Boss Room 是一款使用 Unity MLAPI 制作的全功能合作多人 RPG。 它旨在作为学习样本,展示类似游戏中经常出现的某些典型游戏模式。
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

449 行
16 KiB

using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
using MLAPI.Serialization.Pooled;
using MLAPI.Transports.Tasks;
using Photon.Realtime;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using MLAPI.Logging;
using UnityEngine;
namespace MLAPI.Transports
public class PhotonRealtimeTransport : Transport
[Header("Photon Cloud Settings")] [SerializeField]
private string appId;
[SerializeField] private string gameVersion = "0.0.0";
[Tooltip("The region master server to connect to. See for a list of regions.")]
private string region = "EU";
[Tooltip("The nickname of the player in the photon room. This value is only relevant for other photon realtime features. Leaving it empty generates a random name.")]
private string nickName;
[Header("Server Settings")] [Tooltip("Unique name of the room for this session.")] [SerializeField]
private string roomName;
[Tooltip("The maximum amount of players allowed in the room.")] [SerializeField]
private byte maxPlayers = 16;
[Header("Advanced Settings")]
[Tooltip("The Photon event code which will be used to send data over MLAPI channels.")]
private byte batchedTransportEventCode = 129;
[Tooltip("The first byte of the range of photon event codes which this transport will reserve for unbatched messages. Should be set to a number lower then 128 to not interfere with photon internal events. Approximately 8 events will be reserved.")]
private byte channelIdCodesStartRange = 130;
[Tooltip("Attaches the photon support logger to the transport. Useful for debugging disconnects or other issues.")]
private bool attachSupportLogger = false;
[Tooltip("The maximum size of the send queue which batches MLAPI events into Photon events.")]
private int sendQueueBatchSize = 4096;
private SocketTask connectTask;
private LoadBalancingClient client;
private bool isHostOrServer;
private readonly Dictionary<string, byte> channelNameToId = new Dictionary<string, byte>();
private readonly Dictionary<byte, string> channelIdToName = new Dictionary<byte, string>();
private readonly Dictionary<ushort, RealtimeChannel> channels = new Dictionary<ushort, RealtimeChannel>();
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, SendQueue> sendQueue = new Dictionary<ulong, SendQueue>();
public override ulong ServerClientId => GetMLAPIClientId(0, true);
public override void Send(ulong clientId, ArraySegment<byte> data, string channelName)
RealtimeChannel channel = channels[channelNameToId[channelName]];
SendQueue queue;
if (!sendQueue.TryGetValue(clientId, out queue))
queue = new SendQueue(sendQueueBatchSize);
sendQueue.Add(clientId, queue);
if (!queue.AddEvent(channel.Id, data))
if (data.Count > queue.Size)
Debug.LogWarning($"Sent {data.Count} bytes on channel: {channelName}. Event size exceeds sendQueueBatchSize: ({sendQueueBatchSize}).");
RaisePhotonEvent(clientId, data, channel.Id);
var sendBuffer = queue.GetData();
RaisePhotonEvent(clientId, sendBuffer, batchedTransportEventCode);
queue.AddEvent(channel.Id, data);
private void FlushAllSendQueues()
foreach (var kvp in sendQueue)
if (kvp.Value.IsEmpty())continue;
var sendBuffer = kvp.Value.GetData();
RaisePhotonEvent(kvp.Key, sendBuffer, batchedTransportEventCode);
private void RaisePhotonEvent(ulong clientId, ArraySegment<byte> data, byte eventCode)
new RaiseEventOptions()
TargetActors = new int[] { GetPhotonRealtimeId(clientId) }
public override NetEventType PollEvent(out ulong clientId, out string channelName, out ArraySegment<byte> payload, out float receiveTime)
clientId = 0;
channelName = null;
receiveTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
return NetEventType.Nothing;
public override SocketTasks StartClient()
return ConnectPeer().AsTasks();
public override SocketTasks StartServer()
var task = ConnectPeer();
isHostOrServer = true;
return task.AsTasks();
private SocketTask ConnectPeer()
connectTask = SocketTask.Working;
bool couldConnect = client.ConnectToRegionMaster(region);
if (!couldConnect)
connectTask = SocketTask.Fault;
connectTask.Message = $"Can't connect to region: {region}";
return connectTask;
public override void DisconnectRemoteClient(ulong clientId)
public override void DisconnectLocalClient()
public override ulong GetCurrentRtt(ulong clientId)
// This is only an approximate value based on the own client's rtt to the server and could cause issues, maybe use a similar approach as the Steamworks transport.
return (ulong) (client.LoadBalancingPeer.RoundTripTime * 2);
public override void Shutdown()
if (client != null)
client.EventReceived -= ClientOnEventReceived;
if (client.IsConnected)
public override void Init()
for (byte i = 0; i < MLAPI_CHANNELS.Length; i++)
channelIdToName.Add((byte) (i + channelIdCodesStartRange), MLAPI_CHANNELS[i].Name);
channelNameToId.Add(MLAPI_CHANNELS[i].Name, (byte)(i + channelIdCodesStartRange));
channels.Add((byte)(i + channelIdCodesStartRange), new RealtimeChannel()
Id = (byte)(i + channelIdCodesStartRange),
Name = MLAPI_CHANNELS[i].Name,
SendMode = MLAPIChannelTypeToSendOptions(MLAPI_CHANNELS[i].Type)
private void Update()
if (client != null)
do ;
while (client.LoadBalancingPeer.DispatchIncomingCommands());
private void LateUpdate()
// Send messages at least once per update to make sure to receive messages even if MLAPI is not polling.
if (client != null)
do ;
while (client.LoadBalancingPeer.SendOutgoingCommands());
private void InitializeClient()
if (client == null)
client = new LoadBalancingClient()
AppId = appId,
AppVersion = gameVersion,
client.LocalPlayer.NickName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nickName)
? nickName
: "usr" + SupportClass.ThreadSafeRandom.Next() % 99;
client.EventReceived += ClientOnEventReceived;
client.StateChanged += ClientOnStateChanged;
private void ClientOnStateChanged(ClientState lastState, ClientState currentState)
switch (currentState)
case ClientState.ConnectedToMasterServer:
// Once the client does connect to the master immediately redirect to the room.
if (currentState == ClientState.ConnectedToMasterServer)
var enterRoomParams = new EnterRoomParams()
RoomName = roomName,
RoomOptions = new RoomOptions()
MaxPlayers = maxPlayers,
var success = isHostOrServer
? client.OpCreateRoom(enterRoomParams)
: client.OpJoinRoom(enterRoomParams);
if (!success)
connectTask.IsDone = true;
connectTask.Success = false;
connectTask.TransportException =
new InvalidOperationException("Unable to create or join room.");
case ClientState.Joined:
if (attachSupportLogger)
var logger = gameObject.GetComponent<SupportLogger>() ?? gameObject.AddComponent<SupportLogger>();
logger.Client = client;
// Client connected to the room successfully, connection process is completed
connectTask.IsDone = true;
connectTask.Success = true;
private void ClientOnEventReceived(EventData eventData)
var clientId = GetMLAPIClientId(eventData.Sender, false);
var localClientId = GetMLAPIClientId(client.LocalPlayer.ActorNumber, false);
var isRelevantConnectionUpdateMessage =
isHostOrServer ^ clientId == localClientId; // Clients should ignore connection events from other clients, server should ignore its own connection event.
NetEventType netEvent = NetEventType.Nothing;
ArraySegment<byte> payload = default;
string channelName = default;
float receiveTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
switch (eventData.Code)
case EventCode.Leave:
if (isRelevantConnectionUpdateMessage)
netEvent = NetEventType.Disconnect;
case EventCode.Join:
if (isRelevantConnectionUpdateMessage)
netEvent = NetEventType.Connect;
if (eventData.Code >= 200)
byte[] array = (byte[])eventData.CustomData;
if (eventData.Code == batchedTransportEventCode)
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(array))
using (PooledBitReader reader = PooledBitReader.Get(stream))
while (stream.Position < stream.Length)
byte channelId = reader.ReadByteDirect();
var length = reader.ReadInt32Packed();
var dataArray = reader.ReadByteArray(null, length);
InvokeOnTransportEvent(NetEventType.Data, clientId, channelIdToName[channelId], new ArraySegment<byte>(dataArray, 0, dataArray.Length), receiveTime);
netEvent = NetEventType.Data;
payload = new ArraySegment<byte>(array);
channelName = channelIdToName[eventData.Code];
if (netEvent == NetEventType.Nothing) return;
InvokeOnTransportEvent(netEvent, clientId, channelName, payload, receiveTime);
private SendOptions MLAPIChannelTypeToSendOptions(ChannelType type)
switch (type)
case ChannelType.Unreliable:
return SendOptions.SendUnreliable;
return SendOptions.SendReliable;
private ulong GetMLAPIClientId(int photonId, bool isServer)
if (isServer)
return 0;
return (ulong) (photonId + 1);
private int GetPhotonRealtimeId(ulong clientId)
if (clientId == 0)
return client.CurrentRoom.masterClientId;
return (int) (clientId - 1);
private class SendQueue
private MemoryStream stream;
/// <summary>
/// The size of the send queue.
/// </summary>
public int Size { get; }
public SendQueue(int size)
Size = size;
byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
stream = new MemoryStream(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, true, true);
internal bool AddEvent(byte channelId, ArraySegment<byte> data)
if (stream.Position + data.Count + 4 > Size)
return false;
using (PooledBitWriter writer = PooledBitWriter.Get(stream))
Array.Copy(data.Array, data.Offset, stream.GetBuffer(), stream.Position, data.Count);
stream.Position += data.Count;
return true;
internal void Clear()
stream.Position = 0;
internal bool IsEmpty()
return stream.Position == 0;
internal ArraySegment<byte> GetData()
return new ArraySegment<byte>(stream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int) stream.Position);
private struct RealtimeChannel
public byte Id;
public string Name;
public SendOptions SendMode;