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297 行
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using UnityEngine;
using Unity.DemoTeam.Attributes;
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public class TeethRenderer : MonoBehaviour
private Renderer rnd;
private Material rndMat;
private MaterialPropertyBlock rndProps;
private const uint vertexFixedBit6 = 1 << 5;
private const uint vertexFixedMask = vertexFixedBit6;
private const int vertexLimit = 32;// should match limit in LitTeeth.shader
private Vector4[] vertexData = new Vector4[0];
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)] public float litPotentialMin = 0.0f;
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)] public float litPotentialMax = 1.0f;
[Min(1.0f)] public float litPotentialFalloff = 4.0f;
public Attenuation mode;
public enum Attenuation
[EditableIf("mode", Attenuation.Linear)] public Transform linearBack;
[EditableIf("mode", Attenuation.Linear)] public Transform linearFront;
[EditableIf("mode", Attenuation.SkyPolygon)] public Transform skyPolygonContainer;
[EditableIf("mode", Attenuation.SkyPolygon)] public Transform skyPolygonDebugSphere;
public bool showDebugWireframe;
void Awake()
rnd = GetComponent<Renderer>();
rndMat = rnd.sharedMaterial;
rndMat = rnd.material;
rndProps = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
void PrepareKeyword(string keyword, bool enabled)
if (rndMat.IsKeywordEnabled(keyword) != enabled)
if (enabled)
void PrepareVertexData(int vertexCount)
if (vertexData.Length != vertexCount)
vertexData = new Vector4[vertexCount];
void LateUpdate()
var outputAttn = mode;
var outputSize = 0;
switch (outputAttn)
case Attenuation.None:
case Attenuation.Linear:
if (linearFront == null || linearBack == null)
outputAttn = Attenuation.None;
outputSize = 6;
case Attenuation.SkyPolygon:
if (skyPolygonContainer == null || skyPolygonContainer.childCount < 3)
outputAttn = Attenuation.None;
outputSize = Mathf.Min(vertexLimit, skyPolygonContainer.childCount);
var outputFixedBit = outputSize > 0 ? (1u << (outputSize - 1)) : 0u;
var outputFixedSize = (vertexFixedMask & outputFixedBit) != 0;
PrepareKeyword("TEETH_ATTN_NONE", outputAttn == Attenuation.None);
PrepareKeyword("TEETH_ATTN_LINEAR", outputAttn == Attenuation.Linear);
PrepareKeyword("TEETH_ATTN_SKYPOLYGON", outputAttn == Attenuation.SkyPolygon);
PrepareKeyword("TEETH_DATA_FIXED_6", outputFixedSize && outputSize == 6);
PrepareKeyword("TEETH_DATA_VARIABLE_32", !outputFixedSize);
if (outputFixedSize)
switch (outputAttn)
case Attenuation.Linear:
vertexData[0] = linearFront.position;
vertexData[1] = linearBack.position;
case Attenuation.SkyPolygon:
for (int i = 0; i != outputSize; i++)
vertexData[i] = skyPolygonContainer.GetChild(i).position;
if (rndProps == null)
rndProps = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
rndProps.Clear();// TODO would be nice if SetVectorArray didn't truncate ...
rndProps.SetVector("_TeethParams", new Vector4(litPotentialMin, litPotentialMax, litPotentialFalloff));
rndProps.SetVectorArray("_TeethVertexData", vertexData);
rndProps.SetInt("_TeethVertexCount", outputSize);
void OnDrawGizmos()
if (!showDebugWireframe)
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
switch (mode)
case Attenuation.Linear:
if (linearFront != null || linearBack != null)
int vertexCount = 2;
if (vertexCount > vertexData.Length)
Gizmos.DrawLine(vertexData[0], vertexData[1]);
case Attenuation.SkyPolygon:
if (skyPolygonContainer != null)
int vertexCount = skyPolygonContainer.childCount;
if (vertexCount > vertexLimit)
vertexCount = vertexLimit;
if (vertexCount > vertexData.Length)
vertexCount = vertexData.Length;
if (vertexCount > 0)
for (int i = 1; i != vertexCount; i++)
Gizmos.DrawLine(vertexData[i - 1], vertexData[i]);
Gizmos.DrawLine(vertexData[vertexCount - 1], vertexData[0]);
if (skyPolygonDebugSphere != null)
var origin = skyPolygonDebugSphere.position;
var radius = skyPolygonDebugSphere.localScale.x * 0.5f;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
Vector3 v0 = vertexData[i];
Vector3 v1 = vertexData[(i + 1) % vertexCount];
Vector3 A = radius * Vector3.Normalize(v0 - origin);
Vector3 B = radius * Vector3.Normalize(v1 - origin);
Gizmos_DrawArc(origin, A, B);
void Gizmos_DrawArc(Vector3 O, Vector3 A, Vector3 B, int segments = 100)
var arcRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(A, B);
var preRot = Quaternion.identity;
var rcpSeg = 1.0f / segments;
for (int i = 0; i != segments; i++)
var preDir = preRot * A;
var curRot = preRot = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, arcRot, (i + 1) * rcpSeg);
var curDir = curRot * A;
Gizmos.DrawLine(O + preDir, O + curDir);
const int NUM_VERTS = 6;
const float NUM_VERTS_FLT = 6.0f;
const int LAST_VERT = NUM_VERTS - 1;
const float PI = 3.14159265359f;
static Vector3 normalize(Vector3 v) { return Vector3.Normalize(v); }
static Vector3 cross(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) { return -Vector3.Cross(a, b); }
static float dot(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) { return Vector3.Dot(a, b); }
static float sign(float s) { return Mathf.Sign(s); }
static float acos(float s) { return Mathf.Acos(s); }
void SphericalPoly_CalcInteriorAngles(Vector3[] P, float[] A)
Vector3[] N = new Vector3[NUM_VERTS];
// calc plane normals
// where N[i] = normal of incident plane
// eg. N[i+0] = cross(C, A);
// N[i+1] = cross(A, B);
N[0] = normalize(cross(P[LAST_VERT], P[0]));
for (int i = 1; i != NUM_VERTS; i++)
N[i] = normalize(cross(P[i - 1], P[i]));
// calc interior angles
string As = " A = [ ";
string Ds = " dot = [ ";
for (int i = 0; i != LAST_VERT; i++)
A[i] = PI - sign(dot(N[i], P[i + 1])) * acos(dot(N[i], N[i + 1]));
As += A[i] + ", ";
Ds += dot(N[i], P[i + 1]) + ", ";
A[LAST_VERT] = PI - sign(dot(N[LAST_VERT], P[0])) * acos(dot(N[LAST_VERT], N[0]));
As += A[LAST_VERT] + " ]";
Ds += sign(dot(N[LAST_VERT], P[0])) + " ]";
Debug.Log(As + "\n" + Ds);
void SphericalPoly_CalcAreaFromInteriorAngles(float[] A, out float area)
float E = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i != NUM_VERTS; i++)
E += A[i];
area = E - (NUM_VERTS_FLT - 2.0f) * PI;
void SphericalPoly_CalcAreaFromProjectedPositions(Vector3[] P, out float area)
float[] A = new float[NUM_VERTS];
SphericalPoly_CalcInteriorAngles(P, A);
SphericalPoly_CalcAreaFromInteriorAngles(A, out area);
void DebugSpherical()
if (skyPolygonDebugSphere == null)
Vector3[] P = new Vector3[NUM_VERTS];
for (int i = 0; i != NUM_VERTS; i++)
Vector3 vertPos = vertices[i];
//P[i] = normalize(mul(input.worldToTangent, _TeethSkyPolygon[i].xyz - positionWS));
P[i] = normalize(vertPos - skyPolygonDebugSphere.position);
float skyIncident;
float maxIncident = 2.0f * Mathf.PI;// hemisphere
SphericalPoly_CalcAreaFromProjectedPositions(P, out skyIncident);
Debug.Log("skyIncident = " + skyIncident + ", maxIncident = " + maxIncident);