using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Profiling; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Burst; namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman { using static SkinAttachmentDataBuilder; [ExecuteAlways] public class SkinAttachmentTarget : MonoBehaviour { public struct MeshInfo { public MeshBuffers meshBuffers; public MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency; public KdTree3 meshVertexBSP; public bool valid; } [HideInInspector] public List subjects = new List(); [NonSerialized] public Mesh meshBakedSmr; [NonSerialized] public Mesh meshBakedOrAsset; [NonSerialized] public MeshBuffers meshBuffers; [NonSerialized] public Mesh meshBuffersLastAsset; public SkinAttachmentData attachData; [Header("Debug options")] public bool showWireframe = false; public bool showUVSeams = false; public bool showResolved = false; public bool showMouseOver = false; private MeshInfo cachedMeshInfo; private int cachedMeshInfoFrame = -1; private JobHandle[] stagingJobs; private Vector3[][] stagingData; private GCHandle[] stagingPins; void OnEnable() { UpdateMeshBuffers(); } void LateUpdate() { if (UpdateMeshBuffers()) { ResolveSubjects(); } } bool UpdateMeshBuffers() { meshBakedOrAsset = null; { var mf = GetComponent(); if (mf != null) { meshBakedOrAsset = mf.sharedMesh; } var smr = GetComponent(); if (smr != null) { if (meshBakedSmr == null) { meshBakedSmr = new Mesh(); = "SkinAttachmentTarget(BakeMesh)"; meshBakedSmr.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave & ~HideFlags.DontUnloadUnusedAsset; meshBakedSmr.MarkDynamic(); } meshBakedOrAsset = meshBakedSmr; Profiler.BeginSample("smr.BakeMesh"); { smr.BakeMesh(meshBakedSmr); { meshBakedSmr.bounds = smr.bounds; } } Profiler.EndSample(); } } if (meshBakedOrAsset == null) return false; if (meshBuffers == null || meshBuffersLastAsset != meshBakedOrAsset) { meshBuffers = new MeshBuffers(meshBakedOrAsset); } else { meshBuffers.LoadPositionsFrom(meshBakedOrAsset); meshBuffers.LoadNormalsFrom(meshBakedOrAsset); } meshBuffersLastAsset = meshBakedOrAsset; return true; } void UpdateMeshInfo(ref MeshInfo info) { Profiler.BeginSample("upd-mesh-inf"); if (meshBuffers == null) { info.valid = false; } else { info.meshBuffers = meshBuffers; const bool weldedAdjacency = false;//TODO enable for more reliable poses along uv seams if (info.meshAdjacency == null) info.meshAdjacency = new MeshAdjacency(meshBuffers, weldedAdjacency); else if (info.meshAdjacency.vertexCount != meshBuffers.vertexCount) info.meshAdjacency.LoadFrom(meshBuffers, weldedAdjacency); if (info.meshVertexBSP == null) info.meshVertexBSP = new KdTree3(meshBuffers.vertexPositions, meshBuffers.vertexCount); else info.meshVertexBSP.BuildFrom(meshBuffers.vertexPositions, meshBuffers.vertexCount); info.valid = true; } Profiler.EndSample(); } public ref MeshInfo GetCachedMeshInfo(bool forceRefresh = false) { int frameIndex = Time.frameCount; if (frameIndex != cachedMeshInfoFrame || forceRefresh) { UpdateMeshInfo(ref cachedMeshInfo); if (cachedMeshInfo.valid) cachedMeshInfoFrame = frameIndex; } return ref cachedMeshInfo; } public void AddSubject(SkinAttachment subject) { if (subjects.Contains(subject) == false) subjects.Add(subject); } public void RemoveSubject(SkinAttachment subject) { if (subjects.Contains(subject)) subjects.Remove(subject); } public bool CommitRequired() { if (attachData == null) return false; if (meshBuffers.vertexCount < attachData.driverVertexCount) return true; for (int i = 0, n = subjects.Count; i != n; i++) { if (subjects[i].ChecksumCompare(attachData) == false) return true; } return false; } public void CommitSubjectsIfRequired() { if (CommitRequired()) CommitSubjects(); } public void CommitSubjects() { if (attachData == null) return; var meshInfo = GetCachedMeshInfo(forceRefresh: true); if (meshInfo.valid == false) return; attachData.Clear(); attachData.driverVertexCount = meshInfo.meshBuffers.vertexCount; { subjects.RemoveAll(p => (p == null)); // pass 1: dry run int dryRunPoseCount = 0; int dryRunItemCount = 0; for (int i = 0, n = subjects.Count; i != n; i++) { if (subjects[i].attachmentMode == SkinAttachment.AttachmentMode.BuildPoses) { subjects[i].RevertVertexData(); BuildDataAttachSubject(ref attachData, transform, meshInfo, subjects[i], dryRun: true, ref dryRunPoseCount, ref dryRunItemCount); } } dryRunPoseCount = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(dryRunPoseCount); dryRunItemCount = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(dryRunItemCount); ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref attachData.pose, dryRunPoseCount); ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref attachData.item, dryRunItemCount); // pass 2: build poses for (int i = 0, n = subjects.Count; i != n; i++) { if (subjects[i].attachmentMode == SkinAttachment.AttachmentMode.BuildPoses) { BuildDataAttachSubject(ref attachData, transform, meshInfo, subjects[i], dryRun: false, ref dryRunPoseCount, ref dryRunPoseCount); } } // pass 3: reference poses for (int i = 0, n = subjects.Count; i != n; i++) { switch (subjects[i].attachmentMode) { case SkinAttachment.AttachmentMode.LinkPosesByReference: { if (subjects[i].attachmentLink != null) { subjects[i].attachmentType = subjects[i].attachmentLink.attachmentType; subjects[i].attachmentIndex = subjects[i].attachmentLink.attachmentIndex; subjects[i].attachmentCount = subjects[i].attachmentLink.attachmentCount; } else { subjects[i].attachmentIndex = -1; subjects[i].attachmentCount = 0; } } break; case SkinAttachment.AttachmentMode.LinkPosesBySpecificIndex: { subjects[i].attachmentIndex = Mathf.Clamp(subjects[i].attachmentIndex, 0, attachData.itemCount - 1); subjects[i].attachmentCount = Mathf.Clamp(subjects[i].attachmentCount, 0, attachData.itemCount - subjects[i].attachmentIndex); } break; } } } attachData.subjectCount = subjects.Count; attachData.Persist(); for (int i = 0, n = subjects.Count; i != n; i++) { subjects[i].checksum0 = attachData.checksum0; subjects[i].checksum1 = attachData.checksum1; #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(subjects[i]); UnityEditor.Undo.ClearUndo(subjects[i]); #endif } } void ResolveSubjects() { if (attachData == null) return; if (attachData.driverVertexCount > meshBuffers.vertexCount) return;// prevent out of bounds if mesh shrunk since data was built Profiler.BeginSample("resolve-subj-all"); subjects.RemoveAll(p => p == null); //Profiler.BeginSample("sort"); //subjects.Sort((a, b) => { return b.attachmentCount.CompareTo(a.attachmentCount); }); //Profiler.EndSample(); int stagingPinsSourceDataCount = 3; int stagingPinsSourceDataOffset = subjects.Count * 2; ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref stagingJobs, subjects.Count); ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref stagingData, subjects.Count * 2); ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref stagingPins, subjects.Count * 2 + stagingPinsSourceDataCount); GCHandle attachDataPosePin = GCHandle.Alloc(attachData.pose, GCHandleType.Pinned); GCHandle attachDataItemPin = GCHandle.Alloc(attachData.item, GCHandleType.Pinned); stagingPins[stagingPinsSourceDataOffset + 0] = GCHandle.Alloc(meshBuffers.vertexPositions, GCHandleType.Pinned); stagingPins[stagingPinsSourceDataOffset + 1] = GCHandle.Alloc(meshBuffers.vertexTangents, GCHandleType.Pinned); stagingPins[stagingPinsSourceDataOffset + 2] = GCHandle.Alloc(meshBuffers.vertexNormals, GCHandleType.Pinned); // NOTE: for skinned targets, targetToWorld specifically excludes scale, since source data (BakeMesh) is already scaled Matrix4x4 targetToWorld; { if (this.meshBakedSmr != null) targetToWorld = Matrix4x4.TRS(this.transform.position, this.transform.rotation,; else targetToWorld = this.transform.localToWorldMatrix; } var targetMeshWorldBounds = meshBakedOrAsset.bounds; var targetMeshWorldBoundsCenter =; var targetMeshWorldBoundsExtent = targetMeshWorldBounds.extents; for (int i = 0, n = subjects.Count; i != n; i++) { var subject = subjects[i]; if (subject.ChecksumCompare(attachData) == false) continue; int attachmentIndex = subject.attachmentIndex; int attachmentCount = subject.attachmentCount; if (attachmentIndex == -1) continue; if (attachmentIndex + attachmentCount > attachData.itemCount) continue;// prevent out of bounds if subject holds damaged index/count var indexPos = i * 2 + 0; var indexNrm = i * 2 + 1; ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref stagingData[indexPos], attachmentCount); ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref stagingData[indexNrm], attachmentCount); stagingPins[indexPos] = GCHandle.Alloc(stagingData[indexPos], GCHandleType.Pinned); stagingPins[indexNrm] = GCHandle.Alloc(stagingData[indexNrm], GCHandleType.Pinned); unsafe { var resolvedPositions = (Vector3*)stagingPins[indexPos].AddrOfPinnedObject().ToPointer(); var resolvedNormals = (Vector3*)stagingPins[indexNrm].AddrOfPinnedObject().ToPointer(); switch (subject.attachmentType) { case SkinAttachment.AttachmentType.Transform: { stagingJobs[i] = ScheduleResolve(attachmentIndex, attachmentCount, ref targetToWorld, resolvedPositions, resolvedNormals); } break; case SkinAttachment.AttachmentType.Mesh: case SkinAttachment.AttachmentType.MeshRoots: { Matrix4x4 targetToSubject; { // this used to always read: // var targetToSubject = subject.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * targetToWorld; // // to support attachments that have skinning renderers, we sometimes have to transform // the vertices into a space that takes into account the subsequently applied skinning: // var targetToSubject = (subject.skinningBone.localToWorldMatrix * subject.meshInstanceBoneBindPose).inverse * targetToWorld; // // we can reshuffle a bit to get rid of the per-resolve inverse: // var targetToSubject = (subject.skinningBoneBindPoseInverse * subject.meshInstanceBone.worldToLocalMatrix) * targetToWorld; if (subject.skinningBone != null) targetToSubject = (subject.skinningBoneBindPoseInverse * subject.skinningBone.worldToLocalMatrix) * targetToWorld; else targetToSubject = subject.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * targetToWorld; } stagingJobs[i] = ScheduleResolve(attachmentIndex, attachmentCount, ref targetToSubject, resolvedPositions, resolvedNormals); } break; } } } JobHandle.ScheduleBatchedJobs(); while (true) { var jobsRunning = false; for (int i = 0, n = subjects.Count; i != n; i++) { var subject = subjects[i]; if (subject.ChecksumCompare(attachData) == false) continue; var stillRunning = (stagingJobs[i].IsCompleted == false); if (stillRunning) { jobsRunning = true; continue; } var indexPos = i * 2 + 0; var indexNrm = i * 2 + 1; var alreadyApplied = (stagingPins[indexPos].IsAllocated == false); if (alreadyApplied) continue; stagingPins[indexPos].Free(); stagingPins[indexNrm].Free(); Profiler.BeginSample("gather-subj"); switch (subject.attachmentType) { case SkinAttachment.AttachmentType.Transform: { subject.transform.position = stagingData[indexPos][0]; } break; case SkinAttachment.AttachmentType.Mesh: case SkinAttachment.AttachmentType.MeshRoots: { if (subject.meshInstance == null) break; if (subject.meshInstance.vertexCount != stagingData[indexPos].Length) { Debug.LogError("mismatching vertex- and attachment count", subject); break; } subject.meshInstance.SilentlySetVertices(stagingData[indexPos]); subject.meshInstance.SilentlySetNormals(stagingData[indexNrm]); Profiler.BeginSample("conservative-bounds"); { //Debug.Log("targetMeshWorldBoundsCenter = " + targetMeshWorldBoundsCenter.ToString("G4") + " (from meshBakedOrAsset = " + meshBakedOrAsset.ToString() + ")"); //Debug.Log("targetMeshWorldBoundsExtents = " + targetMeshWorldBoundsExtents.ToString("G4")); var worldToSubject = subject.transform.worldToLocalMatrix; var subjectBoundsCenter = worldToSubject.MultiplyPoint(targetMeshWorldBoundsCenter); var subjectBoundsRadius = worldToSubject.MultiplyVector(targetMeshWorldBoundsExtent).magnitude + subject.meshAssetRadius; var subjectBounds = subject.meshInstance.bounds; { = subjectBoundsCenter; subjectBounds.extents = subjectBoundsRadius *; } subject.meshInstance.bounds = subjectBounds; } Profiler.EndSample(); } break; } Profiler.EndSample(); } if (jobsRunning == false) break; } for (int i = 0; i != stagingPinsSourceDataCount; i++) { stagingPins[stagingPinsSourceDataOffset + i].Free(); } attachDataPosePin.Free(); attachDataItemPin.Free(); Profiler.EndSample(); } public unsafe JobHandle ScheduleResolve(int attachmentIndex, int attachmentCount, ref Matrix4x4 resolveTransform, Vector3* resolvedPositions, Vector3* resolvedNormals) { fixed (Vector3* meshPositions = meshBuffers.vertexPositions) fixed (Vector3* meshNormals = meshBuffers.vertexNormals) fixed (SkinAttachmentItem* attachItem = attachData.item) fixed (SkinAttachmentPose* attachPose = attachData.pose) { var job = new ResolveJob() { meshPositions = meshPositions, meshNormals = meshNormals, attachItem = attachItem, attachPose = attachPose, resolveTransform = resolveTransform, resolvedPositions = resolvedPositions, resolvedNormals = resolvedNormals, attachmentIndex = attachmentIndex, attachmentCount = attachmentCount, }; return job.Schedule(attachmentCount, 64); } } [BurstCompile(FloatMode = FloatMode.Fast)] unsafe struct ResolveJob : IJobParallelFor { [NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction, NoAlias] public Vector3* meshPositions; [NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction, NoAlias] public Vector3* meshNormals; [NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction, NoAlias] public SkinAttachmentItem* attachItem; [NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction, NoAlias] public SkinAttachmentPose* attachPose; [NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction, NoAlias] public Vector3* resolvedPositions; [NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction, NoAlias] public Vector3* resolvedNormals; public Matrix4x4 resolveTransform; public int attachmentIndex; public int attachmentCount; //TODO this needs optimization public void Execute(int i) { var targetBlended = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); var targetWeights = 0.0f; SkinAttachmentItem item = attachItem[attachmentIndex + i]; var poseIndex0 = item.poseIndex; var poseIndexN = item.poseIndex + item.poseCount; for (int poseIndex = poseIndex0; poseIndex != poseIndexN; poseIndex++) { SkinAttachmentPose pose = attachPose[poseIndex]; var p0 = meshPositions[pose.v0]; var p1 = meshPositions[pose.v1]; var p2 = meshPositions[pose.v2]; var v0v1 = p1 - p0; var v0v2 = p2 - p0; var triangleNormal = Vector3.Cross(v0v1, v0v2); var triangleArea = Vector3.Magnitude(triangleNormal); triangleNormal /= triangleArea; triangleArea *= 0.5f; var targetProjected = pose.targetCoord.Resolve(ref p0, ref p1, ref p2); var target = targetProjected + triangleNormal * pose.targetDist; targetBlended += triangleArea * target; targetWeights += triangleArea; } var targetNormalRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(item.baseNormal, meshNormals[item.baseVertex]); var targetNormal = targetNormalRot * item.targetNormal; var targetOffset = targetNormalRot * item.targetOffset; resolvedPositions[i] = resolveTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(targetBlended / targetWeights + targetOffset); resolvedNormals[i] = resolveTransform.MultiplyVector(targetNormal); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR public void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { var activeGO = UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject; if (activeGO == null) return; if (activeGO != this.gameObject && activeGO.GetComponent() == null) return; Gizmos.matrix = this.transform.localToWorldMatrix; if (showWireframe) { Profiler.BeginSample("show-wire"); { var meshVertexCount = meshBuffers.vertexCount; var meshPositions = meshBuffers.vertexPositions; var meshNormals = meshBuffers.vertexNormals; Gizmos.color = Color.Lerp(Color.clear,, 0.25f); Gizmos.DrawWireMesh(meshBakedOrAsset, 0); Gizmos.color =; for (int i = 0; i != meshVertexCount; i++) { Gizmos.DrawRay(meshPositions[i], meshNormals[i] * 0.001f);// 1mm } } Profiler.EndSample(); } if (showUVSeams) { Profiler.BeginSample("show-seams"); { Gizmos.color = Color.cyan; var weldedAdjacency = new MeshAdjacency(meshBuffers, true); for (int i = 0; i != weldedAdjacency.vertexCount; i++) { if (weldedAdjacency.vertexWelded.GetCount(i) > 0) { bool seam = false; foreach (var j in weldedAdjacency.vertexVertices[i]) { if (weldedAdjacency.vertexWelded.GetCount(j) > 0) { seam = true; if (i < j) { Gizmos.DrawLine(meshBuffers.vertexPositions[i], meshBuffers.vertexPositions[j]); } } } if (!seam) { Gizmos.color = Color.magenta; Gizmos.DrawRay(meshBuffers.vertexPositions[i], meshBuffers.vertexNormals[i] * 0.003f); Gizmos.color = Color.cyan; } } } } Profiler.EndSample(); } if (showResolved) { Profiler.BeginSample("show-resolve"); unsafe { var attachmentIndex = 0; var attachmentCount = attachData.itemCount; using (var resolvedPositions = new UnsafeArrayVector3(attachmentCount)) using (var resolvedNormals = new UnsafeArrayVector3(attachmentCount)) { var resolveTransform = Matrix4x4.identity; var resolveJob = ScheduleResolve(attachmentIndex, attachmentCount, ref resolveTransform, resolvedPositions.val, resolvedNormals.val); JobHandle.ScheduleBatchedJobs(); resolveJob.Complete(); Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Vector3 size = 0.0002f *; for (int i = 0; i != attachmentCount; i++) { Gizmos.DrawCube(resolvedPositions.val[i], size); } } } Profiler.EndSample(); } } #endif } }