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397 行
11 KiB
397 行
11 KiB
using System;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Accord.Math;
using Accord.Statistics.Models.Regression.Fitting;
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
using Param = SkinDeformationFitting.Param;
using Method = SkinDeformationFitting.Method;
public static partial class SkinDeformationFittingImpl
private static T[][] MakeJagged<T>(T[,] m)
var numRows = m.GetLength(0);
var numCols = m.GetLength(1);
var jaggedM = new T[numRows][];
for (int i = 0; i != numRows; i++)
jaggedM[i] = new T[numCols];
for (int j = 0; j != numCols; j++)
jaggedM[i][j] = m[i, j];
return jaggedM;
public static int[] GetBlendShapeIndices(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh)
var numShapes = mesh.blendShapeCount;
var outShapes = new int[numShapes];
for (int k = 0; k != numShapes; k++)
outShapes[k] = k;
return outShapes;
public static int[] ComputeLinearlyIndependentBlendShapeIndices(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh)
return ComputeLinearlyIndependentBlendShapeIndices(mesh, GetBlendShapeIndices(mesh));
public static int[] ComputeLinearlyIndependentBlendShapeIndices(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, int[] blendShapeIndices)
var numShapes = blendShapeIndices.Length;
var outShapes = new int[numShapes];
var numVertices = mesh.vertexCount;
var numEquations = 3 * numVertices;
var numVariables = 0;
var tmpPositions = new UnityEngine.Vector3[numVertices];
var tmpTangents = new UnityEngine.Vector3[numVertices];
var tmpNormals = new UnityEngine.Vector3[numVertices];
var A = new double[numEquations, 1];// start with an empty column
var _ = new double[numEquations];
for (int j = 0; j != numShapes; j++)
int k = blendShapeIndices[j];
if (EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Filter linearly independent blend shapes", "Processing shape " + k + " (" + mesh.GetBlendShapeName(k) + ")", j / (float)numShapes))
outShapes = null;
break;// user cancelled
mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(k, 0, tmpPositions, tmpNormals, tmpTangents);
for (int i = 0; i != numVertices; i++)
_[i * 3 + 0] = tmpPositions[i].x;
_[i * 3 + 1] = tmpPositions[i].y;
_[i * 3 + 2] = tmpPositions[i].z;
A.SetColumn(numVariables, _);// write to empty column
var rank = Matrix.Rank(A.TransposeAndDot(A));
if (rank == numVariables + 1)
outShapes[numVariables++] = k;
A = A.Concatenate(_);// grow by one column
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("shape " + k + " (" + mesh.GetBlendShapeName(k) + ") did NOT increase rank => skip");
if (outShapes != null)
Array.Resize(ref outShapes, numVariables);
return outShapes;
public static void FitFramesToBlendShapes(SkinDeformation[] frames, UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, int[] blendShapeIndices, Method fittingMethod, Param fittingParam)
// Ax = b
// x* = (A^T A)^-1 A^T b
int numShapes = mesh.blendShapeCount;
int numVertices = mesh.vertexCount;
int numEquations = 0;
int numVariables = blendShapeIndices.Length;
var meshBuffers = null as MeshBuffers;
var meshEdges = null as MeshEdges;
switch (fittingParam)
case Param.DeltaPosition:
numEquations = 3 * numVertices;
case Param.OutputEdgeLength:
case Param.OutputEdgeCurvature:
meshBuffers = new MeshBuffers(mesh);
meshEdges = new MeshEdges(mesh.triangles);
numEquations = meshEdges.edges.Length;
var tmpPositions = new UnityEngine.Vector3[numVertices];
var tmpTangents = new UnityEngine.Vector3[numVertices];
var tmpNormals = new UnityEngine.Vector3[numVertices];
var edgeLengths = null as float[];
var edgeCurvatures = null as float[];
// prepare A
var A = new double[numEquations, numVariables];
var _ = new double[numEquations];
for (int j = 0; j != numVariables; j++)
int k = blendShapeIndices[j];
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("Building 'A'", "Processing shape " + k + " (" + mesh.GetBlendShapeName(k) + ")", j / (float)numVariables);
mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(k, 0, tmpPositions, tmpNormals, tmpTangents);
switch (fittingParam)
case Param.DeltaPosition:
for (int i = 0; i != numVertices; i++)
_[i * 3 + 0] = tmpPositions[i].x;
_[i * 3 + 1] = tmpPositions[i].y;
_[i * 3 + 2] = tmpPositions[i].z;
case Param.OutputEdgeLength:
for (int i = 0; i != numVertices; i++)
tmpPositions[i] += meshBuffers.vertexPositions[i];
meshEdges.ComputeLengths(ref edgeLengths, tmpPositions);
for (int i = 0; i != numEquations; i++)
_[i] = edgeLengths[i];
case Param.OutputEdgeCurvature:
for (int i = 0; i != numVertices; i++)
tmpPositions[i] += meshBuffers.vertexPositions[i];
tmpNormals[i] += meshBuffers.vertexNormals[i];
meshEdges.ComputeCurvatures(ref edgeCurvatures, tmpPositions, tmpNormals);
for (int i = 0; i != numEquations; i++)
_[i] = edgeCurvatures[i];
A.SetColumn(j, _);
// prepare (A^T A)^-1 A^T for LLS
var At_A_inv_At = null as double[,];
if (fittingMethod == Method.LinearLeastSquares)
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("Computing A^T", "Processing ...", 0.0f);
var At = A.Transpose();
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("Computing (A^T A)", "Processing ...", 0.25f);
var At_A = At.Dot(A);
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("Computing (A^T A)^-1", "Processing ...", 0.5f);
var At_A_inv = At_A.Inverse();
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("Computing (A^T A)^-1 A^T", "Processing ...", 0.75f);
At_A_inv_At = At_A_inv.Dot(At);
// prepare A[][] for NNLS
var A_jagged = null as double[][];
if (fittingMethod == Method.NonNegativeLeastSquares)
A_jagged = MakeJagged(A);
// prepare shared job data
sharedJobData.frames = frames;
sharedJobData.blendShapeIndices = blendShapeIndices;
sharedJobData.meshBuffers = meshBuffers;
sharedJobData.meshEdges = meshEdges;
sharedJobData.numEquations = numEquations;
sharedJobData.numVariables = numVariables;
sharedJobData.numVertices = numVertices;
sharedJobData.fittingMethod = fittingMethod;
sharedJobData.fittingParam = fittingParam;
sharedJobData.At_A_inv_At = At_A_inv_At;
sharedJobData.A_jagged = A_jagged;
// prepare jobs
var jobs = new FrameFittingJob[frames.Length];
var jobHandles = new JobHandle[frames.Length];
for (int k = 0; k != jobs.Length; k++)
jobs[k].frameIndex = k;
// execute jobs
for (int k = 0; k != jobs.Length; k++)
jobHandles[k] = jobs[k].Schedule();
// wait until done
var progressTime0 = DateTime.Now;
var progressNumCompleted = -1;
while (true)
int numCompleted = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != jobs.Length; i++)
numCompleted += (jobHandles[i].IsCompleted ? 1 : 0);
if (numCompleted == jobs.Length)
if (numCompleted > progressNumCompleted)
var progressVal = numCompleted / (float)frames.Length;
var progressMsg = "Processing frames ... Completed " + numCompleted + " / " + frames.Length;
if (progressVal > 0.0f)
var timeElapsed = DateTime.Now - progressTime0;
var timeArrival = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeElapsed.TotalMilliseconds / progressVal);
var timeRemains = timeArrival - timeElapsed;
progressMsg += " ... Est. time " + string.Format("{0}m{1:D2}s", (int)UnityEngine.Mathf.Floor((float)timeRemains.TotalMinutes), timeRemains.Seconds);
switch (sharedJobData.fittingMethod)
case Method.LinearLeastSquares:
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("Computing x* = (A^T A)^-1 A^T b", progressMsg, progressVal);
case Method.NonNegativeLeastSquares:
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("Computing x* = NonNegativeLeastSquares(A, b)", progressMsg, progressVal);
progressNumCompleted = numCompleted;
static SharedJobData sharedJobData;
struct SharedJobData
public SkinDeformation[] frames;
public int[] blendShapeIndices;
public MeshBuffers meshBuffers;
public MeshEdges meshEdges;
public int numVariables;
public int numEquations;
public int numVertices;
public Method fittingMethod;
public Param fittingParam;
public double[,] At_A_inv_At;
public double[][] A_jagged;
struct FrameFittingJob : IJob
public int frameIndex;
public void Execute()
int k = frameIndex;
var tmpPositions = new UnityEngine.Vector3[sharedJobData.numVertices];
var tmpTangents = new UnityEngine.Vector3[sharedJobData.numVertices];
var tmpNormals = new UnityEngine.Vector3[sharedJobData.numVertices];
var edgeLengths = null as float[];
var edgeCurvatures = null as float[];
// prepare b
var b = new double[sharedJobData.numEquations];
Array.Copy(sharedJobData.frames[k].deltaPositions, tmpPositions, tmpPositions.Length);
Array.Copy(sharedJobData.frames[k].deltaTangents, tmpTangents, tmpTangents.Length);
Array.Copy(sharedJobData.frames[k].deltaNormals, tmpNormals, tmpNormals.Length);
switch (sharedJobData.fittingParam)
case Param.DeltaPosition:
for (int i = 0; i != sharedJobData.numVertices; i++)
b[i * 3 + 0] = tmpPositions[i].x;
b[i * 3 + 1] = tmpPositions[i].y;
b[i * 3 + 2] = tmpPositions[i].z;
case Param.OutputEdgeLength:
for (int i = 0; i != sharedJobData.numVertices; i++)
tmpPositions[i] += sharedJobData.meshBuffers.vertexPositions[i];
sharedJobData.meshEdges.ComputeLengths(ref edgeLengths, tmpPositions);
for (int i = 0; i != sharedJobData.numEquations; i++)
b[i] = edgeLengths[i];
case Param.OutputEdgeCurvature:
for (int i = 0; i != sharedJobData.numVertices; i++)
tmpPositions[i] += sharedJobData.meshBuffers.vertexPositions[i];
tmpNormals[i] += sharedJobData.meshBuffers.vertexNormals[i];
sharedJobData.meshEdges.ComputeCurvatures(ref edgeCurvatures, tmpPositions, tmpNormals);
for (int i = 0; i != sharedJobData.numEquations; i++)
b[i] = edgeCurvatures[i];
// compute x*
var x = new double[sharedJobData.numVariables];
switch (sharedJobData.fittingMethod)
case Method.LinearLeastSquares:
sharedJobData.At_A_inv_At.Dot(b, x);// stores result in x
case Method.NonNegativeLeastSquares:
var nnlsSolver = new NonNegativeLeastSquares() { MaxIterations = 200, Tolerance = 0.000000001 };
var nnlsOutput = nnlsSolver.Learn(sharedJobData.A_jagged, b);
Array.Copy(nnlsOutput.Weights, x, x.Length);
//UnityEngine.Debug.Log("frame " + k + ": x* = " + x);
// remap weights to shape indices
for (int j = 0; j != sharedJobData.numVariables; j++)
sharedJobData.frames[k].fittedWeights[sharedJobData.blendShapeIndices[j]] = (float)x[j];