using System; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.DemoTeam.Attributes; namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman { [ExecuteAlways] public class SkinAttachment : MeshInstanceBehaviour { public enum AttachmentMode { BuildPoses, LinkPosesByReference, LinkPosesBySpecificIndex, } public enum AttachmentType { Transform, Mesh, MeshRoots, } [HideInInspector] public bool attached; [HideInInspector] public Vector3 attachedLocalPosition; [HideInInspector] public Quaternion attachedLocalRotation; [HideInInspector] public SkinAttachmentTarget targetActive; [EditableIf("attached", false)] public SkinAttachmentTarget target; [EditableIf("attached", false)] public AttachmentType attachmentType = AttachmentType.Transform; [EditableIf("attached", false)] public AttachmentMode attachmentMode = AttachmentMode.BuildPoses; [EditableIf("attached", false)] public SkinAttachment attachmentLink = null; [EditableIf("attachmentMode", AttachmentMode.LinkPosesBySpecificIndex)] public int attachmentIndex = -1; [EditableIf("attachmentMode", AttachmentMode.LinkPosesBySpecificIndex)] public int attachmentCount = 0; [HideInInspector] public ulong checksum0 = 0; [HideInInspector] public ulong checksum1 = 0; [Header("Debug options")] public bool showBounds = false; public bool showIslands = false; public bool showRootLines = false; private const int debugColorsSize = 7; private static Color[] debugColors = new Color[debugColorsSize] {,,, Color.cyan, Color.magenta, Color.yellow, Color.white }; private static SkinAttachmentData debugData; [Header("Runtime options")] public bool forceRecalculateBounds; public bool forceRecalculateNormals; public bool forceRecalculateTangents; [NonSerialized] public float meshAssetRadius; [NonSerialized] public MeshBuffers meshBuffers; [NonSerialized] public MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency; [NonSerialized] public MeshIslands meshIslands; [NonSerialized] public Transform skinningBone; [NonSerialized] public Matrix4x4 skinningBoneBindPose; [NonSerialized] public Matrix4x4 skinningBoneBindPoseInverse; public Matrix4x4 GetWorldToLocalSkinning() { if (skinningBone != null) return (skinningBoneBindPoseInverse * skinningBone.worldToLocalMatrix); else return (this.transform.worldToLocalMatrix); } public Matrix4x4 GetLocalSkinningToWorld() { if (skinningBone != null) return (skinningBone.localToWorldMatrix * skinningBoneBindPose); else return (this.transform.localToWorldMatrix); } void DiscoverSkinningBone() { skinningBone = null; skinningBoneBindPose = Matrix4x4.identity; skinningBoneBindPoseInverse = Matrix4x4.identity; // search for skinning bone var smr = GetComponent(); if (smr != null) { int skinningBoneIndex = -1; unsafe { var boneWeights = meshAsset.GetAllBoneWeights(); var boneWeightPtr = (BoneWeight1*)boneWeights.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(); for (int i = 0; i != boneWeights.Length; i++) { if (boneWeightPtr[i].weight > 0.0f) { if (skinningBoneIndex == -1) skinningBoneIndex = boneWeightPtr[i].boneIndex; if (skinningBoneIndex != boneWeightPtr[i].boneIndex) { skinningBoneIndex = -1; break; } } } } if (skinningBoneIndex != -1) { skinningBone = smr.bones[skinningBoneIndex]; skinningBoneBindPose = meshInstance.bindposes[skinningBoneIndex]; skinningBoneBindPoseInverse = skinningBoneBindPose.inverse; //Debug.Log("discovered skinning bone for " + + " : " +; } } } protected override void OnMeshInstanceCreated() { meshAssetRadius = meshAsset.bounds.extents.magnitude;// conservative if (meshBuffers == null) meshBuffers = new MeshBuffers(meshInstance); else meshBuffers.LoadFrom(meshInstance); if (meshAdjacency == null) meshAdjacency = new MeshAdjacency(meshBuffers); else meshAdjacency.LoadFrom(meshBuffers); if (meshIslands == null) meshIslands = new MeshIslands(meshAdjacency); else meshIslands.LoadFrom(meshAdjacency); DiscoverSkinningBone(); } protected override void OnMeshInstanceDeleted() { // do nothing } public Hash128 Checksum() { return new Hash128(checksum0, checksum1); } public void RevertVertexData() { if (meshAsset != null) { if (meshBuffers == null) meshBuffers = new MeshBuffers(meshAsset); else meshBuffers.LoadFrom(meshAsset); } } public void Attach(bool storePositionRotation = true) { EnsureMeshInstance(); if (targetActive != null) targetActive.RemoveSubject(this); targetActive = target; targetActive.AddSubject(this); if (storePositionRotation) { attachedLocalPosition = transform.localPosition; attachedLocalRotation = transform.localRotation; } attached = true; } public void Detach(bool revertPositionRotation = true) { RemoveMeshInstance(); if (targetActive != null) targetActive.RemoveSubject(this); if (revertPositionRotation) { transform.localPosition = attachedLocalPosition; transform.localRotation = attachedLocalRotation; } attached = false; } void ValidateAttachedState() { if (attached) { if (targetActive != null && targetActive == target) { EnsureMeshInstance(); } else { Detach(); } } else { RemoveMeshInstance(); } } void OnEnable() { ValidateAttachedState(); } void Update() { ValidateAttachedState(); } void LateUpdate() { var forceRecalculateAny = forceRecalculateBounds || forceRecalculateNormals || forceRecalculateTangents; if (forceRecalculateAny && meshInstance != null) { if (forceRecalculateTangents) meshInstance.SilentlyRecalculateTangents(); if (forceRecalculateNormals) meshInstance.SilentlyRecalculateNormals(); if (forceRecalculateBounds) meshInstance.SilentlyRecalculateBounds(); } } void OnDestroy() { RemoveMeshInstance(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { if (isActiveAndEnabled == false) return; if (attached) DrawGizmosAttached(); else DrawGizmosDetached(); } void DrawGizmosAttached() { if (attachmentType != AttachmentType.Transform) { if (meshInstance == null) return; Gizmos.matrix = this.transform.localToWorldMatrix; if (showBounds) { Gizmos.color = Color.white; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, meshInstance.bounds.extents * 2.0f); } } } void DrawGizmosDetached() { if (target == null) return; var targetMeshInfo = target.GetCachedMeshInfo(); if (targetMeshInfo.valid == false) return; if (attachmentType == AttachmentType.Transform) { // draw sphere with radius to closest vertex var closestDist = float.MaxValue; var closestNode = -1; var targetLocalPos = target.transform.InverseTransformPoint(this.transform.position); if (targetMeshInfo.meshVertexBSP.FindNearest(ref closestDist, ref closestNode, ref targetLocalPos)) { Gizmos.matrix = target.transform.localToWorldMatrix; var r = targetLocalPos - target.meshBuffers.vertexPositions[closestNode]; var d = Vector3.Dot(target.meshBuffers.vertexNormals[closestNode], r); var c = (d >= 0.0f) ? Color.cyan : Color.magenta; Gizmos.color = Color.Lerp(Color.clear, c, 0.75f); Gizmos.DrawSphere(targetLocalPos, Mathf.Sqrt(closestDist)); Gizmos.color = Color.Lerp(Color.clear, c, 0.75f); Gizmos.DrawLine(targetLocalPos, target.meshBuffers.vertexPositions[closestNode]); foreach (var triangle in targetMeshInfo.meshAdjacency.vertexTriangles[closestNode]) { int _0 = triangle * 3; int v0 = target.meshBuffers.triangles[_0]; int v1 = target.meshBuffers.triangles[_0 + 1]; int v2 = target.meshBuffers.triangles[_0 + 2]; Gizmos.DrawLine(target.meshBuffers.vertexPositions[v0], target.meshBuffers.vertexPositions[v1]); Gizmos.DrawLine(target.meshBuffers.vertexPositions[v1], target.meshBuffers.vertexPositions[v2]); Gizmos.DrawLine(target.meshBuffers.vertexPositions[v2], target.meshBuffers.vertexPositions[v0]); } } } else { EnsureMeshInstance(); if (meshInstance == null) return; var subjectPositions = meshBuffers.vertexPositions; if (skinningBone != null) Gizmos.matrix = skinningBone.localToWorldMatrix * skinningBoneBindPose; else Gizmos.matrix = this.transform.localToWorldMatrix; if (showIslands) { for (int island = 0; island != meshIslands.islandCount; island++) { Gizmos.color = Color.Lerp(Color.clear, debugColors[island % debugColors.Length], 0.3f); foreach (var i in meshIslands.islandVertices[island]) { foreach (var j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i]) { Gizmos.DrawLine(subjectPositions[i], subjectPositions[j]); } } } } if (showRootLines) { if (debugData == null) { debugData = SkinAttachmentData.CreateInstance(); debugData.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; } else { debugData.Clear(); } int dryRunPoseCount = -1; int dryRunItemCount = -1; SkinAttachmentDataBuilder.BuildDataAttachSubject(ref debugData, target.transform, target.GetCachedMeshInfo(), this, dryRun: true, ref dryRunPoseCount, ref dryRunItemCount); { ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref debugData.pose, dryRunPoseCount); ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref debugData.item, dryRunItemCount); } SkinAttachmentDataBuilder.BuildDataAttachSubject(ref debugData, target.transform, target.GetCachedMeshInfo(), this, dryRun: false, ref dryRunPoseCount, ref dryRunItemCount); Matrix4x4 targetToWorld = Matrix4x4.TRS(target.transform.position, target.transform.rotation,; // NOTE: targetToWorld specifically excludes scale, since source data (BakeMesh) is already scaled Matrix4x4 targetToSubject; { if (skinningBone != null) targetToSubject = (skinningBoneBindPoseInverse * skinningBone.worldToLocalMatrix) * targetToWorld; else targetToSubject = this.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * targetToWorld; } Gizmos.color = Color.white; for (int i = 0; i != meshBuffers.vertexCount; i++) { Vector3 rootOffset = targetToSubject.MultiplyVector(-debugData.item[i].targetOffset); Gizmos.DrawRay(subjectPositions[i], rootOffset); } } } } #endif } }