using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using ChatComponents; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using Unity.UIWidgets.async; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using Image = Unity.UIWidgets.widgets.Image; using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle; namespace UIWidgetsSample { public static class urlLinkifierUtils { public static Regex _urlRegex = new Regex( @"^(.*?)((?:https?:\/\/|www\.)[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*)" ); public static Regex _looseUrlRegex =new Regex( @"^(.*?)((https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*))" ); public static Regex _protocolIdentifierRegex =new Regex( @"^(https?:\/\/)" ); } // Utility class that implements [Linkifier.parse] method. /// Used to find links in the text. /*public class UrlLinkifier : Linkifier { /// Default constructor UrlLinkifier(); /// Parses text to find all links inside it @override List parse(elements, options) { final list = []; elements.forEach((element) { if (element is TextElement) { var loose = false; var match = _urlRegex.firstMatch(element.text); if (match?.group(1)?.isNotEmpty == true) { final looseMatch = _looseUrlRegex.firstMatch(match!.group(1)!); if (looseMatch != null) { match = looseMatch; loose = true; } } if (match == null && options.looseUrl) { match = _looseUrlRegex.firstMatch(element.text); loose = true; } if (match == null) { list.add(element); } else { final text = element.text.replaceFirst(!, ""); if ( == true) { list.add(TextElement(!)); } if ( == true) { var originalUrl =!; String? end; if (options.excludeLastPeriod && originalUrl[originalUrl.length - 1] == ".") { end = "."; originalUrl = originalUrl.substring(0, originalUrl.length - 1); } final url = originalUrl; if (loose || !originalUrl.startsWith(_protocolIdentifierRegex)) { originalUrl = (options.defaultToHttps ? "https://" : "http://") + originalUrl; } list.add( UrlElement( originalUrl, url, ), ); if (end != null) { list.add(TextElement(end)); } } if (text.isNotEmpty) { list.addAll(parse([TextElement(text)], options)); } } } else { list.add(element); } }); return list; } } /// Represents an element containing a link class UrlElement : LinkableElement { /// Creates [UrlElement] UrlElement(String url, [String? text]) : super(text, url); @override String toString() { return "LinkElement: "$url" ($text)"; } @override bool operator ==(other) => equals(other); @override bool equals(other) => other is UrlElement && super.equals(other); @override // ignore: unnecessary_overrides int get hashCode => super.hashCode; }*/ //} }