using MLAPI; using UnityEngine; using Cinemachine; namespace BossRoom.Viz { /// /// is responsible for displaying a character on the client's screen based on state information sent by the server. /// [RequireComponent(typeof(NetworkCharacterState))] public class ClientCharacterVisualization : NetworkedBehaviour { private NetworkCharacterState m_NetState; private Animator m_ClientVisualsAnimator; private CinemachineVirtualCamera m_MainCamera; private Transform m_Parent; public float MinZoomDistance = 3; public float MaxZoomDistance = 30; public float ZoomSpeed = 3; private const float MAX_VIZ_SPEED = 4; //max speed at which we will chase the parent transform. private const float MAX_ROT_SPEED = 280; //max angular speed at which we will rotate, in degrees/second. /// public override void NetworkStart() { if (!IsClient) { enabled = false; return; } m_NetState = this.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent(); m_NetState.DoActionEventClient += this.PerformActionFX; //we want to follow our parent on a spring, which means it can't be directly in the transform hierarchy. m_Parent = transform.parent; transform.parent = null; if (IsLocalPlayer) { AttachCamera(); } } private void PerformActionFX(ActionRequestData data ) { //TODO: [GOMPS-13] break this method out into its own class, so we can drive multi-frame graphical effects. //FIXME: [GOMPS-13] hook this up to information in the ActionDescription. m_ClientVisualsAnimator.SetInteger("AttackID", 1); m_ClientVisualsAnimator.SetTrigger("BeginAttack"); } void Awake() { m_ClientVisualsAnimator = GetComponent(); } void Update() { SmoothMove(); if (m_ClientVisualsAnimator) { // set Animator variables here m_ClientVisualsAnimator.SetFloat("Speed", m_NetState.NetworkMovementSpeed.Value); } float scroll = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); if (scroll != 0 && m_MainCamera ) { ZoomCamera(scroll); } } private void SmoothMove() { if (m_Parent == null) { //since we aren't in the transform hierarchy, we have to explicitly die when our parent dies. GameObject.Destroy(this.gameObject); return; } var pos_diff = m_Parent.transform.position - transform.position; var angle_diff = Quaternion.Angle(m_Parent.transform.rotation, transform.rotation); float time_delta = Time.deltaTime; float pos_diff_mag = pos_diff.magnitude; if( pos_diff_mag > 0 ) { float max_move = time_delta * MAX_VIZ_SPEED; float move_dist = Mathf.Min(max_move, pos_diff_mag); pos_diff *= (move_dist / pos_diff_mag); transform.position += pos_diff; } if( angle_diff > 0 ) { float max_angle_move = time_delta * MAX_ROT_SPEED; float angle_move = Mathf.Min(max_angle_move, angle_diff); float t = angle_move / angle_diff; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, m_Parent.transform.rotation, t); } } private void AttachCamera() { m_MainCamera = (CinemachineVirtualCamera)FindObjectOfType(typeof(CinemachineVirtualCamera)); if (m_MainCamera) { m_MainCamera.Follow = transform; m_MainCamera.LookAt = transform; } } private void ZoomCamera(float scroll) { CinemachineComponentBase[] components = m_MainCamera.GetComponentPipeline(); foreach (CinemachineComponentBase component in components) { if (component is CinemachineFramingTransposer) { CinemachineFramingTransposer c = (CinemachineFramingTransposer)component; c.m_CameraDistance += -scroll * ZoomSpeed; if (c.m_CameraDistance < MinZoomDistance) c.m_CameraDistance = MinZoomDistance; if (c.m_CameraDistance > MaxZoomDistance) c.m_CameraDistance = MaxZoomDistance; } } } } }