using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace LiteNetLib
public class InvalidPacketException : ArgumentException
public InvalidPacketException(string message) : base(message)
public class TooBigPacketException : InvalidPacketException
public TooBigPacketException(string message) : base(message)
public enum NetLogLevel
/// Interface to implement for your own logger
public interface INetLogger
void WriteNet(NetLogLevel level, string str, params object[] args);
/// Static class for defining your own LiteNetLib logger instead of Console.WriteLine
/// or Debug.Log if compiled with UNITY flag
public static class NetDebug
public static INetLogger Logger = null;
private static readonly object DebugLogLock = new object();
private static void WriteLogic(NetLogLevel logLevel, string str, params object[] args)
lock (DebugLogLock)
if (Logger == null)
#if UNITY_4 || UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER
UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Format(str, args));
Console.WriteLine(str, args);
Logger.WriteNet(logLevel, str, args);
internal static void Write(string str, params object[] args)
WriteLogic(NetLogLevel.Trace, str, args);
internal static void Write(NetLogLevel level, string str, params object[] args)
WriteLogic(level, str, args);
[Conditional("DEBUG_MESSAGES"), Conditional("DEBUG")]
internal static void WriteForce(string str, params object[] args)
WriteLogic(NetLogLevel.Trace, str, args);
[Conditional("DEBUG_MESSAGES"), Conditional("DEBUG")]
internal static void WriteForce(NetLogLevel level, string str, params object[] args)
WriteLogic(level, str, args);
internal static void WriteError(string str, params object[] args)
WriteLogic(NetLogLevel.Error, str, args);