using System.Collections.Generic; using ChatComponents; using uiwidgets; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.material; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using Image = Unity.UIWidgets.widgets.Image; namespace UIWidgetsSample { internal class Message : StatelessWidget { /// Build a custom message inside predefined bubble public readonly BuildCustomMessage buildCustomMessage; /// Any message type public readonly ChatComponents.Message message; /// Maximum message width public readonly int messageWidth; /// Called when user makes a long press on any message public readonly OnMessageLongPress onMessageLongPress; /// Called when user taps on any message public readonly OnMessageTap onMessageTap; /// See [TextMessage.onPreviewDataFetched] public readonly OnPreviewDataFetched onPreviewDataFetched; /// Rounds border of the message to visually group messages together. public readonly bool roundBorder; /// Show user avatar for the received message. Useful for a group chat. public readonly bool showAvatar; /// See [TextMessage.showName] public readonly bool showName; /// Show message's status public readonly bool showStatus; /// Show user avatars for received messages. Useful for a group chat. public readonly bool showUserAvatars; /// See [TextMessage.usePreviewData] public readonly bool usePreviewData; /// Creates a particular message from any message type public Message( ChatComponents.Message message, int messageWidth, bool roundBorder, bool showAvatar, bool showName, bool showStatus, bool showUserAvatars, bool usePreviewData, Key key = null, OnMessageLongPress onMessageLongPress = null, OnMessageTap onMessageTap = null, OnPreviewDataFetched onPreviewDataFetched = null, BuildCustomMessage buildCustomMessage = null ) : base(key) { this.message = message; this.messageWidth = messageWidth; this.buildCustomMessage = buildCustomMessage; this.onMessageTap = onMessageTap; this.onMessageLongPress = onMessageLongPress; this.onPreviewDataFetched = onPreviewDataFetched; this.roundBorder = roundBorder; this.showAvatar = showAvatar; this.showName = showName; this.showStatus = showStatus; this.showUserAvatars = showUserAvatars; this.usePreviewData = usePreviewData; } private Widget _buildAvatar(BuildContext context) { var color = ChatUtils.getUserAvatarNameColor(, InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.userAvatarNameColors); var hasImage = != null; string name = ChatUtils.getUserName(; return showAvatar ? new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 8), child: new CircleAvatar( backgroundImage: hasImage ? new NetworkImage( == null ? "" : (string) : null, backgroundColor: color, radius: 16, child: !hasImage ? new Text( name.isEmpty() ? "" : name[0].ToString().ToUpper(), style: InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.userAvatarTextStyle ) : null ) ) : new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 40) ); } private Widget _buildMessage() { switch (message.type) { case MessageType.custom: var customMessage = message as CustomMessage; return buildCustomMessage != null ? buildCustomMessage(customMessage) : new SizedBox(); /*case MessageType.file: var fileMessage = message as ChatComponents.FileMessage; return new FileMessage( message: fileMessage ); case MessageType.image: var imageMessage = message as ChatComponents.ImageMessage; return new ImageMessage( message: imageMessage, messageWidth: messageWidth );*/ case MessageType.text: var textMessage = message as ChatComponents.TextMessage; return new TextMessage( message: textMessage, onPreviewDataFetched: onPreviewDataFetched, showName: showName, usePreviewData: usePreviewData ); default: return new SizedBox(); } } private Widget _buildStatus(BuildContext context) { switch (message.status) { case Status.error: return InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.errorIcon != null ? InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.errorIcon : Image.asset( "assets/icon-error.png", color: InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.errorColor, package: "flutter_chat_ui" ); case Status.sent: case Status.delivered: return InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.deliveredIcon != null ? InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.deliveredIcon : Image.asset( "assets/icon-delivered.png", color: InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.primaryColor, package: "flutter_chat_ui" ); case Status.seen: return InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.seenIcon != null ? InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.seenIcon : Image.file( "assets/icon-seen.png", color: InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.primaryColor, scale:1 //package: "flutter_chat_ui" ); case Status.sending: return new Center( child: new SizedBox( height: 10, width: 10, child: new CircularProgressIndicator( backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, strokeWidth: 1.5f, valueColor: new AlwaysStoppedAnimation( InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.primaryColor ) ) ) ); default: return new SizedBox(); } } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { var _user = InheritedUser.of(context).user; var _messageBorderRadius = InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.messageBorderRadius; var _borderRadius = BorderRadius.only( bottomLeft: Radius.circular( == || roundBorder ? _messageBorderRadius : 0), bottomRight: Radius.circular( == ? roundBorder ? _messageBorderRadius : 0 : _messageBorderRadius), topLeft: Radius.circular(_messageBorderRadius), topRight: Radius.circular(_messageBorderRadius) ); var _currentUserIsAuthor = ==; var results = new List(); if (!_currentUserIsAuthor && showUserAvatars) results.Add(_buildAvatar(context)); results.Add(new ConstrainedBox( constraints: new BoxConstraints( maxWidth: messageWidth * 1f ), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, children: new List { new GestureDetector( onLongPress: () => onMessageLongPress?.Invoke(message), onTap: () => onMessageTap?.Invoke(message), child: new Container( decoration: new BoxDecoration( borderRadius: _borderRadius, color: !_currentUserIsAuthor || message.type == MessageType.image ? InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.secondaryColor : InheritedChatTheme.of(context).theme.primaryColor ), child: new ClipRRect( borderRadius: _borderRadius, child: _buildMessage() ) ) ) } ) )); if (_currentUserIsAuthor) results.Add(new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 4), child: new Center( child: new SizedBox( height: 16, width: 16, child: showStatus ? _buildStatus(context) : null ) ) )); return new Container( alignment: == ? Alignment.centerRight : Alignment.centerLeft, margin: EdgeInsets.only( bottom: 4, left: 20 ), child: new Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: results) ); } } }