = 20;
if (mergedPacketSize + sizeTreshold >= _mtu)
NetDebug.Write(NetLogLevel.Trace, "[P]SendingPacket: " + packet.Property);
int bytesSent = NetManager.SendRaw(packet, EndPoint);
if (NetManager.EnableStatistics)
Statistics.BytesSent += (ulong)bytesSent;
if (_mergePos + mergedPacketSize > _mtu)
FastBitConverter.GetBytes(_mergeData.RawData, _mergePos + NetConstants.HeaderSize, (ushort)packet.Size);
Buffer.BlockCopy(packet.RawData, 0, _mergeData.RawData, _mergePos + NetConstants.HeaderSize + 2, packet.Size);
_mergePos += packet.Size + 2;
//DebugWriteForce("Merged: " + _mergePos + "/" + (_mtu - 2) + ", count: " + _mergeCount);
/// <summary>
/// Flush all queued packets
/// </summary>
public void Flush()
if (_connectionState != ConnectionState.Connected)
lock (_flushLock)
BaseChannel currentChannel = _headChannel;
while (currentChannel != null)
currentChannel = currentChannel.Next;
lock (_unreliableChannel)
while (_unreliableChannel.Count > 0)
NetPacket packet = _unreliableChannel.Dequeue();
internal void Update(int deltaTime)
Interlocked.Add(ref _timeSinceLastPacket, deltaTime);
switch (_connectionState)
case ConnectionState.Connected:
if (_timeSinceLastPacket > NetManager.DisconnectTimeout)
"[UPDATE] Disconnect by timeout: {0} > {1}",
NetManager.DisconnectPeerForce(this, DisconnectReason.Timeout, 0, null);
case ConnectionState.ShutdownRequested:
if (_timeSinceLastPacket > NetManager.DisconnectTimeout)
_connectionState = ConnectionState.Disconnected;
_shutdownTimer += deltaTime;
if (_shutdownTimer >= ShutdownDelay)
_shutdownTimer = 0;
NetManager.SendRaw(_shutdownPacket, EndPoint);
case ConnectionState.Outgoing:
_connectTimer += deltaTime;
if (_connectTimer > NetManager.ReconnectDelay)
_connectTimer = 0;
if (_connectAttempts > NetManager.MaxConnectAttempts)
NetManager.DisconnectPeerForce(this, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, 0, null);
//else send connect again
NetManager.SendRaw(_connectRequestPacket, EndPoint);
case ConnectionState.Disconnected:
//Send ping
_pingSendTimer += deltaTime;
if (_pingSendTimer >= NetManager.PingInterval)
NetDebug.Write("[PP] Send ping...");
//reset timer
_pingSendTimer = 0;
//send ping
//ping timeout
if (_pingTimer.IsRunning)
NetManager.SendRaw(_pingPacket, EndPoint);
//RTT - round trip time
_rttResetTimer += deltaTime;
if (_rttResetTimer >= NetManager.PingInterval * 3)
_rttResetTimer = 0;
_rtt = _avgRtt;
_rttCount = 1;
//Pending send
//For reliable channel
internal void RecycleAndDeliver(NetPacket packet)
if (packet.UserData != null)
if (packet.IsFragmented)
ushort fragCount;
_deliveredFramgnets.TryGetValue(packet.FragmentId, out fragCount);
if (fragCount == packet.FragmentsTotal)
NetManager.MessageDelivered(this, packet.UserData);
_deliveredFramgnets[packet.FragmentId] = fragCount;
NetManager.MessageDelivered(this, packet.UserData);
packet.UserData = null;