Boss Room 是一款使用 Unity MLAPI 制作的全功能合作多人 RPG。 它旨在作为学习样本,展示类似游戏中经常出现的某些典型游戏模式。
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using System;
using System.IO;
using MLAPI;
using MLAPI.Messaging;
using MLAPI.NetworkedVar;
using UnityEngine;
using MLAPI.Serialization.Pooled;
namespace BossRoom
/// <summary>
/// Contains all NetworkedVars and RPCs of a character. This component is present on both client and server objects.
/// </summary>
public class NetworkCharacterState : NetworkedBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// The networked position of this Character. This reflects the authorative position on the server.
/// </summary>
public NetworkedVarVector3 NetworkPosition { get;} = new NetworkedVarVector3();
/// <summary>
/// The networked rotation of this Character. This reflects the authorative rotation on the server.
/// </summary>
public NetworkedVarFloat NetworkRotationY { get; } = new NetworkedVarFloat();
public NetworkedVarFloat NetworkMovementSpeed { get; } = new NetworkedVarFloat();
public NetworkedVarInt HitPoints;
public NetworkedVarInt Mana;
/// <summary>
/// Gets invoked when inputs are received from the client which own this networked character.
/// </summary>
public event Action<Vector3> OnReceivedClientInput;
/// <summary>
/// RPC to send inputs for this character from a client to a server.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="movementTarget">The position which this character should move towards.</param>
public void SendCharacterInputServerRpc(Vector3 movementTarget)
/// <summary>
/// This event is raised on the server when an action request arrives
/// </summary>
public event Action<BossRoom.ActionRequestData> DoActionEventServer;
/// <summary>
/// This event is raised on the client when an action is being played back.
/// </summary>
public event Action<BossRoom.ActionRequestData> DoActionEventClient;
/// <summary>
/// Client->Server RPC that sends a request to play an action.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data about which action to play an dits associated details. </param>
public void C2S_DoAction(ref ActionRequestData data)
using (PooledBitStream stream = PooledBitStream.Get())
SerializeAction(ref data, stream);
InvokeServerRpcPerformance(RecvDoActionServer, stream);
/// <summary>
/// Server->Client RPC that broadcasts this action play to all clients.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">The data associated with this Action, including what action type it is.</param>
public void S2C_BroadcastAction(ref ActionRequestData data )
using (PooledBitStream stream = PooledBitStream.Get())
SerializeAction(ref data, stream);
InvokeClientRpcOnEveryonePerformance(RecvDoActionClient, stream);
private void SerializeAction( ref ActionRequestData data, PooledBitStream stream )
var Logic = ActionData.ActionDescriptions[data.ActionTypeEnum][0].Logic;
var Info = ActionData.LogicInfos[Logic];
using (PooledBitWriter writer = PooledBitWriter.Get(stream))
if( Info.HasPosition )
if (Info.HasDirection)
if (Info.HasTarget )
if( Info.HasAmount )
private void RecvDoActionClient(ulong clientId, Stream stream )
ActionRequestData data = RecvDoAction(clientId, stream);
private void RecvDoActionServer(ulong clientId, Stream stream)
ActionRequestData data = RecvDoAction(clientId, stream);
private ActionRequestData RecvDoAction(ulong clientId, Stream stream )
ActionRequestData data = new ActionRequestData();
using (PooledBitReader reader = PooledBitReader.Get(stream))
data.ActionTypeEnum = (ActionType)reader.ReadInt16();
data.ShouldQueue = reader.ReadBool();
var Logic = ActionData.ActionDescriptions[data.ActionTypeEnum][0].Logic;
var Info = ActionData.LogicInfos[Logic];
if (Info.HasPosition)
data.Position = reader.ReadVector3();
if (Info.HasDirection)
data.Direction = reader.ReadVector3();
if (Info.HasTarget)
data.TargetIds = reader.ReadULongArray();
if (Info.HasAmount)
data.Amount = reader.ReadSingle();
return data;