
Melee Improved. Hit Reacts and bugfixes

-- added HitReact state to CharacterSetController (triggered by "BeginHitReact")
    -- Made everybody have a ClientCharacter component.
    -- Added a ClientCharacter->ClientCharacterVisualization reference, so that you can
       get the visual GameObject from a NetworkId.
    -- Fixed issue where placed Boss wasn't on the right Layer, making him invincible.
    -- Hooked up some very preliminary HitReact logic in ClientCharacterVisualization (will be refactored shortly as part of ActionVisualizer).
    -- ChaseAction now rotates you to target even if you don't move.
    -- ChaseAction no longer "inches forward" every time you attack.
    -- MeleeAction now does a preliminary DetectFoe in Start. There's a lengthy comment explaining this, for educational purposes.
    -- The TANK_BASEATTACK range has been tuned to look better.
    -- ActionRequestData now checks which fields are "non-default" and uses that to populate a flags byte,...
GitHub 3 年前
共有 11 个文件被更改,包括 520 次插入94 次删除
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  6. 56
  7. 10
  8. 40
  9. 79
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  11. 76


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using Cinemachine;
using Cinemachine;
namespace BossRoom.Visual

private Animator m_ClientVisualsAnimator;
public Animator OurAnimator { get { return m_ClientVisualsAnimator; } }
private CinemachineVirtualCamera m_MainCamera;
private Transform m_Parent;

private const float MAX_VIZ_SPEED = 4; //max speed at which we will chase the parent transform.
private const float MAX_ROT_SPEED = 280; //max angular speed at which we will rotate, in degrees/second.
private const float k_MaxVizSpeed = 4; //max speed at which we will chase the parent transform.
private const float x_MaxRotSpeed = 280; //max angular speed at which we will rotate, in degrees/second.
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void NetworkStart()

//we want to follow our parent on a spring, which means it can't be directly in the transform hierarchy.
m_Parent = transform.parent;
m_Parent.GetComponent<BossRoom.Client.ClientCharacter>().ChildVizObject = this;
transform.parent = null;
if (IsLocalPlayer)

private void PerformActionFX(ActionRequestData data )
private void PerformActionFX(ActionRequestData data)
if (data.TargetIds != null && data.TargetIds.Length > 0)
NetworkedObject targetObject = MLAPI.Spawning.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects[data.TargetIds[0]];
if (targetObject != null)
var targetAnimator = targetObject.GetComponent<BossRoom.Client.ClientCharacter>().ChildVizObject.OurAnimator;
if (targetAnimator != null)
void Update()

float scroll = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
if (scroll != 0 && m_MainCamera )
if (scroll != 0 && m_MainCamera)

private void SmoothMove()
var pos_diff = m_Parent.transform.position - transform.position;
var angle_diff = Quaternion.Angle(m_Parent.transform.rotation, transform.rotation);
var posDiff = m_Parent.transform.position - transform.position;
var angleDiff = Quaternion.Angle(m_Parent.transform.rotation, transform.rotation);
float time_delta = Time.deltaTime;
float timeDelta = Time.deltaTime;
float pos_diff_mag = pos_diff.magnitude;
if( pos_diff_mag > 0 )
float posDiffMag = posDiff.magnitude;
if (posDiffMag > 0)
float max_move = time_delta * MAX_VIZ_SPEED;
float move_dist = Mathf.Min(max_move, pos_diff_mag);
pos_diff *= (move_dist / pos_diff_mag);
float maxMove = timeDelta * k_MaxVizSpeed;
float moveDist = Mathf.Min(maxMove, posDiffMag);
posDiff *= (moveDist / posDiffMag);
transform.position += pos_diff;
transform.position += posDiff;
if( angle_diff > 0 )
if (angleDiff > 0)
float max_angle_move = time_delta * MAX_ROT_SPEED;
float angle_move = Mathf.Min(max_angle_move, angle_diff);
float t = angle_move / angle_diff;
float maxAngleMove = timeDelta * x_MaxRotSpeed;
float angleMove = Mathf.Min(maxAngleMove, angleDiff);
float t = angleMove / angleDiff;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, m_Parent.transform.rotation, t);

var cameraGO = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CMCamera");
if( cameraGO == null ) { return; }
if (cameraGO == null) { return; }
m_MainCamera = cameraGO.GetComponent<CinemachineVirtualCamera>();
if (m_MainCamera)



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BossRoom.Client

//!!STUB. Client Character gamelogic will go here.
/// <summary>
/// The Vizualization GameObject isn't in the same transform hierarchy as the object, but it registers itself here
/// so that the visual GameObject can be found from a NetworkId.
/// </summary>
public BossRoom.Visual.ClientCharacterVisualization ChildVizObject { get; set; }
if( !IsClient ) { this.enabled = false; }
if (!IsClient) { this.enabled = false; }


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BossRoom.Server

if (!HasValidTarget())
Debug.Log("Failed to start ChaseAction. The target entity wasn't submitted or doesn't exist anymore" );
Debug.Log("Failed to start ChaseAction. The target entity wasn't submitted or doesn't exist anymore");
return false;

if (StopIfDone())
m_Parent.transform.LookAt(m_CurrentTargetPos); //even if we didn't move, snap to face the target!
return false;
return true;

/// </summary>
private bool HasValidTarget()
return m_Data.TargetIds != null &&
m_Data.TargetIds.Length > 0 &&
return m_Data.TargetIds != null &&
m_Data.TargetIds.Length > 0 &&
/// Called each frame while the action is running.
/// Tests to see if we've reached our target. Returns true if we've reached our target, false otherwise (in which case it also stops our movement).
/// <returns>true to keep running, false to stop. The Action will stop by default when its duration expires, if it has a duration set. </returns>
public override bool Update()
private bool StopIfDone()
if( (m_Data.Amount*m_Data.Amount) > distToTarget2 )
if ((m_Data.Amount * m_Data.Amount) > distToTarget2)
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Called each frame while the action is running.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true to keep running, false to stop. The Action will stop by default when its duration expires, if it has a duration set. </returns>
public override bool Update()
if (StopIfDone()) { return false; }
if( (m_Data.Amount*m_Data.Amount) < targetMoved2 )
if ((m_Data.Amount * m_Data.Amount) < targetMoved2)
//target has moved past our range tolerance. Must repath.


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// Action that represents a swing of a melee weapon. It is not explicitly targeted, but rather detects the foe that was hit with a physics check.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Q: Why do we DetectFoe twice, once in Start, once when we actually connect?
/// A: The weapon swing doesn't happen instantaneously. We want to broadcast the action to other clients as fast as possible to minimize latency,
/// but this poses a conundrum. At the moment the swing starts, you don't know for sure if you've hit anybody yet. There are a few possible resolutions to this:
/// 1. Do the DetectFoe operation once--in Start.
/// Pros: Simple! Only one physics cast per swing--saves on perf.
/// Cons: Is unfair. You can step out of the swing of an attack, but no matter how far you go, you'll still be hit. The reverse is also true--you can
/// "step into an attack", and it won't affect you. This will feel terrible to the attacker.
/// 2. Do the DetectFoe operation once--in Update. Send a separate RPC to the targeted entity telling it to play its hit react.
/// Pros: Always shows the correct behavior. The entity that gets hit plays its hit react (if any).
/// Cons: You need another RPC. Adds code complexity and bandwidth. You also don't have enough information when you start visualizing the swing on
/// the client to do any intelligent animation handshaking. If your server->client latency is even a little uneven, your "attack" animation
/// won't line up correctly with the hit react, making combat look floaty and disjointed.
/// 3. Do the DetectFoe operation twice, once in Start and once in Update.
/// Pros: Is fair--you do the hit-detect at the moment of the swing striking home. And will generally play the hit react on the right target.
/// Cons: Requires more complicated visualization logic. The initial broadcast foe can only ever be treated as a "hint". The graphics logic
/// needs to do its own range checking to pick the best candidate to play the hit react on.
/// As so often happens in networked games (and games in general), there's no perfect solution--just sets of tradeoffs. For our example, we're showing option "3".
/// </remarks>
//cache Physics Cast hits, to minimize allocs.
private static RaycastHit[] s_Hits;
private const int k_MaxDetects = 4;
private ulong m_ProvisionalTarget;
if (s_Hits == null)
s_Hits = new RaycastHit[k_MaxDetects];
ServerCharacter foe = DetectFoe();
if (foe != null)
m_ProvisionalTarget = foe.NetworkId;
Data.TargetIds = new ulong[] { foe.NetworkId };
m_Parent.NetState.ServerBroadcastAction(ref Data);
return true;

if( !m_ExecFired && (Time.time-TimeStarted) >= Description.ExecTime_s )
if (!m_ExecFired && (Time.time - TimeStarted) >= Description.ExecTime_s)
var foe = DetectFoe();
if(foe != null )
var foe = DetectFoe(m_ProvisionalTarget);
if (foe != null)
return true;
return true;

/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private ServerCharacter DetectFoe()
private ServerCharacter DetectFoe(ulong foeHint = 0)
var my_bounds = this.m_Parent.GetComponent<Collider>().bounds;
RaycastHit hit;
var myBounds = this.m_Parent.GetComponent<Collider>().bounds;
if( Physics.BoxCast(m_Parent.transform.position, my_bounds.extents, m_Parent.transform.forward, out hit, Quaternion.identity,
Description.Range, mask ))
int numResults = Physics.BoxCastNonAlloc(m_Parent.transform.position, myBounds.extents,
m_Parent.transform.forward, s_Hits, Quaternion.identity, Description.Range, mask);
if (numResults == 0) { return null; }
//everything that passes the mask should have a ServerCharacter component.
ServerCharacter foundFoe = s_Hits[0].collider.GetComponent<ServerCharacter>();
//we always prefer the hinted foe. If he's still in range, he should take the damage, because he's who the client visualization
//system will play the hit-react on (in case there's any ambiguity).
for (int i = 0; i < numResults; i++)
var foe_character = hit.collider.GetComponent<ServerCharacter>();
return foe_character;
var serverChar = s_Hits[i].collider.GetComponent<ServerCharacter>();
if (serverChar.NetworkId == foeHint)
foundFoe = serverChar;
return null;
return foundFoe;


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// metadata about each kind of ActionLogic. This basically just informs us what fields to serialize for each kind of ActionLogic.
/// </summary>
public class ActionLogicInfo
public bool HasPosition;
public bool HasDirection;
public bool HasTarget;
public bool HasAmount;
/// <summary>
public static Dictionary<ActionLogic, ActionLogicInfo> LogicInfos = new Dictionary<ActionLogic, ActionLogicInfo>
{ActionLogic.MELEE, new ActionLogicInfo{} },
{ActionLogic.RANGED, new ActionLogicInfo{HasDirection=true} },
{ActionLogic.RANGEDTARGETED, new ActionLogicInfo{HasTarget=true} },
{ActionLogic.CHASE, new ActionLogicInfo{HasTarget=true, HasAmount=true} },
{new ActionDescription{Logic=ActionLogic.MELEE, Amount=10, ManaCost=2, ExecTime_s=0.3f, Duration_s=0.5f, Range=4f, Anim="Todo" } }, //level 1
{new ActionDescription{Logic=ActionLogic.MELEE, Amount=15, ManaCost=2, ExecTime_s=0.3f, Duration_s=0.5f, Range=4f, Anim="Todo" } }, //level 2
{new ActionDescription{Logic=ActionLogic.MELEE, Amount=20, ManaCost=2, ExecTime_s=0.3f, Duration_s=0.5f, Range=4f, Anim="Todo" } }, //level 3
{new ActionDescription{Logic=ActionLogic.MELEE, Amount=10, ManaCost=2, ExecTime_s=0.3f, Duration_s=0.5f, Range=2f, Anim="Todo" } }, //level 1
{new ActionDescription{Logic=ActionLogic.MELEE, Amount=15, ManaCost=2, ExecTime_s=0.3f, Duration_s=0.5f, Range=2f, Anim="Todo" } }, //level 2
{new ActionDescription{Logic=ActionLogic.MELEE, Amount=20, ManaCost=2, ExecTime_s=0.3f, Duration_s=0.5f, Range=2f, Anim="Todo" } }, //level 3

{ ActionType.GENERAL_CHASE, new List<ActionDescription>
{ ActionType.GENERAL_CHASE, new List<ActionDescription>

//O__O Hey, are you adding something? Be sure to update ActionLogicInfo, as well as the methods below.
private enum PackFlags
None = 0,
HasPosition = 1,
HasDirection = 1 << 1,
HasTargetIds = 1 << 2,
HasLevel = 1 << 3,
HasAmount = 1 << 4,
ShouldQueue = 1 << 5
//currently serialized with a byte. Change Read/Write if you add more than 8 fields.
private PackFlags GetPackFlags()
PackFlags flags = PackFlags.None;
if (Position != Vector3.zero) { flags |= PackFlags.HasPosition; }
if (Direction != Vector3.zero) { flags |= PackFlags.HasDirection; }
if (TargetIds != null) { flags |= PackFlags.HasTargetIds; }
if (Level != 0) { flags |= PackFlags.HasLevel; }
if (Amount != 0) { flags |= PackFlags.HasAmount; }
if (ShouldQueue) { flags |= PackFlags.ShouldQueue; }
return flags;
ShouldQueue = reader.ReadBool();
PackFlags flags = (PackFlags)reader.ReadByte();
var Logic = ActionData.ActionDescriptions[ActionTypeEnum][0].Logic;
var Info = ActionData.LogicInfos[Logic];
ShouldQueue = (flags & PackFlags.ShouldQueue) != 0;
if (Info.HasPosition)
if ((flags & PackFlags.HasPosition) != 0)
if (Info.HasDirection)
if ((flags & PackFlags.HasDirection) != 0)
if (Info.HasTarget)
if ((flags & PackFlags.HasTargetIds) != 0)
if (Info.HasAmount)
if ((flags & PackFlags.HasLevel) != 0)
Level = reader.ReadInt32();
if ((flags & PackFlags.HasAmount) != 0)
Amount = reader.ReadSingle();

using (var writer = MLAPI.Serialization.Pooled.PooledBitWriter.Get(stream))
ActionLogic Logic = ActionData.ActionDescriptions[ActionTypeEnum][0].Logic;
ActionLogicInfo Info = ActionData.LogicInfos[Logic];
PackFlags flags = GetPackFlags();
if (Info.HasPosition)
if ((flags & PackFlags.HasPosition) != 0)
if (Info.HasDirection)
if ((flags & PackFlags.HasDirection) != 0)
if (Info.HasTarget)
if ((flags & PackFlags.HasTargetIds) != 0)
if (Info.HasAmount)
if ((flags & PackFlags.HasLevel) != 0)
if ((flags & PackFlags.HasAmount) != 0)

