// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loadbalancing Framework for Photon - Copyright (C) 2018 Exit Games GmbH
// The Room class resembles the properties known about the room in which
// a game/match happens.
// developer@photonengine.com
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER
namespace Photon.Realtime
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable;
using SupportClass = ExitGames.Client.Photon.SupportClass;
/// This class represents a room a client joins/joined.
/// Contains a list of current players, their properties and those of this room, too.
/// A room instance has a number of "well known" properties like IsOpen, MaxPlayers which can be changed.
/// Your own, custom properties can be set via SetCustomProperties() while being in the room.
/// Typically, this class should be extended by a game-specific implementation with logic and extra features.
public class Room : RoomInfo
/// A reference to the LoadBalancingClient which is currently keeping the connection and state.
public LoadBalancingClient LoadBalancingClient { get; set; }
/// The name of a room. Unique identifier (per region and virtual appid) for a room/match.
/// The name can't be changed once it's set by the server.
public new string Name
return this.name;
internal set
this.name = value;
private bool isOffline;
public bool IsOffline
return isOffline;
private set
isOffline = value;
/// Defines if the room can be joined.
/// This does not affect listing in a lobby but joining the room will fail if not open.
/// If not open, the room is excluded from random matchmaking.
/// Due to racing conditions, found matches might become closed while users are trying to join.
/// Simply re-connect to master and find another.
/// Use property "IsVisible" to not list the room.
/// As part of RoomInfo this can't be set.
/// As part of a Room (which the player joined), the setter will update the server and all clients.
public new bool IsOpen
return this.isOpen;
if (value != this.isOpen)
if (!this.isOffline)
this.LoadBalancingClient.OpSetPropertiesOfRoom(new Hashtable() { { GamePropertyKey.IsOpen, value } });
this.isOpen = value;
/// Defines if the room is listed in its lobby.
/// Rooms can be created invisible, or changed to invisible.
/// To change if a room can be joined, use property: open.
/// As part of RoomInfo this can't be set.
/// As part of a Room (which the player joined), the setter will update the server and all clients.
public new bool IsVisible
return this.isVisible;
if (value != this.isVisible)
if (!this.isOffline)
this.LoadBalancingClient.OpSetPropertiesOfRoom(new Hashtable() { { GamePropertyKey.IsVisible, value } });
this.isVisible = value;
/// Sets a limit of players to this room. This property is synced and shown in lobby, too.
/// If the room is full (players count == maxplayers), joining this room will fail.
/// As part of RoomInfo this can't be set.
/// As part of a Room (which the player joined), the setter will update the server and all clients.
public new byte MaxPlayers
return this.maxPlayers;
if (value != this.maxPlayers)
if (!this.isOffline)
this.LoadBalancingClient.OpSetPropertiesOfRoom(new Hashtable() { { GamePropertyKey.MaxPlayers, value } });
this.maxPlayers = value;
/// The count of players in this Room (using this.Players.Count).
public new byte PlayerCount
if (this.Players == null)
return 0;
return (byte)this.Players.Count;
/// While inside a Room, this is the list of players who are also in that room.
private Dictionary players = new Dictionary();
/// While inside a Room, this is the list of players who are also in that room.
public Dictionary Players
return this.players;
private set
this.players = value;
/// List of users who are expected to join this room. In matchmaking, Photon blocks a slot for each of these UserIDs out of the MaxPlayers.
/// The corresponding feature in Photon is called "Slot Reservation" and can be found in the doc pages.
/// Define expected players in the methods: , and .
public string[] ExpectedUsers
get { return this.expectedUsers; }
/// Player Time To Live. How long any player can be inactive (due to disconnect or leave) before the user gets removed from the playerlist (freeing a slot).
public int PlayerTtl
get { return this.playerTtl; }
if (value != this.playerTtl)
if (!this.isOffline)
this.LoadBalancingClient.OpSetPropertyOfRoom(GamePropertyKey.PlayerTtl, value); // TODO: implement Offline Mode
this.playerTtl = value;
/// Room Time To Live. How long a room stays available (and in server-memory), after the last player becomes inactive. After this time, the room gets persisted or destroyed.
public int EmptyRoomTtl
get { return this.emptyRoomTtl; }
if (value != this.emptyRoomTtl)
if (!this.isOffline)
this.LoadBalancingClient.OpSetPropertyOfRoom(GamePropertyKey.EmptyRoomTtl, value); // TODO: implement Offline Mode
this.emptyRoomTtl = value;
/// The ID (actorNumber, actorNumber) of the player who's the master of this Room.
/// Note: This changes when the current master leaves the room.
public int MasterClientId { get { return this.masterClientId; } }
/// Gets a list of custom properties that are in the RoomInfo of the Lobby.
/// This list is defined when creating the room and can't be changed afterwards. Compare: LoadBalancingClient.OpCreateRoom()
/// You could name properties that are not set from the beginning. Those will be synced with the lobby when added later on.
public string[] PropertiesListedInLobby
return this.propertiesListedInLobby;
private set
this.propertiesListedInLobby = value;
/// Gets if this room uses autoCleanUp to remove all (buffered) RPCs and instantiated GameObjects when a player leaves.
public bool AutoCleanUp
return this.autoCleanUp;
public bool BroadcastPropertiesChangeToAll { get; private set; }
/// Creates a Room (representation) with given name and properties and the "listing options" as provided by parameters.
/// Name of the room (can be null until it's actually created on server).
/// Room options.
public Room(string roomName, RoomOptions options, bool isOffline = false) : base(roomName, options != null ? options.CustomRoomProperties : null)
// base() sets name and (custom)properties. here we set "well known" properties
if (options != null)
this.isVisible = options.IsVisible;
this.isOpen = options.IsOpen;
this.maxPlayers = options.MaxPlayers;
this.propertiesListedInLobby = options.CustomRoomPropertiesForLobby;
//this.playerTtl = options.PlayerTtl; // set via well known properties
//this.emptyRoomTtl = options.EmptyRoomTtl; // set via well known properties
this.isOffline = isOffline;
internal void SetRoomFlags(int roomFlags)
this.BroadcastPropertiesChangeToAll = (roomFlags & (int)RoomOptionBit.BroadcastPropsChangeToAll) != 0;
protected internal override void InternalCacheProperties(Hashtable propertiesToCache)
int oldMasterId = this.masterClientId;
base.InternalCacheProperties(propertiesToCache); // important: updating the properties fields has no way to do callbacks on change
if (oldMasterId != 0 && this.masterClientId != oldMasterId)
/// Updates and synchronizes this Room's Custom Properties. Optionally, expectedProperties can be provided as condition.
/// Custom Properties are a set of string keys and arbitrary values which is synchronized
/// for the players in a Room. They are available when the client enters the room, as
/// they are in the response of OpJoin and OpCreate.
/// Custom Properties either relate to the (current) Room or a Player (in that Room).
/// Both classes locally cache the current key/values and make them available as
/// property: CustomProperties. This is provided only to read them.
/// You must use the method SetCustomProperties to set/modify them.
/// Any client can set any Custom Properties anytime (when in a room).
/// It's up to the game logic to organize how they are best used.
/// You should call SetCustomProperties only with key/values that are new or changed. This reduces
/// traffic and performance.
/// Unless you define some expectedProperties, setting key/values is always permitted.
/// In this case, the property-setting client will not receive the new values from the server but
/// instead update its local cache in SetCustomProperties.
/// If you define expectedProperties, the server will skip updates if the server property-cache
/// does not contain all expectedProperties with the same values.
/// In this case, the property-setting client will get an update from the server and update it's
/// cached key/values at about the same time as everyone else.
/// The benefit of using expectedProperties can be only one client successfully sets a key from
/// one known value to another.
/// As example: Store who owns an item in a Custom Property "ownedBy". It's 0 initally.
/// When multiple players reach the item, they all attempt to change "ownedBy" from 0 to their
/// actorNumber. If you use expectedProperties {"ownedBy", 0} as condition, the first player to
/// take the item will have it (and the others fail to set the ownership).
/// Properties get saved with the game state for Turnbased games (which use IsPersistent = true).
/// Hashtable of Custom Properties that changes.
/// Provide some keys/values to use as condition for setting the new values. Client must be in room.
/// Defines if this SetCustomProperties-operation gets forwarded to your WebHooks. Client must be in room.
/// False if propertiesToSet is null or empty or have zero string keys.
/// True in offline mode even if expectedProperties or webFlags are used.
/// Otherwise, returns if this operation could be sent to the server.
public virtual bool SetCustomProperties(Hashtable propertiesToSet, Hashtable expectedProperties = null, WebFlags webFlags = null)
if (propertiesToSet == null || propertiesToSet.Count == 0)
return false;
Hashtable customProps = propertiesToSet.StripToStringKeys() as Hashtable;
if (this.isOffline)
if (customProps.Count == 0)
return false;
// Merge and delete values.
// invoking callbacks
// send (sync) these new values if in online room
return this.LoadBalancingClient.OpSetPropertiesOfRoom(customProps, expectedProperties, webFlags);
return true;
/// Enables you to define the properties available in the lobby if not all properties are needed to pick a room.
/// Limit the amount of properties sent to users in the lobby to improve speed and stability.
/// An array of custom room property names to forward to the lobby.
/// If the operation could be sent to the server.
public bool SetPropertiesListedInLobby(string[] lobbyProps)
if (this.isOffline)
return false;
Hashtable customProps = new Hashtable();
customProps[GamePropertyKey.PropsListedInLobby] = lobbyProps;
return this.LoadBalancingClient.OpSetPropertiesOfRoom(customProps);
/// Removes a player from this room's Players Dictionary.
/// This is internally used by the LoadBalancing API. There is usually no need to remove players yourself.
/// This is not a way to "kick" players.
protected internal virtual void RemovePlayer(Player player)
player.RoomReference = null;
/// Removes a player from this room's Players Dictionary.
protected internal virtual void RemovePlayer(int id)
/// Asks the server to assign another player as Master Client of your current room.
/// RaiseEvent has the option to send messages only to the Master Client of a room.
/// SetMasterClient affects which client gets those messages.
/// This method calls an operation on the server to set a new Master Client, which takes a roundtrip.
/// In case of success, this client and the others get the new Master Client from the server.
/// SetMasterClient tells the server which current Master Client should be replaced with the new one.
/// It will fail, if anything switches the Master Client moments earlier. There is no callback for this
/// error. All clients should get the new Master Client assigned by the server anyways.
/// See also: MasterClientId
/// The player to become the next Master Client.
/// False when this operation couldn't be done currently. Requires a v4 Photon Server.
public bool SetMasterClient(Player masterClientPlayer)
if (this.isOffline)
return false;
Hashtable newProps = new Hashtable() { { GamePropertyKey.MasterClientId, masterClientPlayer.ActorNumber } };
Hashtable prevProps = new Hashtable() { { GamePropertyKey.MasterClientId, this.MasterClientId } };
return this.LoadBalancingClient.OpSetPropertiesOfRoom(newProps, prevProps);
/// Checks if the player is in the room's list already and calls StorePlayer() if not.
/// The new player - identified by ID.
/// False if the player could not be added (cause it was in the list already).
public virtual bool AddPlayer(Player player)
if (!this.Players.ContainsKey(player.ActorNumber))
return true;
return false;
/// Updates a player reference in the Players dictionary (no matter if it existed before or not).
/// The Player instance to insert into the room.
public virtual Player StorePlayer(Player player)
this.Players[player.ActorNumber] = player;
player.RoomReference = this;
// while initializing the room, the players are not guaranteed to be added in-order
if (this.MasterClientId == 0 || player.ActorNumber < this.MasterClientId)
this.masterClientId = player.ActorNumber;
return player;
/// Tries to find the player with given actorNumber (a.k.a. ID).
/// Only useful when in a Room, as IDs are only valid per Room.
/// ID to look for.
/// The player with the ID or null.
public virtual Player GetPlayer(int id)
Player result = null;
this.Players.TryGetValue(id, out result);
return result;
/// Attempts to remove all current expected users from the server's Slot Reservation list.
/// Note that this operation can conflict with new/other users joining. They might be
/// adding users to the list of expected users before or after this client called ClearExpectedUsers.
/// This room's expectedUsers value will update, when the server sends a successful update.
/// Internals: This methods wraps up setting the ExpectedUsers property of a room.
/// If the operation could be sent to the server.
public bool ClearExpectedUsers()
if (this.isOffline)
return false;
Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
props[GamePropertyKey.ExpectedUsers] = new string[0];
Hashtable expected = new Hashtable();
expected[GamePropertyKey.ExpectedUsers] = this.ExpectedUsers;
return this.LoadBalancingClient.OpSetPropertiesOfRoom(props, expected);
/// Returns a summary of this Room instance as string.
/// Summary of this Room instance.
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("Room: '{0}' {1},{2} {4}/{3} players.", this.name, this.isVisible ? "visible" : "hidden", this.isOpen ? "open" : "closed", this.maxPlayers, this.PlayerCount);
/// Returns a summary of this Room instance as longer string, including Custom Properties.
/// Summary of this Room instance.
public new string ToStringFull()
return string.Format("Room: '{0}' {1},{2} {4}/{3} players.\ncustomProps: {5}", this.name, this.isVisible ? "visible" : "hidden", this.isOpen ? "open" : "closed", this.maxPlayers, this.PlayerCount, this.CustomProperties.ToStringFull());