using System.Collections.Generic; using UIWidgetsSample; using; namespace ChatComponents { public enum Role { admin, agent, moderator, user } /// Extension with one [toShortString] method /// RoleToShortString public class RoleToShortString { /// Converts enum to the string equal to enum's name public Role role; public string toShortString() { return ToString().Split('.').last(); } } /// A class that represents user. public class User : Equatable { /// Created user timestamp, in ms public readonly int? createdAt; /// First name of the user public readonly string firstName; /// Unique ID of the user public readonly string id; /// Remote image URL representing user's avatar public readonly string imageUrl; /// Last name of the user public readonly string lastName; /// Timestamp when user was last visible, in ms public readonly int? lastSeen; /// Additional custom metadata or attributes related to the user public readonly Dictionary metadata; /// User [Role] public Role? role; /// Creates a user. public User( string id, int? createdAt = null, string firstName = null, string imageUrl = null, string lastName = null, int? lastSeen = null, Dictionary metadata = null, Role? role = null ) { this.createdAt = createdAt; this.firstName = firstName; = id; this.imageUrl = imageUrl; this.lastName = lastName; this.lastSeen = lastSeen; this.metadata = metadata; this.role = role; } /// Equatable props public override List props => new List {createdAt, firstName, id, imageUrl, lastName, lastSeen, metadata, role}; /// Creates user from a map (decoded JSON). public static User fromJson(Dictionary json) { return new User( createdAt: json["createdAt"] as int?, firstName: json["firstName"] as string, id: json["id"] as string, imageUrl: json["imageUrl"] as string, lastName: json["lastName"] as string, lastSeen: json["lastSeen"] as int?, metadata: json["metadata"] as Dictionary, role: ChatRoomUtils.getRoleFromString(json["role"] as string) ); /// Converts user to the map representation, encodable to JSON. } public Dictionary toJson() { return new Dictionary { {"createdAt", createdAt}, {"firstName", firstName}, {"id", id}, {"imageUrl", imageUrl}, {"lastName", lastName}, {"lastSeen", lastSeen}, {"metadata", metadata}, {"role", ChatRoomUtils.toShortString(role == null ? null : role)} }; } /// Creates a copy of the user with an updated data. /// [firstName], [imageUrl], [lastName], [lastSeen] and [role] with /// null values will nullify existing values. /// [metadata] with null value will nullify existing metadata, otherwise /// both metadatas will be merged into one Map, where keys from a passed /// metadata will overwite keys from the previous one. private User copyWith( string firstName = null, string imageUrl = null, string lastName = null, int? lastSeen = null, Dictionary metadata = null, Role? role = null ) { var result = new Dictionary(); if (this.metadata != null) foreach (var metaItem in this.metadata) result.Add(metaItem.Key, metaItem.Value); foreach (var metaItem in metadata) result.Add(metaItem.Key, metaItem.Value); return new User( firstName: firstName, id: id, imageUrl: imageUrl, lastName: lastName, lastSeen: lastSeen, metadata: metadata == null ? null : result, role: role ); } } }